Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 435 Proving the Way with a Sword

Chapter 435 Proving the Way with a Sword
"A chance encounter?"

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback, not understanding Luo Xin's words.

"Ye Chen, if you care about it, you will be in chaos!"

Luo Xin's voice sounded immediately: "You and Lin Yifan, the three of us are all at the peak of the spiritual sea, but what's the difference between the three of us?"


After a moment of silence, Ye Chen replied: "The difference between us lies in our different backgrounds, or in other words, our differences in time."

"That's right, that's right!"

Luo Xin said: "I reached the peak of the spiritual sea much earlier than you. Although I haven't been able to break through in the past few years, the thickness of the spiritual power, under the backlog of several years, is beyond what you and Lin Yifan can comprehend." Than."

After the peak of Linghai, there is the Realm of Martial Arts!

When a person cannot break through the realm of martial arts, it does not mean that the achievements of this life have reached the peak. In the process of cultivation, if there is not enough understanding of the way of heaven, he cannot reach the realm of martial arts. However, the spirit that comes from cultivation The power will continue to be integrated into the spiritual sea, making the spiritual power more pure and thicker.

The difference in time is reflected here!

"The time when Lin Yifan reached the peak of the spiritual sea was far ahead of you. Therefore, he is more qualified than you to reach the realm of martial arts earlier. Although this is a theory, it can be counted as a fact."

As early as when Ye Chen and the others went to Fenglin Volcano to practice, Lin Yifan was already at the peak of Linghai, he did not deny this.

"But right now, Lin Yifan hasn't made a breakthrough, which means he has encountered a bottleneck."

Luo Xin analyzed from an objective point of view: "Other people, encountering such a bottleneck, the only way to break through is to rely on the perception of heaven. Any other pressure or experience between life and death will have little effect. Proving the Dao, but the difficulty of this road is not as simple as comprehending the Dao of Heaven."

"But Lin Yifan is different, he is a swordsman!"

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen asked.

"A swordsman is unparalleled in the world and sharp, and the attack of a swordsman is the most powerful attack in the world! Lin Yifan's talent in the sword is dazzling enough, and now, his swordsmanship is also extremely outstanding, so he has Enough qualifications to prove the way with a sword!"

Luo Xin said with a little admiration: "In other words, for Lin Yifan, the road of proving the Tao with strength is already open. What he lacks now is a good enough opportunity. Now facing Ni Cangtian, it may be him Greatest chance!"

Ye Chen suddenly fell silent. He is not a dull person. As Luo Xin said, he just cared about it and then he was in chaos. Now, with Luo Xin saying this, everything is clear to his chest.

The battle against Ni Cangtian will definitely unleash all of Lin Yifan's potential, thus helping him to break through in one fell swoop and reach the realm of martial arts when he is in desperate situation!
Although these are just guesses, they can also become facts. For Lin Yifan, to a certain extent, Ye Chen believed in Lin Yifan more than he believed in himself.

But, no matter what, the enemy is against the sky, no one can guarantee that Lin Yifan will be able to break through the extreme pressure and life and death, this point, even Lin Yifan himself cannot guarantee.

"Ye Chen, don't think too much, if you want to go out to rescue Lin Yifan, you can only let yourself break through earlier, otherwise, no matter what happens outside, you can only watch."

Luo Xin said: "Instead of this, why not calm down and practice hard, you know, this non-attributed space is too rare, although it is everywhere, I haven't found it in other places for so many years. "


Ye Chen took a deep breath, looked outside, and said slowly: "Ni Cangtian, if something happens to Brother Lin, I guarantee that in the future, everyone in the Cang Pavilion will live a life worse than death."

"I will help you." Luo Xin said again.

Ye Chen was stunned again. For some unknown reason, Luo Xin's attitude towards him changed greatly. Could it be that it was just because they both belonged to the same sect?

But immediately, Ye Chen calmed down. No matter how anxious he is now, he can't leave. This has become a fact, and he can only break through as soon as possible.

"By the way, Fairy, there is no space, what is no space?" Ye Chen asked.

Luo Xin replied: "The so-called non-belonging space, as the name suggests, means that there is no belonging!"

"Heaven and earth have a place of belonging, everything has a place of belonging, and any creature can find a place of belonging. We also have our own place of belonging. The so-called home is like this. But here, there is no belonging!"

Ye Chen was startled, and quickly asked: "That is to say, this non-belonging space does not exist in a real state, it is illusory, it is a real illusory, so it has no belonging?"


"But since there is no real belonging, it is an illusion in fantasy, why is there a space without belonging?"

Ye Chen doesn't understand, even if it's illusory, it's man-made, maybe it's derived from the world itself, even if it's illusory, it's considered belonging, as long as it exists in the space between heaven and earth, it's considered belonging to heaven and earth, this non-belonging space, how can it be May be unattributed?

"We warriors have always had attributes. In fact, every warrior has a specific attribute. This is innate, isn't it?" Luo Xin asked.

Ye Chen couldn't help but nodded, not knowing that Luo Xin could see his current expression.

Luo Xin said again on her own: "The heaven and earth have attributes, and all creatures have attributes, but accidents will happen in everything, and those without attributes also exist in the heaven and earth."

"How is it possible?" Ye Chen asked in surprise.

"Why not?"

Luo Xin said with a smile: "At least here, there are two non-attributes!"

Ye Chen was startled, and said, "You mean, you and me?"

"That's right, otherwise, how could you and I have the chance to get the Xuanmen Heart Sutra!"

When the words Xuanmen Heart Sutra came out of Luo Xin's mouth, Ye Chen no longer doubted the former's cultivation. The same door mentioned earlier meant the same thing, both of them possessed the Xuanmen Heart Sutra!
Luo Xin said: "Heaven and earth have Taoism, which has existed forever! It seems that you don't know much. In the world, only those without attributes can practice the Taoism Heart Sutra. Others, even if they get this technique, That's useless, too."

It was so!
Ye Chen suddenly understood that Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue are martial skills of different nature, and they both need specific attribute carriers to practice. At that time, Zi Xiao was curious as to why she was able to practice Yunshuang Jue successfully. , the reason is here, it turns out that I am a person without attributes.

The so-called no attribute means that it can accommodate all attributes, which is really a special constitution.

"What does this have to do with the non-belonging space?" Ye Chen was still puzzled.

"The non-belonging space exists in the heaven and the earth, but it transcends the heaven and the earth, because it contains nothing and exists everywhere, and it has no affiliation. Naturally, it is everywhere. Ye Chen, do you understand?" Luo Xin asked softly.

There is no belonging, which means that it can be stored anywhere in the world. In a broad sense, as long as you can think of it, there is a non-belonging space!

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Is it because we are all non-attributed that we can enter this non-attributed space?"

"In addition to this, you must have practiced the Xuanmen Heart Sutra, otherwise, let alone enter here, no one will come outside Xuanling Mountain."

Luo Xin's voice turned cold suddenly, and said: "This time, I was betrayed."

If no one betrayed them, it would be impossible for Ni Cangtian and the other three to appear outside Xuanling Mountain. Although there might be some fluke in it, that kind of luck would never have happened without someone pointing them out.

"Ye Chen, let's practice well. Although it is said that non-attributed space is everywhere, in this life, you and I can do it. There is only one chance like this." After a while, Luo Xin said again.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately sat down cross-legged, he had to break through as soon as possible!

As he entered into the practice, when the kung fu started to work, this illusory space suddenly burst out with endless energy, and that kind of energy, which he sensed outside Xuanling Mountain, brought him into it. The energy that does not belong to space is exactly the same!
Outside Xuanling Mountain!

That area of ​​common life not only released its power to the extreme, but also showed signs of collapse and explosion. Waves of destructive aura rushed towards Lin Yifan like a treasure capable of piercing the world.


Waves of sword energy appeared around Lin Yifan's body, forcibly destroying everything, blocking them out!
"Do you think that, just like this, you can escape unharmed? It's ridiculous!"

Sensing the sharpness of the sword qi, Ni Cangtian's expression turned colder. The three of Dahuang were actually more terrifying than the other. Now he is full of various emotions, hatred and resentment are second, and more, it is a kind called The stuff of jealousy and fear.

Because of jealousy and fear, Ni Cangtian is so violent now!
Hearing this, Lin Yifan sneered and laughed: "Ni Cangtian, your life has been too smooth, and you really can't withstand such a big blow. It's just such a chance that you lost all your sanity. It's so ridiculous. Wow!"

"shut up!"

As if being stabbed in the heart, Ni Cangtian was furious: "How sharp your teeth are, today, you don't even want to escape!"


Lin Yifan shook his head with a smile, and said lightly: "A chance encounter is enough to make people extremely tempted. You and I both know that after entering this mountain, Ye Chen and Luo Xin will definitely be able to break through the existing shackles, but do you think that there is no After this encounter, will the two of them stand still, and even if you have this encounter, in the future, you will definitely be able to leave the two of them far behind?"

"Ni Cangtian, I might as well tell you the truth, the road to martial arts lies in your own heart! Your heart is not as strong as you imagined, and I can break through without this encounter!"

"Ridiculous, do you still have a chance?"

Ni Cangtian couldn't help but sneered and said, Ye Chen and Luo Xin will break through, he doesn't doubt, Lin Yifan?

"Opportunities are created by ourselves, not given by others!"

Lin Yifan smiled, and the Shanhe Sword floating in front of him suddenly moved.

"call out!"

With Lin Yifan at the center, countless sword qis suddenly turned into nets, and at the same time, a monstrous sword intent, ignoring the isolation of the common life domain, swept across the sky.

"Prove the truth with a sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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