Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 436 1 Sword Ghosts and Gods Frightened

Chapter 436 One Sword, Ghosts and Gods Surprise
"Prove the truth with a sword!"

Wang Ning, who is also a sword practitioner, couldn't help but exclaimed when he sensed the mighty sword intent that swept across the sky.

The so-called proving the Tao with the sword, conceptually speaking, is the same way as proving the Tao with strength. It also abandons the perception of the way of heaven, breaks away the shackles of oneself, and uses another method to achieve the road of martial arts.

The only difference between the two is that the one who proves the Tao with the sword is stronger than the one who proves the Tao with strength. The swordsman is unparalleled in the world!

Just proving the way with a sword may not shock Wang Ning so much. He is also a swordsman himself. If he is confident enough, he will take the same path when he hits the realm of martial arts.

What shocked Wang Ning was that the sword intent contained extremely pure fierceness, which was invincible, and everything in the world could be forcibly cut apart by such sword intent, including the world itself.

Not to mention Wang Ning himself, he has never sensed such a pure sharp sword intent from the elders in Ling Jianzong.

That is to say, Lin Yifan already has a very deep understanding of the way of the sword, and once he has achieved a great level of cultivation, he will definitely be the king of swords. . . .No, if Lin Yifan's cultivation is great, he will be the king in the world.

And all of this is because of this sword intent!

How could this not surprise Wang Ning, what's more, Lin Yifan dared to forcibly advance to the next level in such a state when Ni Cangtian was exerting the power of the Cangsheng Domain to the extreme, what is the difference between this and courting death?
But, how could Lin Yifan be a fool?
Ni Cangtian's face also changed slightly. Although he is not a swordsman, he is quite familiar with this kind of people, so when he heard Wang Ning's exclamation, he also knew that Lin Yifan must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise, there will be endless troubles !
"Don't you find it ridiculous that you want to break through in my common life domain?"

Ni Cangtian shouted ferociously, and shook his palm again.


The entire Cangsheng Realm seemed to be exploding. Terrifying destructive energy swept out like leaves in the wind. Even though Lin Yifan was surrounded by sword nets guarding him, it was at this moment that the sword light immediately dimmed, causing overwhelming destruction. In an instant, the energy broke through the sword net, enveloping Lin Yifan's entire body.


Ni Cangtian drank again, only to see that the place where Lin Yifan was located immediately exploded with a bang!
In front of the huge Xuanling Mountain, the roaring sound was deafening, and the terrifying power of the explosion directly turned that area from a flat land into a huge lake. The endless destructive energy seemed to be worried that it would not kill Lin Yifan, so, still The continuous rushing up, causing the side to explode, is still going on.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Ning heaved a sigh of relief, under Ni Cangtian's madness, it was impossible for Lin Yifan to survive, no, even the sword intent that flew across the sky was already extremely weak, and it might dissipate at any time. go.

There is too much movement here, especially the tumbling of the maze, which has attracted many people to rush over quickly.

When they saw that Ni Cangtian had blew himself up in the Cangsheng Domain in spite of everything, these people were shocked and thought, who is the opponent who actually forced Ni Cangtian to this point.

You know, even though the explosion of Cang Sheng Yu will not bring any threat to Ni Cangtian's life, it will definitely be greatly affected. Perhaps because of this action, it will take him at least a month, or even longer, to be able to To resolve the aftermath of this move.

He felt that after killing Lin Yifan, Ni Cangtian didn't stop anymore, his body moved, and he shot towards Xuanling Mountain as fast as lightning.

Although he has a lot of troubles now, the temptation of Xuanling Mountain is too great, how could Ni Cangtian give up this opportunity.

However, Xuanling Mountain is not something he can enter after all, even if he has already arrived here.


Just as he was approaching Xuanling Mountain, Ni Cangtian, who shot away violently, suddenly retreated violently. At that moment, his aura was unexpectedly a little unstable.

"Brother Ni!"

Wang Ning quickly appeared beside Ni Cangtian, and shouted in shock.

"This mountain is too weird, it is impossible to enter!" Ni Cangtian said in a deep voice.

At that moment just now, Ni Cangtian clearly sensed that the entire huge mountain range was clearly in front of him, but it seemed to be isolated from the world. Not to mention him, even his master, the master of the Cang Pavilion, could not penetrate into it .

Wang Ning was shocked again, and hurriedly said: "So, we were tricked, or we were used as a gun once?"

Ni Cangtian was silent, he came here to be instructed by others, and after arriving here, he also felt that this decision was not wrong, so he did not hesitate to offend Luo Xin, but only now did he know that everything ended in this way.


Suddenly at this moment, the place where Cang Sheng Yu was originally, where Lin Yifan was, the space suddenly trembled, and immediately, above the sky, the extremely weak sword intent quietly became much stronger at this moment.

"Not dead yet?"

Ni Cangtian's eyes are extremely cold, and now he is extremely depressed, he even has the heart to kill those who come here after hearing the news, let alone Lin Yifan.

"Lin Yifan, your life is pretty tough, but I don't know how long you can last!"

"Against heaven, stop!"

Before Ni Cangtian made his move, a cold shout came from far away, and the sword light that could almost penetrate the entire sky had already broken through the air first.

"Mei Aoxue!"

Wang Ning's face was slightly pale, and he retreated unwillingly. No matter what hole cards he had, if it was Mei Aoxue, he would not have the slightest qualification to play against her.

The sword glow was extremely fast, and in an instant, it appeared in the sky above where Lin Yifan was. Then, a cold, ice lotus-like figure stepped into the air, stepped on the sword light, and stood in midair. Besides Aoxue, who else could it be?

With just one glance, Mei Aoxue knew the crisis Lin Yifan was in at the moment, looked at Ni Cangtian, she let out a sigh of relief, and said coldly: "No matter what, you have meant a lot to me these years Take care, in my heart, I also treat you as a big brother, why do you want to make trouble with us again and again?"

"If I can't get it, no one else can get it!"

The matter has come to this point, Ni Cangtian is no longer hoping that Mei Aoxue will change her mind one day, but to him, Mei Aoxue is the real pain in his heart and the greatest shame!

"This is the end of the matter here. Afterwards, I will apologize to Brother Lin, but from now on, I hope that you will not force me, otherwise..."


Ni Cangtian laughed coldly: "Mei Aoxue, after we met, we should have never really fought against each other. Today is just the right time to meet, and I also want to see how much safety it can bring you by following Ye Chen. Wang Ning, Go and kill Lin Yifan!"

"you dare?"

"Haha, what else is there on this northern continent that I dare not do?"


The clear sound of sword chanting like bells suddenly exploded above the sky, and then, a bland little sword appeared in the sky out of thin air. Next, slash towards the sky like lightning!

When that sword slashed down, the entire world, even the Xuanling Mountain that seemed to be isolated from the world, trembled because of it, and the mighty and sharp sword intent filled the void, as if a battle had happened Sword rain!
This world, under such a rain of swords, suddenly became fragmented. After hearing the wind, many masters who had sensed the sword intent retreated crazily, because they knew that if they were hit by the rain of swords, The impact, not to mention the rain of swords all over the sky, just one of them, will make them pay a heavy price, and even end in the end of falling.

"What a terrifying sword!"

After they felt that they had retreated to a safe enough area, everyone looked around and saw that the sword fell, because the sword intent was too fierce, causing the space not only to be shattered, but also to be ignited, instantly turning into nothingness!
"This sword!"

Mei Aoxue is also a practitioner of swordsmanship. Her talent has long been beyond the doubts of others. After reaching the realm of martial arts, her cultivation in swordsmanship is already incomparable. But Lin Yifan's current sword, even if it is her, They all felt threatened.

"Sure enough, proving the way with a sword is the way for a swordsman to practice. In comparison, I'm still a little bit behind!"

Breaking through the shackles that day and reaching the realm of martial arts, Mei Aoxue relied on some of Nan Cheng's comprehension to succeed, but that was the comprehension of the way of heaven, not the comprehension of the way of the sword.

Although after successfully stepping into the realm of martial arts, you can use your own talent to make up for that little regret, no matter what, the distance has already appeared, and it is not so pure.

Mei Aoxue knew that if she wanted to reach Lin Yifan's current level, she would need to put in too much effort to achieve it.

That sword, mighty and powerful, pierced the sky, and the ultimate lethality contained in the sword's intent made everyone feel that even ghosts and gods would evade it.

One sword is enough to frighten ghosts and gods!
"The judgment of the common people, the judgment of the world!"

The Cangsheng Domain is no longer usable, and at this moment, even if it could be used, Ni Cangtian would not use the Cangsheng Domain, because it would make people feel that Ni Cangtian could only passively defend against this sword.

With the arrogance against the heavens, how could he allow himself to be thought so by others?

The majestic spiritual power appeared like the vast night sky, and in an instant, it condensed into an invincible blue spear!
With the gun in hand, against the sky is like a god of war!
"call out!"

The next moment, Ni Cangtian's figure had disappeared, and what everyone could see was only the long spear, exuding a dazzling azure glow, ruthlessly plundering towards the violently fired sword.

All eyes were fixed at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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