Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 437 I am the heaven and the earth, I am the ruler

Chapter 437 I am the heaven and the earth, I am the ruler

In the non-proprietary space, although it is not extremely quiet, there is not much movement, and the extremely pure energy supports Ye Chen and Luo Xin's cultivation in an orderly manner.

As Ye Chen and Luo Xin in the non-belonging space, they can no longer perceive what is happening in the outside world. Lin Yifan's terrifying sword, even though Xuanling Mountain was moved by it, did not affect the two of them. practice.

The majestic and pure energy made the cultivation of the two very smooth and very fast!

Although they don't need energy to increase their spiritual power now, but here is a non-attribute space, which seems to be specially prepared for warriors who practice the Xuanmen Heart Sutra.

Therefore, practicing here, the bottleneck that I felt in the past is almost gone.

For Ye Chen and Luo Xin, their bottleneck is naturally because they don't have enough understanding of the way of heaven, so they can't break through to the realm of martial arts.

In this non-proprietary space, these bottlenecks almost do not exist, and it seems very simple for them to break through.

Of course, no matter how simple it is, one still needs to have enough insight, otherwise, even if the breakthrough is successful, it is not a complete martial arts master, because one's own field cannot be complete!

Before this, Ye Chen's perception of the way of heaven has been quite effective, especially after the experience in the main stage, he has been able to release his own domain fluctuations, so, practicing in this non-property space, everything seems much more natural .

However, at the last step, his domain still couldn't fully function.

The most different thing between a martial arts master and a spiritual realm martial artist is that a martial arts master has his own domain, and in his own domain, he is the master of this small world. Only in this way can he pose a deadly threat to martial artists below the martial realm.

Without one's own domain, one is not a real master of martial arts.

With Ye Chen's cultivation talent and the fact that he has already realized the fluctuations in the field, relatively speaking, in this non-attributed space, the speed at which he can achieve the state of martial arts should be very fast, so he can concentrate on cultivation .

He believes in himself, can break through in the shortest time, and then go to help Lin Yifan!
But he himself did not expect that at the last moment, he was actually stuck.

This is because his way is the way of the heaven and the earth, and in the main stage, especially with the help of the test of the first ancestor of the wilderness, his way has become extremely obvious, that is, incarnation of the heaven and the earth, and the heaven and the earth as the way.

This is the supreme avenue, even the ancestors of the Great Desolation are amazed!
Taking the heaven and the earth as the way, that is to say, he himself is the heaven and the earth, and he is the master of the heaven and the earth!
Countless years have passed, and countless talented and brilliant generations have left colorful legends in this world. Countless ancestors have used their own wisdom to practice the road of martial arts to perfection, allowing future generations to learn from it. Benefit a lot, so as to achieve the road to the top.

However, no one has ever managed to transform the world by himself and become the ruler of the world.

The world has never had a ruler. The so-called master is the world itself. Thousands of living beings are all under the way of heaven and follow the established laws. This is the so-called destiny.

But now, Ye Chen wants to challenge the way of heaven and fate with himself. It is naturally difficult, or even impossible, to achieve his way.

How can heaven and earth allow someone to be its master?

Running over and over again, the domain can never be perfect. Those who are as talented as Ye Chen feel that their own domain is still missing something, but Ye Chen can't know what it is. If he knows, from this moment, he It is a master of martial arts.

The Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue was running to the extreme, and Ye Chen was almost crazy, but he still couldn't break through the last shackles.

"In the end, what's missing?"

Ye Chen thought hard, and began to recall when he realized his own way. . . .

"Heaven and earth are in my heart!"

At the end of the recollection, he remembered what the ancestor of the Great Wilderness had said to him back then.

"Heaven and earth are in my heart? By the way, it turns out to be like this, I finally understand!"

A light flashed in Ye Chen's mind.

Transforming the world with oneself, the world is already in the heart, so why should I have to work hard to create my own world?

The world is already in my heart, I am the world, there is no need to create my own world, because the world already exists, and I am the world!

Everything has suddenly become clear, and cultivation has become extremely simple.

The non-belonging space, perhaps because Ye Chen finally found his own way, and because of this way, it is too heaven-defying, even if the non-belonging space is a real illusion, at this moment, it is in violent shock.

"to make!"

At a certain moment, Ye Chen formed a seal with both hands, and the complete domain suddenly appeared in his heart.

Heaven and earth, that is heaven and earth. At this moment, Ye Chen knew that he had become the master of this world. Although the road to master has just begun, the world has already been completed, and only time will become the real master!

Countless pure energies surged madly at this moment. Since it is the heaven and the earth, everything can be accommodated. Although the energy in the non-proprietary space is extremely majestic, it cannot fill the sky and the earth.

When the domain was formed, even in the non-proprietary space, there was a vast, as if the breath of wrath suddenly appeared. This is the heavenly punishment thunder calamity, a catastrophe that every martial artist who achieves the realm of martial arts must face.

To other people, Heavenly Tribulation may be terrible, but to Ye Chen, it is nothing.

This is not because his Taoism is too shocking, but because he has been baptized by the Black Demon Thunder, if the power of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation is not higher than that of the Black Demon Thunder, to Ye Chen, there is no need at all. threat.

Of course, this Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation, he has to accept it all the time, but Ye Chen can ignore this kind of acceptance, don't bother with it at all, and still let the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation fall, it will not cause him any harm harm.

Taking advantage of the appearance of Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation, Ye Chen's heart suddenly turned elsewhere!
He is already a master of martial arts, because his field is very different, his strength is also very different from other masters who have just entered the martial arts, but Ye Chen knows that this is not the end, for him, there is another way to go .

That road is called proving the way with force!

Ye Chen thought, open up another road at the same time.

This is not Ye Chen's wishful thinking. With his physical strength, as well as his careful preparation during this period of time, he has enough qualifications to prove the Tao. If he hadn't come to the non-belonging space, he could have achieved it so quickly with the perception of the way of heaven. He even planned to attack his own martial arts realm in another way.

This is Ye Chen's ambition!
In this world, throughout the ages, I don't know if there is anyone who can use two methods at the same time when breaking through the Martial Realm, but Ye Chen knows that if he can also open up another way, then he His strength will far exceed the masters of the same level, and even if he succeeds, he may not have a chance of defeating Ni Cangtian if he fights again.

This ambition comes from the desire for strength!
In Ye Chen's heart, there is always a name, and that name is Zi Xiao!
Xuantian Continent appeared together with Zi Xiao!
Ye Chen didn't know how terrifying Zi Xiao's family was, but he knew how powerful the fighters in Xuantian Continent were, because Xuantian Continent was one of the centers of the entire world!

Being able to build a family there, Zi Xiao's family is undoubtedly extremely terrifying in strength. This is known from the time Zi Gan made him reach the realm of Tianwu before he was qualified to meet Zi Xiao.

Maybe when the time comes, Ye Chen has already possessed the strength of the realm of Tianwu, and he is qualified to go to the Xuantian Continent to find Zi Xiao, but Ye Chen knows that even at that time, it will be very difficult for him to meet Zi Xiao again.

Because the realm of Heavenly Martial Arts is just the most basic condition and qualification!

Ye Chen didn't want Zi Xiao to make things difficult for him, let alone that Zi Xiao had to pay too much for it, so before that, he had to make his own strength special and unique.

Proving the way with strength, comprehending the way of heaven, and both going hand in hand, this may be his greatest confidence!

If he can succeed, he in the realm of Tianwu must also surpass most warriors of the same level. Only with that level of potential and strength can the Zixiao family look at him differently, and then let him do it for him. Zi Xiao dispelled the Tianxuan poison body instead of holding a skeptical attitude.

If you have doubts, you can't do what you want, and it is bound to cause great trouble.

Ye Chen didn't allow it, Zi Xiao had a little surprise!
"Then let's get started!"

Ye Chen said silently, and immediately changed his hands, a powerful force began to operate crazily in his body.

To prove the Tao with strength is to use one's life's strength to forcibly break through the shackles existing in the body, get rid of the shackles of the heavens and the earth, integrate oneself into the heavens and the earth, and exist in the heavens and the earth with one's own strength. Feeling like that requires the support of heaven and earth.


At this moment, the non-proprietary space is no longer quiet, and the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation reappeared at this moment, which means that Luo Xin has successfully broken through.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to these, the powerful force was running crazily in the body, and then burst out from the sky cap, blasting towards the non-belonging space.

Although he doesn't belong to him, he always exists in this world. If Ye Chen wants to cut off the shackles of the world, he wants to have a positive shake with this world.


The sound of explosions resounded continuously in this space, and domineering forces rushed out with an outrageous momentum without stopping. , It was all because of Ye Chen's actions that he was shaking violently, as if he was about to collapse.

And under the impact of such a violent force, Ye Chen felt a sense of ease that he had never felt before, quietly spreading in his heart, without the constraints of heaven and earth, that was the real freedom, great freedom, how could he not easy?
(End of this chapter)

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