Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 699 November

699 January

Mild attitude, but actually strong!
In the few words he said, he didn't leave any room for Lin Yifan, it seemed to be a compliment, but it also revealed that Huangfu Yuntian didn't care.

Huangfu Yuntian, the young lord of the Emperor's Mansion, really should not be underestimated!

However, there is one thing, you don't need to worry so much. Compared with Ni Cangtian, Huangfu Yuntian is obviously more graceful. Although he is strong, he doesn't have the slightest affectation. Compared with Ni Cangtian, he is indeed much more upright.

The attic in the courtyard, after a while, slowly opened again, and Luo Xin walked out slowly.

Luo Kaifeng came, but Luo Xin didn't show up, she just retaliated because of the former's unpleasant words, when Luo Qinghou appeared, she didn't change in any way, when Huangfu Yuntian arrived, she just appeared. . . .

This shows that no matter what, Luo Xin doesn't want to embarrass the Luo family even more, nor does she want to provoke a powerful enemy for the Luo family because of herself.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have grown up, but I didn't expect that in just a few years, you have already found your beloved."

Huangfu Yuntian said with a light smile, there was an unconcealable depression in that smile.

Anyone who sees the person he loves and falls in love with others will have such performance and changes, which is understandable.

Looking at Huangfu Yuntian, Luo Xin said softly: "You shouldn't have come!"

Without waiting for him to say anything, Luo Xin continued: "Back then, I insisted on leaving, you should understand why, if you come now, do you also want to see me being persecuted, or you want to come and persecute me? "


Huangfu Yuntian smiled wryly, and said: "I understand what you mean, and I also want you to know that I am not here to force you. Could it be that in your heart, I am really the kind of person who can afford it but can't let it go. People who will be entangled to death?"

"However, for you, I really can't be like a comfortable person!"

"Then why are you here now?" Luo Xin asked.

"Things have to be resolved!"

Sweeping away all the negative emotions in his heart, Huangfu Yuntian said solemnly: "Whether you are willing or not, whether I am willing to let go, your Luo family is very willing to see you and I can get together in the end. If I don't show up, even if you With Lin Yifan going far away, but in a short period of time, you will definitely not relax, the old man will not let go, you can imagine the life of your parents in the Luo family!"

The three of Ye Chen raised their eyebrows. What they said was reasonable. It seemed that Huangfu Yuntian was not a person who didn't know how to advance or retreat.

"Also, not only the Luo family, but also my Emperor's Mansion and my parents have already regarded you as their daughter-in-law. Even if you were able to hide from the Luo family and resist the Luo family, how could it be you in the Emperor's Mansion?" What can I resist now?"

Huangfu Yuntian laughed, and said: "So, I'm here!"

"I came here to settle everything so that my heart can calm down in the future."

Luo Xin asked again: "What is your so-called solution?"

Huangfu Yuntian smiled, turned to look at Lin Yifan, and said: "Luo Xin is not a commodity, she is a beloved woman we can all give our lives for in this life, a showdown, although this method is not very good, it is good for Luo Xin It may also be an insult, but as far as I think, this is the best way."

"If you defeat me, from now on, the Emperor's Mansion and I will not intervene in your life. I believe that the Luo family will no longer object."

"Brother Huangfu!"

Looking at Luo Xin, Huangfu Yuntian smiled with deep tenderness: "Finally, you are willing to call me. As expected, you have not forgotten the things between us. However, do you think that Lin Yifan and he , can definitely defeat me?"

"I will go all out, and, I believe, I will also be able to defeat you."

If defeating Huangfu Yuntian is the only way, Lin Yifan will never retreat, he came to Luo Xin, looked at the former, and said: "This battle is not to prove how good I am, nor is it a reason for you to let go from now on. It's just to prove that for Luo Xin, you and I can go all out."

Huangfu Yuntian's eyes flashed, and he said: "It's rare that you can say such a thing in front of me. I believe you. You didn't say this to cater to me. I think, maybe, we can also become friends." , but before that, that battle is inevitable."

"Time, place!" Lin Yifan said.

"The location!"

Huangfu Yuntian glanced at the members of the Luo family, and immediately said: "It's in Tianyuan City, as for the time, it should be after January."

"After January?"

Lin Yifan frowned slightly, which seemed to give him enough time to prepare. . . .One month may not work for other people, but it will definitely change him.

Is this Huangfu Yuntian's self-confidence, or is it?
"Okay, just one month later!"

Luo Xin immediately responded, no matter what it means, in short, fighting again after a month will not do any harm to Lin Yifan, this is enough.

Hearing these words came out of Luo Xin's mouth, Huangfu Yuntian couldn't help but smiled wryly again: "Lin Yifan, I really envy you, I have known Luo Xin for so many years, and I consider myself a very good friend of hers, but, never She has never cared so much about me before."

Luo Xin was silent for a while, and after a while, she said, "Brother Huangfu, I'm sorry!"

Having known each other for many years, Huangfu Yuntian cared for her very much. As long as she needed it, needless to say, Huangfu Yuntian would try her best to get it and send it over. In the days when she couldn't break through in those few years, although there were reasons of her own, the Luo family did not treat her well. How about her, but Luo Xin also understands, why is there no relationship with Huangfu Yuntian among them?

"No need to say sorry, I like you, so I will pay for you."

Huangfu Yuntian laughed lightly, saying I'm sorry seemed to calm him down a bit, but immediately he said solemnly: "Luo Xin, if Lin Yifan fails to defeat me, what will happen to him then? You understand the dilemma in your heart, so I hope that by then, you will not hate me!"

"In life, there will always be some helplessness. No matter who it is, it is impossible for anyone. Everything is decided by one's own heart."

Luo Xin fell silent again, Lin Yifan shook her hand and said, "Don't worry, that kind of result is absolutely impossible."

"I hope you can do what you say!"

Huangfu Yuntian said, turned around and left, and when he came in front of Luo Kaifeng, he said indifferently: "Patriarch Luo, I will trouble you to make arrangements for this month's time."

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Huangfu, I will arrange the best place for you in the Luo family, so that you can carefully prepare for the battle in the month to come. Young master, please, three, please!"

Luo Kaifeng personally led the way, took Huangfu Yuntian and the others, and left very quickly.

"If Huangfu Yuntian is not telling lies, he is really a character."

Ye Chen withdrew his gaze from looking at Huangfu Yuntian, came to Lin Yifan, and said, "January is a little tight, brother Lin, come with me to Wucheng."

In Martial City, there is a forbidden space, Ye Chen has already planned to let Lin Yifan practice in it for a month.

A master at the ninth level of Xuanwu realm is indeed powerful, but in front of the few of them, he is nothing. However, if a master at this level is named Huangfu Yuntian, he is a terrifying existence.

In such a short time just now, even though Huangfu Yuntian didn't emit the slightest breath, a deadly sense of danger filled his mind.

Whether it is Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue, or Lin Yifan and Luo Xin, they are all powerful people, but there is not a small gap in cultivation between them and Huangfu Yuntian. Ye Chen thinks that if he is against the latter, he will use all means. , it is impossible to defeat Huangfu Yuntian, after all, the difference in cultivation is too great.

Fortunately, Lin Yifan has already reached the sixth stage of Xuanwu, as long as he can raise a level, the gap between him and Huangfu Yuntian will not be too obvious, and the chances of winning the battle will be much greater.

"I'll go with you!" Luo Xin said.

Lin Yifan shook his head and said with a smile: "You should stay at Luo's house and spend more time with your uncle and aunt. In the future, it may take a long time before you can eat the meals made by your aunt."

"You are confident enough!"

Luo Xin laughed angrily, and then agreed. It is indeed too far to go to Xuantian Continent, and no one knows when she will come back.

"uncle and auntie...."

"Yifan, I'm sorry, we as parents have caused you so much trouble."

Father Luo looked much older in an instant.

Ye Chen could understand that if Luo's father also had Luo Kaifeng's level of cultivation, then how dare they intervene in Luo Xin's marriage at will?
Lin Yifan hurriedly said: "Uncle, if you and my aunt can agree with what you said, this is the happiest thing for me, don't think about anything, I will come to accompany you again in a month, let's get drunk! "

"Okay, I'm waiting for your son-in-law's wine."

Luo's father laughed, not wanting to put too much pressure on the children, but in those pupils, there was an incomparably captivating light.

"Child, take it easy, don't put too much pressure on yourself, as long as you work hard, you will be able to do well."

Mother Luo took Lin Yifan's hand, and said softly: "Auntie doesn't know much about cultivation, but Auntie does understand one thing, that is, don't force yourself too much in everything. Sometimes, just let nature take its course. Go as you please, perhaps, it will be smoother."

"Yes! Aunt, uncle, please wait for me!"

Half an hour later, with Luo Xin sending them off, Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue, and Lin Yifan entered the space passage leading to Fenglei City. After arriving at Fenglei City, the three rushed to Wucheng.

However, when they went to Wucheng, besides the three of them, there was another person, Zhuoyi!

There are some things that need to be prepared, and now that time is running out, Zhuo Yi had no choice but to let Zhuo Yi follow them along the road while preparing.

Fortunately, Huangfu Yuntian gave him one month's time, otherwise, he would really have some troubles when he got ready!
(End of this chapter)

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