Chapter 700
"Brother Lin, this is for you!"

Before Lin Yifan entered the forbidden area to practice, Ye Chen gave him something.

This is Ye Chen, after helping the Su family to destroy the two Chen Gu families in the Canglan Land, he obtained a martial art in the treasure land of the Chen family, called Killing Heaven Sword Art!
This style of martial arts has been on my body for a long time, and I wanted to give it to Lin Yifan a long time ago, but Ye Chen also forgot about the many things. If it wasn't for Huangfu Yuntian who was going to meet this time, who was anxious to increase Lin Yifan's strength, Ye Chen I'm afraid I still can't remember.

"Slaying Heaven Sword Art, what an overbearing name!"

Lin Yifan put it away without refusing, then turned around and entered the forbidden area. Given his relationship with Ye Chen, there was no need to be polite, let alone thank you.

Seeing Lin Yifan enter the forbidden area, Zhuo Yi said worriedly: "Boy Lin's strength is good, but after all, it's a place full of space power, it might be fine to practice for a while, let him stay there for a month , nothing will happen?"

"It's okay, brother Lin has a treasure to protect him!"

For this point, Ye Chen was very relieved, Lin Yifan's most precious treasure was the Mountain and River Sword.

Other treasures must at least reach the same level of strength as the treasures before they can exert their maximum power. For example, Ye Chen owns the four great treasures. Now that he is in the Xuanwu realm, he can use the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, which is a martial-level treasure, to Unleash its power to the extreme, but the other three, no matter the Demon Emperor's Bell, the Infinity Mirror, or the Sky Tower, can't do it.

But Shanhe Sword is different, it is the treasure of Lin Yifan's life, it is a treasure of growth type, that is to say, as long as Shanhe Sword has a breakthrough, Lin Yifan can release the power after the breakthrough as he likes.

Lin Yifan's frightening strength is inseparable from Shanhe Sword. Perhaps others think that he borrowed external force, but they don't know that Shanhe Sword was born because of Lin Yifan.

With the protection of the Mountain and River Sword, it was enough for Lin Yifan to practice peacefully in the forbidden area for a month.

"What happened to you at Luo's house?" Zhuoyi asked again. From Fenglei City to now, he has been rushing on the road. Apart from the rush, Ye Chen just let him make the arrangements that he had thought about before, and the rest Things, did not ask at all.

"Is it Luo Kaifeng?"

Zhuo Yi's expression froze, although the Luo family is dominated by Luo Qinghou, but Luo Kaifeng is the head of the Luo family, unless something serious happens, Luo Qinghou will not come forward.

Ye Chen recounted the matter completely, and then said in a cold voice: "I didn't expect that the Luo family's opposition would be so strong, so I can only arrange it like this."

Glancing at Ye Chen, Zhuo Yi pondered and said: "This arrangement is indeed correct, but the Luo family, that is not an ordinary superpower. Over the years, although the Luo family has not become the dominant force on the Tianyuan Continent, it can In fact, it is already the number one force on this continent."

"For the sake of face, maybe your arrangement will undergo some unknown changes."

Zhuo Yi knew Ye Chen's character, for the sake of Meng Xing, he would not hesitate to make an enemy of Luoxia Villa, but now for Lin Yifan, he would naturally do it more thoroughly and ruthlessly.

"I can't take care of so much!"

Now that Luo Xin is not here, Ye Chen speaks without any worries: "Didn't the Luo family always think that in Tianyuan Continent, they are superior? I will let them know that even if they are superior, my friends of Ye Chen are not theirs." Whatever you want, you can do."

"I want them to understand that even though the power controlled by me, Ye Chen, is not comparable to that of the Emperor's Mansion, at least on this Tianyuan Continent, it is enough to shake the foundation of his Luo family."

"After World War I, if they are willing to admit brother Lin, then that's fine, otherwise, I'll be pissed off, I really don't mind, and let his Luo family regret it for the rest of their lives!"

"You boy, you are really crazy."

Hearing these words, Zhuo Yi was startled, and couldn't help but smile wryly: "It's really not a wise choice to mess with you. I hope the Luo family can recognize it better."

"Senior Zhuo, don't greet Luo Qinghou in advance for these things. What I want is their willingness, not anything else. Even if they can't make them willing, let them be forced to accept it helplessly, otherwise , this matter is never over."

If the Luo family was just the Luo family, it would be much easier to handle. It's a pity that with Luo Xin around, Ye Chen should be more careful in doing things. He can see that for the Luo family, whether it is Luo Xin or Luo's father, They all have deep feelings, and Ye Chen can't ignore the feelings of their father and daughter.

"Don't worry, the old man is not a person who asks for trouble."

Speaking of this, Zhuo Yi chuckled: "I really want to know, when Luo Qinghou and Luo Kaifeng, and everyone in the Luo family, see that almost half of the first-class forces on this continent have Power, when it is all under your control, what kind of expression will they have."

No matter what the expression is, if you want to come, it should be very exciting!

Ye Chen immediately said: "Senior Zhuo, I will trouble you to sit here this month, Aoxue, follow me to a place."

"This kid!"

Looking at the back of Ye Chen going away, after Zhuo Yi sighed softly, his eyes gradually became serious. Just now, Ye Chen's words surged out, an irresistible overbearing, he I actually heard it, which means that I am the only one.

Although there is no doubt that one day, even he will have to look up to what Ye Chen can achieve, but that aura of overlord. . . .The king, the coercion of an emperor still moved Zhuo Yi.

"Where are we going?" Mei Aoxue asked after leaving Wucheng.

"Fire Valley!"

In this month, not only Lin Yifan needed to make a breakthrough in strength, Ye Chen, but also Mei Aoxue also needed to make a breakthrough in strength. Although the level breakthrough in Xuanwu Realm is nothing to the huge Luo family, but That is the embodiment of potential.

And Ye Chen locked the training place in the raging fire gorge!

In the raging fire stream, there is the birth of the fire spirit. Although Ye Chen never thought about it, it seems a bit unrealistic to take the fire spirit back to himself, but Ye Chen wants to use the origin of the fire spirit to break through his own cultivation, and even more. The important thing is to use this to increase the power of the Nether Demon Flame.

Of course, it is only possible to increase the power of the Nether Demon Flame and change its shape, but Ye Chen doesn't know how to do it.

The Nether Demon Flame is the life fire of the Nether Demon Falcon. Even though the latter himself said that his evolution needs to adapt to Ye Chen's current dragon blood, however, if the Nether Demon Flame can be improved, it can greatly change. As far as the Nether Demon Falcon is concerned, it is also a great benefit.

Now on this Tianyuan Continent, everyone feels heavy pressure. Dao domain masters, now, no longer exist only in legends like before, and they have appeared in front of them very clearly, and many times.

After leaving the Tianyuan Continent and arriving at the Xuantian Continent, although there are not a lot of masters in the Dao domain, they will inevitably appear in his experience more and more.

Therefore, Ye Chen tried his best to make the Nether Demon Falcon recover from its sleeping state of evolution as quickly as possible. Once the latter successfully reached the level of a divine beast, the Nether Demon Eagle's cultivation would at least reach the Dao Domain environment, which will be of great help in his future training.

Although it is also very clear that this process will never be as simple as he imagined, and it will take a very long time. Now that there is such an opportunity, Ye Chen will not miss it. Time is getting shorter and shorter.

Liehuojian is still the same, outside of Wucheng, there is a huge forbidden area, ordinary people, if they get close to it, they will become extremely embarrassed because of the high temperature.

Of course, even without Ye Chen by her side, Mei Aoxue's strength is enough to reach the edge of the raging fire stream, even Dugu Ying can come here wandering outside, and Mei Aoxue can naturally do it.

However, when reaching the edge of the raging fire gorge, Mei Aoxue had to use her own spiritual power to resist the high temperature from the deep gorge. As for entering the raging fire gorge, she couldn't do it.

"This place is an excellent place for you to practice. What can I do here?"

Mei Aoxue asked suspiciously, although the energy contained in the lingering flames was extremely pure, it was not a good place for her to cultivate.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, held Mei Aoxue's hand, and said, "I'll show you around, what kind of scenery is there under the raging fire."

Bringing Mei Aoxue here is definitely not letting her accompany me to practice. Although Mei Aoxue is not a fire attribute person, let alone a person without attributes, but the source of fire under the raging fire stream is very important to any warrior. It has great benefits.

Others can't use the source of fire to cultivate because they can't enter the raging fire stream, let alone the place where the fire spirit is. Ye Chen can reach it, so he will naturally bring Mei Aoxue.

After entering the raging fire stream, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue descended rapidly, until they seemed to have entered a void, and then stopped.

"this place?"

Although Mei Aoxue didn't know anything, she could feel the weirdness and the great danger that existed here.

"Little guy, come out yet?"

Ye Chen chuckled, and immediately shouted.

Just as he finished speaking, in the nothingness, a fiery red figure that looked very vague rushed over like lightning, and then only threw himself into his arms.

Huo Ling is not even a spirit body, so it is naturally invisible, but it still makes people feel that it is happy now.

"This time, I'm here to disturb you again, won't you object?"

Ye Chen laughed, flicked his fingers, and the Nether Demonic Flame burst out. In this nothingness, it turned into a huge sea of ​​flames. He and Mei Aoxue immediately sat cross-legged in the Demonic Flame.

After playing with Huo Ling for a while, Huo Ling found Nether Demon Flame, and Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue immediately entered into the practice.

(End of this chapter)

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