Chapter 708

"Master Ming, Liu Tong's recklessness was not unintentional, and please don't forget about it!"

Under the roar of that voice, Liu Tong immediately withdrew all his momentum, facing the depths of Langya Sect, he cupped his fists and said respectfully.

"Leave Yunzhong Realm quickly. If there is trouble, even if Mo Xingxian comes in person, he won't be able to bring you back." A thunderous voice shouted indifferently.

"Yes Yes!"

Liu Tong waved his hand to disperse his domain, and led Mo Yun and others to the outside very quickly.

However, when passing by, the ferocity in Mo Yun's eyes did not show any signs of weakening, and when he looked at Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin, the lust in his eyes was also intense.

"Four, the suzerain has been waiting for a long time, please hurry up!"

At this time, the guards of the Langya Sect who led the way were much more polite to Ye Chen and the others. Those who dared to teach the young master of the Black Wood Pavilion a lesson were admirable. What's more, facing Liu Tong The masters at the peak of Xuanwu, they still haven't moved in the slightest, which is even more admirable.

"Second Young Master, let's go!"

Outside the Langya Sect, beside the luxury carriages, Liu Tong said, seeing the clear slap marks on Mo Yun's face, he couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart, this slap was considered in vain.

There was a brief confrontation, and Liu Tong had some understanding of the strength of Ye Chen and Lin Yifan. If he didn't go all out to deal with the strength of those two, he might not be able to defeat them. possible.

These two people are so difficult to provoke, Liu Tong doesn't think that those two women are really just vases?
Although the lineup of my group is not weak, but if you really fight against them, even though you are not afraid at all, it is impossible to satisfy Mo Yun.


Then Mo Yun sternly shouted: "Since I was a child, even my parents have never hit me like this. What are they? How dare they beat me? It's impossible to let this matter go like this."

Liu Tong shook his head helplessly, and only knew that his young master was spoiled, but if he went back like this, they would probably be severely punished.

So after a while, Liu Tong asked, "What does Second Young Master want to do?"

Mo Yun immediately shouted: "My lord, keep an eye on them. When they leave Haiya City, that's when those two guys will die."

Hearing this, Liu Tong said in a deep voice: "They came to pay homage to Master Ming, maybe they have something to do with Master Ming..."

Mo Yun waved his hands and shouted: "Don't say that there is only some relationship, even if the relationship is a little deep, so what? Kill them and capture those two women. Could it be that Master Ming will turn his face against the relationship between our two families? Mr. Liu, don't worry about nothing!"

After being silent for a while, Liu Tong said again: "Second Young Master, it's not that the old man said something frustrating. We shouldn't be able to keep them with a lineup like ours."

"It doesn't matter!"

In Mo Yun's eyes, there was a hint of ferocity: "Mr. Hua has also arrived in the cloud realm, and I think he will come to this sea cliff city soon. Mr. Liu, with you two masters at the peak of Xuanwu, plus our lineup, Enough to keep them?"

Hearing this, Liu Tong heaved a sigh of relief, and his smile became much more peaceful. If such a lineup still can't do anything, they will lose their qualifications to exist in the Black Wood Pavilion.

"But Second Young Master, just in case, you must not show up when you are fighting with them. You will come out after the battle is over."

Thinking of the still painful face, Mo Yun nodded slowly, but that expression was even more ferocious.

"You two bastards, I will definitely make your life worse than death, hehe, if I don't kill you, I will arrest you, and then, let you watch with your own eyes, I will enjoy those two beauties, hehe!"

Along the way, after passing through the front yard, the four of Ye Chen entered a living room.

There is already an old man in blue robe sitting upright inside, his expression is indifferent, and there is a faint feeling of not being angry and arrogant. He is obviously the kind of person who has been in high position for a long time. up.

Before Ye Chen and the others took the initiative to greet, the blue-robed old man said: "Old man Ming Ruoshan, you four, are you really the junior of that old guy?"


Ye Chen immediately handed over the token that Zhuo Yi gave him, and said respectfully: "Young Ye Chen, I have met Senior Ming!"

Zhuoyi's token, of course, cannot be faked. Ming Ruoshan looked away after only one glance. Hearing this, he immediately turned his gaze to the past and said, "You are Ye Chen?"

"It's the junior!"

"Haha, it's no wonder that facing Liu Tong, the fighting spirit is still overwhelming. It turns out that you are Ye Chen. Hehe, that old fellow Zhuoyi mentioned you many times when he was sending letters to the old man. Well, it is better to meet you than to be famous." "Ming Ruoshan said with a smile.

"Senior is too flattering." Ye Chen clasped his fists and said.

Ming Ruoshan nodded with a smile, turned his eyes and landed on Lin Yifan, and asked again: "So in comparison, you are Lin Yifan?"

"Yes, Lin Yifan, I have met Senior Ming!" Lin Yifan also clasped his fists immediately.

Ming Ruoshan nodded again, and after his eyes stayed on Mei Aoxue for a while, he sighed: "Sure enough, a new generation replaces the old ones, we are all old!"

"You have come all the way, what's the matter?" Ming Ruoshan asked after a while.

Ye Chen said: "The four juniors are going to the Xuantian Continent. Senior Zhuoyi said that with you, I can get the road map to Xuantian Continent. I hope the seniors can give it to the juniors."

"Go to Xuantian Continent?" Ming Ruoshan frowned slightly.

"Yeah, what's wrong, senior?" Ye Chen asked.

Ming Ruoshan smiled immediately, and said: "Of course I can give you the road map, it's just a matter of lifting your hands, but if you want to go to the Xuantian Continent, you must go through the Guwu Continent..."

Hearing this, Ye Chen and the others immediately understood, isn't that Mo Yun from the Guwu Continent just now?
"The Black Wood Pavilion is on the Ancient Martial Continent, and one side is not weak. If they have the heart, I'm afraid you won't be able to get past it." Ming Ruoshan said lightly.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked, "Dare to ask Senior Ming, how is your relationship with Heimu Pavilion?"

Ming Ruoshan suddenly laughed and said, "That old guy Zhuoyi praised you to the sky, and you really are not just talented in cultivation."

"Heimu Pavilion, Langya Sect and this old man, can be regarded as having some friendship. We have some business dealings with each other, but that's all, not a partner. Ye Chen, after hearing what the old man said, you Do you have any calculations in your mind?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "I don't have any plans yet. It's just that we have to go to the Xuantian Continent. If the Black Wood Pavilion really wants to do something, then the four juniors will have to face it."

Ming Ruoshan said: "The power of the Black Wood Pavilion is not a first-class power in the ancient martial arts continent. Mo Yun's father, Mo Xingxian, is also a master of the fourth level of Tianwu. Are you worried?"

"There's nothing to worry about. If there's only one way to go to Xuantian Continent, that's the only way to go." Ye Chen replied.

The fourth level of Tianwu is indeed a very powerful opponent for the four of them. However, if Heimu Pavilion thinks that this is it, and wants to suppress them, then the people in Heimu Pavilion will know that it will not only It is whimsical, and it will cause them heavy losses!

"Okay, you are courageous, as expected of someone that old fellow Zhuo Yi valued."

Ming Ruoshan laughed, and said: "Tonight, you will rest in my Langya Sect for one night. After the old man draws up the road map, you can set off for the Ancient Martial Continent tomorrow."

"Senior, is there no other route besides going to the Ancient Martial Continent?"

Mei Aoxue asked aloud, not because she was afraid of the Black Wood Pavilion, once blocked by the Black Wood Pavilion, the time to go to the Xuantian Continent will inevitably be delayed for a long time, Ye Chen now has Zi Xiao in his heart, and wished it would be earlier flew to her side.

Ming Ruoshan said: "Although there is a space channel in Haiya City, it is still unable to cross the Guwu Continent. Perhaps you should know that if the space channel crosses two continents, or even goes further, the required cultivation must be Higher, this is beyond the reach of this old man."

"So, if you want to go to Xuantian Continent, you have to take another space channel in Guwu Continent. Moreover, if you reach Xuantian Continent, you need to transfer several times on the way. Xuantian Continent, after all, is a super The mainland is too far away from the Cloud Realm, if I hadn’t been there a few years ago when I was traveling, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to give you a complete road map now.”

"Then I'll be in trouble, Senior." Ye Chen said immediately.

"Come on, take them to rest!"

They had to wait another day, and they seemed to have anticipated the big troubles that might arise in the future. After the four of them entered the arranged room, they immediately entered the practice.

The next morning, in the living room, after Ye Chen took over the complete road map drawn by Ming Ruoshan from Ming Ruoshan, he immediately bid farewell to the latter, and then left Haiya City at the fastest speed, heading for the road outside the city. space channel.

Watching the four of them leave, Ming Ruoshan's expression seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, and he immediately said with a wry smile in a low voice: "Old man Zhuo, the old man has done his best and given them a means to save their lives. For this, the old man It took too much effort, and with this loss, the old man will have to live in your Fenglei Mountain for a while, right?"

When the four of Ye Chen walked out of Langya Sect and left Haiya City at an extremely fast speed, Liu Tong, who was taking a nap in a pavilion in the city, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Second Young Master, they are about to leave."


A ferocious smile suddenly emerged from Mo Yun's pupils.

"Today is the beginning of your bad luck!"

(End of this chapter)

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