Chapter 709
The space channel of Sea Cliff City is set thirty miles outside the city!

After rushing out of the city, Luo Xindai frowned slightly, and said: "Today, I'm afraid there will be a big battle."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and said: "The space channel of Haiya City is outside the city, which gives them a chance, but this is also good, the less bastards like Mo Yun in the world, the better."

If Ye Chen and others are not cultivated enough, then they will inevitably be treated cruelly by Mo Yun. This is Haiya City, not the Ancient Martial Continent. Mo Yun is so bold. It is conceivable that in the Ancient Martial Continent, especially It is unknown how many people in the area where the Black Wood Pavilion was seated were innocently harmed by it.

Even if the space passage is set in the city, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan will choose to leave the city first, and lure those guys out to kill them.

This is not to eliminate harm for the people, to do justice for the sky, but just happen to meet, so just wipe it out.

When the four of Ye Chen had just left Haiya City, a group of more than a dozen people followed the four of them, and immediately thought they followed the four of them quietly.

In Haiya City, in Langya Sect, Ming Ruoshan, who was adjusting his breath, slowly opened his pupils, and a flash of light flashed out faintly.

"Knowing that you have something to do with the old man, you still dare to hit them with ideas. Mo Yun, you are too bold. This shows how conniving Mo Xingxian is on weekdays. Come to think of it, in Mo Xingxian's heart, he used to treat the old man , and there is not much awe, otherwise, Mo Yun would not be so bold!"

"Since old man Zhuo attaches so much importance to Ye Chen and the others, if you want to rely on people like Mo Yun, you can't help them. It's okay, let Ye Chen and the others teach them a good lesson, and let Mo Xing know first. Above, he may have some energy, but here, the old man has the final say."

The morning sun always gives people a slight sense of warmth. The light covering the earth also symbolizes the beginning of a new day.

Above the sky, four figures passed by at a steady speed, looking very comfortable, not as if they were on their way, but more like they were traveling in mountains and rivers.

In this way, after about half an hour, the speed of the four slowed down, and then they stopped on a mountain peak.

At this time, Ye Chen turned around and looked at the direction he came from. After waiting for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Following well, I didn't lose it after all, but this speed is a bit slow."

"Young man, you are really crazy!"

When Ye Chen's laughter fell, a cold and solemn voice sounded not far away. Immediately, more than a dozen figures rushed over from there. The leader was Mo Yun's subordinate, the one named Liu Tong's Xuanwu peak master.

Although the voice was a bit cold, after they appeared, Liu Tong and the others all looked slightly dignified. In any case, these four people were deliberately waiting for them. This confidence in themselves had to be People dare not underestimate.

Looking at everyone in Liu Tong, Ye Chen said with a smile: "Why don't you see your young master Mo Yun? It seems that the slap yesterday scared him, right? You guys are smart, but it doesn't matter, I will kill you. Mo Yun still can't escape."

"Don't be ashamed!"

Behind the crowd, a gloomy voice like a ghost suddenly sounded, and immediately an old figure flitted out. He was dressed in a black robe, as thin as a stick, and his face was even more weakened. His skeleton supported him. When I woke up, I was like a hungry ghost in the underworld.

"No wonder you dare to chase after me. It turns out that there is a number one person like you!"

The four of them could clearly sense the aura of the black-robed old man. He was also a master of the peak Xuanwu realm.

Now, with the opponent's two masters at the peak of the Xuanwu realm, plus a few masters at the Xuanwu realm whose cultivation bases are not lower than theirs, and the remaining masters at the eighth level of true martial arts, such a lineup is indeed full of confidence against the four of them. Full.

"Boy, if you offend my second son, there is no possibility of you leaving alive."

The black-robed old man said grimly: "However, if you can voluntarily hand over those two girls, and then cripple your own limbs, maybe this old man can plead with the second son for you, and spare you!"

"If you kneel down now and beg us to let you go, then, maybe I will only kill you, but not your soul!" Ye Chen smiled lightly, and there was a strong chill in that smile, slowly surging. moving.

Sure enough, there are no masters, no dogs, they are the same!
On the face of the old man in black robe, Na Sen's sneering smile froze bit by bit, he stared at Ye Chen expressionlessly, and said coldly: "This old man will personally remove your limbs, and then destroy your spiritual sea , turning you into a permanent waste."

"Old man, you talk a lot of nonsense!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Old Liu, leave this boy to me, and the other boy to you, and the rest, let the old man catch those two girls. Remember, don't be too harsh, be gentle, and don't ruin their faces. Otherwise, it will be very disappointing."

The old man in black robe shouted fiercely.

Liu Tong's expression was also extremely cold: "Everyone, speed up, this place is outside Haiya City after all!"


The crowd shouted in unison.

"Old Liu, I haven't fought against you for a long time. Today, let's try these two boys and see if you can continue to beat me!"

The black-robed old man laughed loudly, and when he took a step forward, a rather chilly aura surged out immediately.

Immediately, the terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power and the gust of wind swept out, covering the sky and covering the earth, causing the temperature in the space to drop. Obviously, the spiritual power of the black-robed old man contained other powers.

However, this kind of coldness is of course not comparable to the coldness of the Nether Demonic Flame. Therefore, even when such a coldness enveloped him, Ye Chen's face did not change in the slightest.

"You do have some skills. At your age, you are obviously a genius to be able to do this. It's a pity that geniuses are prone to premature death!"

Ye Chen smiled indifferently, didn't say anything, just flicked his fingers, and a figure with a faint brass light, like electricity, shot at Liu Tong. Only then did Ye Chen laugh out loud.

"Brother Lin, let's join forces first and kill this old thing first!"

It was the iron corpse that Ye Chen hadn't used for a long time that rushed towards Liu Tong. After destroying Wu Zong and killing Duguying, Ye Chen put the iron corpse into the raging fire again, letting it evolve by itself until Ye Chen brought Mei Aoxue back to Liehuojian to practice again when he left for January.

After burning for a long time, especially in the place where the fire spirit lives, the current iron corpse, although it has not yet fully evolved to the level of a copper corpse, but with its strength, it is hard to beat the masters around the seventh level of Xuanwu. , but there is no problem at all.

Although that Liu Tong was a master of the basaltic peak realm who had half a foot into the Tianwu realm, Iron Corpse, relying on its powerful strength, fearless aura, and strong defensive power, entangled Liu Tong a little bit. Time, absolutely can do it.

And during this period of time, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan teamed up enough to kill the old man in black robe!
When the iron corpse appeared, Lin Yifan appeared in front of the black-robed old man as if teleported. Compared with other people, Mo Yun was not here, this guy was the most damned one.

"Slaying the sky sword art, one sword is extinguished!"

When the Shanhe Sword was jumping lightly above the sky, everything around it became extremely quiet, as if there was a terrifying sense of extinction, not only obliterating any matter in the surrounding void, It seems that even space and time are quietly annihilated under such a breath.

Before that sword was actually dropped, an extreme sense of danger emerged in the heart of the black-robed old man. Although his cultivation was a level higher than Huangfu Yuntian's, in terms of real strength, he was far behind. Huangfu Yuntian was much worse.

How can the Black Wood Pavilion be compared with the Emperor's Mansion?Even the entire Ancient Martial Continent cannot compare with the heritage of the Emperor's Mansion!
But when the Shanhe Sword silenced the void, under the other sky, there was an extremely ferocious sound of dragon's anger, which reverberated, and in an instant, an extremely strong and overbearing force swept through the void with a loud bang.


The dazzling purple-gold pattern of light covered the sky and the sun, and it turned into a giant purple-gold dragon that was a thousand feet in size directly above the sky!
The giant dragon soars into the sky, stirring up the world!
Immediately after a while, the purple-gold dragon broke through all the restraining forces in the world, roared up to the sky, and rushed towards the black-robed old man angrily, as if entering no one's land.

The domineering attack made the old man in black feel extremely threatened!
At this time, he may not have any regrets in his heart, but he has the feeling of shock. These two young people, no matter who they are, already have the qualifications to fight him head-on alone, and now they join forces?

"Old Liu, don't dawdle, hurry up and help me!"

When Liu Tong heard the words, he smiled wryly. Why didn't he want to help? However, under the attack of the iron corpse, even he had to be more careful. You know, if he was hit head-on, he would also die. Seriously injured as a result.

The domineering purple-gold real dragon, the dead mountain and river sword. . . .With every movement and silence, both of them attacked to the extreme, blocking all the retreat and dodge space of the black-robed old man.

After his shout fell, the black-robed old man's body was filled with streaks of black spiritual power, which burst out crazily, and the temperature in the space dropped again. Ordinary masters below the fourth level of Xuanwu realm will be killed directly!
Endless chilly aura gathered around the black-robed old man's body, but in a short while, it had already formed countless spiritual barriers, protecting him in the middle.

Probably, the old man in black robe never thought that this should be an extremely easy battle for him, but at the beginning of the war, he couldn't even use the means of attack, and directly entered the link of defense among. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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