Chapter 724

The terrible coercion is like a strong wind, and Ziquan caught the owner of this breath at the first time, and he immediately said: "Elder Zifeng, Ziquan is ordered by the young master to bring the young master's friends into Ziquan." Holy Land!"

Ziquan was polite enough in his words, but the anger that he had suppressed was clearly visible.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, with a hint of coldness, and couldn't help but surge in his heart, these people are really more daring every time!
"Young master's order?"

The voice smiled faintly: "The young master's order is true, the old man has received it, but Ziquan, how can you be sure that the four of them are the young master's friends? The identities of these four people must be clarified, otherwise, if they sneak into my Ziji Holy Land, will you be responsible for this responsibility, Ziquan, or the old man?"


Ziquan suddenly fell silent. He had been very sure of the identities of Ye Chen and the others, especially Ye Chen, whose care and love for Zi Xiao came from the bottom of his heart, and it was impossible to pretend it.

However, to be honest, sure is sure, but there is really no confirmation.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. Although it was to make things difficult, this reason is still tenable. It seems that these guys have already made enough preparations.

"Since you haven't confirmed it, then, four, please leave my Purple Holy Land, otherwise, don't blame the old man for being ruthless!"

The voice sounded again, but it was already filled with a sense of piercing, terrifying coercion, suddenly swept down, and there was no possibility for others to refuse it.

"What a domineering act!"

Ye Chen smiled lightly, facing the coercion, and said indifferently: "It's understandable to doubt our identity, but if you don't give me a chance to prove it, you want to drive people away? This is your Ziji Holy Land What about the way you treat guests? Or, have you planned to do this for a long time?"

Ye Chen has never had a good impression of Ziji Holy Land, a force that even relatives can ignore, even if it is the only overlord in this world, Ye Chen dares to say whatever he wants.

When the words came out, Ziquan didn't react too much. He had heard too much displeasure from Ye Chen along the way, but now, he dared to say this in the Ziji Holy Land, which made people admire Ye Chen. Chen's courage.

And on that day, the coercion that swept down was even stronger. The old man named Zifeng seemed to have never seen anyone so bold.

"Ha ha!"

Zifeng laughed loudly: "Sure enough, you will be feared in the next life, and you dare to question my way of doing things in Ziji Holy Land, what a way!"

"Ziji Holy Land is indeed remarkable, but to put it bluntly, you alone cannot represent Ziji Holy Land!"

Ye Chen said indifferently, although he also knew that before seeing Zi Xiao, it is best not to have any entanglements with the people of Ziji Holy Land, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles, not only make it difficult for Zi Xiao to make a decision, but also affect the The time when he rescued Zi Xiao.

However, as soon as they arrived at Xuantian Continent, Zixiu and others immediately appeared to intercept, and it was not just a simple interception, but a killing, which already made Ye Chen feel extremely angry.

Finally came to the Holy Land of Ziji, but was blocked unreasonably. . . .Even clay figurines have fire in their hearts.

This so-called Zifeng's cultivation base is extraordinary, and he has reached the seventh level of Tianwu, but he is not qualified enough, so he forcibly suppressed Ye Chen and the others here.

Ye Chen already knew that there were many people in Ziji Holy Land who were secretly doing something, because Zi Xiao was born with a Tianxuan poison body. Although she was the young master, she was not really awe-inspiring. It doesn't matter if they underestimate it, I'm afraid that there will be more reasons to prevent Ye Chen from treating Zi Xiao.

Therefore, even if it would cause a huge trouble, Ye Chen would definitely get into this trouble.


Rolling coercion, descending from the sky, the terrifying aura of the seventh level of Tianwu realm, unreservedly impacting down, it is already forcibly suppressing Ye Chen.

"Even if you are presumptuous, what can you do to me!"

Ye Chen grinned, and the chaotic yin and yang forces were revolving rapidly in his body. Thousands of miles away, countless heaven and earth energies surged in, and he absorbed them all into his body. After a moment, streaks of purple and gold light surged crazily in the sky and earth.


The sound of the astonishing dragon's chant resounded throughout the world. Under the coercion of the master of the seventh level of Tianwu, Ye Chen raised the dragon blood in his body to the extreme in an instant. From his body, it seemed like a huge illusory figure, darting across the space like lightning Then, all the purple and golden light patterns rushed in, the light flickered, and the real dragon jumped into the sky and the earth.

"Dragon breath?"

In the sky, Zifeng's voice suddenly burst into astonishment, obviously he did not expect that a human being would have a pure dragon aura.

The huge real dragon is in front, although it is not enough to resist Zifeng's suppression, but he can't even think about letting Ye Chen bow his head in front of him like an ant, as he thought!
"If this is what you rely on, boy, the old man will let you understand that you will regret it."

"Elder Zifeng!"

Without waiting for Zifeng to make any further moves, Ziquan raised his voice and shouted: "Regardless of whether the four of them are the young master's friends or not, we can only make a decision after the young master has seen them. Put it in your eyes, what does it mean?"

"Ziquan, you don't want to threaten the old man with the young master's order!"

Zifeng shouted: "As an elder protecting the array, I have my own responsibility to protect the safety of the Ziji Holy Land. I also have the right to drive those who are unknown and unknown to the Ziji Holy Land. If you stop them , then don’t blame the old man for being rude.”

"Old man, then you can see clearly, in the end, am I someone who doesn't understand!"

Ye Chen couldn't help sneering, raised his hand and waved it. On his finger, there was something flashing out like lightning, like a shooting star, appearing in the sky.

"Xumi Ring!"

Zifeng even exclaimed in surprise, he didn't expect that this young man would actually possess the Sumeru Ring, and after seeing it clearly, his expression was even more shocked.

In the world, although there are not many people who possess the Sumeru Precepts, they are not in the minority. As a person in the Purple Extreme Holy Land, he is no stranger to the Sumeru Precepts, and every Sumeru Precept is unique to everyone. different.

That's why he was surprised now, because he sensed an extremely familiar aura from the Sumeru ring.

Looking at the sky, although he couldn't see Zifeng's expression, he could understand his current mood, Ye Chen snorted and said, "You don't think I snatched this from you, do you?"


Zifeng was a little sluggish, so Xu Mijie, how could it be possible to snatch it just by grabbing it?Don't even look at who the original owner of this ring is, even if he has the strength to snatch it, no one will snatch it if he looks around the world.

Because, this ring represents the young master of the Purple Holy Land!

Perhaps in the Ziji Holy Land, because of Zi Xiaotian's mysterious poisonous body, not many people really regard her as the young master in their hearts, but outside, whoever dares to insult this identity is to be an enemy of the Ziji Holy Land.

Even the other two Great Sacred Lands, as well as the Demon Realm and the Dragon Clan, who are both the Three Great Sacred Lands, will not easily provoke the Purple Extreme Sacred Land!

Looking at Xumijie who is close at hand, Zifeng's expression suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand like lightning. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "The young master has traveled around the world for several years. Maybe it's because you lied to me. Go, the old man has to check carefully."

Hearing this, Ye Chen laughed angrily, and said that it was impossible to rob, so he changed it to cheating, these old guys. . . .For the other people in Ziji Holy Land, Ye Chen has no other thoughts or ideas, but there are two people who have already made him murderous.

One of them is Zixiu, and the other is Zifeng!
Looking at the withered palm protruding from the nothingness, Ye Chen's figure was like lightning, and he rushed out. Faster than him were the two great treasures, the Sky Tower and the Immeasurable Mirror.

It is difficult to deal with the masters of the seventh level of Tianwu, and Ye Chen can only use these two great treasures!
The powerful aura, as if destroying the world, came from the withered palm in nothingness. At this time, there is still dare to snatch Xu Mijie.

"Zifeng, you dare to snatch the young master's things, you really are impatient."

In the depths of nothingness, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then towards another piece of nothingness, he waved his palm lightly. A moment later, in that nothingness, blood suddenly spilled into the sky, and Ye Chen and others saw that there was a figure , Like a bird with a broken wing, it quickly fell to the ground.

"Zi Gan, you?"

"Pass the young lord's order to welcome the four young masters, Zi Feng, just a slap, it's just the beginning, if you go to the execution hall to receive the punishment, maybe this matter can be settled, if not, your life will be lost!"

Zifeng, who fell to the ground, suddenly turned extremely livid. It was unknown whether it was because of anger or fear, but no matter what it was, the current him dared not say a word.

"Senior Zigan!"

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately took back the two great treasures. When he came to the Holy Land of Ziji, his intention was never to turn against these guys. Even if he wanted to do something, he had to wait until Zi Xiaotian's mysterious poison body was dissolved.

"Young master, you are finally here!"

Zigan landed in the sky, looked at Ye Chen, and with his temperament, couldn't help but sigh.

About five years. . . .This young man came here without hesitation, so sincere, it makes people moved and grateful.

"I'm just a little ashamed, I haven't reached the Tianwu realm yet, otherwise, I wouldn't have so much trouble!"

Ye Chen's voice was extremely chilly. If he had already reached the Heaven Martial Realm, Zixiu and others would not let him waste time at all, and Zifeng just now would not use this as a reason to prevent him from seeing Zixiao.

"Good enough!"

This is Zigan's sincere words. Five years ago, Ye Chen was not in the Linghai realm, but five years later, he had already reached the sixth level of Xuanwu realm. With such a speed of cultivation, it is simply unimaginable given the environment he is in.

Among the three holy places, outstanding young people emerged in large numbers. However, if they were in the same environment as Ye Chen, they would not do better.

"My lord, follow the old man to see the lady, she has been waiting for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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