Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 725 See You Again

Chapter 725 See You Again

In the depths of Yunshan Mountain, the heights are extremely cold!

The incomparably pure aura of heaven and earth is so rich in this space that it fills the void like flowing water. Even when the four of Ye Chen came here, they all felt an extremely powerful pressure, which was almost making it difficult for them to move.

The expressions of the four of them tightened. They practiced in such a place, and their cultivation might be so advanced that they would be extremely astonishing, and Zi Xiao was in the deepest part.

A feeling of heartache suddenly emerged in Ye Chen's heart. Although this place is good, but that kind of cultivation is extremely cruel. In a place where you can't even feel the time, anyone who stays for a long time will go crazy.

But Zi Xiao has been here for five years!

She wants her cultivation to continuously break through and become stronger in a limited time. Only in this way can she herself be able to resist the threat from the Tianxuan poison body.

Life, here in Zi Xiao, is extremely precious, but at the same time, it is also extremely fragile!

Ye Chen didn't go deep to find Zi Xiao, not because he didn't dare or couldn't, but because he didn't want to, Zi Xiao was practicing, so he couldn't disturb her cultivation.

Ordinary people's cultivation is very normal. They all want to improve their cultivation and be able to meet the wind and transform into a dragon. Only Zixiao's cultivation is just for her own survival!
Everyone waited outside, and after an hour, there was a soft breathing sound from the depths, and immediately, a figure came from the sky, distorted the space, and appeared in front of them.

The woman wearing a purple shirt is not very luxurious, but there is a sense of nobility hidden deep in her body. That kind of nobility is not given by others, but the innate temperament of a king and a ruler. Just like the long river of time, after countless years, it still exists forever!

"Xiao Xiao!"

Ye Chen murmured softly. I haven't seen you for many years. The girl has grown up. She was once immature, but now she has revealed the meaning of being out of the world, like a banished fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, which can only be seen in paintings.

It was a delicate face without any blemishes, fair skin that could be broken by blows, and a gentle smile on the cheek, as if it could penetrate people's hearts, people's hearts, after seeing such a smile, would Instantly softens.

But at this moment, that smile began to gradually expand, and finally, it turned into a silent smile of joy. . . .Zigan has followed her for many years, but she has never seen such a heartfelt smile.

"Brother Ye Family!"

The woman rushed over like lightning, like a swallow leaving the nest, and threw herself into the embrace that had been separated for many years at the fastest speed, although in the past, he didn't know her true identity, and he had never met her like this embraced.

But with the passage of time, when everything in the past has become an indelible memory, every memory makes the woman appear a little bit of beauty in the midst of all kinds of pain.

Accumulated over the years, these good things have piled up like a mountain, enabling women to find the best reason for themselves to persist in the days of endless pain.

Today, he was right in front of her eyes, appearing alive, and the woman could no longer restrain all the thoughts in her heart.

Not far away, Zigan and Ziquan retreated quietly, and Mei Aoxue, Lin Yifan, and Luo Xin also quietly disappeared. This moment, destined to belong to Ye Chen and that woman.

Since he was a beggar, he has become the only childless princess in this world. Knowing that Zi Xiao is behind her daughter, Ye Chen has always been a bit unbelievable. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, his face can still be superimposed in one place. , It seems that it is also unbelievable.

Only by holding her delicate body now, can people feel so real.

"Xiaoxiao, is that you?"

Ye Chen murmured in a low voice, and for the next second, Zi Xiao didn't need to prove her identity. The breath from her body, which was once so familiar to him, made Ye Chen no longer have any doubts.

"Come on, let me take a good look!"

"No, I just want to hug you like this!"

Burying herself deeply in Ye Chen's arms, Zi Xiao hoped that this would be eternity.

Ye Chen had no choice but to do this. Years of longing, in his heart, although he didn't have any unreasonable thoughts, but he knew that in her heart, he was the reason for persistence and the motivation to persevere.

Ye Chen couldn't refuse all her requests!
After a long time, the two sat on the big rock, and Zi Xiao leaned her head gently on Ye Chen's shoulder, holding his hand tightly, as if she had fallen asleep. At this time, she was so quiet, maybe In her entire life, she had never had peace before.

However, after all, this will not be forever, and time cannot be frozen. Today's tranquility will always be broken.

When Zi Xiao stood up slowly until she stood up, everything would change.

"Purple Spring!"

"Little Lord!"

In the distance, Ziquan shot towards Ziquan, half kneeling in front of Zixiao.

"Did any accident happen during the process of picking up Brother Ye?" Zi Xiao asked calmly. Now she is no longer the one who snuggled up to Ye Chen, like the girl next door.

Now she is the young master of the Purple Holy Land, with one word, she can decide the lives of countless people!

"Zixiu led someone to show up!" Ziquan said immediately, not daring to hide anything.


A shocking killing intent surged out of Zi Xiao's body.

"it's already over."

Ye Chen gently shook Zi Xiao's jade hand, and said, "Now is not the time to pursue those matters."

Zi Xiao tilted her head and smiled softly, but after a while, when she looked forward, her voice became colder: "Old Gan, did Zi Feng come forward to make things difficult not long ago?"

"Yes, moreover, he also tried to snatch, Miss, the Sumi Ring that you left to the young master." Zi Gan replied.

"How bold!"

Zi Xiao's gaze seemed to be cast into the center of the Ziji Holy Land. An invisible air current seemed to explode. A layer of purple clouds formed.

"Brother Ye, I will definitely explain these things to you."

Ye Chen shook his head with a smile, and said, "As long as you're fine, I don't care about the rest."

"But I care, how can I let people be bullied in front of me, not even a little bit."

Zi Xiao said softly in her heart, then looked at Ye Chen, and said softly: "In the past five years, with the help of the pills you gave, and the help of my parents, plus being here, I practiced hard, Tianxuan The poisonous body has been suppressed to some extent, but recently, it may have reached its limit, and I am getting more and more powerless."

"Even if the Tiansha poison has not reached the heart, it is almost there, especially, the energy contained in the elixir you gave me, brother Ye, seems to have been adapted by the Tianxuan poison body, and the more effective it is It's getting worse."

"It doesn't matter, even if I can't help you dissolve it now, or even let people control the Tianxuan poison body, I should be able to make it last longer."

In this regard, Ye Chen has great confidence.

Although the elixir brought back to Zigan back then contains both yin and yang qi, it was after all his actions when he was in the Linghai realm. Now that his cultivation base has reached the Xuanwu realm, his control over yin and yang qi has long been different. meet.

What's more, Ye Chen also has several Pills of Breaking Evil, which are the collection of Pills he obtained from practicing in the Nine Heavens Mirror, and then refined by the most outstanding alchemist in the wilderness.

This pill has been with Ye Chen for many years, and during these years, he has been using the yin and yang energy to cultivate his pregnancy all the time. To put it bluntly, these few pills, even if they cannot be alone in the body, truly possess the power of yin and yang , but after taking it, it can last for a period of time.

During this period of time, coupled with Ye Chen's own efforts, it was enough to suppress the Tianxuan Poison Body.

As for how to resolve it and let Zi Xiao control the Tianxuan poison body, it is necessary to have a personal contact before you can have a rough guess.

"Xiaoxiao, is it safe enough here?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

The next process is extremely dangerous and cannot be disturbed by others, otherwise, Ye Chen is not afraid, but Zi Xiao only has one chance.

"Old man, invite my father and mother!"

At this point, Zi Xiao said again: "Ziquan, pass on the young master's order, everyone, go to Ziyuntai to meet me, and anyone who doesn't come, no matter who it is, will be killed!"

"Young master, those in the elder hall..."

"Listen clearly, it's everyone!" Zi Xiao shouted coldly.


Zigan and Ziquan go away immediately.

"Xiaoxiao, we'll talk about it later!" Ye Chen understood what Zi Xiao meant, since there was still a little time, the latter wanted to settle some things right away.

Zi Xiao smiled and said: "Some things must be put on the bright side, otherwise, those old guys will never give up, and no matter what, I am not for myself, but also for my parents. In your hands, then strike while the iron is on fire."

Ye Chen didn't say much right away. In fact, in his heart, he also wanted to solve some troubles earlier, so that he would not be disturbed when he was treating Zi Xiao, especially before that, he was afraid of being questioned and wasted money. time.

"Sister Mei!"

Without other people, Zi Xiao returned to her girlish nature again, came to Mei Aoxue, and then held her hands tightly, without saying anything, but the slight trembling of her palms still made Mei Aoxue understand what was in the former's heart at the moment. thought.

Mei Aoxue shook her head lightly, and said softly: "I finally saw you, at least my trip was not in vain."


Zi Xiao responded softly, then looked at Lin Yifan, and said with a smile, "Brother Lin, you're here too!"

"Unexpectedly, the little beggar back then would actually be the most honorable person in the world. Hehe, this encounter is a bit unacceptable." Lin Yifan said with a smile, there was pity in his eyes.

"What honor! Who is this sister?"

"She's Luo Xin, the person your brother Lin loves the most!" Ye Chen immediately smiled jokingly.

"Hello, Sister Luo!"

Luo Xin glared at Ye Chen fiercely, then gently hugged Zi Xiao, and said lovingly: "You are fine too!"

Ever since they heard about Zi Xiao, they all have deep feelings in their hearts. Although this woman has the most noble status, she is treated by fate. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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