Chapter 730
Hearing what Zi Wuji and Ming Yuexin said from the heart, Mei Aoxue couldn't help but glance at Ye Chen, who nodded immediately without any thought.

"My daughter, Mei Aoxue, met her adoptive father and foster mother!"

Mei Aoxue immediately knelt down on the ground, after a short period of shock and bewilderment, she now somewhat understood why these two masters at the peak of martial arts looked at her differently.

To be honest, when she first understood it, she did feel a little uncomfortable in her heart, but after a while, she calmly accepted it.

No matter whether Zi Wuji and his wife want to make up for the guilt in their hearts, or they want to give Mei Aoxue the so-called compensation, it doesn't matter, at least when they do this, they do it from the heart and sincerely.

If there is a so-called utilitarianism, it is also for Zixiao and their daughter, and there is no coercion. It is understandable for parents to have such painstaking efforts.

Zi Wuji and Ming Yuexin immediately laughed happily, the latter helped Mei Aoxue up, and said: "Farewell to stepfather and stepmother, from now on, just be like Xiaoxiao, just call our parents, we also like this."

"Xiao Xiao!"

Ming Yuexin immediately looked at Zi Xiao, and said: "From now on, Aoxue will be your sister, you have to respect your sister, you know?"

"Know it!"

Zi Xiao pursed her small mouth, pretending to be unhappy and said: "Now you have another precious daughter, and I won't have so much love in the future."

Then he ran to Mei Aoxue's side again, shook her hand, and said, "Sister, you have the support of your father and mother now, so you won't be able to bully me in the future!"


Zi Wuji looked at his daughter tenderly and pitifully, and then said: "Yue Xin, you and these children go to rest first, and Ye Chen, Yifan and I have a good chat."

"Okay! Don't talk for too long!"

After Ming Yuexin gave her instructions, she immediately left with Zi Xiao and the three daughters.

"I would like to thank you in advance for Zi Dao's matter." Zi Wuji said directly.

"It just happened to be such an opportunity, and I don't want to miss it."

Ye Chen laughed, but his expression darkened immediately, and said: "Xiaoxiao can know that there are too many people with different intentions in the Ziji Holy Land. Uncle's cultivation is as high as the sky, so it is impossible not to know. Why, don't you go and eliminate them?"

"I can tell that you have a lot of confusion and unhappiness in your heart."

Zi Wuji's voice sank slightly, and said: "It has been 8000 years since the establishment of Ziji Holy Land. After countless battles, it has just become the human world. It is one of the three holy places, with a respected status and a great reputation!"

"However, the development and standing of any force requires many masters. Relying on only one or a few people, although they can stand alone in the world, they cannot last long."

The meaning in the words, both Ye Chen and Lin Yifan understood that for a powerful force to last as long as the sun and the moon, it needs to continuously emerge powerful masters and the most suitable successors.

The two of them will definitely be able to achieve martial arts cultivation like Zi Wuji in the future. Then, the Great Wilderness under their command, and even other forces, can become extremely powerful because of their existence.
However, once they return, without an equally powerful controller, the glory will be a thing of the past.

Zi Wuji said again: "The same is true of my Ziji Holy Land! After so many years, although my lineage has always been strong and has always controlled the Ziji Holy Land, but it cannot be denied that it comes from other people, and my Ziji Holy Land continues to thrive. and strength, the painstaking efforts and blood that have been paid."

Looking at Ye Chen and the two of them, Zi Wuji said: "In the entire Ziji Holy Land, including my wife and I, there are a total of [-] masters in the holy realm who can be known by other powerful forces. Except for us and my wife, the eighteen masters , are all respected by the elders of the Purple Holy Land!"

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan couldn't help being shocked. Does this mean that there are still masters in the holy realm hidden in the Purple Extreme Sacred Land and have not been noticed by other big forces?
If this is the case, the strength of the Purple Holy Land is truly terrifying.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, this is the case for the Purple Holy Land, the other two great holy lands, as well as the Demon Realm and the Dragon Clan. . . .However, with such a powerful strength, why did that Dragon Emperor tell himself that the current Dragon Clan is facing a huge crisis?
And, is the situation in the Devil Realm unstable now?
"You have to know that the position of elders of these people is fundamentally different from Zifeng's so-called elders and the seven people in Zijun Mountain. This has nothing to do with their own cultivation."

"Even if Zijun Mountain breaks through to reach the sanctuary realm, he won't be able to obtain the same status as Zidao, at least for now."

"Why?" The two of Ye Chen couldn't help asking, could it be that the status has nothing to do with cultivation?

Zi Wuji did not directly answer this question, he said: "Zi Dao's lineage, his ancestors, joined the Ziji Holy Land 500 years ago, and shortly thereafter, my Ziji Holy Land encountered a great disaster. It was Zi Dao's ancestor who turned out to save the Ziji Holy Land, and from then on, Zi Dao's ancestor was ranked as the elder of Ziji Holy Land, and the descendants, if they reach the sanctuary realm, can receive this respect!"

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan understood that the real status is to be inherited, and there must be enough credit.

After being silent for a moment, Lin Yifan said: "The merit cannot be overwhelmed! No amount of merit can erase the dissent that arises in the depths of my heart. This is disloyalty. How can a disloyal person be compensated by merit? What's more, It's not Zi Dao's credit, but his ancestors' credit."

"That's true, but who can be without fault? He's wrong, and he should be given a chance to correct himself. At the same time, Zidao's lineage has been rooted for more than three thousand years. Although it can't cover the sky with one hand, after all, under its command, there are also many There are few loyal people, and now, Zi Dao's dissent has not been made public, and rash actions will stir up the foundation of Ziji Sacred Land."

The two of Ye Chen understood, after all, it has something to do with strength!
Masters in the Purple Dao Sanctuary Realm, this level of cultivation is extremely rare. In this world, the number of such masters is extremely limited, and they are even more important to the Ziji Holy Land. They cannot be easily damaged. If it is possible, Ziji The Holy Land is also willing to wait for Zidao to find his way back, as long as his fault does not endanger the survival of Ziji Holy Land!
"Of course, although this is a reason, it is not the real reason. If you want to move the Purple Dao, it will cause shocks, but they are still under control. If my Purple Holy Land can't even bear this turmoil, then , has long since been annihilated in the long river of history.”

Zi Wuji smiled slightly, and then said solemnly: "The reason why I tolerate it is because Xiaoxiao needs to bear it."

"You want Xiaoxiao to bear it, what do you mean?" Ye Chen and the two really couldn't understand.

"This is the biggest test for the successors of the Purple Holy Land."

Zi Wuji said: "Such a huge force, if the successor is not extremely good, how can we safely hand over the burden? Therefore, the existence of Zi Dao is Xiaoxiao's tempering stone!"

"Xiaoxiao needs to be under Zidao's various open and dark arrows, not only to survive, but also to gradually grow herself, not only in her cultivation, but also in the forces she can fully control."

"Then one day, she can use her own cultivation to resist Zi Dao's powerful strength, and convince Zi Dao to be defeated! If she can't, she won't be able to become the master of Zi Ji Sacred Land in this life!"

The so-called convincing is to let Zidao expose his inner ambition!

Hearing this, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan couldn't help but looked at each other, this task, this test, was too difficult.

Facing a master in the sanctuary realm, in the face of Zi Dao's ambitious ambitions, he continued to grow his own cultivation and power, and finally let the other party be exposed. . . .When you think about it, it's stressful.

However, Ye Chen and the two can understand the painstaking efforts of this kind of test!
The Ziji Holy Land is so powerful, it really needs an incomparably outstanding person to inherit it, so that the Ziji Holy Land can continue to stand in the sky and the earth. If the inheritance of nearly [-] years collapses, countless people will die because of it .

It's just that they understand it, and the two still feel distressed for Zixiao. She was born with the Tianxuan poison body at a young age. This is the cruelest disease in the world, and she has to bear it for the Ziji Holy Land. . . .

"Then what we did just now, did we do something bad with good intentions?"

Now that Zi Dao has been banned for 20 years, without this main character, the rest of them seem to be unable to make any troubles in front of Zi Xiao. What Ye Chen and his two did at night seems to be a bit unnecessary.

"The situation is different, so naturally we can't stick to the rules, and we should teach Zidao some lessons. Over the years, he has been too self-righteous."

Zi Wuji said: "Actually, with these things, Xiaoxiao will only tell the truth after she has reached the Sanctuary Realm and is able to gain strength and control the Ziji Holy Land. I tell you tonight because I want you to help her a lot in the future. "

"Uncle, please rest assured, I will do my best, even if I have to fight with my life, I will definitely not let Xiaoxiao have an accident."

Ye Chen's expression tightened, and he said solemnly.

The so-called help, of course, is not to allow Ye Chen and the two to climb to the top for Zixiao in the future, or to help her clear up those who have different intentions in the Ziji Holy Land.

The pride of Ziji Holy Land, the pride of Zi Wuji and his wife, and Zi Xiao's own excellence, cannot allow people to interfere in this matter, otherwise, people will be dissatisfied.

What Zi Wuji really meant was that he was also nervous!

Even the most supreme figure in this world, for his daughter, his heart is not at peace, he is already flustered.

If the Tianxuan poison body can be faced, how can Zi Wuji cause Zi Xiao pain for so many years?Even when his daughter was still young, he had no choice but to let her wander the world alone. As a parent, how painful his heart was.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Rao Zi Wuji, after feeling the firmness in Ye Chen's heart, he couldn't help trembling slightly, it was the excitement and tension of being a father.

(End of this chapter)

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