Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 731 Start

Chapter 731 Start

At noon the next day!

In the depths of Yunshan Mountain, in the sky and the earth, there is still the dense aura of heaven and earth like water flowing around. However, they seem to be separated, not covering this void, but, quietly, scattered there. On both sides of the huge land boundary.

This is a cliff place, on the edge of the cliff, on the boulder, Zi Xiao is already sitting cross-legged!

In the distance, Zi Wuji and his wife, Lin Yifan, Luo Xin, Mei Aoxue, Zi Gan and others stood together, maybe there were only these few people, but as long as Zi Wuji and his wife were there, even the sky would not collapse down.

When Ye Chen appeared and rushed towards the boulder, the world seemed to be dimmed for a moment.

Of course, it's not that the world has changed because of this, but that there are a lot of eyes, and they are projected quickly from a distant place. These dozens of eyes are other sacred masters in the Purple Holy Land.

After the conversation with Zi Wuji last night, Ye Chen's heart also relaxed a lot. In the Ziji Holy Land, although there are people who have different intentions, they are only a minority after all. Moreover, Zi Dao is the only one among the masters of the Holy Land.

The rest of the saint realm masters have enough concern for Zi Xiao, and today, Ye Chen will suppress and even dissolve the Tianxuan poison body for Zi Xiao. This is a major event for the entire Ziji Holy Land. The old monster, even if he didn't come over in person, was still paying attention.

Today, the huge Purple Holy Land only pays attention to this matter!
"Xiaoxiao, are you ready?"

Coming to Zi Xiao, Ye Chen said in a low voice.

Zi Xiao nodded slightly, and smiled softly: "Brother Ye, don't be nervous, don't put too much pressure on yourself, it doesn't matter even if you fail."

After five years of persistence, Zi Xiao is not insisting on her own future, but just thinking, if she still dies, then she must meet Ye Chen before she dies.

This wish has been fulfilled, she no longer has any regrets!

"How can I tolerate failure."

Ye Chen chuckled, turned around, looked at Zi Wuji and his wife, and said, "Uncle, Aunt Xin, I'm about to start."

Zi Wuji waved his hand, and said in a deep voice: "You can do it at ease, follow your own mind, do whatever you want, and no one will disturb you."

Ye Chen turned around again, sat down cross-legged opposite Zi Xiao, handed out the Po'er Pill, and after letting her take it, he said, "Xiao Xiao, what will happen in this process, none of us can predict, I can only see it by chance." So, no matter what decision I make during this process, you must cooperate unconditionally."

"Don't refuse!"

Marven Ye said solemnly: "At that time, we are all involuntary. If you refuse, you may implicate me and let me enter that extreme crisis, understand?"

This sentence is a bit exaggerated, but Ye Chen understands that if he doesn't say it like this, Zi Xiao will never agree.

Zi Xiao had no choice but to nod her head and agreed.

"Then, let's get started!"

Ye Chen took Zi Xiao's hands, and with a movement of his mind, his own spiritual power, wrapped in the power of yin and yang, melted into Zi Xiao's hands like lightning.


The entry of spiritual power naturally brings Ye Chen's spiritual power, so at this moment, he can clearly perceive the state of Zi Xiao's body.

That delicate body, everywhere, anywhere, is filled with a stream of purple light, that stream of air is very quiet now, quietly dormant in Zi Xiao's body, but it is exuding Unleash an extremely terrifying force of devouring.

Under such engulfment, Zi Xiao's vitality is being slowly absorbed.

Over the years, if it weren't for the yin and yang energy contained in the pills given by Ye Chen, as well as Zi Xiao's own cultivation base, coupled with the suppression of Zi Wuji and his wife, these purple air currents would have killed Zi Xiao's vitality. It was devoured.

And these purple air currents are the evil spirit poison!
Even though the outbreak of the Heavenly Fiend Poison was suppressed by these various means, one can still feel that they are moving slowly, all of them are moving, and the direction they are going in is also very clear, that is where the heart is. .

Once her heart is occupied, then, even if Zi Xiao's own cultivation has surpassed the sanctuary realm and surpassed the heavens and the earth, she will die due to the outbreak of the evil spirit poison.

Now, with the medicinal power and distribution of several PoEr pills, among the pills, the extremely pure yin and yang energy passed through Zi Xiao's body at the fastest speed, and the magical power made those evil spirits poison like It was like encountering a nemesis, and retreated rapidly.

It really has an effect!

However, the so-called effect is only to force back the poison of the heavenly evil, but not to really suppress them, so that Zi Xiao can refine the poison of the heavenly evil.

If this cannot be achieved, any suppression and deterrence will only be temporary.

The so-called dissolving the Tianxuan poison body does not mean that the Tianxuan poison body disappears from Zi Xiao's body permanently, which is a bit unrealistic. The Tianxuan poison body is not a disease, let alone an external factor.

This is what Zi Xiao was born with, which is quite similar to Zi Xiao's human origin. Therefore, the only way to resolve it is to let Zi Xiao control the Tianxuan poison body, refine it, and truly transform it into From its own origin, the Tiansha poison is controlled by Zi Xiao at will, and its power is still there, but it no longer causes any harm to Zi Xiao.

This is the most thorough and best solution.

"Xiaoxiao, I want to enter your consciousness space to take a look." Ye Chen's voice sounded directly in Zixiao's mind.

Entering the consciousness space is mainly to observe Zi Xiao's soul.

The innate Tianxuan poison body, first of all, Ye Chen has to confirm whether Zi Xiao's soul is the root cause, if so, then start from Zi Xiao's soul, otherwise, even if it suppresses her body The Heavenly Evil Poison is still treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

"Brother Ye!"

Zi Xiao's voice was a little nervous. Now her body is full of evil spirits. Even though she was forced to retreat now, Ye Chen's power of spirit, or in other words, the entry of his spirit itself, is extremely powerful. Great danger, a little carelessness, for Ye Chen, this is also a catastrophe.

"don’t worry!"

Ye Chen hurriedly said: "Although my soul has not transformed into a yin and yang soul, it is only the last step. With the protection of yin and yang, everything will be fine."

"Then you, you have to be more careful!"

Zi Xiao already knew that it was impossible for her to stop Ye Chen from doing anything, and now she could only keep the last sliver of clarity, and do the most correct thing at the most critical time.

A ray of spiritual power, wrapped in yin and yang, and under the leadership of Zi Xiao himself, flashed past at an extremely fast speed, but appeared in Zi Xiao's consciousness space in an instant.

In this empty, but almost boundless space, Zi Xiao's soul, just like herself, sat cross-legged, her eyes flashed lightly, and she was extremely agile.

However, from top to bottom, a dazzling purple light shrouded down, and the lavender air flow, like flowing water, surrounded the whole body of the soul, without end, and existed forever!

Sure enough, Zixiao's soul is the root of it.

It's no wonder, with the strength of Zi Wuji and his wife, they can't help Zi Xiao dissolve the Tianxuan poison body!
Spirituality is the most important thing, but any injury may affect a lifetime, especially for warriors, spirituality also means martial arts talent and achievement.

If the soul is broken, if it cannot be repaired, then the achievements in this life may stop at the present.

Although surrounded by the poison of the heavenly evil, Zi Xiao's soul is full of vitality and incomparably rich. In the flood of vitality, the poison of the heavenly evil exists in the whole body, or in other words, it is directly from the soul of the soul. However, the exudation still kept Zi Xiao alive.

"That is?"

Ye Chen's eyes trembled suddenly, and he could clearly see that there was a little dark golden light flickering quietly in Zi Xiao's soul, and the vitality emanated from these lights.

"This is Immortal Fire!" Zi Xiao said.

"The undying fire of the undead phoenix, no wonder!"

In Ye Chen's Nether Demonic Flame, there is a trace of immortal fire blended in, so he can detect the immortal fire in Zixiao's soul very accurately.

The undead phoenix, in the world, is a super divine beast that is known as a true dragon, and the most terrifying thing is this undead fire!
The so-called rebirth from the ashes refers to the undying fire. No wonder it is still full of vitality under the suppression of the Tiansha poison. However, after all, it is the Tiansha poison. soul depths.

If it wasn't for Ye Chen's body to have a trace of immortal fire, I'm afraid, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

"Xiaoxiao, do you know that you once asked Aoxue to keep me the blood essence of the immortal phoenix, which has already been refined by me. So now, I think, I can find a way for you to completely control Tianxuan Poison."

"What method?" Zi Xiao said quickly, although she no longer cares about her own life and death, she may be alive, but that is the greatest happiness. From now on, she will be able to accompany her parents without any worries, what's more, she can also be with Ye Chen. around.

"Remember the Nether Demon Falcon?"

Ye Chen's mind moved, at this moment, without any reservations, the soul swept out of his body, entered Zi Xiao's body at an extremely fast speed, and then appeared in Zi Xiao's consciousness space, and immediately, the ghost flames swept away.

Today, there are Zi Wuji and his wife here, and dozens of experts in the sanctuary are locked here, so Ye Chen doesn't have to worry about any troubles after the soul leaves the body.

And when they noticed Ye Chen doing this, Zi Wuji and his wife, as well as all the masters in the sanctuary realm, were all trembling.

For them, it is not a troublesome thing for the soul to leave the body, and there will be no accidents, but for Ye Chen, this is an adventure, especially if the soul enters Zi Xiao's body, it is even more risky.

"Father, mother, don't worry, Ye Chen will do this only if he is sure." Mei Aoxue said softly.

No one knew that Ye Chen had Yin and Yang qi in his body, so even Mei Aoxue herself was extremely worried.

(End of this chapter)

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