Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 740 Ancient Dragon Stream

Chapter 740 Ancient Dragon Stream
"Okay, okay, don't think too much, as long as you come back alive! Come, come, drink!"

Not far away, Ye Chen frowned slightly. Just as he heard the interest, everyone stopped talking and stopped at the so-called restricted area.

It can make Xuanwu sixth-level masters almost unable to come back alive in front of the so-called restricted area. Obviously, this restricted area is a bit worth seeing, of course, it is only a bit worth seeing.

With Ye Chen's current cultivation level, since Mu Qing has already crossed the restricted area, he will have no problem if he wants to. Ye Chen is more confident that Mu Qing can come back alive.

However, the four characters of ancient dragon stream. . . .Perhaps, this is just the name of a place, representing a huge area, but here, as long as there is a dragon character, it may be related to the dragon clan.

Other people don't know that there are dragons who have lived in this void at the junction of the fantasy world and the fantasy world, but Ye Chen knows, so there may be some weirdness in the ancient dragon stream.

Either way, check it out!
Ye Chen drank the wine quietly, and when he saw Mu Qing and others leaving, he got up and followed Mu Qing far away.

"This friend, you have been with me for so long, what's the matter?"

In the secluded place, Mu Qing turned around, looked at the darkness behind, and asked in a cold voice.

"I want to ask Brother Mu about some things. There is no malice. Please don't misunderstand Brother Mu." Ye Chen walked out of the darkness and said with a light smile.

"I don't seem to know you."

Mu Qing frowned, and in an instant, great alertness appeared in his eyes. Although he was aware that the young man was following him, it seemed understandable that the latter's cultivation level was lower than his.

However, when Ye Chen appeared, Mu Qing suddenly felt a heavy mountain of pressure swirling in his heart. Mu Qing was extremely unwilling to believe that such pressure came from this young man who didn't look very old. It's true, but it doesn't allow him to doubt it.

"Oh, my name is Ye Chen!"

Ye Chen laughed, and said straight to the point: "Brother Mu has been to the ancient dragon stream and passed through the so-called forbidden area. I want to know where the ancient dragon stream is, and what is the restricted area?"

Obviously, the people in Luofang City all know the ancient dragon stream and the restricted area, but no one should have crossed the restricted area, otherwise, people would not be so surprised.

"Aren't you from our place?"

Mu Qing asked again with a frown. Unknowingly, the caution and vigilance in his eyes weakened a lot. He thought that this was another person with evil intentions.

"That's why I came to ask Brother Mu for advice!" Ye Chen laughed.

After pondering for a moment, Mu Qing said: "The ancient dragon stream is located at the junction of the fantasy world and the fantasy world. It is rumored that this is an ancient relic. It has been passed down to this day for about ten thousand years."

Regarding the matter of the ancient Longjian, not to mention Luofang City, people in many areas near the border of the two major areas know about it, so Mu Qing did not hide anything. Since this young man gave him a sense of danger, He will not deliberately hide something, so as not to cause a murderous disaster.

"The huge area where the ancient dragon gorge is located seems to have experienced an extremely tragic war. Although thousands of years have passed, it is still filled with endless chaos, which led to the death of the creatures living in the ancient dragon gorge. , there are some variations."

"Mutation, fierce battle?"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and quickly asked: "Brother Mu, you should have been to the ancient Longjian many times, so what kind of war do you think the so-called tragic war was, and what happened to the mutation? "

If the ancient dragon gorge was related to the dragon clan, the so-called tragic, Ye Chen could not imagine that in this world, apart from the three holy places of human beings and the demon world, there is any other force that can start a war of this magnitude with the dragon clan.

If it was the three holy places of human beings, or the battle between the demon world and the dragon clan, Zi Xiao would definitely know and tell herself.

But Zi Xiao didn't say anything, which means that Ziji Holy Land may not have known about the great war ten thousand years ago, or maybe it didn't care. . . .The height is different, and the way of looking at the problem is also different.

The tragedy Mu Qing mentioned may be commonplace in Ziji Holy Land!
But if such a tragic level, even the Purple Holy Land is concealed, then, in this world, the only ones who can do this are the evil race!

Although the Dragon Clan is one of the five most powerful forces in the world, the Evil Clan has also lost its roots and was forcibly suppressed in this world. However, the power of the Evil Clan is still powerful and boundless. All hurt.

This calculation was not made by Ye Chen. After witnessing the destruction of Tiangong, Ye Chen never questioned the terrifying power of the evil race in this world.

A Heavenly Palace may not be able to compare with the five major forces, but the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, after all, is a master in the sanctuary realm. According to Ye Chen's speculation, the strength of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, even if not comparable to Zi Wuji and his wife, is still much stronger than Zidao .

In addition to the Sky Yantian Pagoda, in the end, it still fell. . . .
This is enough to prove that the power of the evil race in this world is extremely strong!

If the power of the evil race is not enough, how can they not continue to endure and choose to attack Tiangong instead? Are they seeking death?

Of course, Mu Qing didn't know what Ye Chen was thinking. After hearing his question, Mu Qing said: "With my cultivation base, I naturally don't understand what happened in that battle, but those I can be more clear about the mutation of living beings."

Speaking of this, Mu Qing said solemnly: "The ancient dragon stream is filled with a very special energy. Because of the existence of this energy, the creatures living in it will be affected by the energy over time. Then, without realizing it, it will become stronger."

"That kind of strength seems to be different from the strength obtained from self-cultivation, and it is more like the strength obtained out of thin air."

"Get it out of thin air?"

Ye Chen couldn't help but become more skeptical. The Dragon Clan fought a battle with the Evil Clan ten thousand years ago. Only when the evil energy of the Evil Clan enters the body can people become stronger out of thin air.

However, there seems to be something wrong. If it is an evil spirit that has existed for thousands of years, it should not just exist in the ancient dragon stream, it has spread out long ago. Perhaps now, the two large regions of the Illusory Netherworld and the Illusionless World are both covered by evil spirits. If occupied.

And if the Dragon Clan fought against the Evil Clan, even if they were severely injured back then, they should be very aware of the horror of the Evil Clan, and they would definitely not suppress this news, and let the ancient dragon stream go. It has existed for thousands of years.

But Ye Chen couldn't figure it out, if it wasn't for the evil clan, then what power in the world could fight so fiercely with the dragon clan?Could it be, among other creatures, other super mythical beasts?
I once heard the Zijin Dragon Emperor say that the Dragon Clan is being challenged more and more in this world, and this possibility is not ruled out.

Of course, these are all Ye Chen's conjectures, or that sentence, what Mu Qing thinks is tragic, in the eyes of more powerful experts, it may be just commonplace, and may not have anything to do with the Dragon Clan.

These are just speculations, you have to see everything with your own eyes before you can make a decision!
"Then Brother Mu, what's the matter with the so-called restricted area?" Ye Chen asked again.

Mu Qing said in a deep voice: "The restricted area is actually the center of the great battle back then. Even today, there is still extreme chaos. When you step into it, you can still clearly feel the brutality of the great war that year. degree."

"I broke through the restricted area, but I didn't break in at all, but stayed on the edge for less than a minute. However, it was in such a short time that the chaotic breath spreading outside invaded my body, almost killing me. My spirit was defeated, it was because I was careful enough, and I had some preparations, now I am afraid that I have become a walking dead!"

Just the aura wafting in the periphery almost killed the soul of a Xuanwu sixth-layer master. The so-called restricted area really deserves its reputation.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen asked again: "Brother Mu, in the Illusory Underworld and Illusionless World, this ancient dragon stream should be very popular, right?"


Mu Qing said: "As long as you don't touch the restricted area, other places are of course dangerous, but those mutated monsters are full of treasures. If you are lucky, one adventure can give people enough benefits. For us For these loners, it is the best cultivation zone."

"So, as far as you know, have any people or forces broken into that restricted area over the years?" Ye Chen asked after pondering for a moment.

After thinking for a while, Mu Qing shook his head and said: "Someone once speculated that even a master who has just entered the Taoist realm, perhaps, in that restricted area, it is unlikely to leave alive, so, over the years , There should be people who broke through, but I have never heard of those who survived.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Brother Mu, for telling me this, I'm sorry to disturb Brother Mu."

"Where is there! People in the surrounding places know about these situations, so it doesn't matter if they tell you or not."

Mu Qing laughed, knowing that Ye Chen was interested, so he said, "Little brother, if you also want to go to the ancient dragon stream, you should go after a while."

"what happened?"

"When I left, there were two powerful forces that entered the ancient dragon stream, and said that no one is allowed to enter in the past three months."

Mu Qing sighed, and said: "A big force is a big force. In my opinion, they want to thoroughly investigate the restricted area this time. It seems that the secret of the restricted area will be unlocked. And the three month, we can only wait."

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, big power!
Mu Qing said that it is very difficult for masters who have just entered the Dao domain to survive in the restricted area. Now, those who want to thoroughly investigate the restricted area, that is to say, among these two big forces, there must be a stronger Daoist. Domain expert.

Whether the secrets of the forbidden area will be unlocked by others has nothing to do with Ye Chen. It is really a bit overbearing to block it for three months!

(End of this chapter)

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