Chapter 741
The ancient dragon stream is located in the northwest of the huge junction between the two regions!

When Ye Chen came to the location of the ancient dragon gorge, he could clearly see that that side, a huge area of ​​about thousands of miles, was indeed filled with a tragic atmosphere.

Such a tragic, extremely cold killing atmosphere surged, appearing in the space as if the sky and the earth were self-generated.

The so-called ancient dragon stream is not one mountain or one place. If you look ahead, in the range of thousands of miles, there are towering mountains, and you can still see some towns indistinctly. . . .

This ancient dragon stream looks more like an abandoned continent!

Before stepping in, that biting murderous aura has already rushed over, making people feel heart palpitations. It seems to be able to affect a person's soul, and they can't help feeling a sense of fear.

The ancient dragon stream is located in a very large area, even if it is blocked by people, how can all the access roads be blocked?Ye Chen flew directly across the sky, and then forcibly landed in the ancient dragon stream.

With a radius of thousands of miles, the area is naturally not small!

When the two feet stepped on this land, the feeling of being different immediately surged in my heart. Apart from the cold killing atmosphere, the chaos here was also obvious.

Being in it feels like being on the battlefield, an unreal feeling that makes people feel dignified.

Looking around, even the space gives people a sense of rupture, as if the void will collapse at any time. Walking in it is indeed not at ease, and one must be careful all the time.

Every step I take, I feel like walking on a sponge. The ground is not firm at all, and the rustling sound makes people feel like I am on the desert.

However, despite all the unpleasantness here, the energy aura surging in the space makes people salivate!

Mu Qing said that it is because of these energy auras that after staying in it for a long time, these energies will bring some unique changes to oneself, which will cause people or other living beings to undergo abnormal changes, thus gaining a better life. For great strength.

Ye Chen thought it was an evil spirit, but after coming here and seeing the ancient dragon stream, he didn't notice any signs of any connection with the evil race.

The energy aura that exists in the space has nothing to do with evil spirits. It is a kind of energy that is caused by the collapse of the body after the death of countless masters, and the spiritual power in the body is scattered in the sky and the earth.

According to the normal situation, after the death of every warrior, the spiritual power in the body will be scattered in the heaven and earth, and then it will be integrated with the heaven and earth, turned into the energy of the heaven and earth, and thus return to the original source.

It's just that there should be something strange about this ancient dragon stream. Therefore, after the great battle, those masters fell, and their spiritual power was scattered in the world. Instead of being integrated by the world, it still exists here in the form of energy. For thousands of years in the void.

This made Ye Chen even more curious. After all, what kind of magic exists in this region, which can change the laws of the world, to such an extent?
It feels like this, as if the ancient dragon stream is guarded by an extremely huge and invisible barrier, so that the energy inside will not be refined and absorbed by the real world.

However, it is just like this, it is precisely the gathering and persistence of these energies that people can clearly feel the tragic battle that took place here.

What Mu Qing said was right, it was indeed tragic enough!

Even the void presents an intuitive sense of collapse, surging with a condensed and undissipated killing atmosphere, it is possible to speculate what kind of horror the war that once took place here must have been.

Ye Chen became more and more curious. Who was it that caused such a big battle to happen here?

If one party is the Dragon Clan, then who is the other party?Looking at the whole world, it seems that there are only a few names who are qualified to be enemies with the Dragon Clan. However, it seems that it is very abnormal to be able to hide the truth from Ziji Holy Land. .

Ye Chen carefully perceived all the surroundings, trying to find some clues from them, but as time passed, after about half an hour passed, he also understood that the mutation Mu Qing said was what a situation.

The energy floating in the space is very pure, huge, and more intense. If you practice in it, it will undoubtedly make people get twice the result with half the effort, but if it takes a long time. . . .

These energies will quietly infiltrate into any part of the body in a strange and incomprehensible way, and then, entrenched for a long time, will eventually slowly change a person's mind, and even affect the soul.

As time goes by, people become crazy, thus ignoring normal cultivation, and taking the energy here as a cultivation method, in the shortest time, they can obtain power that cannot be obtained in normal cultivation.

However, the consequence is that once you get used to this place, you will never be able to leave, and you will be trapped in the ancient dragon stream for the rest of your life, because you cannot adapt to the outside world at all.

This time limit is about three months, which is the main reason why the two big forces blocked the ancient dragon stream for three months, because if it exceeds three months, they will be inseparable from the special environment here.

If Ye Chen wasn't Yin Yang Soul, he wouldn't have noticed this in such a short time!
And after knowing this, Ye Chen suddenly had a smile on his face that no one else would have. Anyone else can only practice here for three months, and then they will leave quickly. Then he devoted himself to practice and refined the special energy in his body again. After confirming that there was no slight change, he could integrate into the spiritual sea and turn it into his own spiritual power.

However, Ye Chen doesn't need it, and he doesn't need any so-called deadlines and limits in the ancient Longjian. He can practice here as he pleases, and even if he lives forever, he won't be affected in any way, let alone any abnormalities. changed.

Because, he has a yin and yang soul!

Under the yin and yang soul, nothing does not appear, and nothing does not blend!

Not to mention these energies, even the power of the evil race from outside the world, the yin and yang soul, can still be absorbed!

No matter how many heavens and earths exist in this vast universe, the origin of the heavens and earths are both yin and yang, which are common!

To take the simplest example, there is no comparison between a mansion and a bungalow. However, as long as a house is built, it must have a solid foundation. This is the same.

The two qi of yin and yang are the foundation!The world is different, the planes are different, but the foundation is the same!

"I should be able to investigate here with my heart, without worrying that I will become a monster that can never leave!"

Ye Chen chuckled lightly, the power of spirit increased again, and then swept out quickly.

The huge ancient dragon stream, with mountains, waters, and cities, proves that this huge area was once an extremely lively place, but today, everything has turned into something illusory, towering Although the mountains in the mountains are full of greenery, what they reveal is not vitality, but a special aura like death.

Tens of thousands of years are enough to change the sea, and it also makes this vast land seem to be isolated from the real world.

Cracks of different sizes can be seen everywhere, some as deep as thousands of feet, or even tens of thousands of feet. . . .

At this moment, Ye Chen was standing in one place, in front of the abyss, and from that abyss, an extremely strong killing aura kept emerging from it, arousing the void and making it even more chaotic.

Although Ye Chen has Yin and Yang Soul, and his perceptual ability is comparable to that of a great master of Dao Zunjing, it's just that after too long time, he can't tell which race these auras that radiate in the world belong to.

With his ability to possess the blood of the Dragon Clan, he also cannot detect the breath of the Dragon Clan here. This seems to mean that the previous wars on this land have nothing to do with the Dragon Clan.

But this is not absolute. After all, too much time has passed, and countless spiritual powers have condensed and lingered, turning the ancient dragon stream into a dangerous place. The aura of the dragon family may be covered up because of this.

Although there is a lot of time for Ye Chen to search here slowly, but Ye Chen obviously does not have enough patience.

"It seems that we have to go directly to the so-called restricted area to have a look." Ye Chen pondered for a moment, then quickly made a decision, and then swept towards a certain direction at an extremely fast speed.

Mu Qing pointed out the location of the restricted area, and Ye Chen was not worried about getting lost because of it.

No trouble was encountered along the way. After all, although two major forces have blocked the ancient dragon stream, this area is so huge that it is not possible for them to block any part of it.

The so-called blockade is probably just a deterrent to the outside world.

In addition, perhaps it was not long after entering the ancient dragon stream, and Ye Chen had never encountered the creatures living here. Generally speaking, it is still a little calm now.

It's just that as we gradually deepened, the land we saw became more and more messy, the space became more and more unstable, and when the energy surging in the world became more and more intense, Ye Chen couldn't help but frown. wrinkled.

He doesn't know whether this land and this space will continue to exist after ten thousand years have passed. However, from what he has seen, the ancient dragon stream does not seem to exist for a long time.

The instability of the space means that it is about to collapse. Once the space really collapses, then the so-called ancient dragon stream, everything on this land will be reduced to nothing in an instant. go.

Perhaps this is just a guess, and it is impossible to happen, but this feeling, as Ye Chen continues to deepen, becomes more and more intense, he always feels that what he thinks should happen at a certain moment.

When it will happen is beyond Ye Chen's guess.

Under normal circumstances, Ye Chen would never go deeper, but turned his head and left. Although he was not afraid of danger, he didn't need to bear these dangers. However, in order to find the dragon clan. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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