Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 748 Dao Fang

Chapter 748 Dao Fang
Three days!

It took three whole days for Ye Chen to wake up from the state where he seemed to have lost his soul!


A puff of turbid air came out heavily from his mouth, although in the state of losing clarity and sanity, Ye Chen didn't know exactly what terrible experience happened during this process, but , It took three full days to wake up, how could the degree of danger be less than a guess?
Even the Yin-Yang soul needs such a long time to be able to face it normally. It is no wonder that this restricted area is so terrifying that countless people daunt it.

Of course, this is also related to Ye Chen's cultivation base. If he has reached the Dao Domain and cooperates with his own soul, it will be almost effortless to enter this restricted area.

Right now, the chaos in the sky no longer hinders Ye Chen. When the sight is swept away, the spiritual perception is also swept out very quickly. This is the secret in the ancient dragon stream. . . .

However, to Ye Chen's surprise, when the perception of the soul just surged out, the chaotic atmosphere in the void swept over once again like overwhelming heaven and earth.

Although it never caused any great danger to himself or the soul again, the perception of the soul could not spread out in the area tens of meters away, as if it was imprisoned, or there seemed to be an invisible force. A barrier that blocks the spread of perception.

"It's a bit strange!"

Ye Chen couldn't help murmuring softly, and his spiritual perception swept out again with all his strength. After reaching a distance of tens of meters, no matter how much he urged, he could no longer move forward half a meter.

The space here actually restrains the perception of spirit!

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows lightly. In this case, if he wanted to find out the secrets of the ancient dragon stream, it would be even more difficult than reaching the sky.

Looking at this endless land that was almost abandoned by Fang, Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled wryly. If he wanted to continue to investigate, he could only divide the areas like a foolish old man moving a mountain, and then inquire one by one.

Ye Chen didn't even have an accurate judgment on how long it would take!

"It doesn't matter, since they are all here, there is no reason to give up."

With a low murmur, Ye Chen moved forward very quickly, and after tens of meters, he stopped and immediately searched the area. . . .The chaotic atmosphere in the forbidden zone was only aimed at Shenpo, but now Shenpo is no longer affected, walking in it is like entering a land without people.

However, the restraint on the soul's perception makes people feel a great depression in it.

Maybe it's because of getting used to it. With the perception of the soul, you can control everything within a radius of several thousand meters, or even ten thousand meters. Right now, you have to move forward slowly like an ordinary person, which makes people very uncomfortable.

But Ye Chen knew that it was not that simple!
When the soul's perception is restrained and slowly walking in the restricted area, there are too many dangers. It is hidden in the depths of this land, and it may bring Ye Chen a fatal crisis at any time.

This is not guessing out of thin air. If it is said that there is only this chaotic aura in this restricted area, people obviously don't believe it, although this aura is enough to make people frightened.

In Ye Chen's step-by-step search, unknowingly, a day has passed, and he doesn't know how much area the area he passed through after a day occupies in the entire area. Anyway, the front is still endless, without end, and Nothing odd appeared.

As the central area of ​​the previous great war, apart from the chaotic atmosphere spreading in the space, it seems that there is no other existence.

These are all a bit surprising, but Ye Chen would rather believe that he has not really stepped into the central range yet.

"It seems that you can't dawdle like this!"

Looking ahead, Ye Chen's eyes showed a hint of contemplation. Since he didn't know where the source of the tragic war was, it would take too long to inquire step by step. Is it really necessary to search all of this huge restricted area? over and over again?
This is obviously somewhat unlikely. Even if he has the time, he is willing to do this. I am afraid that it is impossible to do it. You must know that he is not the only one in this restricted area.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen didn't hesitate any longer, and with a movement of his body, he rushed out like lightning at an extremely fast speed.


The sharp piercing sound sounded in the void, but after a few seconds, the sound stopped abruptly. The sound that sounded like an emergency brake sounded extremely ear-piercing. At the same time, Ye Chen's eyes and pupils also Shrink tightly.

Just ahead, more than ten meters away, a figure appeared out of thin air!
Being able to appear in such a situation while turning a blind eye to the restricted area, Ye Chen can't imagine who else can do it except Dao Domain Realm masters. You must know that he has a Yin-Yang Soul to do this. Others, Even if Lin Yifan is here, it is impossible to do it.

But looking at Ye Chen, there was no surprise in the eyes of that figure, as if he knew Ye Chen was here a long time ago.

"who are you?"

When Ye Chen asked this person, the spiritual power in his body was surging like a tide. The four great treasures, the immortal magic flame, and even the Ziji Suppressing Heaven Art, etc., all his methods were At this time, the preparations are extremely proper, and it will explode at any time.

There are other people in the restricted zone, and those people, without exception, are all masters of the Dao Domain Realm, and all of them are masters of Wuwangzong and Huayinzong.

They have already entered the restricted area, so it is unlikely that Ye Chen is the one who killed many masters of the Huayin Sect. , and it is unlikely to let him go.

"Hehe, before asking others, should you introduce yourself first?"

That figure, step out in one step!
This step seems to have crossed two worlds, like stepping into the world where Ye Chen is from another world, making his whole person very clear in his eyes.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing very ordinary clothes, and his external appearance is also very ordinary. He does not exude the slightest martial arts aura. Have the slightest concern.

However, here, no one is an ordinary person.

"I'm Ye Chen!"

After a short pause, Ye Chen said.

Even if the other party is a master of Hua Yin Sect or Wu Wang Sect, Ye Chen doesn't need to hide his name. If he is really a master of Wu Wang Sect, he would prefer to say his name.

This is of course hope, through this person, let Mo Ting know his existence!
Although there are many people with the same name and surname in the world, as long as Mo Ting finds out, he will definitely come to investigate. Maybe it can make Mo Ting stop paying attention to Ming Ruoshan.

"Marven Ye?"

The expression of the middle-aged man seemed to change slightly, and soon afterward, a strange brilliance flashed out of his pupils. Of course, Ye Chen couldn't notice these.

"My name is Daofang, but I didn't expect that you and I would meet for the first time in such an environment!" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

Ye Chen frowned slightly. This name, of course, was very unfamiliar to him, but his words sounded very interesting.

What does it mean not expecting, what does it mean to meet for the first time under such circumstances?
"Are you from the Huayin Sect, or from the Wuwang Sect?" No matter how interesting what Fang said, the vigilance in Ye Chen's heart did not weaken in the slightest.

"Huayin Sect, Wuwang Sect?"

Daofang laughed, and said flatly: "I don't know those guys, and I don't know them either."

"do not know?"

No matter whether Ye Chenxiang believed this sentence or not, when facing Dao Fang, he was extremely cautious in his heart.

"You are here, waiting for me?" Ye Chen asked.

Daofang shook his head, smiled lightly and said, "I said it before, and I never thought that it would be the first time you and I would meet under such circumstances, so how could it be possible to wait for you on purpose."

"In that case, I'll take my leave."

Although this recipe was very mysterious, Ye Chen didn't want to understand his meaning at all. Even if the two sides were not enemies, for some reason, the recipe always gave him an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

That feeling has nothing to do with hostility, and the two sides should not become enemies. That feeling does not come from the soul, but seems to be a natural reaction of the body, which makes Ye Chen not want to contact the Taoist party, at least for now. , he wants to avoid the latter.

Daofang laughed immediately and said, "Since we've met each other, there's no need to leave immediately, we can chat casually."

"We don't know each other well, so we don't have anything to talk about. Besides, I have something urgent to do." Ye Chen said.

"With your cultivation at the second level of Tianwu, it is not easy to come here. It seems that you have some trump cards that even I can't detect, which is very remarkable."

Dao Fang glanced at Ye Chen, and then said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, you should want to know what kind of area the ancient dragon stream is, and what kind of secrets are hidden in it, right? ?”

"Anyone who comes here wants to know this, otherwise, there is no need to enter the restricted area, which is not difficult to guess."

Ye Chen's voice became a little indifferent. The middle-aged man in front of him became more and more mysterious in his eyes, which made him even less willing to have deeper contact with Dao Fang. At the same time, the uncomfortable feeling became more and more intense. , I couldn't suppress it, and it was about to explode at any time.


Dao Fang's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he looked at Ye Chen, there was a strange light flickering deep in his pupils, as if he could see through Ye Chen's current state.

"Since you have some resistance to me, then I might as well just say it straight. If you want to know all the secrets in the ancient dragon stream, you don't need to go to other places to find out, just ask me, because I know everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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