Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 749 The Great War Ten Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 749 The Great War Ten Thousand Years Ago

"You know? Really?"

Ye Chen couldn't help being taken aback, but immediately, thinking of Dao Fang's unfathomable strength, perhaps, he had already found out everything here, so knowing it was a matter of course.

However, it is not easy to be able to check clearly. After all, the war happened ten thousand years ago, and there are too many dangers hidden in this restricted area. It's been too long to walk freely here.

In addition, the energy surging in the chaotic atmosphere in the restricted area is more terrifying than the energy outside the restricted area. Perhaps even the masters of the Taoist realm cannot live in it for three months.

Therefore, it is surprising that this recipe has found out everything.

"I do know everything! So, if you want to know, I can tell you." Dao Fang said with a smile.

"Of course I want to know!"

Ye Chen blurted out, even though he had a great fear of this recipe in his heart, and he didn't even want to get in touch with it for a second, but now, he wanted to know about it.

The purpose of coming to the ancient dragon gorge is to find out these things, so as to find out the location of the dragon clan. For this purpose, the slight discomfort cannot be suppressed.


Daofang laughed, and unknowingly, there was a sense of melancholy and nostalgia in his expression. After a long time, he said: "Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, Thousands of years have passed."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, Dao Fang seemed to be missing the past, with the strength of the latter, the past would of course be very exciting, and it would last for a long time, however, it felt like what he missed seemed to be ten thousand years ago .

"In the eyes of many people, there are too many secrets hidden in the ancient dragon stream, but in fact, there are no secrets at all here."

Daofang said indifferently: "A once tragic battle turned this area of ​​thousands of miles into a land of jeopardy, and the spiritual power condensed and lingered, and thus slowly, some changes took place in this ancient dragon stream, that's all. That's all."

Ye Chen heard the words and said: "Everything is very simple here with you. However, in the eyes of countless people outside, the ancient Longjian has become a treasure land, and this so-called restricted area has made countless people yearn for it." .Since you know what happened, what kind of war was it that year?"

"What kind of battle?"

Dao Fang's voice was a bit deep: "In the beginning, it was just a battle of spirits, but as the war continued, it became tragic. In the end, no one could control it. The so-called tragic has also evolved into something out of control."

"Out of control? You mean, the environment here?" Ye Chen asked.

Dao Fang nodded, and said: "You have come here all the way, and you must have discovered that although this space is a treasure land, there are many treasures of heaven and earth in it, and the living creatures have also undergone changes. After hunting, you can From it, the energy that other monsters do not have, however, this itself should not exist."

Ye Chen is silent, it is indeed the case, people who live here, whether they are humans or monsters, will not be able to leave after a long time, and as a result, they will be trapped in this area for thousands of miles, compared to the outside world. The boundless, ancient dragon stream is like a huge cage, and it is a cage that can never be broken.

"What happened back then?" Ye Chen was too curious.

"As I said, it was just a battle of wills at first."

Dao Fang sighed: "It's just for some vain names in the world, and they are a little dissatisfied with each other, so..."

"Is one of the parties in the battle the super beast, the undead phoenix?"

Ye Chen thought of Binglan Chaofenghua, and what the bird-like monster said to him. If an immortal phoenix really fell here, then, the so-called battle of spirits, the so-called false name , its opponent must be a member of the Dragon Clan.

dragon and phoenix. . . .Among the alien creatures, the dragon is the overlord. However, the phoenix is ​​also the most powerful existence. It is because the number of the undead phoenix clan is too small that the supremacy of the dragon clan has been fulfilled.

"It seems that you already know something, and you guessed it."

Dao Fang said: "It is indeed as you imagined. Back then, a top master of the Immortal Phoenix Clan came here and started a world-shattering battle with a master of the Dragon Clan..."

"it is as expected!"

Before Dao Fang could finish speaking, Ye Chen immediately asked: "Dragon Clan, do you really live in the nothingness of this sky, or have you ever lived here?"

After glancing at him, Dao Fang asked curiously: "Listen to your question, did you enter this so-called ancient dragon stream to find the location of the dragon clan?"

"Not bad!"

Ye Chen didn't hide anything, and he had nothing to hide. He said, "I got some clues that I could find information about the location of the Dragon Clan at the junction of the Underworld and the Unreal World, so I came here."

Speaking of this, Ye Chen changed the subject, and said again: "The battle between the dragon and the phoenix is ​​earth-shattering, but why is this news not known to the outside world? And after I entered the ancient dragon stream, I didn't feel the remnants of the dragon clan and the undead phoenix clan." breath?"

Even though ten thousand years have passed, Ye Chen still doesn't believe that these two giant super beasts have disappeared without a trace, not even a trace of breath left.

Even if there is a little breath, Ye Chen can feel it. He has the blood of the dragon clan, and the immortal flame is the fusion of the immortal flame and the ghost flame. He almost possesses the essence of the dragon and the phoenix.

Even he can't feel it, which means that the previous great war has been completely annihilated, but this seems to be somewhat impossible!
After being silent for a long time, Dao Fang said: "This is because a person appeared, who not only blocked everything around him, but in the end, wiped out all the breath of the previous battle, and only left Such a scene."


Ye Chen was very shocked. When the masters of the dragon and phoenix clan fought against each other, it would definitely be a battle between the masters of the sacred realm. Moreover, among the masters of the sacred realm, they must also belong to the top. Otherwise, they would fight for the so-called false name. There is no such qualification.

Even though the cultivation of these two great super divine beasts has not reached the level of Zi Wuji and his wife, it is still difficult for them to do so. They sealed off the surrounding area and wiped out all the breath after the war.

"I don't believe it either, but it's true!"

Dao Fang looked at Ye Chen and said, "So, even if you search through the entire restricted area, it is impossible to find any traces of the previous war."

After a moment of silence, Ye Chen immediately asked: "Since such a peerless master appeared, why did you leave such a cage-like space?"

"With his strength, it shouldn't be impossible to eliminate these chaos, right?"

There was bitterness in Dao Fang's expression, and he said: "Actually, before the war, the surrounding area has been blocked. No matter who wins or loses, this news should not be spread. When that person appears later, The great war has come to an end, and countless creatures have fallen on this land."

"Lives are devastated... Under so many killings, too much resentment was condensed, so that person finally suppressed this land by force, but with his ability, he couldn't resolve these, so he could only , Let time and space digest these on their own, and slowly return to what they used to be."

Ye Chen said: "But now ten thousand years have passed, and it's not easy to go there. Instead, it has formed a cage. Compared with the past, it seems to be more terrifying, right?"

Daofang smiled bitterly, and said: "That's true, but this space can no longer support it, it will explode, and only after the explosion can it truly re-integrate with the heaven and the earth."

"But such an explosion will turn countless creatures into nothingness." Ye Chen sighed.

After entering, he realized that this space was already very unstable, and it would be a matter of time before it collapsed. Dao Fang said this only to confirm this matter.

However, countless souls will be implicated by this, even the hard-hearted generation will feel a little embarrassed.


Dao Fang also sighed, and then said: "So, the catastrophe that was caused in the past, has to be borne today. We walk the world, even if we do evil, we must have a clear conscience."

"Marven Ye!"

Dao Fang's face suddenly turned solemn, and he said solemnly: "The time given to you is not too much, you must improve your cultivation base as soon as possible, otherwise, you will not be able to face it in the end. Speaking of a cage like the ancient Longjian, the entire world will become a purgatory on earth..."

"What do you mean by that? Could it be the evil race?"

Dao Fang laughed, the figure suddenly became nothingness, and then disappeared under the sky.

"Ye Chen, the ancient dragon stream is a cage, and this restricted area is a cage within a cage. If you want to leave...hehe, there is no way out here, so you have to think of the best way. Find a way out by yourself, otherwise, you may be trapped here forever."

"Senior Daofang, hello! I still have questions to ask!"

Ye Chen also wanted to ask if he knew the location of the Dragon Clan. . . .
The voice floated far away, and Dao Fang's departure made it impossible for Ye Chen to catch his traces, as if he had never appeared before.

It's just that the words left behind shocked Ye Chen, a cage within a cage, there is no way out?Is this true, or did he scare Ye Chen?
Is it impossible to get in and out of this restricted area?
If so, will Dao Fang himself be trapped here forever?

Ye Chen's eyes tightened. Whether it's true or not, he already knows the information he wants to know. Right now, he has to try it out. After all, whether it is as Dao Fang said, he can't leave easily.

(End of this chapter)

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