Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 771 Going to the Demon World

Chapter 771 Going to the Demon World
"Brother Ye, people from the devil world, will you really come here?"

In the yard, Tian Qin'er asked a little bored, they had been here for half a month, and they seemed to be trapped. For Tian Qin'er, who just came out of the Dragon Clan and felt very new to everything, it was a good idea to stay here. Here, it's really boring.

As for the Demon Emperor Bell, Ye Chen did not hide from Tianqin'er about the next road to go. Since he brought her out, he planned to go to the Demon Realm with her. This is the best way to practice. Mind, if the Demon Emperor Bell is known by the Demon Realm, how could he hide it from Tian Qin'er.

Seeing her boredom, Ye Chen could only smile and shook his head. Considering the age of the dragon clan, Tian Qin'er could not be a little girl, however, considering the age of humans, she is a young girl.

After many years in the dragon clan, once the dragon swims in the sea and leaps to the nine heavens, it is impossible for Tian Qin'er to have a stable temperament.

"I don't know if there will be a master from the devil world looking for it."

Ye Chen really didn't know, he would rather pay a big price that day than kill Hong Xian, and use the Demon Emperor's Bell to take away the opponent's soul. Although he didn't hide the Demon Emperor's Bell, Ye Chen was not too upright, just It released a breath of the Demon Emperor Bell.

Ye Chen couldn't guarantee whether there was a master of the Demon Realm nearby, and at the same time, it was not clear that other than the Demon Realm, the rest of the people would deny the Demon Emperor Bell.

Although he didn't want to hide it, everyone knew that Ye Chen wouldn't make a fuss, he just wanted to release the news, not make it all public.


Tian Qin'er blinked her jewel-like eyes, and then said, "Then when are we going to wait?"

"Let's live for three days. If no master from the devil world comes to the door, we will leave."

The area where the Demon Realm is located is not a hidden place, and the reason why you want to live here for a while is not just to wait for someone.

After three years and several months in Hualongchi, the keel was achieved, and the inheritance of the Zijin Dragon Emperor was obtained, so that it could be cultivated without any accidents or obstacles, and reached the peak of Tianwu. The environment is higher.

However, these came too easily!

With Ye Chen's cultivation talent, even without the perfection of Zijin Dragon Emperor, in such a time, he himself can cultivate to the peak of Tianwu, because he himself has reached the third level of Tianwu.

Although the end result is the same, but the process is different, and some different changes have been derived.

The cultivation base obtained too easily is actually not stable, unlike the achievements obtained after hard work and many experiences.

Therefore, after leaving the Dragon Clan, Ye Chen would choose to come to the Wuwang Sect. He wanted to take advantage of the battle with Hong Xian to stabilize his cultivation, and in the days after the war, he was constantly tempering his own spirit. Strength, to make its own cultivation base more stable, so that it can try as soon as possible to hit the Dao realm.

It sounds like this, it seems that in Hualongchi for more than three years, except for the achievement of his own keel, the rest of the benefits are not considered good. Instead, Ye Chen needs to re-strengthen his spiritual power now, which seems a little more troublesome.

After all, Ye Chen himself can cultivate to the peak of Tianwu in such a time.

But in fact, Ye Chen understands that the inheritance of the Zijin Dragon Emperor, or in other words, his great fortune, is all in the lotus platform named Zilian Jinzuo at this moment, and Ye Chen has never used it at all.

The cultivation in Hualongchi does not use the lifelong spiritual power left by the Zijin Dragon Emperor. Of course, there is his relationship and help in this. Otherwise, Ye Chen would not be able to bear the inheritance of the former, and in the future, it will be even more difficult. Able to use the Purple Lotus Golden Seat!
During that period of cultivation, most of the time, Ye Chen was under the test of Zilian Jinzuo, and only a short period of time was devoted to his own cultivation. Without the help of Zijin Dragon Emperor, Ye Chen would not be able to achieve The peak of Tianwu.

Three days later, there was still no master from the devil world, so Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er left Wuwangzong immediately!

For the retention and enthusiasm of Liu Yuan and others, and even the deliberate rhetoric, Ye Chen just smiled calmly and didn't say much else.

Demon world, in the east of the world!
The eastern world has an extremely vast and huge area. That area is so wide that it includes several continents. Someone once said that the location of the demon world occupies almost one-sixth of the world. It is conceivable that the demon world is so large. , the prosperity of the demon world!

You must know that even the Purple Holy Land, which is comparable to the Demon Realm, only controls one continent. Although, with the strength of the Purple Holy Land, it is possible to occupy several more continents.

In that huge area, in the world composed of several continents, there is only one name, that is, Demon Realm!

Going to the Demon Realm this time, Ye Chen knew that it might take a very long time to get rid of the grievances hidden in his heart, and to completely restore the Demon Emperor Clock. At the same time, the Demon Realm, or himself, might reach its peak. one stop!
Together with Tianqin'er, after transferring through several space passages, they gradually came to the Xuanhuang Realm!
In terms of area, the Xuanhuang Territory is not very large, and it may be smaller than the Lingcang Continent where Ye Chen was born. However, this continent can be called a cloud of real masters.

It is impossible to say for sure whether there are saint realm masters, but dao realm masters are not rare here, and even masters of daoyuan realm are not rare here.

The so-called source of Tao, the source of Tao!

The three realms of Dao Domain Realm, Dao Master, Dao Venerable, and Dao Yuan!
Daoyuan realm, integrate the source into the soul, open the world with the soul, and achieve the realm of the sanctuary!
The Daoyuan Realm is the peak realm in the Dao Domain Realm. Once you enter the Daoyuan and melt the original source, that level of strength is definitely not comparable to the Dao Zunjing and Daozhujing.

Today's Ye Chen, relying on his own keel and cultivation at the peak of Tianwu, can fight against masters in the master realm of the second source, and can kill Hong Xian when he is running for his life. This kind of strength is very remarkable.

However, one day, when Ye Chen reaches the Daoist Dzogchen Realm, he will use what he has to challenge a master who has just stepped into the Daoyuan Realm. If he is not there, there is a possibility of victory!
This is because the source of Dao already has its own origin!
The power of the source is the foundation of becoming a peak master!

Although it is said that the Daoyuan realm is just a transition, for a process realm of the Sanctuary realm, compared with the masters of the Sanctuary realm, the masters of the Daoyuan realm are obviously weaker, but this is a necessary process. Anyone, Can't get over it.

In martial arts, one can rely on one's own great fortune to make breakthroughs one after another within a certain period of time. For example, Ye Chen, in Hualongchi, if he has not deliberately suppressed, in order not to damage the foundation of martial arts, he can directly start from the Heavenly Martial Realm. Step into the Taoist realm.

This kind of breakthrough can happen at any level in any realm, but it cannot be done in Daoyuan Realm. Dao Zun must go through a realm to go to Sanctuary, Daoyuan Realm, and it is impossible to jump over.

Even, in Daoyuan Realm, it is impossible to pass through a level!

In this way, we can see the importance of Daoyuanjing!
And the masters in this realm are all refining their own original power, hoping to step into the sanctuary realm as soon as possible, so, looking at the world, characters in this realm are the least common.

Most of them live in seclusion, trying to smelt their own original strength.

As for why this happened, Ye Chen couldn't explain it clearly, after all, it was impossible for him to understand what kind of process it was.

Therefore, in the Xuanhuang Domain, masters of the Dao Origin Realm will appear from time to time, which is very surprising.

The Xuanhuang Realm is the last continent to enter the Demon Realm, and it is also the last barrier between the human world and the Demon Realm. Because of this willingness, it seems understandable that there are so many masters in the Xuanhuang Realm.

You know, in the ancient times, the human race, the demon race, and the demon world jointly controlled this world, and the war between them has never stopped. As the border between the human race and the demon world, Xuanhuangyu is well-defended, and it is only natural.

Today, because of the terrible catastrophe of heaven and earth, all the living beings in the world unite to resist the evil race, and there are many less battles between the three parties as in the past.

However, many memories and ambitions left over from the past have not completely disappeared.

Everyone wants to be invincible in the world, and every force wants to dominate the world. The demon world especially has this ambition. Although the world structure has changed greatly, no one will completely trust them in the demon world.

Therefore, although the defense and vigilance of the Xuanhuang Domain is far inferior to that of the past, there are still a lot of masters here, and the top forces in the human world are all in the Xuanhuang Domain, more or less, leaving some strength.

The huge city, named Xuanhuang City, is the central city of Xuanhuang Domain. With this city as the center, it radiates the entire Xuanhuang Domain, facing the powerful demon world in the east.

At noon, Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er came from a distance and walked into the Xuanhuang Realm.

Now they have abandoned their original identities and come from far away like ordinary people. Therefore, the space passage they take cannot directly connect to Xuanhuang City.

"Brother Ye, do we need to stay in Xuanhuang City for a while?" Tian Qin'er asked.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Before entering the Demon Realm, I need to understand the current situation in the Demon Realm."

In the triangular domain of Tianyuan Continent, he met the mysterious man. He had some deals with Ye Chen. Although he didn't say much about the demon world, it also made Ye Chen understand that the current demon world does not seem to be as stable as ordinary people imagined.

Therefore, Ye Chen must understand all of this clearly. It is not a wise move to rush into the devil world to find one of the four devils named Mohe. He is very anxious, and sometimes he can't take risks.

And Ye Chen also wants to truly step into the demon world after reaching the realm of Taoism!
After all, it is one of the most powerful forces in the world. To some extent, compared with the Purple Holy Land, or even the Dragon Clan, the Demon Realm is stronger and more complicated.

To break into the devil world, one must have sufficient preparations!
(End of this chapter)

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