Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 772 Xuanhuang City

Chapter 772 Xuanhuang City

The central city of the Xuanhuang Domain, a city built to defend against the invasion of the demon world, the size and strength of the Xuanhuang City is unquestionable!
The huge city is like a small continent. When it is just approaching, it feels in the space; there is a tragic atmosphere, as if not long ago, there was a war here.

Of course, this kind of tragedy is not the trace left over from the great war, but because this city has carried the aura of the great war to the present because it has gone through so many years.

Xuanhuang City is located in an extremely special geographical location. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one way to leave. The so-called departure is also the way to come. The other three directions, as far as the eye can see, are majestic green mountains.

For masters, a mountain towering into the clouds is not an obstacle that cannot be overcome, but it is a natural barrier in itself.

The three mountains, even though thousands of years have passed, the tragic and bloody past seems to still remain until now.

In Xuanhuang City, there are indeed masters like clouds. As far as Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er saw, they were basically masters of martial arts. Although they haven't met masters of Dao domain yet, those powerful auras were also captured by Ye Chen. clearly captured.

Although Xuanhuang City is huge, it is almost comparable to the entire Great Wilderness, but in other places, there have never been so many Dao Domain Realm masters.

In a short period of time, Ye Chen has already sensed that there are eighteen auras, which belong to the aura of a master in the Dao domain.

"This place should be fun."

After entering Xuanhuang City, Tian Qin'er's mood improved a lot. After leaving the Dragon Clan, she went straight to Wuwangzong, and then continued to transfer to the space passage. On the way, she basically didn't stay in a certain place.

Now that Ye Chen decided to live temporarily in Xuanhuang City, Tian Qin'er didn't mention how happy he was.

Ye Chen smiled, of course it will be fun, but the degree of danger is not small, even though Tian Qin'er has the cultivation base of the master realm of the second source, plus her super divine animal physique, it can only cause danger to her. I am afraid that at least Daoist Dzogchen Realm cultivation is required.

But this girl has too little experience in battle, and has never experienced life and death, cultivation or strength. Sometimes, it is not the main factor that determines a battle or life and death.

Of course, Ye Chen won't tell her about these things. Everything needs to be experienced first-hand before he can understand it. Talking too much will not have any effect.

After entering Xuanhuang City, Ye Chen took Tian Qin'er and immediately found a quiet place to stay.

This time, he may have to rest here for a while, so it would not be too convenient to live in a restaurant and inn. Ye Chen paid some martial arts and rented an independent small courtyard.

After tidying up the yard, Ye Chen followed Tian Qin'er and left the residence on the spot, and entered the city, a restaurant with a lot of traffic.

Places like restaurants, where dragons and snakes are mixed, have always been the place where news circulates the fastest. Maybe some news is not so accurate, so it’s okay to listen to it, and Xuanhuang City was originally built to defend against attacks from the demon world. Here, I believe you can Get some news from the devil world.

"Hey, have you heard that not long ago, another battle broke out in the Infernal Battlefield. Both sides of the battle were young people just over [-] years old, and both of them had reached the Dao Realm. "

Ye Chen raised his brows slightly, at this age in the Taoist realm, his cultivation talent is almost like a demon!
There are very few such characters in other places. In the Northern Territory Continent and Tianyuan Continent, there are almost no such characters. Here, two people appeared in succession.

Ye Chen actually forgot about himself, Lin Yifan, Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin!
"Such big news, of course I've heard about it. One of them seems to be from the Sky Cracking Sect, known as Suxilou, which is as immovable as a mountain..."

Cracking Sky Sect, Ye Chen has heard of this sect.

The three holy places in the human world are the three most powerful forces in the human world. Apart from these three parties, there are many superpowers, and the strength may be somewhat different from the three holy places. Famous, Sky Splitting Sect is one of them.

"The other one is Jiang Shenghai, a kendo genius from Jiange!"

Jiange is another superpower in the world!
"Hey, there has been a long-standing grievance between Cracking Sky Sect and Jiange. Now, the grievance has finally extended to the younger generation. By the way, who won that battle?"

"I don't know. How can ordinary people watch the battles of masters in the Dao Domain at close range? Moreover, even if they can watch it, I'm afraid few people are willing to watch the battle."

"That's true. The one who loses will definitely lose face. If others find out, they will inevitably become angry!"

At this time, another person said: "Recently, it has been really lively. Apart from the sensation these two people caused in the Infernal Battlefield, I heard that there is another big event."

"What's the big deal?"

"The rumored Tianyahai Pavilion seems to be reappearing in the world!"

"What, Tianyahai Pavilion?"

As soon as this news spread, the atmosphere on the entire floor suddenly seemed to freeze. The pupils of everyone here were filled with fiery heat, and their breathing became much heavier because of this.

From this point of view, the so-called Tianyahai Pavilion is very extraordinary!
"Is your news correct? Tianya Haige has not appeared in the world for countless years. How could it suddenly appear?"

"Hey, I don't know why it suddenly appeared. I only know that a few days ago, when someone was practicing in the Infernal Battlefield, he accidentally got a token. Later, according to research, it was Tianya Haige's token." Card."


After saying these words, the whole floor seemed to explode, and Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er's expressions also changed. It sounds like the Ya Hai Pavilion should be very interesting.

"Tianya Haige, is it finally about to appear in this world? Haha, we are so lucky to be able to witness the birth of Tianya Haige in this life."

"Don't be too happy too early. To enter the Tianyahai Pavilion, you need the guidance of the token. Even if you can get it, it depends on whether you can keep it."

"Hey, it doesn't matter, as long as you can see the Tianyahai Pavilion, it's worth it. Besides, there are no rumors that although you need a token to enter, but you only need to enter the periphery of the Tianyahai Pavilion. It seems that there is no need for any restrictions."

"Of course it's true, but if you don't enter the core range, you won't get too much."

"That's fine. With my strength, that's enough." This man is quite self-aware!
"Hehe, when the time comes, I'm afraid you won't even have the qualifications to enter the periphery."

The person who first released the news laughed, and then said in a concentrated voice: "The story of Tianya Haige has already spread, and the masters in the hundreds of thousands of miles around are all rushing after hearing the news, don't you think , These days, there are suddenly many more people in Xuanhuang City?"

"When the Tianyahai Pavilion really appears in the world, I can guarantee that even the masters of the Tianwu realm will not be qualified to enter. We can only take a look at it from a distance. What's it like?"

"It's okay, just a glance is enough."

Tian Qin'er lowered her voice, and said, "Brother Ye, maybe that day's Ya Hai Pavilion will be a good time for you to break through to the Dao Domain. We must first find out what kind of place this Tian Ya Hai Pavilion is."

Ye Chen nodded. From the conversations of the people, he became more and more interested in Tianya Haige.

"Hey, since the news of Tianya Haige has been spread, there will be countless masters hearing the news, and by then, this seamless battlefield will become very lively. Presumably, people from the devil world should also appear ?”

"That's natural. Regarding Tianya Haige, the Demon Realm has always wanted to keep it for itself, but it's a pity that it has never been able to do so. Now that it has reappeared after many years, the Demon Realm will never give up this opportunity."

Finally mentioned the devil world, Ye Chen's expression changed slightly.

"Even if they don't give up, it doesn't matter. In my human world, there are three holy places, which are enough to suppress the demon world. They don't want to do anything more."

Hearing this, Ye Chen laughed lightly. Although the so-called three holy lands are the top forces in the human world, it doesn't mean that they must be enemies of the demon world.

If they don't care about Tianyahai Pavilion, no matter what the Devil Realm wants to do, they won't bother.

"Furthermore, as far as I know, the Demon Realm itself is not at peace, and there are fierce internal strife. This time, even if they send people to enter the Tianyahai Pavilion and want to do other things, I'm afraid it will be impossible."


Ye Chen's eyes tightened. This demon world is indeed not peaceful, and since there is an internal struggle, the Demon Emperor's Bell in his hand will become more important.

It's a pity that Ye Chen's cultivation is not enough to suppress these big forces, otherwise, the Demon Emperor's Bell is the biggest bargaining chip.

If it sounds like this, this Tianyahaige must go!

Not only is it necessary to break through one's own cultivation to the Taoist realm in the Tianyahai Pavilion, and meeting the masters of the demon world there is safer than asking outside, and at the same time, it is also safer.

"Qin'er, go back!"

I have heard the news almost, and for other details, I need to find someone to ask clearly.

"Brother Ye, why don't you ask someone to ask you better?" Tian Qin'er said.

Sure enough, it was this smart girl, Ye Chen smiled and said: "These things can't be rushed, we don't have any acquaintances here, we have to be familiar with this before acting."

Although, in Xuanhuang City, there will be forces left by the top forces, Ye Chen doesn't know if there are people from the Purple Holy Land here, and even if there are, he doesn't know how to contact them.

As for the Dragon Clan, it should be even more impossible.

Hearing this, Tian Qin'er giggled and said, "Brother Ye, do you believe me? Believe in me, leave these matters to me, and I will definitely come back with the complete news to tell you in a short time, how about it?"


Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned, and when he was about to say something, suddenly, a sense of violence surged over Xuanhuang City, and when he looked around, there was fire spreading. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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