Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 796 Waiting

Chapter 796 Waiting

In the Moon Palace, Ye Chen spread out his palm and looked at the token in his hand!
This is a token of the color of pure gold. On it, strange lines are outlined, showing a sense of fantasy, which makes people unable to capture the true meaning. But now, Ye Chen is its owner, but he can vaguely perceive it. , the outline of the lines is a word 'Heaven'!

"Heaven, does it represent Tianya Haige?"

Ye Chen didn't know how correct his guess was, but he could only guess like this.

This token is a necessary item to enter the core of Tianyahai Pavilion, so it is naturally extremely valuable, but other than that, it cannot be said that this thing has no other uses. At least, there is something hidden in the token. A stream of powerful energy that at least even masters of the Daoyuan realm cannot shake.

Although Ye Chen doesn't know how to use this energy now, thinking about it, as long as it exists here, it should be useful.

Ye Chen held the token tightly, feeling the strange feeling connected with it, he slowly closed his eyes, as if he had entered into cultivation.

The connection between him and the token came from the pressure brought by the appearance of the golden light. Because he persisted until the end and withstood all the pressure, the token chose him.

How terrible that kind of pressure is, even those who have experienced it personally, including Zhong Xian and others, can't explain it clearly, because it feels like it's not as good as that given to them by a big master, but it's just the time they persisted , not as long as Ye Chen.

In addition to the strength of the physical body, what is relied on is the persistence of the mind!

But no matter what it was, Ye Chen came to the end, that ray of light, like a golden liquid, finally entered his body, it was not as simple as the penetration of light.

That is a kind of gift, a reward given by tokens to those who persevere to the end!
Now, Ye Chen wants to completely refine this reward and make it his own!

Xuanhuang City, surrounded by mountains on three sides, has only one way in and out, and there is only one way to go to the Infinite Battlefield, because Xuanhuang City was built many years ago to defend against the attack of the demon world.

Outside Xuanhuang City, about fifty miles away, there are countless people gathered, and the direction they are facing is the direction to the Infinite Battlefield.

There are so many people here, one by one, their eyes are full of anxiety, anticipation and enthusiasm. Their eyes are fixed on the direction of the seamless battlefield, without blinking, for fear of missing the most exciting moment. place.

However, the fact is that there is nothing ahead, and there is no interesting scenery except the vast land.

But everyone was still waiting, and gradually, ten days passed.

"someone is coming!"

At a certain moment, a young figure appeared at the end of everyone's line of sight.

"Yes, it's him!"

When these words sounded, the atmosphere here suddenly reached its peak, and the fiery heat in everyone's eyes seemed to turn into flames in an instant, causing the temperature of the surrounding space to increase sharply, showing signs of turning this place into a vacuum.

When the young figure was getting closer and closer, someone in the crowd finally couldn't help it, and shot out first, forcibly intercepting the former.

"It's you who got the token of Tianya Haige?"

so many people. . . .Ye Chen raised his eyes slightly, looked past the people blocking the way, looked at the crowd, and said lightly: "Zhong Xian, anyway, you are also a disciple of the Fire Realm, and you are ranked 27th on the Xiaoyao List, why hide and hide, get out! "

"Hey, I really think I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Zhong Xian rushed over, and the old man in gray robe followed him closely. As for the other people in the fire environment, they had already turned into corpses when they were in the lonely mountain.

Looking at Zhong Xian, Ye Chen said amusedly: "The token of Tianya Haige is so important, I never thought that you would actually spread this news."

Hearing this, Zhong Xian froze, and looked at Ye Chen with resentment, if he was sure enough to grab the token, he wouldn't stop at doing such a thing.

"Since you showed up, it's okay, I didn't leave you on the lonely mountain that day, so don't even think about leaving today." Ye Chen said with a slightly chilly voice.

The faint killing intent made Zhong Xian's face turn livid, and he shouted grimly: "Don't be too arrogant, there are countless masters gathered here today, and you can't protect yourself."

"Really? Not necessarily?"

Ye Chen said with a smile: "Everyone here just wants the token. If I hand over the token, do you think there are still people who are willing to embarrass me?"


Zhong Xian's complexion couldn't help but change again and again, if Ye Chen really did this. . . .But immediately, Zhong Xian sneered and said, "Are you willing to hand over such a thing as a token?"

"Yeah, I really don't want to part with it, so no matter what today, I have to kill you first!"

After the words fell, the gray-robed old man who had been prepared for a long time didn't even think about it, and the small world was released immediately. At the same time, he took Zhong Xian and retreated at a very fast speed. Facing Ye Chen, even he Even I am not sure of victory, let alone Zhong Xian.

However, he was fast, and Ye Chen was even faster. Before there was any fluctuation in the space, the fluctuation from Ye Chen's body was already shrouded in the void. Space, this is Ye Chen's domain, the chaos array!
Compared with the small world, the domain of martial arts masters is naturally much weaker, but what Ye Chen wants is just this moment!
In the chaotic formation, no matter how fast the gray-robed old man retreated, it was still within the chaotic formation, a small world enveloped in it, and it was impossible to break the chaotic formation in the shortest time.

This moment is enough!
"The sky tower, the second form, the sea is boundless!"

The majestic sea is directly carrying countless waves and suppressing them forcibly. The waves, like the countless tentacles, are bound around the gray-robed old man and Zhong Xian. Not to mention the gray-robed old man, at least now Zhong Xian is not There is no ability to break through.

"The sky tower, the third form, the raging sea rushes!"

While restraining the two, the angry sea changed again. It seemed that the majestic sea suddenly condensed and turned into a wave that could penetrate the entire world.

At this moment, even the gray-robed old man felt a fatal threat. This was the second time he had fought against Ye Chen, so he could clearly sense that the latter's strength had improved again during these ten days. Many, although their cultivation has not yet broken through to the Dao realm, the gap with themselves is getting smaller and smaller.

Facing the danger of death, the old man in gray robe let go of Zhong Xian resolutely, he swung his sleeves violently, and streams of extremely thick spiritual power surged out of his body crazily.

"Fen Tian Shen Jue, Tiger God Appears!"

At this moment, the gray-robed old man's spiritual power suddenly turned into flames, and then, countless flames fused together, and a ferocious tiger emerged from it. Immediately, it rushed out ferociously with countless ferocity and scorching heat.


The shocking sound of impact resounded through the chaos formation, and after only a moment, the chaos formation collapsed under the force, and the small world from the gray-robed old man also climbed up at this time. The countless cracks, obviously, cannot continue to support.

Ye Chen and the gray-robed old man vomited blood at the same time, and the domain and the small world were announced to be broken at the same time. The two of them were naturally shocked. However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ye Chen's injury was only a minor injury, which was almost negligible. The aura of the gray-robed old man was much weaker.

Ye Chen has an extremely strong physical body, even if the domain is broken, it is impossible to have too much impact on his body.

"Boom, boom!"

The moment the energy of the confined space disappeared, the terrifying ripples from the impact swept out insanely. Among them, the two figures, like birds with broken wings, fell heavily towards the ground. .

"It's Zhong Xian and his people!"

Seeing this scene, countless onlookers were shocked. In any case, the gray-robed old man is a master of the two-source Taoist realm. Unexpectedly, if he fights head-on, will it be Ye Chen's opponent? This young man's strength. . . .

This was just the beginning, looking at the two falling figures in the distance, Ye Chen's eyes were extremely cold, with a wave of his hands, a bright moon suddenly appeared in the sky, and then with a cold breath, he once again suppressed Zhong Xian.

At this moment, he did not intend to let Zhong Xian and the old man in gray robe go!
Haoyue's speed was so fast that when it appeared, it had already appeared above the heads of the two of them. Right now, the old man in gray robe was seriously injured, and Zhong Xian, even if he was not injured before, he could not be Ye Chen's opponent at all.

But at this moment, Ye Chen frowned suddenly. He saw a jade pendant suddenly appeared in Zhong Xian's hand, and an extremely tyrannical energy surged out of it.


The radiant bright moon cracked at the sound, and immediately, that beam of energy pressed heavily towards Ye Chen like a mountain.

"Is it the energy of a Daoyuan master?"

Ye Chen fixed his gaze, and immediately laughed loudly: "Even if it is the energy belonging to the Daoyuan realm, it is a pity that it is just a piece of energy, not the main body. Just like that, I want to kill Ye Chen, just dreaming!"

"Get out of here!"


The sea of ​​flames was overwhelming, and the two completely different high temperatures, icy cold and scorching heat, were perfectly blended together, as if the god of fire descended, enveloping the entire world.

Although the energy of the Dao Source Realm is extremely powerful, it is rootless water and cannot last long. When it rushes into the sea of ​​fire, although it is unstoppable, it is a pity that it is consumed extremely quickly.

"Boom, boom!"

When the sea of ​​flames was completely melted and crushed, the energy breath also disappeared in the space.

Ye Chen's eyes were focused again at this moment. In his sight, the seriously injured gray-robed old man and Zhong Xian had already fled to the distance at an extremely fast speed. No matter how fast Ye Chen was, they couldn't catch up now.

"Zhong Xian, remember it. When I have time, I, Ye Chen, will definitely go to the Fire Realm!"

In the distance, Zhong Xian's forward speed suddenly stagnated. If he could see it, his face was filled with endless fear!
(End of this chapter)

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