Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 797 Fearless

Chapter 797 Fearless
All silent!

In the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Chen again, the previous fiery enthusiasm has weakened a lot unconsciously!
Among them, the gray-robed old man in the Fire Realm is not the one with the highest cultivation level. There is also the Three Origin Dao Master Realm here, and there are quite a few masters who have stepped into the Dao Venerable Realm.

However, in that very short period of time, a second-source daoist master and a quasi-daoist master were seriously injured, and they were forced to use their cards to save their lives in order to escape. More importantly, doing this All the young people have reached the peak of Tianwu with their own cultivation!

Such strength shocked everyone, and let the people here know that it is not so easy to get the token!

Ye Chen withdrew his gaze from afar, looked at the crowd immediately, and said calmly: "Zhong Xian is right, the token is indeed in my hands, but you are sure, you really want to take it from me grab?"

Everyone looked at the calm-faced Ye Chen, as if what happened before was not what he did. Ye Chen felt a slight chill in their hearts. In any case, Zhong Xian is a person of the fire realm, and the fire realm is the world. There are countless big forces in the middle of nowhere.

This young man didn't give Huo Jing the slightest face, that is to say, people like them can never make Ye Chen feel intimidated.

It's just that the token representing Tianya Haige is too important. Now that I know the whereabouts of one of the tokens, I have to try it no matter what.

"Your name is Ye Chen?"

Among the crowd, an old man appeared. He looked at Ye Chen and asked, "You are very strange. I have never heard of your name before. I don't know. Where did you come from?"

"A master of the main realm of the Three Origins!"

Looking at the old man, Ye Chen smiled indifferently, and said: "If you want to grab it, just do it directly and ask me where I came from? If you are afraid, you can go back."

Ye Chen is not an arrogant person, he can fight against many people with one man, not to mention there are masters of Dao Zunjing, he still can't kill these people now, but just now, Zhong Xian and Zhong Xian have been severely injured, that is obviously not enough, right now, These masters of the Three Origins Dao Master Realm should be the best deterrent targets.

"Junior, don't be ignorant!"

The old man's eyes turned slightly cold, and he shouted: "We are not unreasonable people. If you tell your origin and get our approval, we will let you go."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but sneered and said: "If you get the approval, I will leave. If you don't get the approval, I will hand over the token. The so-called reasoning is based on the background of the individual. It turns out that your reasoning That’s it, it’s really fresh!”

"Boy, you are too arrogant!" The old man couldn't help shouting angrily, no one would feel comfortable if his thoughts were guessed through.

From a junior to a kid. . . .Ye Chen smiled indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, the token is on me, if you want to grab it, just come, but put the ugly words first, if today, you can't kill me, hehe!"

"One day, I will go family by family and come to my door!"

The faces of everyone in the audience changed drastically. If this young man could not put the fire in his eyes, there must be a force behind him. Perhaps the people present did not have extraordinary backgrounds, but this young man named Ye Chen , its own excellence cannot be ignored.

However, just such a threat obviously cannot shock everyone, especially the old man.

"Boy, since you are so confident, then, this old man will try your strength."

The old body suddenly moved forward like a ghost, and in just a moment, Ye Chen appeared in front of Ye Chen. His withered palm was like lightning, and he patted down. The strength brought by that speed seemed very ordinary, but this casual A single blow is much stronger than the gray-robed old man in the fire state.


The blade-like palm penetrated Ye Chen's body easily, and the old man's face suddenly changed, because there was no blood seeping out.


Although the old man was shocked, he didn't panic at all. As the master of the Three Origins, since he dared to make a move after seeing Ye Chen's strength, he obviously had enough confidence.


Waves of spiritual power surged out like lightning, forming an indestructible energy barrier around his body.


When the spiritual power barrier was just formed, a figure swiftly swept away in the void, and the fist that broke the sky viciously hit the spiritual power barrier.

"This guy, what a fast speed, what a terrifying movement!"

The countless onlookers couldn't help but be surprised. Fortunately, Ye Chen's cultivation had only reached the peak of the Tianwu realm. With his strength, if he entered the Dao realm, this blow would definitely hurt the old man.

However, even if the spiritual power barrier could not be broken, the spiritual power surged wildly when the punch hit, which made the old man in the spiritual power barrier turn pale.

"Bastard boy!"

The old man couldn't help but cursed loudly. With his strength, he was so embarrassed in front of him. He lost all face in front of everyone.

The killing intent surged, and the spiritual power barrier also surged immediately, turning into a wave of spiritual power, heading towards Ye Chen's direction, and swept past like lightning.

After such spiritual power training, the space was pierced abruptly and turned into nothingness. However, no one saw that when the space was pierced, the young man was traumatized, because at that moment, Ye Chen's body The shape has long since disappeared.

With the improvement of his cultivation base, Ye Chen became more and more comfortable with the operation of Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue.

"Boy, get out of here!"

The old man obviously didn't expect that Ye Chen's movement skills would be so miraculous, but he was not moved in the slightest under the rage. He is the master of the three origins, and his grasp of the power of space has reached a certain level. Although Ye Chen's movement skills are terrifying, as long as the space is confined, it is impossible for the latter to leave if he wants to.

When that palm was patted, it did not cause any shock to the space, but it could be clearly perceived that the contiguous spaces seemed to be connected in series, without any gaps between each other, directly forming a space prisoner. cage.

This is not the power of the small world, but, like the small world, it seals the void.

Then, the old man's whole body surged with spiritual power, sweeping out like covering the sky and covering the earth. In the nothingness directly in front of him, Ye Chen's figure slowly appeared, as if he was forced out by force.

"Boy, let's see where you run!"

The old man was furious, and the spiritual power that swept out suddenly vibrated, and after a moment, there was this thing that quietly emerged.


All the spiritual power of the old man was continuously poured into the treasure at this moment.


The spiritual power that came out again through the treasure almost turned into the entire sky, an extremely fierce breath swept out from it, leaving the surrounding void, and in this instant, it began to collapse rapidly, the earth below, In an instant, it turned into a lake.

"The quality of this treasure may only be comparable to Dayu's Divine Cauldron. However, in his hands, the power it exerts has reached the effect when I fully activated the Demon Emperor's Bell. This is the difference in cultivation. Makes a huge difference!"

Ye Chen breathed out lightly, and outside his body, streaks of purple and gold light began to flash continuously. When the number reached the limit, the onlookers suddenly sensed that with Ye Chen as the center, all the energy in the world within a thousand miles , all gathered and rushed into his body.

As a result, the number of purple-gold light patterns increased dramatically again!


When the sound of the dragon's anger resounded, more than a thousand taels of purple-gold light lines transformed into a huge purple-gold real dragon with a size of over a thousand feet in an instant, with an incomparably domineering aura that swept out madly.

"The unique knowledge of the dragon clan! This young man, what a great chance, he got the unique knowledge of the dragon clan!"

Among the people present, there were many well-informed people who easily recognized the martial arts performed by Ye Chen. However, no one thought of him as a dragon. After all, his aura was a real human aura. It has nothing to do with the Yaozu.

"Dragon Emperor Heaven Slashing Style, Slash Heaven!"

Ye Chen drank softly, and the huge purple-gold real dragon directly turned into a purple-gold blade in Ye Chen's hands. Spiritual power surged in quickly, and a sharp aura that could cut through the sky caused the world to collapse at this moment.

"Worthy of being the top school of the Dragon Clan, it is so terrifying!"

Countless people felt the horror from the purple-gold blade, and some people began to retreat. Only then did they realize that Ye Chen didn't do his best when facing the master of fire.

And these are even more clear, if this blow comes to them, then they will not have the slightest resistance.


The purple-gold blade, carrying indestructible sharp power, cuts forward!

The same blow that day killed the Great Heavenly Blood Spirit King. Now Ye Chen's strength has improved greatly. Even if the opponent is the master of the Three Origins, Ye Chen believes that he can fight one and lose both!
When the purple-gold blade slashed down, the sky-like spiritual power began to collapse bit by bit. The old man who controlled the treasure, at this moment, turned pale instantly. Persevere until the end, but also, the light of the Zijin Blade is also rapidly dimming.

Obviously, no one can gain the upper hand with a powerful attack, but Ye Chen's cultivation at the peak of Tianwu has made countless onlookers feel extremely shocked.

Not long after, the Zijin blade burst open, and the spiritual power from the old man collapsed completely. Even his treasure, at this time, was severely injured and returned to the old man's body sadly.

Ye Chen and the old man stepped on the void and retreated violently. The release of the breath let people know that both of them were seriously injured at this time.

However, even though he was seriously injured, when Ye Chen's retreating speed stopped, his body suddenly moved, turned into a streamer, and shot out like lightning. The target was the old man!
Killing him can give people the greatest shock!

(End of this chapter)

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