Spore Story

Chapter 1157 The Crisis of Temilia

Chapter 1157 The Crisis of Temilia

Thank you for the reward of 'Story of the Starry Sky' =v=
In the eyes of ordinary people, Temilia of the artificial star Bell Academy represents Mr. Lulun, who is still resting in the academy at this time.But in fact, he himself is hanging out on the source of Temelia, the home planet several river systems away, which can be regarded as a hidden ability of Temelia.

In fact, many people who have more contact with Temelia and are careful can already feel a change in Temelia.

Their enthusiasm for machinery is gradually fading, and more and more Temilians have turned to have infinite curiosity about nature, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just Temilia who has transformed from a natural creature to a mechanical creature People, just react with nostalgia.

But in fact, Lulun, who is a middle-level and high-ranking member of Temilia, knows very well that this is a feeling that is infinitely more complicated than nostalgia.

"Are you there?" At this moment, Lulun's mechanized body in the mother star stopped, looked up at the huge gate in front of him, and stretched out his arm to it: "System audit, Temilia number BEEX-6972S321. "

There was no reply, and the gate did not open, but after a while, the mechanical arm at the top of the steel corridor fixed the unresponsive 'Lulun' body, and hoisted it away.If you stand in the corridor at this time, you can look up and find that there are many mechanical bodies grasped by mechanical arms like this, and these mechanical bodies... all are the same.


In a cabin full of nature, on a big soft bed, a young Tamilian man opened his eyes.

With no mechanical style in his body, he reached out to take off the electronic helmet on his head, combed his short hair, then dressed himself neatly, grabbed a glass of juice sent by the wall, stood on the window sill of the cabin and looked out at the large area. A world without the slightest mechanical breath.

"Come back," this young man is the real Luren, and also the real and pure Tamilian, the Tamilian biological body.

More than 600 years ago, the glorious Temelia suddenly turned into contraction and insisted on absolute neutrality. The reason was far from the civil strife in Temelia as the outside world speculated, but the root problem did come from within or from itself.

The reason has to start from the beginning of everything.

When the riot mechas returned to Temelia, the reason is clear to everyone, that is, the mechas lack creativity and have no future; while the pure Temelia mechas have mechanized most of their bodies, they don’t even have the ability to reproduce , but only the brain tissue is retained, and it is used as the core of control, thus possessing creativity and a powerful mechanical body.

At that time, in order to fight against the Zerg, most or even all of the Temilians were transformed into such mechanical bodies, and even developed to preserve their brains independently, and obtained lasting combat power and theoretical eternity by constantly replacing the mechanical bodies. way of life.

This provided the basis for Temeria's great power for thousands of years.

However, how terrible the laws of nature are. Since biological tissues can never offset the future of aging, any technology can only delay this process but cannot solve it.

As for Temilia in the mechanical civilization, biotechnology is obviously not what they are good at.Faced with the aging, even slow and necrotic brains of the Temilians who had been transformed into mechanical bodies, their first thought and last choice was to completely transform themselves into mechanical bodies.

At this time, the interstellar remote information control technology also promoted the emergence of this step of transformation.

Thus, something that was absolutely kept secret and protected by the later Tamilians - the control agency, appeared.

In the view of the Temilians, the control mechanism that retains all the memory and all thinking and emotions of a Temilian is just transferring their own soul from the biological brain into the mechanism.And through the heavily protected control mechanism, they remotely control several or even dozens of bodies, as the Tamilians' external performance.

This is also the source of the legend of the undead of the Tamilians.

But, of course, this control mechanism, while propelling Temilian civilization to another level, also robbed them of creativity.

By the time they figured this out, they couldn't find a single Tamilian with a biologically organized brain.

As a last resort, they began to obtain and improve cloning technology from other biological civilizations through plundering, trading, etc., and cloned the few remaining Temilia cells.These Tamilians with cloned brains became the new generation of Tamilians and re-provided creativity for Tamilia.

But the good times didn't last long. The defects of cloning technology-the gradual decline of cloned cells and the inability of clones to reproduce made the brains they cloned less and less effective and fewer and fewer.

When they discovered the problem again, Temilia had to turn their attention back to the carbon-based and silicon-based civilizations that belonged to the category of mechanical bodies in their view, thinking that with the technology of the great Temilians, even without cloning brains, but creating electronic brains similar to these mechanical civilizations seems possible.

But this illusion was quickly shattered.

Only then did Temilia, who was indulging in a powerful illusion, suddenly wake up, and found that the originally extremely powerful Temilia tribe had reached the limit of self-development.They have lost creativity once again, possibly permanently, and cannot even dream, except for pointless self-replication.

And so the Tamilian was startled from sleep.

Since then, it has been more than 600 years of anxiously searching for solutions, and self-enclosed for self-protection, and even imprisoned indigenous civilizations to secretly research solutions, and create an illusion that Temilia is still developing slowly.

As for the pure Tamilians like Lulun, they are extremely precious and complete Tamilians cloned from the root cells. Unfortunately, they also have no reproductive ability, and the cells have no value for further cloning. The only thing worth keeping is that they can dream and create compared to those rigid control organs.

But this is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

Originally, in the eyes of the desperate control agency, this situation may take thousands of years, and it will not be resolved until the indigenous civilizations under their hands develop, or even never.But at this moment, the theory of consciousness put forward by the friends gave the Tamilians a hint of hope.

Is the reason why they can't create the intelligent brains of other purely mechanical civilizations? Is it the factor of consciousness?Both the control agency and pure Temilian organisms like Lulun have thought of this.

Then, they study...

Then, they get no results.

But just when they planned to secretly grab some friends to "assist" in the research, they proposed a "theory of consciousness" and created a mechanical maid, a friend who seemed to be only one step away from a pure mechanical life form. A high-level representative threw out something even more attractive at this time: possessing a third-level brain that is not weaker than the average level of the current cosmic intelligent creatures, and the most important thing is that it can generate self-awareness.

"This technology must be obtained," Lu Lun said, placing the juice heavily on the wooden table.

(End of this chapter)

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