Spore Story

Chapter 1158 Lulun's Conspiracy Theory

Chapter 1158 Lulun's Conspiracy Theory
Lu Lun's mechanical body on the artificial star slowly opened his eyes and remotely controlled the body with the biological brain. Even if the technology is advanced, the response speed of the biological brain is limited, so the sudden change of the scene caused him to pause briefly.Fortunately, the location I was in was a private lounge, so I didn't have to worry about being discovered by others.


Lu Lun suddenly thought of those friends, if their observation ability is really as powerful as in the intelligence, maybe the entire artificial planet is under the surveillance of those few people.

"Could it be that this is how they discovered our situation, and they were able to propose an artificial brain that we couldn't refuse?" Lu Lun suddenly thought of this, his whole face darkened, and he sighed secretly, "It's still too bad." Be careful." At the same time, he could only helplessly shake his head and stand up.

Regardless of whether he is under the monitoring of the other party at this time, but the matter has come to this point, he can only pay more attention in the future.

"System, help me connect to the internal communication of the Friends Time-Space Courtyard." While returning to normal, he raised his head and issued an order to the lounge control terminal.

【Connecting, please wait...】

With this gap in the connection, he constantly adjusted his emotions.

Lu Lun, who had an exchange with the other party before, actually had too many questions and wanted to ask them.

For example how did the Friends know that Temilia needs a tertiary brain and especially consciousness?Why can Friends make this tertiary brain but Temelia can't?Why is the friend clan so strong that it does not allow the "third-level brain" technology that is not critical to the friend clan to flow out... and so on.

These are crucial questions that I didn't have the chance to ask in the last meeting.

As for now, he, who has obtained the permission of the core control agency, needs to get the conclusions of these questions, or at least get an effective answer that can be explained basically.

—————Mechanical maid group passing by————

"Negotiate the request again? So, Temilia agreed to our conditions?" Kong Huan looked at the Lulun representative on the opposite side of the communication, with a natural expression, without a trace of complacency or dissatisfaction, so that Lulun could not see him idea.

"No, you should know the meaning of those conditions, we Temelia are a higher race, it is impossible..."

"So there's no way to talk?" An impatience appeared on his face, but there was at least a trace of calm in his empty tone.

But looking at the child on the opposite side, Lu Lun could only resist the impulse, and stopped the other party from pressing the communication off button.

"Whether the specific matter can be resolved in a face-to-face discussion, you should understand the confidentiality of this kind of school communication, and what we want to talk about..."

"Well, I'm free anytime, so tomorrow morning, how about it?"

"Yes," Lulun nodded.

Turning off the communication, looked at Lingxue who was still in the communication on the other side with a sense of emptiness, and said with a smile: "How, I'm right."

"Yes, Master Konghuan is mighty," Lingxue didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed about doing these actions.Compared with the memories of following Kong Huan for approval since childhood, this seemingly shameful move is weak: "Then what conditions are you going to use to conclude this deal?"

"Does the friend clan have any requirements?" Kong Huan asked.

"Uh, you just know how to ask our opinion now?" Lingxue stared at Kong Huan with a resentful face, and it took a long time before she spoke.

"Ah, haha, um, didn't we have a formal discussion before?" Kong Huan shook his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, friends here don't have many opinions. Anyway, you won't do anything to harm us, and you have your own considerations about it. So, as long as you don't draw our friends into trouble. After all As far as we are concerned, it is enough to consume dozens or hundreds of years of our time to fully tackle the popularization of pure energyization, and to further tackle the problem of voidization and network research."

"That's great." The higher the degree of freedom, the easier it is to deal with it. Now it is no longer the fantasy of a child who needs someone to set a goal before knowing how to do it. He seems very satisfied with this.

"But there is a problem," Lingxue suddenly added: "Temilia's information will be known to you. It's nothing, but I have heard of cloning technology, but how can Temelia's clones not be able to reproduce? ? I remember that many animals have been cloned in our friend's laboratory, but they can reproduce normally?"

"You ask me, I'll ask who," Unexpectedly, Kong Hua spread his hands irresponsibly.

"Uh," Lingxue's face darkened immediately: "I'm not sure about this, what if the information you investigated is false?"

"I don't rule out this kind of danger," Kong Fan thought, rubbing his chin.

"Yeah, so we must be careful," Lingxue added.

"Since that's the case," Kong Huan said in thought, "then ask Lulun and the Tamilians in person.

"I'll fall!" Lingxue, who was on the opposite side of the communication, turned pale.

"Then, let's do it!" Before the great core patriarch of the Peng Clan got angry, Kong Huan decisively shut down the communication.

"Nah, you wouldn't really do that, would you?" The few girls pretending to be tender loli who gathered together when they discovered that Kong Huan and Lingxue were chatting, also began to ask questions at once.

"Why not?" But Kong Huan only answered perfunctorily.


When he stood in front of the friend clan's space-time garden spaceship, which was just like that in the eyes of advanced civilizations, Lu Lun didn't have the same contempt as before.

"Although they have no fighting power, the passengers are all monsters comparable to star-level fortresses, so why waste space? Although the crew is scarce and not comprehensive, these passengers can independently control the entire spaceship at their level. Why do you need so many idlers? Moreover, although it looks fragile on the outside, the passengers can fly independently in the universe and easily resist the existence of the fortress artillery, so they need the so-called defense at all..."

Lulun couldn't help but click his tongue.

"The space vacated by this is all transferred to the creation of an enjoyable environment to ensure the comfort of the passengers. From this point of view, this spaceship is really the most suitable thing for friends to use."

"Guest, welcome to come again." Maybe it was intentional, or maybe it was just unintentional, but it was still No. 009 who greeted him.

Looking at the mechanical maid who is said to be equipped with an advanced second-level brain, Lu Lun suddenly had the illusion of seeing the ordinary mechanical bodies of Temilia controlled by the mechanized brain on the source of the mother planet Temelia.Perhaps this is why many Tamilians misunderstand these mechanical maids.

But such thoughts made Lulun even more powerless.

"Could it be that we have abandoned the biological brain and replaced it with a more powerful electromechanical brain, but the level of the brain has dropped to the second level of the animal level?" Of course, I dare not say this kind of conclusion, because it will definitely offend those people. The control agency, especially by one of the few biological clones like him.

Therefore, he could only restrain his thoughts and send an apologetic look to 009 who was waiting patiently.

"It's been a long time, let's go in."

"No, this is 009's job, this way please," the mechanical maid waved respectfully.

Strolling in the corridor of the space-time courtyard again, Lu Lun, who withdraws his thoughts from the mechanical maid, has more time to look at the layout here.The general situation here is still in accordance with the style of the friends, but there are obvious signs of replacement in some places, and it has become the style of the starry sky elves.

I heard that the Friends Clan is also protecting a princess of the Star Elf. This is also the reason why many civilizations in the Star Alliance will acquiesce in the alliance between the Friends Clan and the Star Elf.

Originally, Temilia didn't care much about this, but now one of the conditions offered by her friends is to 'stand on the side of the star elves in the future conflicts between the star elves and Pumigarcia and the temple', which affects the entire race Due to the conditions of external strategy, the rigid Temilia control agencies had to turn their attention to the outside world again.

With such an action, Temilia was surprised to find that after thousands of years of peace, the entire Star Alliance had unknowingly come to the brink of conflict again.

"And the friends, it seems to be a fuse," Lu Lun thought, but when he recalled the actions of the friends, he was suddenly surprised: "Joining the Star Federation in the past few years, if you exclude the deliberate propaganda of the star elves, just look at the friends of the friends." Actions, but they have been downplaying their own special existence, and there are very few moves to expand and attract attention. This is due to racial factors, but on the other hand..."

"Maybe they are weakening their 'fuse' status and delaying the Star Alliance confrontation."

Thinking of this, Lu Lun was even more surprised, but felt very normal.

As a rookie, no matter how strong the friends are, if they are pushed to the fuse position to face the entire Star Alliance, once a conflict breaks out, they will definitely be the first to be unlucky.

From this point of view, the actions of the star elves are worth pondering.

"Since the friends are all focused on downplaying their existence and avoiding being pushed to the fore, but the star elves, as 'friends', continue to publicize the existence and strength of the friends, and even hand over the little princess to the friends for protection and education. I have deliberated. Obviously, it can be said that it is for the benefit of the friends; a little deeper, it can also be said that through public opinion, the relationship between the friends and the starry sky elves has become an established fact; but go deeper..."

"Isn't this the star elves downplaying their existence as the main party in the conflict, and turning the originally dangerous conflict between the star elves and Pumi Garcia into a conflict between friends and the temple?"

"Hey, this universe," Lu Lun, who thought he had figured out something inside, couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Considering this way, the friends have never expressed their views on the relationship between the star elves, and they have not confronted the church head-on. Instead, they secretly seek the union between Temilia and the star elves. At best, they want to give Allies find a good helper, and speaking to the dark side, I am afraid they want to push out Temilia as a strong support, and then let the star elves stop holding on to their friends."

"Hey, I hope it's just my own conspiracy theory, my mind is restless, and I'm cranky." Looking at the door of the illusory office that arrived again, Lu Lun's resentment suddenly became much less when he thought of the actions of the people inside for his own race. .

I'm sorry to say that today's status problem, so it's a bit late, quack, Chapter 2 will come out soon. =w=
(End of this chapter)

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