Spore Story

Chapter 1160 Are you going to become Zerg?

Chapter 1160 Are you going to become Zerg?

In the office, the historic second meeting between Friends and Temilia turned into a completely unreal one.But for such a situation, representative Lulun obviously did not expect anything, but naturally chose to accept it.

As for the empty illusion on the opposite side, I am quite satisfied with it.

"Then let's look at the third part," Kong Huan said with a smile: "As we all know, Temilia is an advanced civilization, and it is an advanced civilization with strong expansion capabilities, but it is stuck at a certain limit in the development of mechanical civilization... Don't interrupt, Lu Ren, even if Temilia has stopped expanding due to control agencies and creative reasons, but this fact cannot be denied, right?"

"In this way, can we imagine what will happen when Temilia obtains the three-level artificial brain system manufacturing technology provided by us?"

"Please speak," Lu Lun didn't think there was anything wrong with the vacant speech from the beginning of the meeting, because it was more conducive for him to analyze the thoughts of his friends. When negotiating, the party who talks too much is often more likely to suffer.

But even though Kong Huan knew about this, he didn't mind.

Because he didn't worry at all about being learned by the other party through his speech that would endanger his friends or affect the negotiation.

In front of Lu Lun, Kong Huan stretched out his third finger.

"This is the third reason, and the process can also be broken down into three steps: analysis, utilization, and deepening."

"First of all, the Tamilians who have obtained the technology must analyze the technology of the third-level brain to use it, right?"

Lu Lun nodded, looking calm.

"But the problem is that although our third-level brain technology is not very important to the friend race, it also systematically uses many cutting-edge technologies of our race. Then Temilia, who wants to analyze these technologies, will undoubtedly pass the analysis. Indirectly control the "Advanced Biology", "Nature Structural Science", especially "Consciousness" and "Spiritual Engineering Theory" involved in it.

"Then, will Temilia, which has been stuck at the top of mechanical civilization for a long time but has not made progress, after integrating these cutting-edge and systematic and comprehensive technologies, will it soon break away from a single mechanical civilization and move towards a higher fusion civilization? What about development and progress?"

There is no doubt about that.

The development trajectories of many civilizations in the universe are the chaos of the indigenous period, the exploration of the primary civilization period, and then the single extreme development of the intermediate civilization period, and then enter the peak of a certain development, reaching the level of advanced civilization.One of the reasons why the Pengzu has never been able to become a higher civilization is also that they did not take an extremely single path in the end.

But after reaching a higher civilization, what should the next road be?

Most civilizations agree that one should continue to deepen a single aspect, seeking ever deeper specializations that are increasingly difficult to find.

From a philosophical point of view that has had a profound impact on the development of civilization, this seems quite correct.

However, whether it is right or wrong, the biggest problem with this path is that it is the most difficult.

As a result, some civilizations turned to another path: by acquiring cutting-edge technologies of different styles from other advanced civilizations and merging them with their own technologies, they embarked on a path of fusion-like civilizations.This does not allow them to quickly transcend the scope of advanced civilization, but it allows them to reach the limit height that they can reach as advanced civilization.

In short, this method in disguise allowed them to surpass ordinary advanced civilizations.

Therefore, although this path is despised by many civilizations, it cannot conceal its fatal allure to many advanced civilizations that are stuck at the limit of that single development.

But another question: who would easily give away the cutting-edge technology that is the foundation of advanced civilization?

Therefore, this has become one of the few reasons for high civilizations that no longer need war.

However, Lu Lun was obviously unwilling to accept the illusory statement.

"These technologies seem to be cutting-edge for us Temilia, but for the friends, this is not so advanced? Moreover, since we are going to participate in the war, the person who raised this point Friends, shouldn't you pay some price?"

"Hehe, your planet is full of gold, but you can't deny the value of these golds in other indigenous civilizations where gold is scarce?" Kong Huan sneered.

"That's not what I meant," Lulun retorted hastily.

"I clearly know that you don't mean that," Kong Huan said in a calm tone, but it undoubtedly reminded Lulun that "I have already started monitoring your thoughts", which made people feel powerless: " Well, as you said, we are indeed willing to pay some price to let Temelia join the war."

"But we don't want to create a possible powerful enemy in the future," Kong Huan spread his hands.

"Don't talk about eternal friends, even the natives know the truth that 'there are no eternal friends between countries', let alone different races?" Waving to interrupt Lu Lun's defense, Kong Huan paused the topic.

"Let's talk about 'exploitation' again."

"After analyzing the technology of the three-level brain, Temilia needs to produce them and use them. At this time, the Tamilians, who have suffered from the scarcity of population for hundreds of years, will definitely manufacture artificial brains in large quantities. The new generation of Tamilians who are the carrier, there is no doubt about it, but can you treat them with sincerity?"

"Of course," Lu Lun took a deep breath and nodded with a straight face. He didn't dare to think too much about a negotiating opponent who could read minds, even though he really thought he could sit down to this point.

Kong Huan, who had no doubts about Lu Lun, smiled and didn't care.

"You must be wondering how I know you Temilians so well. I can tell you that even though you Temilia control dozens of river systems and tens of thousands of colonial planets, the actual population is far from What is shown is more than 7000 billion, but the fact that there are only less than 300 billion.”

"A real Tamilian control agency has to control more than ten bodies at the same time, isn't it very stressful?"

"How do you know!!" This time, Lu Lun was really shocked.

Temilia is a mechanical civilization, but not a civilization of mechanical life forms. The difference between the three words leads to one of the key points of Temilia, which is its core that is not like a brain as a control mechanism.The number of control agencies has also become the best basis for the enemy to judge Temilia's combat potential.

But now, this data should only be known by the few control agencies in the source of the mother planet Temilia, but it is understood by friends who have not appeared in the universe for a long time.

How do they do it?
Will they spread it out?

But Lu Lun just had the killing intent, so he quickly suppressed it, let alone whether he can solve the individual friends in a short-term and completely, Pumi Garcia is the representative; such an important thing alone needs Temilia As an ally, friends will not throw it out foolishly.

However, there is no doubt that Temilia will be at an absolute disadvantage in the subsequent negotiations.

"Don't worry, it's not as serious as you think." At this time, Kong Huan comforted his negotiating opponent: "I can't tell you how to obtain information, but I can say that only a few people in my family know this information. , and there is no need to worry that we will leak it, even the star elves don’t know.”

"If you know it, it's leaked," Lu Lun thought helplessly, but didn't intend to say it.

In this regard, Kong Huan grinned grinningly, and paused the topic again.

Then, his face turned serious.

"Then, let's talk about the last key point of this meeting, which is the in-depth application of this technology after you Tamilia obtained an artificial brain, but it was not controlled by our friends."

"We haven't considered this yet," Lu Lun said with a wry smile.

"But we have to think about it," Kong Huan shook his head and adjusted the three-dimensional image on the desktop, and pointed to Lu Lun: "For the outflow of any kind of key technology, we must consider the race of the end point of the outflow caused by this technology. This is the responsibility; at the same time, we must also consider the impact that the race that has acquired this technology will have on us in the future, which is prevention.”

"So, don't be dissatisfied with our investigation of Temilia. This behavior itself shows that we are actually very sincere in selling the third-level brain technology."

"Excuse me……"


"Did you get the [-]D image wrong?" Lu Lun pointed to the desk next to Kong Huan with black lines on his head. The [-]D image projected on it turned out to be a building that seemed to have nothing to do with this negotiation. Zerg nest.

"Oh, you said this," Kong Huan smiled nonchalantly, without any intention of changing it: "That's what I want to say. Because in our opinion, if we obtain the technology to create unlimited three-level brains , and continue to deepen the research, before Temilia becomes an existence beyond advanced civilization, I am afraid it will become... it."


————Passing by with a heavy pet and laughing————

"It's ridiculous to say that our Temilia will become Zerg," Temilia's home planet, several core control agencies listened to the report of Lulun who returned to the home star after the second negotiation in the conference room, Most of them laughed disapprovingly.


"I have to say that the idea of ​​Pengzu is exciting."

"Organ No. 3, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is actually very simple," the projection of the control agency known as the No. The computer compared our race with the Zerg race, but found a very interesting thing."

"Where is the biggest advantage of the Zerg? Three points: expansion, mobility, and adaptability."

"Expansibility means that they can multiply rapidly on a large scale in a short period of time. This is actually very simple for any civilization that controls the production technology of robotic assembly lines. As an advanced mechanical civilization, we in Temilia, It can even be said to have surpassed the Zerg;”

"Mobility, that is, their brood, core base, and ultra-long-distance transition technology. Although we don't have much research on the core base, it's because it doesn't need it. Once we really want to do that, we need to realize these three technologies , is actually very simple for the great Temelia?"

"Adaptation, the real advantage of the Zerg, is that they can quickly optimize units according to the performance of the enemy. In mechanical terms, it is to replace with better parts. We may not be able to do it now, because we are not so There are more scientists who can provide rapid research analysis and create better parts. In short, creativity is insufficient in quantity and quality.”

"But what if the third-level brain is mass-produced?" Agency No. [-] asked jokingly and full of expectations.

"At that time, will we still lack these?"

(End of this chapter)

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