Spore Story

Chapter 1161 You can't become Zerg.

Chapter 1161 You can't become Zerg.

Thank you for the 1888 of 'X Zero Timeの雪X' and the continuous rewards of 'The Story of the Starry Sky'~\(≧▽≦)/~
"I always feel that if you do this, it will double Tamilia's desire for a third-level brain," Chong Chong and Chu Ling sat in the lake pavilion, looking at the illusion on the other side of the table. After the description of the negotiation, Qiqi expressed a similar opinion: "What is your purpose? Or is it just a simple brain twitch?"

"That's right, if you create another damn bug because of this, it will be troublesome," Chu Ling glanced at Chong Chong beside her, and said pointedly.

"Yeah, damn bugs, butterflies are bugs too," Chong Chong retorted not to be outdone.

"Okay, you two," Kong Huan helplessly stretched out his hands to hold the two of them, pulled him to sit beside him, and blocked a battle with his body with fearless will: "Actually, things are not what you think." So serious, even if the third-level brain technology is really handed over to the Tamilians, it is not so dangerous."

"Why, didn't you say they would become Zerg?" Chu Ling decisively changed to the more representative term 'Zerg'.

"It's not that easy," Kong Huan shook his head disapprovingly: "The three major advantages or characteristics of the Zerg: expansion, mobility, and adaptability. Do you really think that the Zerg is the only race that can do it in this universe? Or can you add another one? A Temilian with a third-level brain?"

"Huh?" The two lazy people looked at Kong Huan resolutely, tilting their heads and begging for an explanation.

Of course, Kong Huan enjoys this very much, but the premise is that Chong Chong and Chu Ling will not hurt himself, a fish in the pool, through the cold air released by him.

"One question, why are the Zerg dangerous?" If you want to be lazy, there is no way.

"Woo~~" Chu Ling looked at Chong Chong on the opposite side: "She knows it very well."

"Onlookers know, I was the mastermind of the Zerg race, but because of this, I have been only expanding and acquiring territories. God knows why those civilizations always chase us, and treat the Zerg race as life and death enemies. It's completely inexplicable."

"..." To this shameless reaction, Kong Huan and Chu Ling resolutely cast contemptuous glances.

"Then why do you say?" Chong Chong looked at Chu Ling.

"Just say it," Chu Ling snorted coldly, and stared at Chong Chong with her hips on her hips: "The biggest problem is that the Zerg race is expanding like locusts. Every time they occupy a planet, they need to absorb all the resources and turn a good ecological star into a star." An exhausted Death Star."

"Ha, what is this! Doesn't the civilization of the universe mine? Doesn't it have more mines? But as long as mining is done, any mineral deposit will dry up one day. After so many thousands of years, how many planets have the civilization of the universe really mined? Because they cherish How many ecological stars have been destroyed by minerals? I’m afraid no one will tell you? Even how many planets and galaxies have been destroyed because of wars, can you give an accurate number? Can you say no?”

"Could it be because the collection speed is a little faster, so it can't work?" Chong Chong's retort was aggressive.

"You can't mine eco-stars, they are precious..."

"Wealth? The wealth of ghosts. It's so easy to transform a planet these days. For an individual, the cost of funds and resources is sky-high. For the entire civilization of the race, it's not even a drop in the bucket. The star elves complete the project every year. An artificial star with a comfortable ecological star can have eighty if not one hundred, what do you say?"

"Okay, what about life?" Chu Ling rolled her eyes and quickly changed the topic: "The Zerg invaded a planet, but they wanted to kill all creatures, even civilized or not, this kind of behavior is too much. "

Facing the smug Chu Ling, Chong Chong's eyes flashed disdain.

"How many races do you think are extinct at the hands of these cosmic civilizations every year? How many intelligent individuals and even their own people die at their hands every year?"

"Guwu~~~" Chu Ling was sweating profusely: "You, you are making unreasonable words!"

"If you have the ability, show evidence! Humph, I don't even have any evidence, so I just say my reasoning is preposterous. I think you are preposterous, right? Oh ha ha ha ha," Her Majesty the Queen Chong Chong smugly covered her mouth and laughed stand up.

"Hmph, if it's true, then why do you say that the Zerg race was attacked by all civilizations?" Chu Ling, who was silent for a long time, resolutely fought back.

"Eh." Chong Chong's smile froze completely.

This question is really difficult to answer. Even Chu Ling herself, who asked this question, has to reconsider after being rebutted with "strong words" before being favored. The two friends and spirits are comparable to supercomputers The brain, at this time, has also become a mass of paste.

"Who knows what these hypocritical civilizations think, hmph," Chong Chong, who had been thinking hard to no avail, decisively chose to cheat.

However, Chong Chong answered like this, even with Chu Ling who also had no results, both of them turned their gazes to the emptiness of drinking tea calmly, the meaning was obvious: We can't explain clearly, it's up to you.

"The main reason is that I can't communicate," Kong Huan smiled and spread his hands.

"It's that simple?" The two girls...ah no, the two lolis were full of doubts.

"It's that simple," Kong Huan smiled awkwardly. This action was mocking in the eyes of the two lolis, but before they went berserk, Kong Huan, who had been tortured by these fierce guys for decades, had already explained: " No matter what kind of cosmic civilization, the reason why it is called a civilization is because they can communicate with each other."

"This exchange is not limited to the inside, but also outside, in the stable exchange between different races."

"Wait, Zerg can also communicate, can't they!" Chong Chong interrupted Kong Huan's speech.

"Is that speech that made the enemy sacrifice their lives and everything count as communication?" Kong Huan asked back.


Kong Huan smiled and continued the topic.

"Because of this inability to communicate, all races are unable to reach any substantive diplomacy with the Zerg, which naturally separates the Zerg from the civilization of the universe. Almost, you will still encounter the xenophobic hatred of all cosmic civilizations, not to mention that the Zerg is still very radical."

Spread your hands, this is an illusory view.

"For the same reason, Temilia, like many other civilizations, is a communicable race with inherent moral constraints. Even if they have the same expansion power as the Zerg, under the influence of natural rationality, making It is impossible for them to expand, invade, and kill and rob without limit like the Zerg."

"Because of this, there will always be a limit to the expansion of civilization."

"To put it simply, if the Zerg race controls its unlimited expansion and establishes a communication framework with civilization, can it slowly transform into an ordinary cosmic civilization?" Chu Ling asked curiously.

"It's impossible," Zhong Chong immediately shook his head: "Every new cerebrum wants to become a lord, so it has to expand its territory, and once it expands, the new lord must produce new cerebrates to assist, and then these brain worms will The worms continue to expand, and it's basically an endless loop."

"So what you say about the Zerg race is completely a barbaric locust race." Chu Ling curled her lips.

"Hmph," Chong Chong couldn't refute this, not to mention that she was now a complete friend, at best a friend who had a special affection for the Zerg.

(End of this chapter)

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