Spore Story

Chapter 1162 Looking for a Super Meat Shield

Chapter 1162 Looking for a Super Meat Shield
For a month in a row, there was no answer from Lulun.

Hollow occasionally sweeps through the mental power of the entire artificial star as if it were a game, and the observed Lulun represents the mechanical body left in the artificial star, and it is only doing some simple activities. Obviously, the real Lulun only uses very little The energy is controlling this body, which means that the other party is still staying on Temilia's home planet.

This kind of situation can only show that Temilia's side has obviously had a very intense and in-depth discussion about what was mentioned in the second meeting of Kong Huan.

As for the cold treatment?is it possible?
In this regard, Void is actually looking forward to it.

"Why did you tell Temilia about that kind of in-depth application?" Chu Ling and others also asked this question before, and his answer was: "Even if we don't tell it, the Tamilians will know it. Saying it can make the other party feel jealous, so why not say it directly?"

But is this really the purpose of the illusion?
"The Zerg race is a big mountain." Chu Ling and the others at that time obviously wouldn't be so deceived, so facing the questioning of several people, Kong Huan gave this answer: "The reason why the Zerg race is annoying has been discovered. But their strongest combat power is still that kind of expansion, so if we take the initiative to develop an alternative mechanical bug race in the cosmic civilization, and let the two sides confront each other, won't it be much easier for others?"

This explanation was much more reasonable, and Chu Ling and the others chose to accept it.

But in fact, only a few people in the entire friend family know the deepest reason.

The friends do not necessarily want to overthrow the rule of the system. At least the entire universe is still in order under the management of the system. This is the embodiment of the value of the system. If they are really aborigines, the system should undoubtedly be widely supported.However, as traversers who exist outside the system, if the friends are discovered by the system, they will inevitably be attacked.

Therefore, the friends must prepare for that day from the beginning without actively provoking conflict.

And for the friends who were not even one-tenth of the strength of the Yadu tribe back then, even in the face of bugs, they could only look up at the mountains, so what should they do when facing the system?

According to the battle records of the Yadu tribe in that year, the technical department deduces that in the future of the Pengzu, in order to gain the strength to stalemate with the system, even the current development speed of the Pengzu will need more than 1000 years.However, the later the technology is, most of them can only be refined horizontally, while the vertical progress becomes more difficult.

Therefore, this time will be extended.

But even so, this is enough to make the friends proud.

Under such conditions, before gaining the strength to stalemate or even confront the system, what the friends have to do is to do their best to ensure that they are not discovered.At the same time, friends also need some reliable and effective allies...even human shields.Even, it is of course best not to be discovered all the time.

It's just that the possibility is too low.

"...Ordinary middle and elementary civilizations are too weak, and only advanced civilizations are barely effective, but the current advanced civilizations of the Star Alliance, except for the star elves whose deep space technology is extremely advanced, and Tamilly, whose mechanical technology has reached the limit of one-way In addition to Asia, Pumi Garcia, who relied on the help of the Holy Church to secure a high civilization, can only be counted as half."

Kong Huan, who was secretly hiding in the communication room, shook his head and sighed facing Dark Blood, Lingxue and 8051 on the opposite side of the communication room.

Now it is a core meeting held every once in a while discussed by several people, and the main discussion is also some root problems, especially the system.The people who can participate in the meeting have of course been strictly screened, not to mention Kong Huan, 8051 and Lingxue, and only Chu Xia and Dark Blood, the only two reliable elders among the two core elders, were pulled in.

Several people also formed the real secret layer of the current friend clan.

"In fact, there has always been a question. How do you feel that the civilization in the Star Alliance is so far behind the civilization of the Yadu people?" Dark Blood asked in the cosmic communication network built by 8051: "Even if we stay in our white world now Yue, it sounds like a super-civilized Tree Clan that surpassed the civilization of the Star Alliance, and its strength is much worse than that of the weaker advanced civilization in the memory of the Yadu Clan, why is this?"

"How would I know," Kong Huan spread his hands.


"Isn't it necessary for everyone to think together?" Chu Xia smiled and used her unique sister-in-law temperament to influence the discussion: "I wonder if it was after the Yadu period that the new batch of civilizations began to develop after a long time , coupled with the influence of the Zerg, will it lead to only such a level now?"

"This is an interval of billions of years, but the tree family with the longest record is only more than 3 million years old. In the gap of billions of years, it is impossible that no civilization has developed?" Dark Blood shook his head. .

"Could it be that during the billions of years, there has actually been one or even several civilization changes?" Lingxue said suddenly.

"8051, what do you think?" Kong Huan looked at his wives who didn't deserve their names.

"At least there are no traverser civilizations and civilizations that endanger the system. This should be confirmed," 8051 shook his head: "When it is used as an auxiliary system, although it will not know anything other than its own mission, it can be obtained from the traverser alone." batches will make that clear."

"The Yadu people were the first group of traversers, and according to their memory, when they started to confront the system, most of the second batch of traversers had already entered the cosmic age, and even participated in the confrontation with the system in the later stage, which shows that the former Both groups of traversers participated in the war billions of years ago."

"As for the rioting traverser race, the system uses direct extermination. This can be seen from the Yadu tribe. Even if the main body is destroyed, the system's lackey Zerg is still chasing and killing the race that dares to obtain the Yadu technology."

"But on the other hand, the system has another attitude towards the natives of this universe: absolute neutrality."

"What does this mean?" Lingxue asked, and everyone looked at 8051.

"Of course, there is a very important thing in it," 8051 said after a pause: "The first and second batch of traversers were all cleaned up after resisting the system, and as the third batch of traversers, Empty Fantasy, until now No problems have been found so far. But the second and third batch of traversers seem to be separated by a long time."

"En," Kong Huan nodded.

"So during this period of billions of years, there are no ordinary traversers, so only the aboriginal civilization can develop, but the system will not interfere with the aboriginal civilization, why until now, we have touched Did you lose sight of the aborigine civilization during that period?"

"Billions of years, it seems to be blank, it's scary," Chu Xia responded with a sigh.

"Looking pessimistically, for billions of years, maybe these civilizations reached a certain level and then destroyed themselves," 8051 spread his hands: "Isn't there a philosophical saying that 'the end of development is self-destruction'? And the development of civilizations in the universe , and many periods are exactly where philosophy points, so they all self-destruct.”

"Gah, but even so, it's impossible to leave no traces, right?" Kong Huan's head was covered with black lines.

"Indeed, but maybe it's just that we didn't find it. After all, the universe is so big, right?" Dark Blood added: "However, from another perspective, from an optimistic point of view, after those civilizations develop to a level beyond the current advanced civilization of the Star Alliance, they will become You have to not care too much about everything, and just go after something, so you become a ghost? Just like the tree clan."

"This possibility does exist," 8051 nodded: "In fact, I am also partial to this possibility."

"But what's the point?" Kong Huan was curious.

"The meaning of 8051 is not to seek the support of these races, is it?" Chu Xia pointed out the idea of ​​8051, and everyone's eyes lit up.

Indeed, compared to Temilia and the star elves who are still stuck in advanced civilizations, and Pumi Garcia and the Holy Church who are hostile, perhaps those super civilizations like the tree clan can be more effective against the system.

"As a super civilization that has developed for hundreds of millions or even billions of years, they may have begun to understand the existence of the system, and even had contact with it. In any case, when the concept of this universe in their minds, from 'ordinary existence' When the world" becomes "a world of existence under the control of the system", any civilization that is unwilling to be controlled will inevitably make them think about the existence of the system."

8051 smiled sinisterly.

"Under such circumstances, it is not necessarily or even impossible for them to resist the system immediately, but one thing is certain, that is, they will definitely collect more system information. Curiosity is a must for civilization."

"And at this time, what will the system do?"

"Judging from the information I obtained when I was an auxiliary system, the most likely thing it did was to erase those existence records. But at this time another problem appeared. Up to now, there is no system to completely clean up the Yadu people, really Can the data be cleaned up successfully?"

"Then, at this time, if we find these super civilizations and provide some directional, 100% true, but incomplete information to these super civilizations, how will they develop in the future?" 8051 is very cute With a smile: "And don't forget, apart from me and Kong Huan, there is basically nothing that will reveal the identity of the friend race traverser race. At this time, how will the system respond?"

"Uh," a bunch of black spots floated over everyone's heads.

"But having said so much, one major premise is that we don't know where these super civilizations exist?" Lingxue pointed out the key: "8051, do you know?"

"I don't know." Facing everyone's expectant gaze, a certain unscrupulous guy who was about to transform into a stellar will decisively shook his head: "But we are not in a hurry, at least until the friend race transcends the category of advanced civilization and enters a super civilization that deeply analyzes the universe. , as long as we don’t make too obvious movements, we shouldn’t attract the system’s attention.”

"In this way, don't we have more time to look for it?"

"It can only be like this," several people nodded helplessly.

"Then the topic is back," Kong Huan pulled everyone's attention back: "No matter what the external force is, the focus is on ourselves, so as the first step towards the immortality of friends, Lingxue, the popularization of research on pure energy, the current progress What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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