Spore Story

Chapter 118 Is it Expansion?

Chapter 118 Is it Expansion?
【So, you call yourself a god in your dream? 8051 squints at the target. 】

"...Well, isn't it fun?"

[Indeed, your species has not yet entered civilization, so there is no such thing as religious worship.Then, it seems that there is nothing wrong with you calling God now.But... an omnipotent god who can only be seen in dreams, Oneiroi?cute god?Also, do those quack apes understand what a god is? For them, gods and apes are similar. 8051 looked at it carefully and nodded jokingly. 】

"Uh, it seems, it's also..."

He moved his body a little uneasy, Kong Huan always felt that there was something wrong with 8051's words, but Oneiroi?It doesn't seem to be a big deal, it's kind of a god, even if the flat collar doesn't understand, it's enough to explain more.

Therefore, Kong Huan could only awkwardly shake the super large flying wings on his back, and then continued to discuss other issues.

...a while ago...

"Oneiroi, learn today, barbecue?"

In the dream, Ping Ling experienced the taste of cooked food in the last dream, and after he ate a lot because the dream had no stomach adaptability problem, he felt the taste of the fresh meat after waking up.

And this directly led to the fact that even if the food was hunted in the past two days, most of the flat collars were distributed to ordinary quack apes. Some were under-fed, but that just gave his stomach a chance to get used to cooked meat.

At this time, although the illusion is still deformed, there is something more.That is, there are two more dancing flames in both hands.However, from Kong Huan's point of view, it would be more perfect if there is no barbecue on the flame.

"About the appearance of the gods, it seems that the only way to solve it is to further study the arts of the quack apes, otherwise it is really painful to say. But these two fires..."

As Kong Huan's thoughts swayed, two flames danced around Kong Huan in the adoring eyes of the flat collar, providing a lot of heat to the surrounding space, and more fragrance wafted out along the way.

"Yes, learn to grill meat first, and then learn how to use foreign objects and exercise your body."

Looking at his flat collar expectantly, he looked at the surrounding scene full of fires and barbecues and made complaints...

The body is dried vegetables piled into drops.

Blood is fire, heart is roast meat.

How many times I have been burned with desire and I have never cooked it.

Meat has never been grilled well.

I never understood why I kept grilling meat.

The fire has been roasted countless times.

But I still feel cold.

So, we're just doing, unlimited barbecue.



Time passed by like this day by day. After more than a dozen dreams taught by Kong Huan, Pingling has reached the level of the quack ape leaders such as Lingxue. Learn from illusory knowledge.

On this day, Kong Huan, who had withdrawn from the dream, did not leave, but looked expectantly at Ping Ling, who was gradually waking up.

First of all, he looked around in a daze, and the flat collar immediately stood up after fully waking up, "Assemble!"

Ten days outside is not enough for ordinary quack apes to learn language, but understanding a few specific words is no problem.Therefore, under Pingling's call for assembly, a small group of quack apes in the group who were able to go out to fight in the field gathered in front of Pingling, and then, Pingling took a few pieces of bacon and a few pieces of dead wood and turned to the empty instructions. Walk to the nearest quack ape den.

In order to ensure the smooth merger, Kong Huan not only simulated the opponent's position, individual appearance and other specific conditions for Pingling in his dream, but even entered the dream of the leader in the lair himself, predicting the arrival of Pingling's team, and Repeat the dream over and over to see how the other person reacts.

After that, Kong Huan used the appearance of the god in the opponent's dream to instruct the leader of the target lair to lead the team to join Pingling's upcoming team.

In the middle of the morning, the two quack ape teams finally met. Because of the dream that the illusion showed for them, the leader quack ape took the remaining three adults in the group early in the morning to protect the four The little quack ape is always on guard.

Finally, the flat-collar team seen in the dream appeared in the other party's eyes.

I was very shocked to see the flat-collared team approaching, and the other party was exactly the same as the powerful individual who claimed to be a god in the dream.

Faced with this strange situation, the little quack ape leader was puzzled and vigilant at first, but after the flat collar showed him fire and barbecue, he became fearful and hesitant, and when the flat collar team approached with a roar step by step At that moment, the little leader finally lowered his tentacles, stopped the electric current of his body and crawled in front of the flat collar.

As for the other quack apes in this small group, although they were a little puzzled by the leader's reaction, after the opponent's flame appeared and found the gap between the two sides, they finally followed the leader to join Pingling's team and began to return to Pingling's lair .

The whole process is almost the same as what Kong Huan simulated in this little leader's dream. It seems plain, but it is based on a lot of preparation.

For the first expansion, Kong Huan must establish its prestige in Pingling's heart, and must also strengthen Pingling's confidence. At the same time, it must strengthen the strength of Pingling's ethnic group. Therefore, no failure is allowed no matter what.

But the second expansion is the real test.

It is impossible for Kong Huan to always help Ping Ling to recover other quack apes, so Ping Ling must be allowed to recover other nests by himself without the help of Kong Huan.

"Ping Ling, you must remember what I taught you. Today, you must regain this lair."

He said that he would not help, but in fact, Kong Huan pointed out the location of the opponent's lair for Pingling, and Kong Huan also chose a small group with only a few quack apes.


When the flat collar approached the opponent's nest, the five adult quack apes in the target nest became vigilant.

Floating in mid-air, Kong Huan carefully watched the changes below.

Suddenly, in the illusory consciousness, I remembered the kind call that made people defenseless last time.

There was also no resistance, Kong Huan only felt that he was falling asleep a little bit.

At this time, a violent lightning flashed, and the two sides below suddenly fought, but this just happened to startle the void whose consciousness was gradually blurred.

"What's going on here?" This is Kong Huan's doubts about the development of the situation below, and it is also a question about his previous performance. However, no creature can answer Kong Huan's doubts.

That kind of call came and went without a trace again, Kong Huan had no choice but to further strengthen the tension of his consciousness, and then looked down at the battlefield below.

It seems that the two sides did not reach an agreement. After all, one side uses Chinese, and the other side just shouts emotionally.

After the opponent's leader, Quack Ape, launched an attack, the remaining Quack Apes on both sides also launched almost simultaneously.

Count until the lights and shadows mixed with electric current collide together, making a few dull crashing sounds.

Flat collar took the lead and rushed to the leader of the opponent, Gaga Ape, but following the instructions in the empty dream to try not to hurt the opponent, flat collar was a little restrained.

as far as possible?How much is possible?

Kong Huan was used to this word, but Pingling didn't know it, and Pingling who was waiting for the barbecue at that time also forgot to ask. Constantly dangling in front of each other.

Just like that, the leader of the target lair was also annoyed, since you rushed over with great power, why didn't you fight?

So, the chief quack ape bit the neck of the flat collar without hesitation, and at the same time waved its tentacles to block the limbs of the flat collar.

"I'm dizzy!"

Looking at the flat-collar side with the superior number, and the guard side with only three adult quack apes participating in the battle, it was inseparable. In the dark, Kong Huan realized that he seemed to be too accustomed to acting on his own. situation and underestimate the situation without their own participation.

At this time, the stalemate battlefield below suddenly changed.

A quack ape in the flat collar team seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with this kind of suffocating battle. Unlike flat collar, he could directly see the Oneiroi in his dreams, so he had a strong obedience. These ordinary quack apes Just accepted the order of the flat collar.

At this time, he felt a little dissatisfied with the order of flat collar.And just at this time, the quack ape who was fighting with him hit the quack ape on the head with a tentacle. The injury was not serious, but the short-term dizziness also made him angry. He forgot the illusory order conveyed by the flat collar and began to attack actively.

With a flick of its tail, the quack ape smashed to the ground the defending quack ape who was used to attacking only by himself, but the enemy was dodging around. Then, the quack ape jumped to the ground just like when it was fighting for the leader. Standing on the quack ape who stood up, it immediately let out a long roar.

The battlefield suddenly became weird because of the quack ape's movements. Flat-collar, who was determined to act according to the Oneiroi's instructions, still hid back and forth aggrievedly, but the quack apes under his men saw that the quack ape who suddenly burst into victory won, but began to fight. He hesitated, but Wei Xin, the leader photographed in the flat collar, still didn't take the initiative to attack.

And at this time, after confirming that the quack ape under his feet would not attack his own side, the violent quack ape turned his head and rushed towards the other defender quack ape.

This time the battle between the two sides lasted for a while, but the violent quack ape, who had learned more physical fighting methods through the flat collar, finally interfered with the opponent's actions by throwing stones with his tentacles, and then tripped the opponent with the same tail flick Falling down, and stomping on and roaring again.

At this moment, the battlefield became even more weird. Two of the three fighting quack apes on the defending side were subdued by the violent quacking apes, while the flat collar was still avoiding the attack of the defender's leader. In addition, the flat collar team and the defender The quack apes in the nest all stood aside and did not move.

"I really don't know how to change it!"

Looking depressedly at the flat-collared and violent quacking ape, he covered his face and sighed in vain.

Flat-collar's prestige has been challenged. Although neither the violent quack ape nor the ordinary flat-collared quack ape has continued to attack the remaining leaders or individuals in the lair, flat-collar has already felt the pressure.

"Oneiroi! I want to fight!"

The same depressed flat collar suddenly burst out a sentence, awakening the empty illusion in mid-air.

"What should I do? How can I tell him that I am not dreaming now!"

Kong Huan, who was in a hurry, looked down at the depressed flat collar from time to time, remembering the previous emotional exchange, but at this time his own consciousness body cannot be seen by the other party, even if it is conveyed, it is still unknown whether the other party can understand, "I hope you can understand me mean!"

Kong Huan began to use the consciousness body to gather mental power, and then recalled the previous method of using mental power to convey emotions. After thinking about the fluctuations in consciousness when he said the word "attack", Kong Huan waved towards the flat collar below.

Soon after receiving the message from Void, Ping Ling only lacked an instruction at this time, even though he was not sure whether it was the order of Oneiroi, but at this time Ping Ling's subconscious already believed that it was Oneiroi speaking.So, he immediately punched the opponent's leader, and the leader also fell to the ground when he was caught off guard.

Then, like a battle for leadership, the flat collar was recognized by the opponent.

But just when Kong Huan thought the dust had settled, Ping Ling suddenly turned his head to look at the violent quack ape not far away who was still in doubt, and then, the provocative roar broke out again.

(End of this chapter)

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