Spore Story

Chapter 119 Is Prestige

Chapter 119 Is Prestige
"It really surprised us to say that these quack apes have already begun to confirm their prestige as the leader. It is clear that Lingyun and the others are very harmonious."

[Isn't it because you, the leader of the main consciousness, are there, and the most prestige point is you, so they have nothing to argue about, right, Mr. Bandit, 8051 covered his mouth and snickered. 】

"Meow, be careful we arrest you as Mrs. Yazhai!"

[Catch it if you have the ability, 8051 looked at Kong Huan contemptuously. 】


"Hey, 8051, speaking of it, aren't you bored staying in the space? Why don't you go out and have a look."

【got used to. 】

[Also, even if you want to go out, it will be after you enter civilization and obtain space management rights. 8051 thought for a while and said. 】

"That day is not far away, just look forward to it, ah ha ha ha."

[Yeah, but for you who can't even establish the majesty of a cute god, I really can't believe it. 8051 thought about the previous situation and said. 】


...God is omnipotent, but will test your piety with setbacks...

Seeing the two quack apes facing each other, Kong Huan was confused.

"It's obvious that Quackape's emergency response was correct, why did Pingling confront him?"

This is the limitation of illusion. Although I have lived for so long, experience creates experience.This is the same reason that if you have not eaten barbecue, then even if you live for billions of years, you will not know what the taste of barbecue is like.

The emptiness that is active among species as the main consciousness, even under the influence of human's thin memory, has the psychology of establishing the majesty of the Oneiroi, but he does not know how to establish the majesty, how to maintain it, and how to strengthen it. He needs to explore and learn.

Inexperienced and unreal, at this time, it is impossible to realize how dangerous the majesty of the flat collar is challenged to the quack apes in the animal world. If the leader's orders are not obeyed by the subordinates at a critical moment, the result is likely to be devastating of.Because the animal group needs discipline more than the army, if the army loses discipline and fails, it will die and the country will perish; while the group in the animal world loses discipline, it will be eaten.

Without the order of the flat collar, although the violent quack ape made the right decision, he also challenged the majesty of the flat collar. If there is no battle, the herd will either split or become scattered. At that time It is the reality of 1+1=0.

Having said so much, Kong Huan at this time just looked suspiciously at the two quack apes in the battle below, and the two defending quack apes who were defeated by the violent quack ape stood up behind the violent quack ape; The leader of the defending side led some individuals in the nest to stand behind Pingling; as for the rest of the quack apes, they stood aside, waiting for the result of the battle between the two sides.

However, the fighting situation is actually not fierce. After all, Pingling has been the leader for so long, and it was only a moment of anger that overwhelmed Pingling's prestige when he was violent before. Under the prestige expanded by the things taught by God, the violent quack ape was quickly defeated.

In the end, Ping led the newly recovered quack ape back to the lair, and wiped out a single dinosaur on the way, adding a lot of food reserves to the lair.


Dreamland is a place where individual desires, emotions, and thoughts are displayed. The so-called day and night dreams.

Kong Huan hides his figure with a serious expression, and carefully looks at the dream of the flat collar at this time.

The grotesque world and unstable space are constantly changing, sometimes it is a daytime scene, and sometimes it is an occasional small mistake in the dream, but to sum up, the emotion expressed by Pingling’s dream at this time is——to the Oneiroi doubts.

At this time, Kong Huan felt the consequences of Bai Ri's wrong order.If this kind of questioning is allowed to continue, then the number of control and guide quack apes, which has only increased by forty or so, will return to its original state.

"Fortunately, it's the world of dreams, and I can play it freely."

Pingling, who had begun to hesitate because of a trace of doubt about the Oneiroi, suddenly felt reverence and faith again, and then, illusions fell in front of Pingling.

"You have doubts? Flat collar."

"Oneiroi, are you really omnipotent?" Seeing the appearance of Void, Ping Ling, who was not in a complicated state of mind, immediately expressed his thoughts after thinking for a while.

"Fortunately, the quack apes nowadays are very simple and easy to fool, otherwise it will be miserable." Silently rejoicing in his heart, Kong Huan worked hard to make Pingling feel self-blame and trust, and at the same time guide Pingling's fear of nature, and the dream immediately filled In the absence of darkness and withering, only light and nature exist in the illusory place, and it is only natural for flat collar to have longing and longing for the illusory place.

"It's wrong to doubt God, flat collar. When you encounter setbacks, it is God who is training you and testing you."

"Test? What do you mean?" Very speechless, because there are not many words to learn, so when Pingling encounters a new word and asks Kong Huan a question, then Kong Huan needs to explain, which greatly reduces the sacred atmosphere established by Kong Huan.

"The test is..."

I tried my best to explain the relationship between the test and God and other things. These things are illusory and I haven't given much thought to them, so I can only cooperate with the freedom of dreams and the control of emotions to stabilize Pingling's belief in God.

After a long time, looking at the remorseful but thoughtful flat collar, he flicked the tentacles on the back of his head in a dreamy and depressing manner.

"Meow, pretending to be a god stick is really not something I can do. Being a god is even more tiring. I should consider training more missionaries after the fourth-level brain. There is a specialization in art, so let's continue to focus on consciousness." A very promising career."

"As for the relationship with missionaries, first of all God must be mysterious and cannot appear every day like now, and then these missionaries should be easy to grasp, and they will infect other individuals with emotions..."

Constantly thinking about how to establish a stable main consciousness management system, after confirming that Ping Ling's prestige to him is stable, Kong Huan intends to leave.

"Pingling, I'm leaving. I hope you can do it for yourself in the future." After saying this, Kong Huan suddenly felt so happy in his heart, and he was obviously very satisfied with the day when he also said "do it for himself" to other individuals.

"Dream God, where are you going?"


But Kong Huan has left the dreamland of Pingling, and it will be time for Pingling to play on his own, and Kong Huan will return to space editing.Afterwards, Kong Huan had to work hard to contact more quack apes, so Ping Ling could only visit here occasionally.

"Oneiroi is gone? Is it because I have doubts about Oneiroi?"

In the gloomy dream, only the flat collar was still reflected on with remorse. (What a lovely white paper, polluted by emptiness=.=)


"Woke up again? Big boss."

Ga Ga opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Chu Qin who was eating cooked meat. Unknowingly (actually it was Ga Ga’s own arrangement=.=), Chu Qin had become a bodyguard of Ga Ga.

"Boss, I'm about to chrysalis!"

Looking at the excited Chu Qin in front of her, Ga Ga knew that she should go back to the space.

"I'm almost there too, Chu Qin, I'm going to sleep for a long time again this time, so stay on guard."

"I'm going to sleep again."

As soon as she heard that Quack was going to sleep again, Chu Qin immediately became depressed, but after spending so long together, Quack already understood the thoughts of the guys in her team.After sleeping for so long, they are probably more disappointed because there is no freshly roasted cooked meat.In fact, Quack's grilled meat is not very good, but probably because it was the first time they ate Quack's grilled meat, these Quack apes remembered the taste and became fond of Quack's barbecue, so , the first time is also very important.

Gathered the surrounding quack apes and the leader of the cave lair, Lingxue, and explained that he would sleep again, and quack returned to the space.

...what is God...

[What is the goal this time?Have you forgotten? 8051 kindly reminded the empty fantasy who had just returned. 】

The conscious body paused for a moment, and after shaking its tentacles unnaturally a few times, it looked around the space, "Well, how could we have forgotten, first... the wings, yes, first the pupated wings, and then the soft Skin, um, these two tasks now."

【Your time to recall is really short, 8051 nodded for sure. 】

"Of course, we have a good memory. Then, the flight that humans dream of will become a reality that is close at hand for our quack ape."


[System prompt: Your wings are too small to meet the needs of flying! 】

"Is this too small?"

Looking at the ten-meter-long giant flying wing in the open state, feeling powerless, "Then let's make it bigger."

[System prompt: Your wings are still too small to meet the needs of flying! 】

"It's 15 meters! Adjust it again!"

[The system prompts again: Your wings are still too small. I see that you lack the courage to do great things. 】


"8051, come out for us, you are the one who said this system prompt!"

[System prompt: Please don't confuse the system prompt with the auxiliary system, although both sides have the same consciousness. 】


"Hey, it's 26 meters, can't it work!"

[System prompt: Not yet. 】

"Is this also called a hint?"

[It's so pitiful, because of the dense muscles, your individual gains weight while gaining strength.So, in order to fly, I think you can shrink the body, so that you can satisfy your lolicon psychology, and you can also gain the ability to fly, although you will also become a hero.Of course, it is also a good way to find a more suitable flight method or component. 8051 puts forward rationalization suggestions for the main consciousness. 】

"Lolicon? We're definitely not."

Kong Huan shook his tail and said righteously. "Speaking of which, where did you know so many gibberish words!"

[You have a lot in your memory, 8051 thought about it and answered. 】

Tune (river crab) teaching continues...

"It turned out like this, it looks pretty good."

The supple skin, even Void, can't remember when it was provided by a horrible animal, but the upgraded supple skin is at least barely worthy of the protective power of dense muscles, and at the same time, the original dry skin can't touch it. Than.

As for the final appearance after pupation, it finally has a wingspan of nearly 1.7 meters and a height of about [-] meters at the wings, while the main body is about [-] meters tall and has a slender body.However, with the assistance of dense muscles and the crystallized energy core after pupation, the current winged quack ape can also fly easily.

At this time, Kong Huan merged into the pupated body, flapping its wings under the teaching of 8051 to learn flying skills.

(End of this chapter)

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