Spore Story

Chapter 1244 Hand over the rent

Chapter 1244 Hand over the rent
On March 64, 3th year of the friend family calendar, the second new friend arrived at the fortress star, sunny
The long-awaited news finally came. The three nearby medium civilizations controlled by the friends through the spiritual influence sent back news of the discovery of the alien civilization fleet, and the news of the exchange of fire followed.Since the initial exchange of fire was just a test, the friends also sent the Shenting Armed Forces and the pure robot fleet to assist, and the defense line did not immediately appear in danger.

But the size of the space civilization fleet that was monitored made everyone feel shocked and stressed.

However, even if he was so surprised, he was already mentally prepared for this.And through the influence of the large-scale spiritual power of the frontline gods and spirits, the morale of these medium-civilized troops helping friends will not decline, which is also a major advantage of individual races.

However, in the face of absolute strength, no amount of morale can make up for the real gap.

Therefore, for these moderately civilized armies, the expectations of the friends are nothing more than delaying time for themselves.

Then the time came to March 3rd, probably after the trial was completed and there was nothing to be afraid of. It was unclear whether it was the Starry Sky Council or the combined army of the three major forces in the universe that officially launched a berserk attack.In an instant, only the lights inside the ship revealed by the portholes covered the starry sky, and the soldiers on the defense line witnessed in horror the enemy pressing down like a high wall.

A war of this scale has already exceeded the scale of the existing records of the universe.

Gradually, the fear of the ordinary soldiers of the friends' clan was no longer able to affect the spirits of the gods, because even they themselves were frightened by such a large-scale enemy army.When the enemy army approached, the bombardment of the main artillery of millions of battleships became the last straw that broke the camel's camel.

In just two days, more than a dozen lines of defense inside the three medium civilizations were continuously breached.

Judging from the records, the anti-friend race space fleet is almost a war march, not a battle, because no medium-civilized line of defense can withstand the crushing of these fleets.Even these fleets don't need to use main guns, just pushing them flat can destroy the mid-level civilization troops on the defense line.

In the face of this kind of battlefield, the individual role of friends has also been reduced to a negligible level, because there are only a hundred friends in the Shenting troops on the defense line.


On March 3th, the three medium-level civilizations that were close to the friends were successively broken through the front line of defense, and the anti-friends space fleet began to approach the capital star of the medium civilization.At this moment, facing the huge casualties on the front line and the unbearable sense of oppression, cases of distrust of the ruler broke out in the three middle civilizations, and even direct riots and rebellions broke out.

In just three days, the day before the anti-friend fleet was about to invade the capital planets of the three medium civilizations, the rulers influenced by the friends were finally overthrown by their own people.

On March 3, the Anti-Friend Fleet invaded the capitals of three medium-level civilizations, and the interim governments of the three civilizations successively announced their surrender.

Ten days
This is the time that the three middle civilizations bought for the friends.

But looking back at the marching speed of the anti-friend clan fleet, the friend found embarrassingly that even without the obstruction of these three medium civilizations, it would only take so little time for the opponent to march to the capitals of these three medium civilizations.

In other words, the defense lines of these three medium civilizations are equivalent to nothing. Instead, the ruler issued an order to blow up the stargate before being overthrown. Although not all of them were executed, it still delayed the anti-friend fleet for a few days Time, this is a little bit of work.

"You shouldn't have hoped for these ordinary civilizations in the first place," Kong Huan covered his forehead.

Such a short period of time caught my friends by surprise, and even Lingxue felt unbelievable when she got this result, so that the frontline Shenting armed forces failed to evacuate immediately and were surrounded.Fortunately, relying on the special spaceships manufactured by the high-end technology of various races, coupled with the camouflage nature of the pure energyization of the armed soldiers of Shenting, they returned to the friend clan after paying the loss of more than a dozen people.

But that was a few days later.

Now, friends who learned that the capital planets of the three medium civilizations had fallen, had to speed up their evacuation preparations.

————Battlefield gap————

On March 64, 3th year of the Pengzu calendar, the second new friend arrived at the fortress star, Yang (actually the big sun)

"The Tree Clan, a super civilization that surpasses higher civilizations. Since we have only met such one now, we cannot define the level it has reached. Even in the races during the time of the Traveler Alliance, existences like the Tree Clan are rare, so Nothing compares."

Thinking about the relevant data in his heart, Kong Huan did not take the spaceship, but directly flew away from the fortress star and flew into the outer space.

For the spirit god level, perhaps only those black holes that erupted last before death can cause some harm, and it is almost easy to move in space like it is now.If friends can gather the entire race into a few spirit gods like the hive, would it still need to be so troublesome now?

It's a pity that the differences in races make it impossible for friends to use even if they understand the Hive Clan's method.

After a while, the coordinates were determined to be the Baiyue Empress where the Tree Clan was located, and the space in front of him was torn apart, and an illusory figure instantly appeared on the Baiyue orbit hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

After the spatial movement is proficient, there will no longer be discomfort.

But for a moment, the Tree Clan in Baiyue also noticed the appearance of emptiness.


With a sigh, without any words, in front of Konghuan on the orbit of the white moon, a phantom of a big tree slowly condensed.Perhaps because of the attitude of treating each other as equals, the big tree is only as tall as two people, and it is very different from its body.But Kong Huan still recognized the identity of the big tree in front of him at a glance, it was the patriarch of the tree clan who had talked with him before.

Confirmed by consciousness fluctuations.

"As a friend, I will not force you to make a choice. But also as a friend, I need your help."

"The existence of the system, we have been aware of it since we became a super civilization, but we never thought that you would understand it so deeply," the patriarch of the tree clan did not directly respond to the empty request, but expanded like the long-standing habit of the tree people. The topic: "Since entering the super civilization, we have been constantly migrating and wandering, just because we don't want to be discovered by the system."

Hearing this, Kong Huan, who had guessed for a long time, knew that he might not be able to keep them.

Sure enough, the Tree Clan said afterwards.

"Maybe it will make you feel contemptuous, but the long-term life has made us used to all this, and it has also wiped out all the resistance. If we were at the beginning of becoming a super civilization, we would not hesitate to face your request. I agree, but now... I'm sorry."

"I'm also prepared," Kong Huan sighed, dispelling the idea of ​​letting the tree clan take action.

However, he did not leave immediately, but continued to ask: "But as a friend, it should be okay to provide some information support?"

"Of course, but even you know more about the system than we do, so what can we offer?"

"The situation of the system is just an accident. To the Tree Clan, the Peng Clan is just a cosmic civilization that has just broken through the planet. Therefore," after a pause, Kong Huan asked: "After so many years of migration, the Tree Clan should have thought about why Rejected by the system, is there any gain now?"

If you can get relatively detailed information, even if you can't convince the current Tree Clan, you might be able to get some cards if you encounter a super civilization in the future.

"Harvest? It seems a little bit," the tree tribe continued to explain in their slow tone: "Over the years, we have indeed considered why we were hunted down. Now everyone agrees that the entry from a higher civilization After the super civilization, the civilization is completely stereotyped and can no longer be changed. Maybe the type of civilization of our tree family is not accepted by the system."

"Just because of this?" Kong Huan was surprised.

"Yes, when you enter a super civilization, you will find that many things cannot be explained by words, so I am sorry that I can't make you fully understand," the patriarch of the tree clan shook his branches, and replied: "And now , we should leave too, although the system didn't do it personally this time, if we stay here again, we might be discovered too."


"By the way," the old tree that had disappeared half became clear again, and the shadow of a sapling gradually emerged beside him.But Kong Huan can feel that this sapling does not have any self-awareness, which means that it is not a member of the tree family: "This thing should be able to provide you with some help, let's count it as our accommodation fee."

"Accommodation fee..." Huan Huan twitched the corners of his mouth when he was shocked, but since it was a good thing, he obviously wouldn't refuse it: "Thank you so much."

"It's nothing. Although it's only been a few years, these few years are the most relaxing years for our tree clan. It's a pity." After leaving such a sentence, the old tree man disappeared completely.Almost instantly, a large group of giant trees floated up on the white moon in the distance, and disappeared in the sky above the white moon in an instant.

And holding a tree with no visible effect in his hand, he drifted slowly towards the fortress star, dreaming about the last words of the old tree man.


"Easiest? I see, it seems that I still underestimate these woods," 8051 looked at the branches on the conference table with a wry smile and shook his head after listening to the empty narration.

"Look at it? What's going on?" Kong Huan and the others were at a loss.

"Because judging from the words of this old wood, it may be able to feel that I use the ability left over from the auxiliary system to cover up the system's detection of Double Moon and us. If there is no such thing, the system would have been able to find us. These woods seem to choose to live in Baiyue because of this."

"Unfortunately, I have already left," Lingxue said regretfully.

"It's nothing, even a super civilization, it's not the same in the face of systems and ordinary civilizations." 8051 shook his head, holding the branches in his hands and looking at them, and explained: "This universe is a system, so as long as it exists in this universe Among them, there is no possibility of defeating the system. This is why I fully support leaving the system universe and entering the void. Because only then will we be qualified to sit on an equal footing with the system."

"Okay, let's talk about what's the use of this wood?" Most of my friends are pragmatists. No matter how curious they are about the tree family, it's useless if they run away now, so everyone's attention should return to the tree family. This 'rent' on the body.

"This is a good thing." 8051 waved the branch and explained happily: "Hmm, after my main observation of the planet's will as a former auxiliary system, the function of this branch is to destroy the illusory channel."


(End of this chapter)

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