Spore Story

Chapter 1245 Playing the Turret Defense Game

Chapter 1245 Playing the Turret Defense Game

Thank you for the reward of 'Story of the Starry Sky' =w=
On March 64th, 3th year of the Friends' Clan, the space fleet of the Anti-Friends completely surrounded the Double Moon Solar System, but they obviously had to work hard to break into the Double Moon Star System.

Here we have to mention the geographical situation here.

Perhaps it is the welfare of the traverser civilization, the birth point of the friends arranged by the system for the empty double moon star, the star system where it is located has only one active point in space, in short, it is a one-way channel.The spaceships of most cosmic civilizations have to pass through the area where the star gate is located if they want to enter and exit here.

This caused the cosmic civilization to send several main fleets in by refueling when it attacked.

This is almost food delivery for friends.

Of course, as an advanced civilization, super weapons such as Fortress Star are equipped with unlimited jump devices similar to the special spaceships of Shenting, which can enter the double-moon star system without going through the star gate.But out of understanding of the fighting power of the friends, they obviously dare not let Fortress Star come to die easily.

What's more, after the Pengzu entered the world of cosmic civilization, they deployed a large number of jump barriers around the double-moon star system, which strengthened the defense of the double-moon star system universe.

More importantly, although the various ethnic groups launched attacks according to the system's orders, it is still unknown how many people paid a huge price for this.

"The relationship between the star elves and us is the best, not to mention that we also know each other's weaknesses. If we say that the possibility of a deadly battle is not high, it is impossible for them to stop fighting; The threat is great, but their core three-level brain technology is in our hands, and they may still be planning a quick raid to obtain the technology, but if they can't eliminate us in a short time, I'm afraid they will immediately show favor to us."

"As for the Holy Church, I don't know if it has appeared. If it does, it will pose the greatest threat to us. But it is unknown whether they will risk the loss of a large number of people to attack the star gate."

"It is impossible for other races, including the information complex with the highest weirdness, to break through the stargate protected by the mental explosion device in a short time."

"Patriarch, I have said so much, but what if the enemy doesn't use the leap?"

"It is estimated that it will take one and a half months for the troops with the highest conventional speed in the fleets of various races in the existing cosmic civilization to enter the double-moon star system from the nearby star system," Lingxue said: "One and a half months, if They still can't break through the star gate, so our friends can also evacuate with satisfaction."

"Does it mean that Temilia and their civilizations will make changes?"

"Yes," Lingxue nodded, "although it's only possible, not absolute."

But since it is possible, everyone has expectations, and the subsequent evacuation preparations and research work will be more relaxed.

————Stargate Furnace————

Stargate's war costs a lot, and the automated factories on Double Moon Star that have not been relocated have been transferred to the manufacturing of the automated army.The several aviation centers left on the ground, under the control and command of the second-level brain, continuously launch drones into space.

Coupled with the non-stop production of drones in the factory of the fortress star, the result is that outside the star gate, there are huge drone groups that even friends do not intend to count.

It is probably increasing by the scale of [-] every hour.

And the anti-friend fleet on the side of the star gate finally reacted after resting and preparing for two days.

This morning, the surveillance drone in the Stargate space was the first to discover large-scale transition fluctuations.A total of nearly 20 unmanned aerial vehicles were laid out immediately, to give the opponent a head-on blow.But as soon as those transition items were revealed, nearly half of the drones turned around and fled.

It's a pity that the reaction was still half a beat late, because those things were all - bombs.

Two or 10 minutes later, the huge star gate and the hundreds of thousands of drones in the inner circle turned into wreckages of all sizes.

"So cruel!" Kong Huan's eyes twitched.

The opponent actually directly jumped a large number of local strategic weapons, which were used to attack the friend army that would definitely exist on the side of the star gate.If it weren't for the fact that the planet closest to the star gate is [-] kilometers away, a single explosion would be enough to destroy the entire planet.

Even so, the explosion destroyed the gate, and the fixed defenses attached to it.

"But if the star gate is destroyed, the number of people they can pass through will be reduced by more than half, and the attack will be more difficult, won't it?"

"I'm afraid that in the initial plan of these cosmic civilizations, there was no content to snatch the star gate."

"Yeah, we shouldn't have such illusions. The guys at the military academy are still too naive. They have fought space wars for tens of thousands of years. Will they prevent us from blowing up the star gate in times of crisis?"

"Okay, anyway, we don't have any expectations for Stargate, do we?"


Listening to the quarrel of the staff officers of the Military Academy in the command room behind him, Kong Hua's heart was quite calm.

Things that cause stress are because they cannot be solved temporarily, or they need to pay a high price.But now the satellite gates are all guarded by drone troops. Compared with the drone troops at this time, the scale of 10,000+ is just a drop in the bucket. If one disappears, it will be replenished.

Once the battle is unfavorable, the friends can jump away immediately.

Therefore, there is a way out, and there is not much to pay. Friends are now almost waiting with the idea of ​​'see how long it takes for them to break through'.

"But we should have thought of it earlier," said Chu Jie who was beside Kong Huan, "The tree tribe has been able to avoid the system for so long, how could there be no way to cover it up. It's a pity that we only got such a branch this time, and we can only use it." Once. After the disorderly transition, it is really a good thing to use this branch to erase the traces, even our current technology cannot do it."

However, upon hearing Chu Jie's complaint, the people around couldn't help but laugh: "In the beginning we didn't even have branches, didn't we still make a solid plan?"

"Okay, I'm just complaining," grunted dissatisfiedly, and Chu Jie resolutely turned her attention to the stargate wreckage in the distance: "Now that there are so many wreckages floating there, what will those guys who dare to attack us do? Woolen cloth?"

But before everyone answered, the image at the star gate changed again.

Accompanied by bursts of space transitions, another group of unknown objects leaped and appeared outside the star gate.But this time, due to the interference of debris covering the original stargate, nearly 70% of the unknown objects were fused with the debris, causing a violent explosion.The remaining 30% also had to face the drones that were still rushing forward bravely.

But what made the friends who stayed on the fortress watching movies cover their faces was that this time it turned out to be a series of self-destructs.

The difference from the last time was that a large number of gravity generators were detonated this time.Although this gravitational burst only produced an instant effect, and was subsequently wiped out by the overwhelming drone swarm, and the drone swarm did not suffer much loss, but that short momentary gravitational burst was the reason for the densely distributed The wrecked fragments of the stargate point the way.

"According to the speed of these fragments, after 12 hours, the fragments in the Stargate area will completely disappear."

"12 hours, is this time used to clean up the debris of the star gate? They don't even think about whether we will agree!"

"Who knows, maybe they just want to clean it up for the next batch of bombs?"


Following the order of the Military Academy, the wreckage moving in the space around the star gate was stopped and moved while being dragged by the drone.However, drones can only affect a small number of medium and large-sized wreckage, and a large number of tiny wreckage cannot be controlled, so they can only be allowed to fly out of this airspace.

Friends who saw this scene were thoughtful.

"It seems that the main purpose of this wave is probably just to clean up and be careful of the wreckage. This is the most troublesome thing in the first place. I learned it."

"Yeah, the higher-ups actually thought of using this method to learn experience. The price of a double-moon star system is really a luxury."

"Anyway, after entering the void, we won't be able to use it, will we?"


"Don't talk nonsense, recalculate the completion time!" Long Yue, commander of the Military Academy, issued an order.

"Five hours."

"Five hours?" She stared at the star map in front of her, and kept waving her fingers: "Let the people below pay attention, the real attack will probably start after five hours. These large wreckages alone cannot fill an airspace , in the next wave, they will dispatch units with independent combat capabilities, this game will be fun for me."

"Yes!" You said it was a game, and some of them will get serious.

(End of this chapter)

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