Spore Story

Chapter 127 The Road to Civilization

Chapter 127 The Road to Civilization
[Does the use of discovery tools open the mission of the road to civilization?whether. 】


Just after cleaning the dinosaur skin, Gaga was about to find a place to dry it, when the reminder of the road to civilization unexpectedly sounded in his mind.

Stopping what he was doing, Quack turned his head to look at the cheering quack apes not far away.

The two quack apes, who learned the movements of quack, finally peeled off a few small pieces of tattered skin. At this time, they were jumping and cheering excitedly beside the dinosaur, and the onlookers also gave a strong whistling sound.

Then, under the envious eyes of the onlookers, the two quack apes carefully walked to quack's side holding the bone blade and dinosaur skin, and handed them to the stunned quack.

Only then did Quack react.

"Open, open the road to civilization!"

Carefully put away the skins in the hands of the two quack apes, and then handed the two bone blades to the quack apes again, and quack said solemnly, "This is yours."

[Check that the key points of the road to civilization are open, and the mission of the road to civilization is ready to start. 】

[The fourth stage of time difference reduction starts, the time ratio drops to 10:1, and the time adjustment buffer begins. 】

Under the situation that Quack can perceive, the outside world fluctuates again...

[The time adjustment buffer is over, the time ratio reaches 10:1, and the fourth stage of time difference reduction is over. 】

[The detected time comparison has dropped to 10:1. The mission of the road to civilization has started]

The Road to Civilization - Primitive Tribes

Civilization refers to the sum of wealth created by creatures, especially spiritual wealth, such as literature, art, education, science, etc., and also refers to the state manifested in a higher stage of social development.

According to the intention of the main consciousness, this task becomes the final assessment of whether the main consciousness species enters the social primitive civilization. There will be three main goals and ten sub-goals to be completed, and each goal is carried out at the same level without interfering with each other.When a total of thirteen goals have been completed, the system will determine that the main consciousness species has entered the stage of primitive civilization.

Three main goals:
One: communication.Communication is the basis for the development of social civilization, and allowing one's own species to communicate with each other is a prerequisite for the development of civilization.Currently the target judgment is enabled, communication method: language. (did not make it)
Two: Rationality: Rationality is the soul of truth, and truth is the embryo of civilization. Only species with rationality can be distinguished from animals and called humans.Currently the target judgment is not enabled.

Three: Art: Art is the civilized release of desire, and it cooperates with rationality, which is the key to the stability and vitality of a civilization.Currently the target judgment is not enabled.

Ten sub-goals:
Different civilizations have different expansion performances. You only need to find many key points and complete the stable inheritance of ten of them to complete this goal.Currently the target judgment is enabled:

Light the Tinder (Cancelled)

Early Privileges (Canceled)

Using tools (not up to standard)

"It's really complicated, so what do these non-compliance mean?"

At this time, the surrounding quack apes have been ordered by quack to dismember the poor dinosaur and smoke it dry, and quack sat on a few rocks beside the cave entrance (in case of being attacked by pterodactyls again), and began to move forward. View tasks.

At this time, Quack found that the two tasks that did not meet the standard seemed to be able to expand the query.

Alternating current
Mode: language
Target: total number of individuals using the language (2117/10000)

The number of groups with more than 200 members and more than 70% of them speak languages ​​(0/100)

use tools
Target: Total number of individuals who can use tools (2/10000)

The number of groups with more than 200 members and more than 30% of users using tools (0/100)

"...so painful."

With the total number of goals in mind, Gaga found that the future was still bleak.

Stability and development, that's what Quack found in the mission specific description.

In other words, even if some kind of civilized behavior appears, if it cannot be passed on stably and further expanded, then the system will think that this kind of civilized behavior has no vitality, and it is just tea for future generations when they are bored. It cannot be used as a judgment for entering civilization.

In other words, even if Gaga has now built the cave lair into a perfect society, if this society cannot continue, then civilization will be out of the question.

"No matter what, the road to civilization has finally started. At least civilization is right in front of us, unlike before, there was a main task."

"However, judging from the current situation, the search for more quack apes still has to continue, but this is no longer for the main task, but to expand the civilized behavior I created, so let's work hard."

"first of all……"

"Clothes, houses."

"Yes, that's right! When did you wake up? Lingyun."

"Just now." Lingyun stood beside Gaga, looking curiously at the ape Quack who was wielding a bone blade to carve up pieces of dinosaur meat in the distance, and answered Quack's question absent-mindedly.

"For Xiangyi Quackape, the energy attack is equivalent to physical strength. As for this kind of ordinary bone blade, it is optional." After thinking about the feasibility of equipping Xiangyi Quackape with bone blades, Quack finally chose rejected the proposal.

"By the way, since we know that the road to civilization mission now requires a base number, then..."

Under Lingyun's dissatisfied eyes, he stopped making clothes, and Gaga got up and began to greet the female individuals in the cave.

Although it is not to say that males cannot make clothes, Gaga still thinks that it is better for males to do complex hunting now, while females are responsible for these auxiliary tasks.At this time, it is just for these female quack apes to observe their own clothing making skills, so as to prepare for their own clothing making in the future.

——————— Observe the dividing line of the messy garment making process ———————

Very easy process, super easy steps.

Under the focused gaze of all the female quack apes, quack cut a piece of dinosaur skin to a size of more than one meter long and half a meter wide, and then wrapped it around the waist, tied it with strips of leather, A piece of the most primitive animal skin skirt, ah no, it is a dinosaur leather skirt and it is completed like this. (Scattering flowers=0=)

"Come here and dress like this."

The onlookers shared the first batch of 10000 animal skin skirts, and Gaga looked proudly at the newly opened [Simplified Dressing] mission, the number of requirements for 0 in the goal changed from 21 to 9979 in a short time , which gave Quack a great sense of accomplishment. As for the remaining [-], "Sa, the future is still very long, take your time, Ga."

At this time, except for Lingyun and Gaga wearing sleeveless top and skirt suits, due to the lack of leather materials, only the other 20 female quack apes wore crude leather skirts. At this time, they were curiously feeling The strange feeling of being surrounded by the lower body.

As for the male individuals watching from the outside, for the time being, they should stick to the belief of Junzi Tandandan. It happens that a few guys seem to be uncomfortable with the leather skirt surrounding their bodies.

"These meows! Forget it, I finally feel the warmth of the clothes. I'm in a good mood to care about you."

The orders of the big boss must be obeyed, and the will of the big boss must be carried out. Therefore, even if there is dissatisfaction, these quack apes are still proudly wearing leather skirts, dangling in front of the naked quack apes, never knowing what it means to be low-key .

The emergence of inequality has begun to lead to the emergence of struggles. If this is not the lair where the main consciousness Gaga is, they probably have already started a battle for it now.

"Speaking of which, it seems that the system didn't count me in the task. So, should we promote it around the calcium carbide mine first?"

Looking back at the simple-headed quack apes and Lingyun who likes to sleep, quack turned to look at Chuqin and other apes who have not yet pupaed, "Let's disperse and go out for activities after they have pupaed." ,Now……"

I finally saw the clothes in reality. At this time, although I was puzzled that the clothes were not as comfortable as in the dream, I was still excited, and I was about to fall asleep due to physical reasons. Seeing the other party wanting to sleep but not sleeping, quack After smiling, he walked back to his small cave.

...Dreams are flying...

This is the dreamland, and it is also the place where Void began to spread its beliefs.

Because, Kong Huan is now claiming to be the Dream God.

On the top of the high suspended mountain, on the platform paved with calcium carbide, there is a majestic temple radiating warmth. In front of the temple, dozens of tall and strong flying-wing quack apes are standing guard in armor and holding sharp knives. middle.

However, these things are actually just decorations, satisfying vain vanity accounts for most of the reasons, as for giving a sense of sacredness to the only aura that can enter here, it is just a side effect.

At this time, a flexible and clear voice came from the temple, "Here the big boss is a dream god, and he is also illusory; outside he is the big boss, and he is also quack. Is that so?"

"You finally understand!" Kong Huan, who lacked the majesty of God, was collapsing on the high stone chair at this moment, looking at Ling Yun, who was sitting beside him on the side of his chair, playing with the tentacles, showing relief like look.

"Then, let me tell you what you need to do as a priest now."

"Oh," nodded nonchalantly, Lingyun looked at the depressed Kong Huan, swung her tail up and down triumphantly, and hit Kong Huan's leg one after another.

As the highest educator (self-proclaimed) of a species, at this time, Kong Huan decided to change the traditional education mode of text, pictures, and video, and directly upgrade to virtual reality education.

The dream was shaking for a while, and Lingyun suddenly found herself at the entrance of the cave lair. Under Lingyun's involuntary leadership, dozens of quack apes used the giant bones of dinosaurs to cooperate with their own strength to pile up a path along the hillside with stones. , the trail winds its way up to the top of the mountain.Then, the quack apes dug up the soil on the top of the mountain and flattened out a 9*9 square platform.

At this time, under the command of Lingyun, the quack apes built a small platform with stones on the platform, and lit six bonfires around the small platform.

After the stone platform was piled up, Lingyun led the quack apes to hunt and kill a huge dinosaur.Then, the quack apes took off the dinosaur's head, emptied it and washed it, and took the skull step by step along the previously piled path to the stone platform on the top of the mountain.

Under the leadership of Lingyun, the quack apes below began to prostrate themselves in front of the stone platform, doing worship movements, while Lingyun loudly said sacrifices to the gods.

In the end, the huge dinosaur skull was placed on the stone platform, Lingyun used powerful electricity to ignite the flame, and finally reduced the skull to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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