Spore Story

Chapter 128 Are you a priest?

Chapter 128 Are you a priest?
The so-called sacrificial offering has no direct benefit to Kong Huan.

The sacrificial activities being carried out now are more like a kind of entertainment and a kind of spiritual life provided to the leisurely quack apes.

And Kong Huan did not let Lingyun learn other priestly behaviors, because in Kong Huan's view, it is not yet time to enforce the so-called God's will for the quack apes.

First of all, it is necessary to let the quack apes feel fear and majesty towards God, and establish the irreplaceable position of God in the hearts of the quack apes, who were animals before, before they can be further allowed to act according to the will of God.

When ordinary quack apes feel awe of God, it will be more effective to implement God's will.

The rationality in the task of the road to civilization, according to the illusory idea, is the moral restraint and thinking shaping of the quack apes.This requires the cooperation of education, religion, and political power, and the illusory plan is to implement the original morality with the will of God after the gods have begun to be accepted and recognized by the quack apes.Before that, the simple system was implemented by the tribal authority, so that the quack apes began to gradually restrain their behavior with rationality, and finally broke away from the world of animal behavior.

The previous scene was repeated several times, and at the same time, with the empty explanation, Lingyun could understand what she needed to do little by little.

Of course, if you pay, you will gain, and it is an understandable gain.Lingyun couldn't comprehend the gain of immortal consciousness mentioned to Lingyun before by Kong Huan, and it was not even as attractive as a piece of barbecue.Therefore, after completing the sacrifice, the quack apes in the dream built a house for Lingyun on the mountainside, filling it with food and clothes, and even a few ordinary pieces of furniture.

Obviously, Lingyun's interest in such things is much higher than the previous sacrificial behavior.

"Lingyun, you have to remember."

"If you pay, you will gain. What you pay is to become a priest of the Dream God, and to preside over the priestly duties such as the previous sacrificial work; and what you gain is that you can enjoy a better life than ordinary quack apes, that is These houses, these foods, these clothes, and these furniture." No matter how you look at it, it looks like a rudimentary welfare system of a third-rate company, Kong Huan couldn't help complaining to himself while talking.


It is useless to talk about God's beliefs to Lingyun now, human pursuit is useless, so I can only explain it in the most direct way, and use a subtle way to gradually develop the spirit of the current little lolita into what I expect qualified priests.

Moreover, due to the excellent knowledge instillation ability of the dream world, the expansion of the illusion has also been greatly facilitated.

Facing the many nests, Kong Huan planned to choose a flying-wing quack ape in each nest as the leader, responsible for hunting, food gathering and other daily affairs, and then choose another flying-wing quack ape as the priest, responsible for sacrifices and education affairs.

In order to expand the control number in a short period of time, the illusory dream education method will only target large groups with a number of [-] or even more than [-], or it may develop into a nest of large groups, such as the surrounding situation like flat collars.

After doing this, Kong Huan only needs to spend more than ten days to educate the lair leader roughly in the dream, and at the same time to educate the priests in the lair in detail in the dream.

In this way, the number of illusory control guides will definitely increase steadily, and at the same time promote the gathering of quack apes, forming more large nests of more than [-].

In this way, the little loli aura priest, who is the starting point of the expansion of the empty fantasy, has become the natural number one machine of the empty fantasy, cough, the first priest.Everyone knows that according to the law of unknown when it will appear, the first number is the strongest, and it is also the most experimental.Then, in order to achieve this goal, it is only natural that Kong Huan prepared the most courses for this little priest.

Such as writing, arithmetic, drawing and so on.

So, the loli priest development plan starts now.

"Priest is a very important profession, Lingyun. Now you are just an apprentice priest. You must complete my courses before you can become a full-fledged priest. Therefore, if you want to get the good things you saw before, you have to study hard. Do you know the courses I teach?"

Satisfied with Lingyun's half-understanding nod, Kong Huan adjusted the surrounding dreams for a while, and finally turned it into an antique classroom, "Then, let's learn words first."

Writing is an important medium for the inheritance of civilization, so priests who are responsible for educating the lair must learn this medium.

However, Kong Huan has never memorized the Three Character Classic, and he has forgotten all the lessons of elementary school, so, in this dream, whenever Lingyun wants to learn any words, Kong Huan will teach whatever he fantasizes, all the time. After a dream, my dizziness from aurasics (indeed, I almost swelled =. =), and I only learned a dozen words in the end, but this should be considered a genius.

Of course, after all, it is the first experimental teaching, and it will definitely get better and better in the future. Now it is considered as paying tuition.

Looking at Lingyun who was practicing calligraphy on the stone slabs of the cave with emotion, Quack, who was already in the outside world, glanced at the eight giant cocoons that still did not respond, and took a small group of Quack apes to go out hunting, for the quack apes. No longer continue to rush and work hard, as for food... there is a pile in a corner of the cave.


Since starting Lingyun's priest experiment course, Xiao Lingyun has spent dozens of dreams, and has mastered three hundred Chinese characters, becoming the first word user in the outside world.

However, these words were only written on the rock by aura.

With text, there needs to be a carrier of text, but now Quack is not planning to make paper, and even bamboo slips and wooden slips are not considered for the time being. Thread, bound into many booklets with leather as paper (=.=).

Even these booklets are not used for aura practice, but Gaga uses dinosaur blood as ink and dinosaur bone spurs as pens to record what he wants to record, for example, priest lessons.

Therefore, Lingyun can only read these pamphlets, but not write them.

Of course, the quack apes who watched quack making books and Lingyun practicing calligraphy out of curiosity couldn't understand what they were doing. Curious and ignorant.For this, Quack did not explain or expand education for the time being.

In this way, Lingyun in the quack ape also began to become more mysterious than the big leader quack, because quack at least usually manages some chores, although most of them are left to Lingzhong and a few quack apes.

The unknown things around are a good thing to arouse curiosity, especially for the quack apes who basically have no worries about shirts (cool skirts) and food (bacon, seeds) at this time. In addition to chatting by the fire, fighting has also become a good way of entertainment.

"Compared with the hard life of the apes mentioned in the book, there is a difference between heaven and earth." Gaga sighed while watching the energetic quack apes compete with each other in their spare time.

More than 100 bosses are close to the lair of the black-handed quack ape, and they are placed on the earth of primitive society according to the natural level. This is a wolf den.

Target: Total number of individuals who can use text (1/1000)

The number of groups with more than 200 members and more than 5% of them using text (0/100)

Advanced target: Book (appeared, opening is limited.)

This task is a sub-goal that appears in the Road to Civilization task when Lingyun writes the [-]th character she has learned crookedly in a dream.

As for the advanced target book, it is of course that Kong Huan appeared after the first book "Literacy Course for Priests" compiled by external binding, but Kong Huan found that he could not check the specific situation of this target.Then, insisting on choosing indifferent illusory things for irrelevant things, I continued to ignore them, and still used the small pieces of dinosaur skins divided by the quack apes to make booklets by the quack apes who learned how to bind. spare.

And because of learning to make clothes and order books, the task of [Using tools] has changed from 2 to 9, which is gratifying.

However, at this time, Kong Huan has no idea of ​​starting a learning class to write. After all, if Kong Huan is allowed to teach quack apes to learn to write in the outside world, maybe there will be quack apes who can reach the current level of aura in spring and autumn. At this time, it is not very useful for the quack apes to learn to write. It is enough to have a few individuals who can write.

Perhaps it is precisely because it is not easy to master writing, so the number of writing tasks required is much less than other tasks, which makes Kong Huan feel a little relieved.

The first text expansion was arranged by Unreal until a certain number of lairs had formal priests, because at that time these priests were allowed to play their roles.

After Lingyun mastered [-] Chinese characters, in addition to asking Lingyun to practice more, the learning of characters was temporarily suspended. Kong Huan summed up his experience and perfected the ten-page "Literacy Course for Priests (Revised) Edition)" (=.=), played an inestimable role in teaching other priests later, and became one of the top ten miracles in the history of civilization and archaeology thousands of years later.

Thousands of years later, during the archeology of civilization, the author Gaga on the pages of a relatively complete "Priest Literacy Course (N Revised Edition)" accidentally discovered in an iceberg was even worshiped by archaeologists as the god of character creation. , although everyone is speechless about the author's name.

However, what happened thousands of years later is not something Gaga can understand now. After Lingyun's writing course, Kong Huan began to start punctuation and arithmetic courses in Lingyun's dreamland, and planned to start painting teaching to make an impact. One of the three goals of art.

Although Gaga's painting skills have reached the level of those who painted in the activity room in "The Melancholy of Little Suzumiya Haruhi", Gaga still modestly believes that only basic drawing courses such as dots and lines will be opened for the time being to stabilize Lingyun's basic strength is the best.

"Don't think it's very simple, Xiao Lingyun. You should know that drawing circles is an act that greatly exercises the painter's ability. It is said that a certain artist started his artistic life by drawing circles (eggs)." Looking at the drawing of a very After the regular circle, he looked proudly at his Lingyun, and Kong Huan began to hone the patience of Lingyun.

"Draw another hundred."


(End of this chapter)

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