Spore Story

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Let's Fight

"do not want!"

A roar came from not far away, and the quack apes who were looking at the quack team with curiosity, envy, and awe immediately hid aside in a hurry, and then turned their heads to look at the source of the sound.

"I don't agree! I'm the leader, I'm living a good life here, why go to that cave lair!"

Depressedly turning his head to look at the source of the sound, Kong Huan saw Chu Xia's embarrassed eyes and Chu Yi's threatening expression.

"Why are you the leader? Lingfei."

Ever since he became inexplicably affectionate towards Kong Huan just now and couldn't resist, Lingfei has been carefully avoiding Kong Huan, and even ran aside when talking with Chu Xia, but it is obvious that this is just a self-deception.

Shi Shiran looked at Kong Huan floating towards him, Lingfei hesitated to avoid a certain distance, but was puzzled by Kong Huan's question.

"I am the strongest, of course the leader."

This is the common sense of predatory animal groups, and Kong Huan is of course very clear about it, but this is what Kong Huan wants to say now.What Konghuan is about to set up is a language trap that anyone in the human world can see.

"But you are not the best. Look around me, they are all better than you. They are all leaders."

"You!" Looking angrily at the members of Quack's team, Lingfei knew that they were all pupated, and they were all members of the team under the big boss.Lingfei felt that there was something wrong with Kong Huan's words, but he was not sure if he could win.After all, he has only one, and the other party has a lot, especially the existence of the big leader, which he can't resist, which makes him very scared.

"Aren't you convinced? Otherwise, if you fight with any one of us, as long as you win, I won't order you and us to return to the cave lair." Seeing that Lingfei became hesitant, Kong Huan immediately pushed out his own conditions.

"Okay!" Xu was afraid that Kong Huan would regret it, so Lingfei, who had no fighting experience, immediately agreed, and then turned his gaze to the Gaga team, not even daring to stay on Kong Huan.

Kong Huan was speechless about this guy's resistance to him.Could it be that after pupation, the mind became active, and the subjective consciousness began to confront the subconscious and instinctive reactions?In fact, it is only because the influence behavior made by Kong Huan is too sudden, because the subconscious and instinctive influence should be influenced in the form of moistening the rain silently, rather than direct control like Kong Huan.

After accepting the unreal conditions, Lingfei immediately turned around and began to choose opponents.

Chu Yi had been very strong before, and Lingfei skipped over in an instant; Chu Dian, who had a small face, was a good choice, but due to his semi-conscious body, Chu Dian couldn't control his body, and his body was full of electric currents. Therefore, apart from expressions, other things seem to be that Chu Dian is the strongest in Quack's team; Chu Jie is eager to try and almost jumps over; Lingfei felt threatened by his fighting spirit and the electric current accumulated in his body; although Chu Zheng and Chu Chen had become passers-by for a long time, it was useless to question their fighting ability, so they were gearing up now, both hungry and thirsty (tea -) stared at Lingfei.

"Why is there nothing normal?" Lingfei shouted in his heart, and finally turned his gaze back to Chu Xia in front of him.Originally, in Lingfei's opinion, Chu Xia could be regarded as a Xiangyi Quacking Ape, and her strength must be good, so she turned to other members.But now it seems that Lingfei has realized that there is basically no current flowing in his body, Chu Xia, who has a kind face and a slender figure, seems to be the one who is the easiest to bully. "Okay, just her."


Looking vigilantly at Kong Huan, Lingfei nodded without hesitation to confirm, and then immediately flapped his wings and flew high into the sky, as if he was already in a hurry.

"Hey, young man, you just know how to look at appearances, tsk tsk."

As Chu Xia's mentor, Kong Huan knew her opponent's strength very well.Nodding to signal Chu Xia to follow, Kong Huan led the other members of Ga Ga's team to rest and watch the show below.

Flapping its wings and flying in the air, Lingfei began to mobilize the power to swim his whole body, intending to give Chu Xia a fatal blow.

Before Lingfei could react, a black shadow hit Lingfei's abdomen mixed with electric current.


Clutching his stomach in pain, Lingfei hurriedly flew to the side to avoid the dark shadow that came again.Only then did he see the appearance of the decelerating black shadow. It was the "weakest" opponent he had chosen... Chu Xia.

"Impossible, how can you fly so fast!"

"Want to know?"

Smiling and looking at the bewildered Lingfei in front of her, Chu Xia was full of electric current, ready to go.

"Hmph! So what, even if you fly fast, it's definitely faster than electricity! I can still beat you." After finishing speaking, Lingfei smashed towards Chu Xia with a flash of lightning.

Indeed, the speed of electricity cannot be surpassed by the physical speed of the quack apes.

However, Xiangyi Quackape's electric current can only reach about two meters away from the body at most, as long as it avoids the creator by more than two meters, the attack that cannot be hit is useless.Therefore, Chu Xia immediately fell when Lingfei rushed over, and then rolled over to avoid Lingfei.

"No attack is absolute, so remember it well."

The electric shock returned in vain, Lingfei spread his wings to stop the downward momentum, and turned around to give Chu Xia another attack.

Just as he was about to turn around, Lingfei felt a heavy punch behind him, and the downward momentum that had been stopped resumed.In Lingfei's eyes, he only saw the ever-expanding ground, and then he felt his tail being caught, and after a while of spinning and pulling, it changed from vertical to horizontal and fell at a small angle.

"It hurts!" Gaga's onlookers spoke collectively.

"Bah bah." Reluctantly spitting out the dirt in his mouth, Lingfei raised his body tremblingly and looked at Chu Xia who flew down from the sky.

Chu Xia expressed helplessness towards this stubborn flying-wing quack ape. "Do you still want to fight?"

Lightly flapping her wings to escape Lingfei's attack again, Chu Xia rolled forward and jumped from Lingfei's front to behind her, and took advantage of the momentum to strike out with an electric current.

The bright electric shock hit Lingfei heavily, sparking a burst of electric sparks, but the effect was not great.If this electric shock is placed on an ordinary dinosaur or even an ordinary electric creature, it will be enough to paralyze the opponent or even stop the heart from beating and die.

However, the target is now replaced by the same kind.

Therefore, Lingfei shook his numb body, and the explosion of electric power covered the half-meter-thick area around his body with a layer of electric light. Then, he pulled out Chu Qin's tail with a tentacle, and raised his fist to hit Chu Xia's thigh.

"Hey, I really don't have any manners at all." Regarding the illusory words, the Gaga team, regardless of gender, obviously ignored them.Now these guys don't have any understanding of pity and pity. Apart from the appearance and breeding season to distinguish between male and female, whoever divides male and female usually fights with all their strength.

However, this punch was still useless. In a blink of an eye, the target changed from the attacked to the attacker.Ling Feizhi felt that the powerful punch he sent was cut off by Chu Xia's beautiful leg in the middle.The hands and feet of both sides are attached to a strong current, and the current hedging caused both sides to retreat at the same time.

"Aren't you convinced? You'll get hurt, and you should know that you can't beat me." With a worried expression on Lingfei's face, Chu Xiafei looked at Lingfei who landed below in mid-air.

"Hmph, in a boss battle, you have to step on the opponent's body and roar to be considered a victory. Don't you know this?"

"Huh? Is there such a rule?" Looking curiously at Chu Qin who was behind her, she fantasized about it and didn't remember when she had made such a rule (it's fun to patronize herself).

"It's not a rule, it's just that during the boss battle or the captain battle created by the big boss later, the victors must step on the loser and shout, so that even if the winner is completely successful, I don't know when it will appear. "Chu Qin thought for a while and said with some uncertainty.

"Could this be the unspoken rule in the legend." Thundered by this unspoken rule that did not know when it emerged, Kong Huan turned his head to look at Chu Xia and Ling Fei who were still looking at each other.

"Okay, if you must." Chu Xia, who obviously didn't fight much like this, still accepted the suggestion (hey, this is an unspoken rule, not a suggestion).With one wing, Chu Xia leaned over and was about to rush down to the somewhat regretful Lingfei.

Suddenly, Chu Xia in mid-air stopped her downward momentum and turned her head to look into the distance.

"The battle is suspended!" After leaving a few words, Chu Xia turned and rushed towards the direction she was observing.

"What's the matter?" Kong Huan, who still trusts the members of his team, ignored the dissatisfaction on the surface, but relieved Lingfei in his heart, got up and brought the other Sarutobi up to catch up with Chu Xia.

Pointing forward with a solemn face, Chu Xia's worried expression cannot be expressed in words.

"This is it!" Taking a breath of cold air, Kong Huan turned his head and looked into the distance.It was very obvious to see a large group of dinosaurs in a gray area. After careful inspection, Kong Huan discovered that there were several quack apes carrying a dinosaur in front of the group of dinosaurs.

It is obvious that the dinosaurs carried by the quack ape and the group of dinosaurs behind belong to the same category, and they are all gentle herbivorous types, but at this time, the group of dinosaurs running wild in the back at this time, even if the epic creatures come, I am afraid have to escape.

"Hundreds of large dinosaurs, damn it!" The corners of his eyes twitched, and Kong Huan expressed his boundless admiration for the quack ape children's shoes in front of him. Even Kong Huan himself didn't have the guts to provoke so many dinosaurs, and these guys didn't even dare to escape. Did not lose the prey on its back.

"What a strong sense of responsibility this must be!"

But after all, this is his own family, Kong Huan, a subordinate of the main consciousness, has to be saved.

Leading the team to fly above the fleeing quack apes, the flying-wing quack apes are too different from the quack apes, so the dinosaurs tracking below ignored the quack team above.

As for the quack apes below, although they were wondering why so many flying-wing quack apes appeared, it was important to escape now, so they just tightened their grip on the dinosaur meat they were carrying, and then continued to run for their lives.

"Tell them to throw away the meat!" commanded Chu Xia who was next to him. It's not that Kong Huan didn't think about speaking with his mind, but this might cause the quack apes below to be dazed and be drawn closer by the dinosaurs behind.

"Throw away the meat and run!"

(End of this chapter)

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