Spore Story

Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Let's Fight

"Throw away the meat and run?"

In the end, these guys were still stunned for a moment. After all, they had been holding on to the meat before, so they just let them throw it away... But fortunately, their feet were still moving.But after a while, Kong Huan didn't think it was lucky.

Now in this world, natural plants grow luxuriantly, and there are no such things as roads, so it is absolutely wise to run and look at your feet.

Then, everyone will know what's wrong.

"Damn it, all Xiangyi grabbed a quack ape and flew up, and the one with the most strength grabbed two! No! Wait a minute, there are not enough. Grab that dinosaur instead, and then fly in the same direction together."

Just as he was about to instruct members of the Quack Squad to catch the quack ape that fell down below, and fly into the air to avoid the group of dinosaurs behind him, Kong Huan suddenly realized that the number of quack apes below exceeded the number of members of the Quack Squad. The quack ape was left on the ground.Therefore, the dinosaur carcass, which is the main target of the dinosaur group, becomes the bait.

"Lie down in the grass and don't move!"

At this time, I can't care about my thoughts anymore, because the dinosaur group is only tens of meters away from the quack apes, only a few seconds away, and a few quack apes are now standing up from the grass that can conceal their figures the trend of.

This is not acceptable, standing up from the grass now is courting death, and continuing to hide still has a chance.And Chu Qin and the others are working together to grab the dinosaur corpse and fly into the air.Therefore, Kong Huan immediately communicated with his mind to order the quack apes below to hide.

If it was the order of ordinary flying-wing quack apes, these quack apes might still hesitate, but the illusory communication of ideas allowed them to directly feel the orders of the main consciousness, so they lay obediently in the grass, feeling the vibration of the ground in fear .

On the other hand, Chu Qin and the others, who were surrounded by bright lights, finally grabbed the dinosaur corpse with difficulty, but they couldn't fly high.

"Fly to the south!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Chu Zheng immediately proposed, and it was quickly approved by the members of Gaga's team who knew the current situation.

In this way, the dinosaur carcass flew southward at a height of less than one meter from the treetops.

The dinosaur at the head of the dinosaur group looked at the flying away dinosaur carcass very suspiciously, and found that the previous quack ape had disappeared (blocked by tall grass.), immediately made a sharp turn, and led the group of dinosaurs to chase and fly away dinosaur carcass.

"Huh! You guys are so lucky."

While ordering the quack ape below to lower his body and crawl backwards, he lamented the other party's good luck.

Since the group of dinosaurs was already very close to here, when the other party was turning in a large arc, several dinosaurs behind even jumped over the quack ape in the grass.However, it seemed that many members of the other party were coerced people who didn't know the truth. They had already seen the murderer who had been chasing him under him, but they still ran away with their companions in front of them.

"This dinosaur is so heavy!" Chu Jie complained dissatisfiedly while flapping her wings vigorously while being careful of the group of dinosaurs not far away.

Looking back at the group of dinosaurs behind and the ghostly ghost not far away, Chu Qin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's too big. It's going to be put in a cave lair. After it's baked into bacon, it's enough for everyone to eat for three days."

At this time, Chu Zheng, who was flying in front of him, his eyes lit up, "Look, there is a river ahead, let's throw this dinosaur there and fly into the sky, the group of dinosaurs will calm down if they think about it."


"That's it, the wings are almost exhausted."

"Wait, my hands are bound."


"Okay, I said one, two, three, let's let go together! One..."

"Wait, there's still a little..."


"The count is wrong, one over is two! Ah!"

"Okay, ah!"

The sound of heavy objects entering the water startled a group of animals wandering by the river. The group of dinosaurs passed through the woods, and the leading dinosaur immediately found the big river lying in front of it, and the corpses of its companions on the shallows by the river. Throw it in the middle of the river, but it seems that they can't catch it.

The seven flying-wing quack apes were all very fast, and the dinosaurs who had been paying attention to the dinosaur corpses basically didn't see the few flashes of lightning that flew up into the sky at that time.At this time, the group of dinosaurs finally stopped by the river, but the leading few seemed to be pushed into the river by their companions who couldn't brake in time, struggling to get up and escape from the crocodiles in the river.

Fortunately not deep
"I'm back." Youshenkonghuan couldn't hear the flapping of wings, but the sense of the same race clearly indicated the location of Quack's team. "Are you all right?"


"I'm so tired."

"Well, it's fine."

"That bastard Chu Chen miscounted just now! Fortunately, I left quickly!"

"Why did these guys provoke so many dinosaurs?" Chu Jie shook her head to indicate that she was fine, and then turned to Kong Huan. The brave quack apes expressed their ignorance about the flying wing quack apes talking into the air. Seeing Chu Jie Looking at themselves, they all cast suspicious eyes on each other carefully.

"Let's go back and talk about it first." Waving his hand to stop Chu Jie's curiosity, Kong Huan turned around and floated towards the lair.The group of dinosaurs had already dispersed by the river, and began to supplement the nutrients consumed by the long-distance running.

...and took a group of friends to chase and kill the mice and ran over the time...

"So, you were going to catch a single baby dinosaur, and you ended up with a large female dinosaur; after sacrificing one, and when you were about to kill the female dinosaur, there was another large dinosaur with several dinosaurs. Rush up; then, after you sacrificed most of the dinosaurs, you killed a few dinosaurs, and when you picked up the biggest dinosaur and wanted to come back, you found a large group of dinosaurs chasing after you..."

Several quack apes nodded at the same time, but they were facing all around, because they didn't know the specific location of Konghuan.

"On the fire!"

Unable to stand the movements of the quack apes, Kong Huan simply used the fire as his positioning point, so the quack apes immediately turned their reverent eyes to the fire in the distance.

"This is really a tragic experience." Regarding the experience of the quack apes, Kong Huan can only be described as possessed by bad luck, or it is the animal world version of pulling out carrots and bringing out mud.

"Forget it, that's it, go back and pack up, and go north with us tomorrow after resting tonight."

"Wait! Chu Xia hasn't won yet..." Ling Fei, who had been standing depressed for a long time, jumped out immediately when he saw the opportunity.However, before he could finish speaking, his tired body, which had been rectified by Chu Xia during the day, was tripped by a tree branch and fell in front of Chu Xia.



"I haven't seen myself lying down and being stepped on."

Faced with the collective complaints from the Quack team, even if Lingfei still had strength, he was exhausted.

"Boss, this..."

Nodding to Chu Xia, Chu Xia consciously accepted Kong Huan's order, stepped lightly on Lingfei on the ground, and then... a cute "ah~".

As a result, not only Kong Huan was stunned by Moe, but also the quack ape and quack team members around, including Lingfei who was trampled on the ground.

"You can't make such a foul!" Kong Huan said in Orz, speechless.

"The identification is complete, Lingfei, you are an M." Looking at Lingfei who fell to the ground, Kong Huan perfectly characterized him in his heart.But even if I tell these guys, they obviously don't know what it means, which also prevents Lingfei, who was rescued and so angry that he almost lost consciousness, from finally learning this stunt.

After a night of silence, the quack apes in the south lair of the Phantom, which is about to become history, enjoyed the warmth of the fire all night curiously and vigilantly. After waking up in the morning, they each received half a palm-sized barbecue from the members of the quack team.After swallowing a few mouthfuls, they looked at the raw and cold meat in their hands with aftertaste and an expression of absolute dissatisfaction. While hesitating whether to eat the once delicious food, they kept up with the low-altitude slow flight. Gaga Squad in .

As for the twin cocoons in the nest that hadn't finished pupating, the apes who were ordered by Quack to escape yesterday carefully carried them in the middle of the team.I believe that with their perfect sense of responsibility (stupidity) of not abandoning food in that situation, the giant cocoon will definitely not be able to break even a little bit of skin, Kong Huan is very relieved.

As for Lingfei, who had only been the leader for a few days, he was hanging at the back of the quack team in dissatisfaction at this time, looking at the quack team in front from time to time, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Floating among the quack squad, Kong Huan calculated the current group of quack apes.

Including two giant cocoons and Lingfei, and soon there will be three flying wing quack apes.In the common quack ape, there are 41 adults and 41 juveniles.

"Then with the addition of the three flying-wing quack apes, a total of five teams can be divided. But there are four more, and the two old ones are put in Lingyun's place, but there are still two left... um , temporarily use it to guard the lair and help the Lingyun team manage the children."

Calculated in this way, the number of quack apes in the cave lair will exceed two hundred, reaching two hundred and two, and this does not include the dozen or so female quack apes who took their children to kindergarten in the calcium carbide mine territory (including the four from the original Phantom Spirit's southern lair. indivual).

"Then there should be a total of fourteen teams, of which the combat team can be increased to five, but the pressure on the surrounding food seems to increase a lot. Shouldn't it be time to find some food that can be grown? By the way, there are also pottery .It’s been a long time since I’ve had hot soup, so write it down..."

Kong Huan, who was about to take out his notebook, found out that he was now in the body of Youshen, without a body...

"Meow, I'm used to it."

The speechless shaking does not exist in the eyes of the quack ape, but in the eyes of the flying wing quack ape, it is a translucent body. Today's emptiness, in the confrontation with that calling sound every day, does not find that its consciousness has already changed. More and more cohesive, and... smaller and smaller.

Seeing the Gaga Mountain appearing in front of him, Kong Huan smiled in relief.

"That's right, finally there is the first nest with a number of more than two hundred."

(End of this chapter)

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