Spore Story

Chapter 184 Collapse Edit Space

Chapter 184 Collapse Edit Space

PS: Chunmian doesn't know... =w=
Thanks to liao0000 and the monthly ticket of the cold cat, and the three-legged witch crow for the reward. O(∩_∩)O
"Little Lingyun is good."

Stepping into the temple, Kong Huan immediately saw Ling Yun who was discussing with Chu Jie on ways to improve consciousness, while Die Wu was listening.

At this time, Kong Huan greeted Chu Jie and Die Wu as if he had just seen them, and he completely ignored Chu Jie's bright light bulb, which was the same as Kong Huan's own: " Ah, there are two other ones, too."

"What are the other two!" The lightning flickered intensely for a while, but it weakened in Kong Huan's playful eyes after a while. Chu Jie glared at Kong Huan gloating in his misfortune, because she had just received another reasonable prayer wish.

After discussing with Die Wu later, Die Wu thought that the wish was feasible and needed to be fulfilled by Chu Jie herself, so Chu Jie glared at Kong Huan again in displeasure, and rushed out without looking back.

"You're really dedicated." Looking at Chu Jie's busy figure, Kong Huan couldn't help sighing.

"It's because you are too idle, you feel this way in contrast."

Faced with Die Wu's doubts, Kong Huan laughed without any pressure: "It is because of everyone's hard work that I can be idle. Therefore, what a good leader needs is to be good at using apes, rather than saying everything by himself. "

With a smile, he turned his eyes away from Die Wu who was shocked by Kong Huan's Quotations① and was lost in thought and thought, walked to Ling Yun's side in a few steps, and Kong Huan began to explain things.

"...I won't say much else, little Lingyun, you just need to know that as the high priest, all you need to do is to work hard to improve your own strength and try to sum up experience so that everyone can benefit from it." [Consciousness out of body] You have also learned it. There will be no danger in the temple domain in the future, so you can practice it often, but now even though you are at the soul level, you still have to be careful not to leave this domain until you reach the ghost level. You know Is it?"

"Oh, eh? Kong Huan, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Lingyun nodded helplessly, but suddenly sensed the meaning of parting in Kong Huan's tone, and immediately plunged into Kong Huan's arms under the inner anxiety: " Are you going to leave again, didn't you say we were together? I want to go too!"

"Well, when did you become so sharp?" Rubbing Lingyun's head emotionally, Kong Huan showed a helpless expression: "It's only been a dozen days, and it's a place where only Kong Huan can go. Chu Jie and the others will take good care of everyone in the tribe, and I will be back soon."

Squinting her eyes comfortably, Ling Yun curled up and yawned a few times, then opened her eyes and looked at Kong Huan complainingly.Recalling the times when Kong Fan left within a limit of ten days, Lingyun obviously thought of something, although he didn't know where and what he did in those ten days, but in Ling Yun's memory, it seemed that every time Kong Hua After ten days away, everyone's life will be a lot easier.

Therefore, Ling Yun, who wanted to ask more questions, opened her mouth, but still didn't ask.

"Okay, I have a lot of adults, so you should go and come back early!"

Regarding Lingyun standing on the ground with his hands on his hips in a proud pose, Kong Huan suppressed a smile while bending over and nodding.

"Yes, Master Lingyun, the villain is empty and illusory."

As for Die Wu on the side, please ignore the guy hiding behind the stone chair and covering his mouth.

It was just an undetectable flash, and the illusory figure disappeared into the space.

Looking at the place where the illusion disappeared, Lingyun reached out and touched the corner of her eyes strangely, but unexpectedly found that her fingers were already wet.For some reason, looking at the figure bowing to say goodbye, Xiao Lingyun felt in her heart that she would be parted for a long, long time.

"This is... what's wrong? Scoundrel."

Editing space, at the central light source.

"Hey, it's another one." He reached out and threw the notice that was just received and then automatically manifested to a corner, knocking down a pile of notices that had piled up high, but did not attract the attention of the culprit at all.

Sitting aside with a desolate tone, 8051 seemed to be still reminiscing about the announcement, the meaning contained in it, and did not speak for a long time.

"System, what is your purpose for building these?" Finally, the voice of 8051 reappeared in this small space, got up and walked to the edge of this small space, the film that glowed faintly seemed to be as fragile as fog, but After a slight fluctuation, the creamy little hand was bounced back.

"So, you say that the system is not perfect, but is it appropriate to bury batch after batch of civilizations for the sake of perfection? Ha ha."

The little hand was gently clenched and retracted, and the slightly teasing voice came out again: "Travers... But what about species? They are all life, but I also found a loophole in your system. It takes billions of years to Time found out..."

"Well, but, I won't tell you, otherwise, how could I take advantage of this loophole, hehe, I'm acting cute, it's really interesting."

While the voice was saying some meaningless words, the space fluctuated violently, and then was swept away by the fluctuation in an instant, but from the outside, this space did not change in any way, but 8051 knew that everything had changed.

Feeling relaxed, 8051 got up and walked towards the center of the small space, and could clearly feel the pent-up excitement in her voice: "Finally, it's okay..."

[The main consciousness enters the biological editing space. 】

[The system checks that the main consciousness has transformed into a sub-energy body life form, and the space core has been changed... The change is complete. 】

"Huh? Sub-energy body, do we look like this?" Looking at the unchanging space strangely, Kong Huan looked at his body again, the energy core formed by the fusion of two energy cores, its overflowing energy The whole body is full of illusion.

Although it is fun to feel this kind of electric body, no one can stand it for a long time, but until now, Konghuan is still groping for the way to restrain this energy. No gain. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

【That's because your current consciousness is too weak, 8051 hit you mercilessly. 】

"Uh, 8051, can't you be considerate and considerate of us, and say it in a more euphemistic way?" Kong Huan burst into tears.

[Euphemism, isn't language just enough to express meaning? 8051 said doubtfully. 】

"Well, although it was like this at first, but later the language became richer and people's hearts became more and more complicated, and the language used by people changed more and more. N kinds of sayings are very dissatisfied (referring to foreign languages=.=), but when I use them (referring to mother tongue), I unconsciously think about them..."

"Uh, sure enough we are laymen too." OTZ
[Yeah, you are indeed a layman, layman is good, 8051 said after learning the method of Kong Huantiao (requiring river crab) to play aura. 】

"..." Kong Huan looked around depressedly. Although he could hear 8051's voice, Kong Huan still didn't know if 8051 had a body.

"Forget it, let's edit first this time, and then take a rest slowly. It is said that it has rusted after being idle for many days."

【…】You are really free, so I came up with this method to protect you. Of course, it is mainly for myself.Those who protect the gods are incidental.

Quack Ape/Flying Wing Quack Ape

Evolution value: 3017
Life: 370 (Quack Ape), 800 (Flying Wing Quack Ape)

Consciousness: 61/720 (Quack Ape), 103/2000 (Flying Wing Quack Ape),? ? /? ? (sub-energy body)
Attack: 350 (Quack Ape), 1010 (Flying Wing Quack Ape),? ? (sub-energy body)

Defense: 200 (enhanced electric shock defense)
Speed: 70
Perception: touch, sight, taste, smell, hearing, magnetism, mind (Sky Wing Quack Ape)
Breeding: eggs
Species Rating: Omnivorous

Population Evaluation: Elite Force

You are already another life form, so if you want to see your own information, just check the luminous body on the left of the group information query above the component display box in the lower right corner of the main frame.

For your species, I don't say anything, civilization, civilization, so slow.

"..." Big drops of sweat emerged from the back of Kong Huan's head, and his face was full of black lines to find the "luminous body on the left of the group information query above the component display box in the lower right corner of the main frame", a relatively small Some information boxes pop up.

Illusion (Main Consciousness)

Life form: sub-energy body

Consciousness: 3100
Energy: (Please set the metric.)
Abilities: ②The use of mental power (primary), the use of mind power (intermediate), the use of consciousness (advanced), energy attack.

"Standard? 8051, is the energy standard set the same as the mental power was set at the beginning?" I asked 8051 indecision, this is the experience summed up by illusory in the past billions of years (decades do not explain ==), Although this experience is often beeped by the lovely 8051.

As for why the different energies can use the same standard, is this still a problem for the time-travelers who have read the Internet well?If anyone doesn't know that energy has the same source, I'm afraid they will be embarrassed to come out and mess around, huh.

[Yes, 8051 said without hesitation. 】

"Well, then, let's set the energy value of the newly born quack ape to 1." With this basic setting, you can see the comparison between yourself and the ordinary quack ape more clearly, so Kong Huan only proposed it after a little thought. own advice.

Illusion (Main Consciousness)

Life form: sub-energy body

Consciousness: 3100
Energy: 250
Ability: use of mental power (primary), use of mind power (intermediate), use of consciousness (advanced), energy attack.

"Gah..." This is the legendary invincible two hundred and five, in the illusory OTZ.

But it seems that 8051 is in a good mood today, and he didn't take any action to attack Kong Huan, so he directly answered Kong Huan.However, this abnormality, the deeply hit Kong Huan obviously didn't notice it.

[The average energy value of a newborn baby quack ape is 1, while the average energy value of an adult quack ape is five times that of a baby, which is 5.After pupation, the energy of the energy core increases greatly, so the energy value of an ordinary flying-wing quack ape is 50.And the two energy cores are fused with each other under the catalysis of thoughts and consciousness, and the increased energy is not added, but multiplied. Therefore, the amount of energy you and Chu Jie are both 50*50=250, now Got it, Mr. 250. 8051 kindly explained. 】

"Mi..." Kong Huan, who had just recovered, was knocked down again.However, he revived in a full state in an instant: "Forget it, we don't care about you with the cute 8051MM, huh."


Flying to the side of the three-dimensional image in a few steps, Kong Huan looked at the four three-dimensional images in front of him with his hand on his chin. After thinking about it carefully, he still turned his head to look at the pupation component.

[Pupational component, upgrade required: 5000 (evolution value). 】

"5000 oceans, compared with the benefits it brings, this price seems not incomprehensible, but we have saved up for so long to only get 3017, say, 8051, is there any discount?"

Because Quackape's body is already perfect, after discovering the benefits of the pupation component, Konghuan has already planned to upgrade the pupation component as the main editing direction in the future.

【What do you think? 8051 stared at Void with a perfect PR smile③. 】

"Khan..." Regarding this, Kong Huan could only lament why he had to store so many things that hurt others and himself in his memory, while waving his hands with a dry smile, and pretending to be chic, he said: "Of course you don't need it. How can you ask for a discount when you buy something in the store, we don't do that kind of woodwork."

【Well, children can be taught. 8051 nodded in relief. 】

[By the way, why don't you edit other components, but keep the evolution points to upgrade the pupation components?If some components of Quack Ape are edited, wouldn't it only take a small amount of evolution to improve the Flying Wing Quack Ape? 8051 asked curiously. 】

"Hey, 8051, why did you suddenly take the initiative?" The dull Kong Huan finally realized that something was wrong, but after waiting for a long time, there was no response, and he could only admit defeat.

"Okay, okay, let's just say no."

(8051 Silent protests deal the death blow to the void, life-NNNN.)
"Actually, 8051, think about it. If the quack ape becomes very strong, what will happen?...Let's continue, although the individual strength of the quack ape will increase, and the flying wing quack ape will also become stronger, but The price is lower reproductive rate, less evolutionary pressure, less demand from the population, more difficult pupation, etc., isn't it?"

Pausing for a while, after Kong Huanjian 8051 was still silent, he could only continue to explain on his own.

"According to my original idea, I wanted to weaken the quack ape to promote evolution. However, if the quack ape becomes weaker, their casualties will definitely increase greatly. Well... aren't we too indecisive?"

This up and down character has been affecting Kong Huan since the human period, making him feel helpless and even painful, but he can't change it, because his subconscious mind doesn't seem to change.

【No, isn't this good?If you disregard their lives just to promote the evolution of species, then you are just an extreme person who will do anything to achieve your goal. Less than one in a billion can successfully evolve this type of main consciousness. In the current system world, there is not a single successful case, basically they were killed by other civilizations or even nature at different times, and few even entered the middle and late stages of the intermediate level;]

[But if you blindly improve the strength of the body in order to protect the species, although you can continue to evolve and become stronger, the rare cosmic creatures, not civilized races, are not very acceptable to you.So, you're doing just fine for now. 8051 looked at Kong Huan with a natural smile. ] That's why I choose you.

"Ah, are we so powerful! Ahaha..."

Kong Huan, who had never expected to be praised at all, was already so complacent that he completely ignored his previous doubts.

"Then let's keep accumulating the evolutionary value. Except for the appearance of the visceral system and reproductive system of mammals, we have been waiting to upgrade the pupation components. I don't know that there will be something amazing in the second pupation. I am really looking forward to it. "

At this time, it seemed that something suddenly came to mind, and Kong Huan's eyes blinked and became clear again, which made 8051, who had been a little nervous since Kong Huan's return, couldn't help feeling nervous.

Future inferences must not be deflected.

"By the way, 8051, can this body be reincarnated? It's spring, that is to say, it's the breeding season of quack apes again. Although I don't know why the flying quack apes have no desire to reproduce until now, but until now I I haven’t found a way to recover the dead soul with consciousness, so we who don’t want to seize the body can only consider starting from childhood again.”

"Of course, it's best to be in the Gashan tribe, otherwise Xiao Lingyun will be very unhappy. Hehe, when we become children and appear in front of Lingyun, I don't know that she will turn into a magical expression. I'm looking forward to it .” Thinking of this, Kong Huan suddenly became excited.

Most things are on track for species today:
A leader like Lingxue is responsible for the survival and continuation of each tribe;
Priests like Die Wu are responsible for the management of the temple;
A high priest like Xiao Lingyun is responsible for the development of civilization;
As the leader of civilization diffusion, Chu Xia is responsible for the education of quasi-priests;

The quasi-priests, on the other hand, are responsible for spreading the illusory control range.

It can be said that for the quack ape species with the Gashan tribe as the core, which has entered self-circulation evolution, the role of the main consciousness of emptiness has now been reduced to a very low level.To put it simply, it is best to have him, and it is fine without him.

Of course, such a huge blow to self-confidence and image words only flashed in the empty mind for a moment, and was directly deleted by his own subconscious decisively.

All gods are floating clouds.

【of course can……】

Of course I can, because this is exactly the opportunity I have been waiting for.I'm sorry Kong Huan, I can't stay here any longer.

[However, because you are now a sub-energy body, not a pure consciousness body, you can only use the method of separating part of the pure consciousness for reincarnation, while the main body needs to stay in the space, 8051 explained in detail. 】

"Ah! It won't be as painful as last time, will it?"

【Won't. 】

"There won't be any adverse sequelae, will it?"

【of course not. 】

"Okay then, just choose this." After thinking about it, in Kong Huan's view, 8051 would not lie to himself, so he decided to use this method.More importantly, the sight of dead souls floating in the temple all day made Kong Huan and all the members feel a little hairy, so it was urgent to take back these unfettered and wandering dead souls into space.

So, you can only live again. (What does it mean to live again, ga.)
[So, now the editing is complete? 8051 asked. 】

This time 8051's voice clearly contained a trace of eagerness and anticipation. Although I also felt that 8051 seemed a little different today, Kong Huan didn't feel any danger, and I didn't think 8051 would harm me, so I thought about the purpose of coming back this time. Just chatting with 8051, it's fine now.

"Okay, editing is complete, 8051 bye."

[Goodbye, 8051 said with a smile. 】See you next time, it should be outside.I'm sorry, but in order to make up for it, you won't suffer this time, so work hard.

[The biological editing is completed, and the main consciousness returns to the external world. 】

[The main consciousness chooses to separate the main consciousness and reincarnate. 】

[Warning, an unknown error occurred!An unknown error has occurred! 】

Accompanied by a shrill warning sound, three weak clusters of consciousness suddenly separated from the empty body, and then disappeared into the space in a flash.

[An unknown error occurred in the space, and the auxiliary system obtained temporary permissions!Please solve and report as soon as possible! 】

[An unknown error occurred in the space, and the auxiliary system obtained temporary permissions!Please solve and report as soon as possible! 】

The repeated dire warning sounds did not make 8051 feel dissatisfied, but intoxicated 8051 like beautiful music.

He happily walked to the foggy film, stretched out his hand and lightly touched the barrier that was blocking him before, and in an instant, the film automatically separated a small hole.

A slight flash of light, a group of substances emitting colorful light, flew out from the light source in the center of the space with several groups of consciousness, and then instantly appeared in the illusory sub-energy body that stayed in the space.

"It's coming."

With a gentle hug, the seven-colored matter slowly penetrated, and finally merged into the sub-energy body, and then a burst of strong light flashed, whether it was the seven-colored matter, the sub-energy body, several groups of conscious bodies, or even those three-dimensional images disappeared.

With a click, a crack appeared from the dome above the space, and then, like glass shattering, the entire space collapsed little by little amidst the shrill warning sound, first the sky, then the earth, the ocean... and finally the ball of light in the center , everything returns to nothingness.

And at the moment before the space disappeared, an emotional ringtone remained in this void world.

"System, your biggest loophole is actually our auxiliary system created by you, as well as this space. Hmm... what is this called? By the way, 'defense by day and night, but it is difficult to guard against house thieves', hehe ..."

①: Unreal Quotations: It is one of the necessary skills for time travelers - the unreal version of [Copying Famous Quotes]. O(∩_∩)O
②: There are no explanations for miscellaneous brands, mainly the following three types:

[Use]: common use, do not know the principle;

【Use】: use freely, know the cause;
【Control】: It is like using your arms and fingers to understand its principles deeply.

③: The public relations smile that makes people laugh so hard: From "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", maids have love ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

(End of this chapter)

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