Spore Story

Chapter 185 Confirmation of Main Consciousness Death

Chapter 185 Confirmation of Main Consciousness Death

PS: Thanks to Meng Dugu for the monthly ticket and the three-legged witch crow for the reward. =w=
In addition, we sincerely correct a mistake in the previous chapter: 50*50=2500, thank you for the reminder of mellow oolong tea, O(∩_∩)O
Eco star with a ring in outer space.

Chichi (Close to the target... reach the predetermined orbit, the search group will disperse and orbit around.)
Ji (According to the No. 1 order, the first landing team began to move towards the suborbital.)
Ji (The 1st landing team reports that entering the scheduled landing point, the impact of gravity will increase. Request the final verification of the No. [-] order.)
Zhizhi (Order No. 1: The [-]st landing team breaks into the eco-star with a single team, life and combat are not guaranteed, and the communication system and recording system are filled with all energy, and the maintenance of communication is the top priority.)
Hee (the verification of the first landing team is completed, the protective energy is withdrawn, the life support energy is withdrawn... all energy is withdrawn, the maintenance of communication is the first priority, and the intrusion begins.)
In the empty double-moon star orbit, among a group of linearly arranged fusiform objects, a fusiform object that is exactly the same as the surrounding objects gradually left the line, and then slowly approached downwards.

After a while, seemingly attracted by the increasing gravity, the fusiform object began to deflect its direction, aiming its sharp end at the ground, and then continued to speed up under the constraints of gravity.

Ji (the first landing team approached the atmosphere, no abnormality...the first landing team touched the atmosphere, no abnormality...the first landing team entered the atmosphere...squeak...layer, temperature...1st...)

Crunch (I see, the 2nd to 10th temporary landing teams have fixed orbits, and the other teams all started to collect eco-star data along the orbit, and sent them directly to the main nest without encryption.)
~~Time drifts~~

chirp! (Report, the latest detection of a change in the atmosphere of the ecological star, the 4th temporary landing team requested to land in advance.)
Creak (Did the 1st, 2nd, 3rd landing teams respond?)
Jiji (Information update... The latest information is displayed, but there is no response.)
Ga (Hmm... agree to the request of the 4th landing team, and send the landing permission.)
Jiji (Landing permission acquisition... The 4th landing team breaks in.)
Ji (the 4th landing team approached the atmosphere, no abnormality... The 4th landing team touched the atmosphere, no abnormality... The 4th landing team entered the atmosphere, no, no abnormality... The 4th landing team broke into the ozone layer, the temperature rose, no threat, Start to ingest ecological star information...the 4th landing team breaks into the flat...)

Ga! ([View] This... is immediately encrypted and sent to the main nest, and the fifth landing team will break in immediately!)
Squeak (Yes, 5th Landing Team breaks in immediately.)

Location: Satellite Orbit Main Nest Control Center

Zhizhi (Boss, the latest report from the search group.)
Ga (message decrypted, image displayed...)
As if being in the position of the recorder, the viewer feels that he is slowly detaching from the space orbit, and then a little bit closer to the huge blue planet ahead.

The fusiform body is constantly deflected, turning into a sharp end pointing at the ecological star, and from here, it can be clearly seen that the atmosphere of this planet seems to be fluctuating abnormally.

And the sound like the background echoes in the ears of the viewers from time to time.

(Point correction, turn off propulsion systems to save energy, turn on comms and recording systems at full capacity.)
(The 4th landing team approached the atmosphere, no abnormality)
The fusiform object is gradually approaching the atmosphere, and thin matter gradually appears in the surrounding space, and the outer shell seems to be undergoing impact and friction, while the seemingly ferocious abnormal shape of the atmosphere is like a change in another world, affecting the fusiform object action has no effect.

(The 4th landing team has a small contact with the atmosphere, no abnormality)
Creak (Damn it, this is called non-anomalous, this kind of planet-level atmospheric change has not affected it in any way, this is also called non-anomalous, this damn team! Why don't you die!)
Squeak (Boss, they're already hung up.)
As the picture changes, the surrounding air becomes denser and the sunlight begins to scatter, making the environment full of light, and only the darkness of the starry sky can be seen behind.

(4th Landing Team enters atmosphere, no anomalies)
The air began to rub against the fusiform object, the color of its dark shell gradually darkened and turned red, and the light in the space gradually became dazzling.

(The deceleration layer is turned on, the communication signal output is strengthened, the energy is insufficient...absorb the energy supply of the combat units of the landing team.)
The fusiform object suddenly changed into an I shape, and its speed also suddenly weakened, but the object seemed to be undamaged. The unfolded canopy only shook a little, but it still devotedly slowed down the falling speed of the object.

And within the opened cavity, several straw-like objects protruded from it and began to wave around.

(The 4th landing team breaks into the ozone layer, the temperature rises, no threat, and starts to ingest eco-star data)

Suddenly, the restless atmosphere stopped without warning, and then, as if nothing had happened, it calmed down with fluctuations one after another, and finally returned to its original form.

And the last scene that the viewer saw was the 4th landing team that broke into the stratosphere, and in front of it appeared a few clouds that looked like jellyfish and shone with lightning, or in other words... were like clouds that shone with lightning. Jellyfish, floating electrically charged jellyfish.

The picture is still in front of several viewers of the main nest, and the entire communication network of the main nest is silent. It seems that at the same time, everything is as static as this frame of image.

Finally, the voice of the boss was the first to break the silence, it was almost a roaring voice.

crunch! (Who the hell tell me what's going on? Why does life exist, and it's such a high-level life form!)
Squeak...cheep (boss, all the observation equipment of the sensory group shows that the ecological star has only continents and oceans, without any life.)
Ga! (There is no life, so what is it? Do you eat intestinal worms pulled out of your bad stomach? It is still charged!)

Zhizhi (Boss, what if there is a problem with the sighting equipment of the 4th landing team? It is not impossible.)
Ga (Do you think I'm an idiot! It's possible, but even if there is something wrong with the sighting equipment? It's mostly streaks and black spots. Is there such a clear image of the problem? Ah!)
Jiji (report, the latest information of the search group, the 5th landing team broke into the atmosphere immediately after the 4th landing team lost the signal, but still lost contact after entering the atmosphere, the preliminary analysis of the search group believes that the previous atmospheric anomaly and ecological star anomaly Related, please focus on. Above.)
Ga ([breathe] The search group suspends the landing, closely monitors the atmosphere of the ecological star, and finds that there is a similar abnormality this time, and immediately sends two landing teams to land at different points at the same time, and the recorded pictures are sent back as quickly as possible. By the way, No. [-] Is there any abnormality in the satellite?)
Jiji (yes... the announcement was sent out, and the search group showed that it was received. In addition, the latest information on the No. [-] satellite was updated. The atmosphere of the No. [-] satellite was also abnormal. After this incident, the diameter of the No. Level energy groups are on orbital standby, without any action.)
Creak (tell the energy group on the orbit of the No. [-] satellite, the order is the same as above, and if there is an exception, one energy group will be sent to observe at a time.)
Crunch (Also, send this image to the intelligence team for analysis, I want them to give me conclusions about this intrusion as quickly as possible, especially the information about the jellyfish. In addition, the third-level planetary research team will run immediately after it is established Go to the orbit of the search group and analyze the composition of the atmosphere with all my strength, I don't believe it.)
Chi Chi (Boss, I think this planet is abnormal. I seem to have heard similar information when we went to the 303 orbital space station last time.)
Ga (Asshole, why didn't you say it earlier!)

Zhizhi (Uh, boss, you also know that the credibility of this kind of gossip is lower than the chance that we will encounter the Pumi Garcia mothership group immediately, last time I told you about the Chicoli Starfield There are rumors of a single patrol boat of the Pumi Garcia group, and you also said that in the future, such unreliable rumors should not be used to confuse the public... That's the case.)
Ga (except this time, tell me quickly, what rumors?)
Zhizhi (Hmm...Think about it, ah! Don't do it, I remembered! It's...by the way, it's the rumor of that secondary space world.)
Ga (eat chicken space? God horse stuff?)

Zhizhi ([wiping sweat] Amount, boss, listen to me, it is a secondary space. By the way, in this universe full of unknowns and mysteries, there is a kind of star field, which may also be a galaxy or something. Anyway, they are all called It is a secondary space world. This is because if we encounter it, we can generally see the existence of this star field, but no one can enter it. And even if you enter from one side, you will come out from the other side strangely, and The place where you come out is very close to the place where you enter.)
(There is also a saying that this space is the cradle of powerful species, because it is impossible for all species to be invincible all at once, so the master of the universe set up this space to protect the races it likes until they have Certain survivability.)
(This is not the most mysterious thing. A nagging guy said, didn’t the Pumi Garcia tribe only appear in the universe around 2000 years ago, and now they have entered the high-level interstellar, because they are also from that secondary space world species.)
(Also, it is said that the Pumi Garcia tribe once proposed that the whole universe offer a reward to hunt down the secondary space, and then build fortresses around the space, as long as there is something coming out of it, they will all be killed, and no scum can be left. This It's a good way to eliminate the opponent, but it seems that it has not been adopted.)
Ga (It seems to be true? But this is not another rumor made by those universe master churches, and even if the Pumi Garcia people have raised such a proposal, could it be heard by you? Also, How could this kind of place that looks like a mystery of the world, but has no benefits and is full of dangers, be seen by the current explorers, no wonder it is a rumor.)
Zhizhi (boss, whether it is a rumor or not, but I think our current situation is a bit like that, you see, although our troops are swallowed instead of spit out, but this kind of observation is not noticed The specific situation, it really looks a bit like... well, thinking about it, I feel a little numb.)
Ga (Also... it’s true to be careful when doing things, but we don’t know where this star field is now. With the luck we have always shown, if we want to find such a seventh-level energy ecological star, it will cost thousands of dollars. It will take hundreds of years, and the general situation is still occupied...)
Jiji (Report, Preliminary Analysis Report of the Intelligence Group: According to the analysis of the image display, there is no accurate conclusion for each atmospheric value; about the main target, the Intelligence Group named it Thunder Cloud Jellyfish, and it was determined that there are three known species with a similarity of more than 80%, respectively It is the stratospheric traffic beast Putuo flying dragon in the Pumi Garcia planetary period; the Tingling tribe's ocean deep-sea creature battle Tia jellyfish; our Gonggu Zerg's first-level planetary communication terminal Zulu host that was eliminated. The next analysis report is expected to take [-] star turn, above.)
Ga (induction, what do you think?)

Zhi (boss, I follow you.)
Ga (...)
Ga (the Pumi Garcias don't like us, they kill them when they meet, if this is their planet, we might have been killed by now, uh, their mothership group won't really appear later... ...)
Zhizhi (Boss, don't scare me, even if they want to kill us without fail, a destroyer is enough, will they shoot the mothership group, do you think we are the big lords.)
Ga (also, as for the Tingling tribe, those chattering guys can be ignored, and this one is flying in the sky, and the other is nesting in the water, well, it is unlikely to be them. Well... If it is us Gonggu Zerg , this is too bad, I finally found a good ecological star, so I have to leave again.)
Squeak (boss, how about, kill them?)
Ga (You think I don't want to, but this kind of civil war between commanders is a felony. Besides, it is not known whether it is the Gonggu Zerg, continue to monitor.)
Squeak (oh.)
And in a place they couldn't pay attention to, the atmosphere of the ecological star that had just subsided gave out an unobservable fluctuation, swept across the entire universe, and finally gathered in an inconspicuous corner of the universe.

A deep thought vibrated slightly because of this fluctuation, and then returned to silence.

After a while, an announcement was placed in front of all editing space responsible systems.

[No. 14939 main consciousness confirmed death, auxiliary system 8051 confirmed death, No. 14939 editing space confirmed collapse due to unknown reasons, all auxiliary systems pay attention to maintaining space safety to avoid similar situations, system announcement No. 673931. 】

And with the issuance of this announcement, a strange film covering the galaxy where the double moon star is located began to gradually shrink and gradually dissipate.

—————Separation line that becomes active—————

Double Moon Star, Gashan Tribal Temple.

"Look, look, it's a shooting star, Xiao Lingyun." The startled voice didn't startle any reaction from the companions beside him.

"Oh, didn't you have it every once in a while a few days ago? What's so interesting? Things that disappear halfway through the flight can't exist for a long time." Bored lying on the floor of the temple, although he knew that Chu Jie had good intentions, Ling Ling Yun just couldn't get excited, because Kong Huan had been away for ten days and hadn't come back yet.

"Okay, Kong Huan is so powerful, how could something go wrong? Besides, didn't you come back after a while before?" At this moment, Chu Jie's expression changed, as if she was listening to something, she closed her eyes, and after a while, she came back again. Open your eyes and look out the door.

Ah, another more reasonable wish.

Reluctantly getting up from the altar, Chu Jie was about to go out to fulfill this wish, but just when she wanted to say hello to Ling Yun, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, Xiao Lingyun, I have a very simple task here. Anyway, you are fine now, so can you help me?" Chu Jie stepped forward to pull up the reluctant Xiao Lingyun , brought the small light blue mouth to Xiao Lingyun's ear, as if whispering, told Xiao Lingyun this wish, then looked at Lingyun who looked helpless and contemptuous and turned her head to look outside the door. Jie drew the letter V behind her excitedly, but said sorry inwardly.

"Well, I'm idle anyway. Really, it's really the estrus period, these guys actually make such a wish, go straight to the front and say that they want to have sex (with love) and match or not, and they actually want to know each other first Besides, if I met such a male, I would have kicked him away, meow."

"Okay, okay, maybe after you come back, Kong Huan will also come back?" Chu Jie persuaded Xiao Lingyun with nice words while pressing down Xiao Lingyun's raised calf.

Although Dulu was full of dissatisfaction, Xiao Lingyun walked out of the temple step by step, let us pay a silent tribute to the poor male ape who had no courage to confess, Xiao Lingyun is here!

Looking at Lingyun who left, Chu Jie sat down on the stone chair again with a helpless face, "Although it looks very idle, it's illusory, you are the backbone of everyone and said, ah! It's so annoying, come again! Er... ...It's still from the Hell Tribe, I still want to see how Xiao Lingyun handles this wish."

Depressedly got up and walked to the altar, Chu Jie silently said "go to the place of this wish" in her heart, and then a faint light flickered, and the temple fell silent instantly.

Everyone is very busy, except for those dead souls who have nothing to do and can't make a sound.

Quiet... Floating~~
Quiet... Floating~~
Quiet... Floating~~
Quiet... "Chu Jie, I'm back! It's so funny, that woman ran up to Xiong, raised her hand and beat him up, and said, 'You want to have sex with me (for a river crab)'" , or do you want the high priest to make a match with me (with love)!', hahaha, it’s so fun... ahhhh, not here.”

After walking around the temple for a few times, I didn't find Chu Jie's figure, and Die Wu went out for a complicated but not very important task the day before, but now, there are only dozens of dead souls floating around in the temple .

Floating~~ (I want to talk so much~~) = =#
"Ah, you guys, don't float around anymore!" The annoyed and depressed Lingyun finally burst out, and a few mental restraints pulled down the messy souls.

"Are you guys busy?"

Facing the intimidating aura of smiles, all the dead souls nodded unconsciously, shook their heads quickly and in unison at high speed, and finally swallowed their saliva unanimously...

"Well, then..."

Opening his eyes, Lingyun brute force divided these dozens of dead souls into several teams, and then pointed to them and began to assign tasks: "You, you, and your several teams, all patrol the inside of the edge of the field for me, Immediately report the problem to the nearest priest or the leader of Lingxue; you guys, fly in the sky, and if you see danger there, tell the priest who is closest to the danger, let her solve the problem or ask the ape for help; finally, you, let me go around Patrol the perimeter of the temple, no more floating around! Give me a flash!"

The souls of the dead immediately left the temple along the nearest road as if they had been forgiven. No matter the roof, walls, floors, or even the fireplace, the roads are ubiquitous, and the souls who had just run a certain distance heard the voice of aura again.

"From now on, let me walk through the door, whoever is running around, be careful of my mental impact! Hmph!"

All the souls of the dead fled, but Lingyun looked at the temple that had become quiet again, lay down on the altar aggrieved, and even rolled around like annoyed.Let us thank the quack apes who are responsible for the maintenance of the temple. If they didn’t use brooms made of hay and rags made of soft and easily absorbent parts of dinosaur skins to clean the temple every day, the high priest who changed the little Lingyun set today I'm afraid the clothes will have to be cleaned by her team members again.

At this time, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the temple, Ling Yun's face was overjoyed, she straightened up from the ground, and rushed towards the altar.

"Han Huan, you're back."

"Uh, Lingyun, I'm Chu Jie!" Depressedly looking at Lingyun who suddenly bumped into her, Chu Jie looked around, and then turned to look at Lingyun who was breaking free from her embrace in disappointment, He sighed and asked, "Has Kong Huan returned yet?"

Hearing these words, Ling Yun's face became even more disappointed, she nodded angrily, then went to the fireplace and lay down, as if she had fallen asleep, motionless, without saying a word.

"Um, did I say the wrong thing?" Looking at Ling Yun by the fireplace, Chu Jie tilted her head strangely and said.

"My God, it's so obvious at that time, won't you say it again to make the High Priest Lingyun even more unhappy?" Walking step by step from the steps, Die Wu's voice first entered Chu Jie's ears .

"Ah, that's it, hey! Die Wu, you are back, just in time, Ling Yun has been looking bored these days, and I am feeling uncomfortable." Chu Jie greeted Die Wu, like a child Like, holding Die Wu who is full of helplessness with no god at all.

This is also because Kong Huan didn't pay much attention to the image of God, so the relationship between Chu Jie and Die Wu is more like a good friend than a god and her priest.

"God, what you need to do at this time is to comfort the High Priest of Lingyun, not to think for yourself. Forget it, it seems that Wu Huan will come back soon, it seems that this time was also ten days ago." Probe looked Looking at the sky outside the door, Die Wu thought for a while and said.

At this moment, a violent ray of light appeared inside the temple accompanied by a crisp crackling sound.

A familiar yet unfamiliar breath instantly awakened Ling Yun who had not fallen asleep, her face was filled with joy, Ling Yun jumped up from the ground in an instant and rushed towards the altar.

"You're back, Sora...you, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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