Spore Story

Chapter 186 The Illusion of My Sister's Accent

Chapter 186 The Illusion of My Sister's Accent

PS: I just think I should ps it, the above, ga=w=
"who am I?"

The dazzling light finally dissipated, and what appeared in front of Xiao Lingyun was a familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar figure.

It is familiar because that body is also shorter than Xiao Lingyun, it is also flashing with lightning, and it is also the face in memory;
However, more are unfamiliar.

Not only because the voice was no longer the gentle and lazy male voice in memory, but a light and soft female voice, but also because, although there was a little familiarity revealed in those eyes that flowed with lightning, more of it was Distant and curious.

This made Lingyun unacceptable, and even less dared to link the individual whose body shape and face was exactly the same as the illusion with the illusion in memory.

"No, you are not Konghuan, who are you, where is Konghuan?"

The doting in Kong Huan's eyes made her intoxicated; the caring in Kong Huan's eyes made her not want to get rid of; even the blame in Kong Huan's eyes made her feel extremely satisfied.

But now, among these eyes, there is only one that looks like the curiosity and alienation of strangers when they first met. As for the familiarity, Xiao Lingyun can't understand.

Uncomfortable Lingyun couldn't bear the coldness in her heart and the fear hidden in it, and directly roared at the "empty illusion" in front of her, which surprised Chu Jie and Die Wu who were also puzzled, but they immediately said Responding, focus again on the "empty illusion" surrounding several groups of dead souls. The current situation is very delicate, and the seemingly illusory individual in the middle is the key.

"Oh, Lingyun, your reaction is very sensitive, how did you recognize it?" The 'empty illusion' with a fixed face turned his head to look at Lingyun beside him, although he could feel a sense of curiosity and teasing from the sentence, but for On the one hand, his expressionless movements and tone of voice made the three apes around him take a breath at the same time.

So cold.

Ling Yun, who was most concerned about the emptiness, was the first to react. She stared at the unidentified Sape with the illusory appearance in front of her, and took a few steps back carefully. She began to gather her energy and take defensive actions. The pressure even far exceeds that of Chu Jie and Kong Huan, but she doesn't want to admit defeat, especially the ape in front of her.

Then, Xiao Lingyun, who was in a defensive posture, asked again: "What about Void? What do you do with it?"

However, the reaction of 'Empty Fantasy' surprised the three monkeys. It seemed to be frightened by its own tone before. Although it couldn't see anything from the expressionless face, it actually let out a few strange exclamations and surprises at this moment. There was a voice of doubt, and then she touched her face very femininely, and then looked around. However, those eyes seemed to pass through everything, giving people the feeling that she was looking at other places.

In the end, it completely ignored the surrounding situation, closed its eyes without vigilance, and fell silent after a while.

Ignored by...

The three apes of Lingyun were speechless at the same time, but they did not make any movements. Xiao Lingyun couldn't attack that body that was exactly the same as Kong Huan without knowing it; Amidst her strength, she felt a hidden threat, which even made Chu Jie feel terrified; Die Wu, seeing that Chu Jie and Ling Yun didn't respond, just stayed aside and considered the current situation.

As a result, time passed by little by little, and the two apes, the two sub-energy bodies, and several groups of unawakened souls were divided into three parties and faced each other quietly.

Although the temple has been quiet, it does not mean that time will stop like this. Therefore, when the night slowly fell, and the firelight of the fireplace and the electric light of the sub-energy body replaced the sunlight to illuminate the temple, a voice came from far and near. Into the ears of the apes in the temple: "Lingyun, has Konghuan returned?"

Lingxue had been busy all day, and it was time for Kong Huan to come back, so she packed up her day's work and took a basket of food (made of rattan) to the temple during the meal time.

As soon as she stepped into the temple, Lingxue felt the oppressive and tense atmosphere in the temple without any surprise, so the strange scene beside the altar appeared in Lingxue's eyes: Kong Huan's eyes were closed, standing expressionlessly. Among the group of dead souls, it seems to be thinking and sleeping (Lingxue thinks it is sleep =. =); Lingyun, Chu Jie and Diewu are encircling and enclosing Konghuan.

Die Wu's eyes were full of doubts and thoughts, her body was slightly tense, but her tentacles and tail did not move; Ling Yun's eyes were full of vigilance, anger, and worry, her body was extremely tense and even a little trembling, her tentacles were waving, and her tail was shaking regularly; In Chu Jie's eyes, there were fighting spirit, doubt, vigilance and...fear.

"Hey! Chu Jie is actually afraid of Kong Huan, it's strange." According to previous experience, Kong Huan has never really made that Quack Ape or Xiangyi Quack Ape afraid, so everyone's feeling towards Kong Huan has always been kindness, recognition and respect .

Therefore, Lingxue quickly found out that there was a problem in the current scene, whether it was Konghuan or Lingyun, there must be something wrong with them.Slightly slowing down and stepping down, she put the food basket in a corner of the temple, and then approached 'Empty Fantasy' step by step under the nervous eyes of the three monkeys.

For Lingxue, emptiness is the most trustworthy, so even though she felt strange about the nervousness and worry in the eyes of Lingyun Three Apes, Lingxue did not perceive any danger, so she directly ignored Chu Jie and the others shaking Eyes, step by step through the dead souls, approaching the center of the 'empty fantasy'.

Then, she raised her tentacles, and lightly patted the shoulder of 'Empty Fantasy' in front of her.

"Hey, empty fantasy, how are you?"

Something unexpected happened to Lingyun and the others. With just a light slap, Kong Huan, who had closed his eyes and rested for a long time, opened his eyes.Although the three apes were all nervous for a while, this 'Han Huan' didn't make any other movements, just looked at Lingxue expressionlessly, and walked towards the stone chair above the temple.

Then, 'Kong Huan' was obviously very nice to hear, but hanging on 'Kong Huan', the strange and unwavering female voice came out again, but this time the tone was even weirder.

"Well, I miscalculated this time, and I was tricked by the system. But in the end, I must have succeeded. 8051 recalled his current situation with complicated emotions."


At this time, Lingxue also felt that something was wrong. This dull tone without any emotional fluctuations, coupled with the expression of Gujing Wubo, made her very uncomfortable, so she asked Lingyun and the others who had been talking about it all the time. Question asked: "Who are you? Empty?"

"Huh? 8051 turned his head to look at the talking ape in doubt." And in response to such words, it was the head of the 'empty illusion' that turned mechanically, which made the scalps of the four apes below all numb.

"Oh, it's Lingxue, 8051 suddenly realized."

"Sorry, I just checked the editing space, so I ignored you. 8051 apologized sincerely."

"A dead soul with sincerity!" Lingxue's four apes thought at the same time in their hearts, but seeing that the 'konghuan' on the stone chair seemed to have no intention of stopping, they continued to listen. From afternoon to now, this 'konghuan' 'Finally spoke, but could not be interrupted.

"First of all, I'm 8051. I used to be the manager of the biological editing space, an illusory auxiliary system for the main consciousness, and now... it's a... well, I don't know, maybe, it's just a group of consciousness without foundation. 8051 sighed, and said in a slightly dejected manner." However, what matched this statement was the self-proclaimed 8051, with an unreal appearance still with a blank expression, which did not intend to make it less convincing.

"Okay, what we want to know the most is, where did Kong Huan go?" Die Wu interrupted 8051's words a little impatiently. Although it seemed that 8051 didn't move, Die Danwu suddenly broke out in sweat. As if making dozens of wishes involving physical strength in a row, his eyes were full of terror.

"Illusionary? 8051 said in self-confirmation."

All the apes nodded, and at the same time turned their expectant eyes to 8051 above. Although many problems were analyzed from 8051's words, what all the apes wanted to know most was the illusory trace. Yun and the others have no choice.

"Hehe, Kong Huan is not in danger. 8051 said softly while discussing in his heart that Kong Huan received so much attention." At this moment, Lingxue noticed that 8051 on the stone chair patted his body unnaturally, and flowed a few times. Silk colorful rays.But soon, the follow-up of 8051 attracted the attention of the apes. What is this called?Range taunt? .

"However, where is he now... I don't know, 8051 is quite apologetic and depressed." Those eyes indeed glanced at the apes with a little apology, but her answer obviously did not satisfy the apes.

The first one to erupt was Xiao Lingyun, she didn't care about the danger at this time, she jumped up and grabbed 8051's shoulder, her tone was full of anger.

"You don't know what it means, only you here know! Also, what's the matter with this appearance that is exactly the same as Wu Huan? You bastard!"

"Take it easy! This body is illusory. If I scratch it, I won't lose anyway. This is a damned system. The depression in 8051's heart has nothing to add."

8051's answer stunned Lingyun and all the apes, this body is illusory, what do you mean?
The four apes present were confused at the same time, Chu Jie even ignored several prayer wishes, just staring blankly at the figure on the stone chair.

Indeed, regardless of the emotions in the eyes and the voice of the woman, this body is really exactly the same as the empty illusion, no, it is empty illusion, but...

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened in detail, but it may take some time. It's too annoying to ask and answer like this, and your questions are too substandard. I just know where the void is, and I still want to know where it is. .8051 lamented that he was looking for trouble when he had nothing to do." If I had known, I would not have designed [Test of Three-Color Consciousness] for Void. Could it be that I am too idle? It seems that I am really bored after staying in space for tens of billions of years. I broke away for the first time, and, after that, I was free.

Although they felt the familiar kindness from the body that was said to be illusory, what the four apes felt the most was the sense of oppression from the creature that claimed to be 8051, so it was impossible for them to immediately agree with this individual's statement However, there is still no choice, and the four apes can only be forced to accept 8051's suggestion.

Getting up from the stone chair, 8051 using the phantom body floated down the stone chair, sat down by the altar, then called everyone to sit around the altar, and finally, she looked up at Lingxue.

"Food, didn't you bring it with you? Take it and eat it while talking. 8051 is looking forward to the medium food that the organism absorbs energy."

Looking at the guy who called himself 8051 suspiciously, Lingxue got up and put the food she brought on the side of the altar, and then raised her own doubts: "Isn't a god like you not able to eat?"

Glancing at Lingxue blankly, 8051 took out several clay pots filled with broth from the basket.

"It's just that you don't need it, but it doesn't mean you can't eat it. As long as you master the method, anything can be converted into energy... I've never eaten anything, so I'm looking forward to it. 8051 feels that he can't bear the temptation anymore."

Hastily poured out half a bowl of the broth in the earthenware pot, and then skillfully brought the earthenware bowl to his mouth. A mouthful of hot soup flowed from 8051's mouth along the esophagus into the stomach like a flow in a transparent human body, and then suddenly burst With a flash, this mouthful of hot soup disappeared without a trace.

"Is this how we eat together? You think so, Xiao Lingyun. 8051 said with a joking smile."

"You, how do you know?" Lingyun pointed at 8051, looking at the expressionless 'empty fantasy' in front of her in disbelief, feeling distressed for no reason, but it was only for a moment, she immediately held her head high, not to be outdone Sit back again, and finish the bowl of broth that Lingxue poured out: "Hmph, so what if you know, tell me, where is Konghuan? What's the matter with your empty body?"

"Well, the thing is like this, it has to start from a long, long time ago, about 30 billion years ago..."

Perhaps it was the first time to talk to creatures in the outside world of the editing space. 8051 found that he talked a lot, and his emotions were always under agitation. , but the composition of the language can also let them know a thing or two.

And 8051 didn't hide much from Lingyun and the others. Even apart from the identity of the empty space traveler, 8051 used concise and clear words to explain everything from the small cell period to the final collapse of the editing space that even empty space didn't know about.

So, from nightfall to sunrise, the apes tried their best to listen to all the explanations of 8051 word by word, but what they brought was not understanding, but more confusion.

As for the impact on Kong Huan when he tells all about Kong Huan... "Ah, Kong Huan will definitely thank me. There are four more people who understand him in this world, haha. 8051 is eagerly looking forward to the reunion with Kong Huan .” A certain three-consciousness group that is still moving according to the established program in time and space trembled strangely.

Countless groups of unawakened souls drifting away~~

Regarding the quarrel between 8051 and the four apes, ah, no, I won’t mention it here, the camera is deflected, and the three faint strands of consciousness separated from the illusory body exit from the editing space in a flash.

But these three groups of consciousness were soon separated due to space turbulence, because the editing space has not completely collapsed at this moment, so the three groups of consciousness are judged to need to be reincarnated, and each of them is randomly thrown into three quack apes on the fixed-point time axis by the editing space In the eggs it lays, it then falls into a deep sleep, waiting for the eggs to ripen.

...Time to go for a stroll...

Inside a certain cave, the environment is a little cold, but there is only one pond near the center, which is full of heating, ah, a lovely hot spring.

(Huh? Where is this?)

In the dark space, a small object seemed very uncomfortable, so he controlled his body and groped around, and after a while, he became aware of the surrounding situation.

(what's around?)

Tapping lightly on what looked like walls around it, the little thing seemed to have several limbs, as there were many tapping sounds at the same time.

(Is it something like a wall? Am I imprisoned? Uh... me? Wall? Imprisonment?)
It seemed a bit confused, the little thing stopped and thought carefully, but maybe it was too stuffy here, or maybe he couldn't think of it for a while, so the little thing turned his attention to the surrounding thing that he called the wall again.


The heavy knocking sound was followed by a slight cracking sound, and a strong light shot through the crack, instantly illuminating the narrow space through continuous reflection, and also made the small body tense.

(Hey! Here, it seems to be an egg? Egg? Forget it, let’s go out first.)
Reason overcomes doubts, the little thing naturally accumulates power, and the feeling of electric current soon spreads from the body, skillfully stimulates the body with electric current, and then attacks around the crack recklessly.

There were a few clicks, and the eggshell splashed.

In the unexpected and surprised eyes of a group of quack apes, the little guy with a few traces of electric current flowing on his body appeared in the sun, and the slightly hot breath was mixed with various smells into the little guy's perception.

Frowning in dissatisfaction, a bunch of noisy sounds suddenly appeared in his mind, buzzing.

This little guy is amazing! ...The egg shell broke open, is he a pupae? ...Looks like another powerful member has been added...

"This is, it's so noisy."

The strange pronunciation came to the ears of the quack apes around them. They looked at each other, and then a female ape walked out of the room and came to the little guy. Finally, regardless of the little guy's struggle, she hugged it up, and then , She picked up the scattered eggshells one by one, and handed them to the restless little guy in her arms.

Looking at the mother ape with a loving and comforting face, and even with the power of the electric stimulation before, the little guy finally stopped moving as if giving up, and then took the eggshell fragments curiously .

This action caused the surrounding female apes to scream again, but they were just meaningless calls without any language features.

It seems that he is observing the eggshell exuding a tempting fragrance, but the little guy is actually thinking about the current situation suspiciously.

(Where is this, I really want to be born from an egg, but I know a lot? Wait, can't being born from an egg know a lot?)

(No, what's wrong, I really think it shouldn't be like this? Then what should I be like, strange?)

The mother ape holding the little guy slowly walked out of the cave with the little guy in her arms, and then gently put him on a piece of dry ground, while there were already several baby quack apes crawling around like the little guy, Looking at the world curiously.

The scorching ambient temperature made the little guy a little uncomfortable. In desperation, he could only withdraw from his thinking, and then scanned the surrounding situation.

At any time, you first need to understand the environment you are in. A sentence sounded in the little guy's mind without any obtrusiveness, suppressing the noisy voices in his mind.

So, after analyzing that there was no danger, he acted according to the guidance of this voice.

(The environment is hot and dry, suspected to be hot summer;)
(Sparse trees, dry air, low and scattered mountains, suspected hilly areas;)
(The sky is double...March is faintly visible, the sun is direct...comprehensive analysis, inland, similar to hilly areas, and the latitude and longitude of the planet is unknown.)
(In the area, outside the cave, backed by 200-meter-high hills, stepping on a [-]-square-meter platform, there is no hostility or threat around.)
(The number of young quack apes is six, and it is still rising slowly. The number of quack apes in other age groups is unknown, and the number of flying wing quack apes is unknown. The civilization, clothing... teeth... movement... comprehensive analysis, the end of the animal period, mainly carnivorous, Supplemented by vegetarian food, no hot food, no civilized products, and the organization class is unknown.)
(Final conclusion, insufficient information.)
(Stay generic, drill down to specifics.)
The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy means that when you understand your environment, you must also understand your own situation.It seemed that the voice from the bottom of my heart sounded again, this time without the slightest hesitation, the little guy immediately turned his attention to himself.

Suddenly, a glowing screen appeared in the little guy's mind. From the outside, the little guy who had been motionless and leaned against a rock mechanically devouring the eggshell was normal, but at this moment, he had already Turn all your attention to your mind.

[When you see this passage, it means that you have successfully reincarnated, so let me say sorry first.However, if you want to know more, just work hard to improve, the better you become, the more you master, the more things you can remember, work hard. 8051 thought happily. 】

(Analysis of sentences, keywords "reincarnation", "sorry", "promotion", "mastery", "remember more", "8051".)
(Preliminary conclusion, the individual named '8051' did something that needed to say 'sorry' in this previous life, and this body can 'remember more' of the previous life through continuous 'improvement' and 'mastery' of certain things things.)
(Analysis main goal: clear inner doubts; provision goal: improve mastery to recall past lives.)
(In the final judgment, there is no conflict, and it can be integrated into this current goal: to improve strength and master things.)
Then, another strange luminous screen appeared in the little guy's mind.

Name:? ? / Gray
Power: 1
Energy: 1
Consciousness: 69
Spirit: 690
Number of control species: 0
Current goal: increase the energy to 5, control the number of species to 30;

Harvest: memory fragments, "Meditation Technique".

"Game?" Since he recovered and realized now, this little guy, no, Hui Li finally said the first sentence: "Hey, I like it."

(End of this chapter)

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