Spore Story

Chapter 188 Command or Combat Strength

Chapter 188 Command or Combat Strength

PS: There is another chapter tonight =w=
"..." Looking around (twelve baby quack apes, it is impossible for an adult quack ape to accept the command of a little quack ape like me, so these little guys need to be used as seeds.)
"..." Stare (couldn't speak.)
Just as he was thinking about how to group the twelve children in front of him, he was awakened by a sudden burst of noise from outside the cave.

(The roar of the dinosaur, the call of the quack ape, and the sound of impacting objects, and it is getting closer, and the ground shakes slightly...Conclusion, the quack ape is being chased by a medium-sized dinosaur or group of dinosaurs, assessment: slightly dangerous.)
Ignoring the group of crawling children who were watching him curiously, Huili walked around the rock in front of him with his calves, and then stood on a huge boulder by rocks of different sizes.

Of course, all of this was done within a fixed range, otherwise the few female apes waiting outside would definitely eat the plants in their hands, and then bring those who dared to run around back to the young group.

Finally, the scene outside the cave appeared in front of Huili.

Three quack apes, one of which was carrying a huge egg, was chasing after two huge carnivorous dinosaurs, rushing straight towards the cave from far to near.

Pupils shrank suddenly, and Huili saw the expressions of the three quack apes, and a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes.There was no trace of panic in the expression of the three monkeys, but full of complacency.

(Satisfied expression, did they decide that they would be safe after fleeing to the cave? Or...)
Looking back at the entrance of the cave, this cave is not the only one. For example, the entrance of the platform where the children of Huili are located is on the mountainside, and the target of the three quack apes should be a three-four at the foot of the mountain. Meter-high holes, and whether there are more elsewhere is unknown.

(However, although the three-to-four-meter-high cave at the foot of the mountain is a bit small for the two carnivorous dinosaurs, it is not impossible to enter. Moreover, did the quack apes do this for an egg? It seems that the two carnivorous dinosaurs Eggs.) Turned his head and looked at the two carnivorous dinosaurs that were chasing after him. With a good look in his eyes, he could distinguish a male and female pair. Although he didn’t know where the memory came from, he recognized this medium-to-large carnivorous dinosaur. Generally, a pair is only formed during mating, but not without exception.

(Comprehensive analysis of the reasons, suspicious point [-]: being chased by two carnivorous dinosaurs for an egg; suspicious point [-]: although there are often dangerous situations when being chased, the three monkeys did not panic, only complacent; suspicious point [-]: on the way to escape, they chose to sprint to the cave in a straight line, and Not a better arc or S-shape; Doubt [-]: Sanyuan’s movements are very habitual, as if he has practiced many times; Doubt [-]: ...Comprehensive analysis.)
At this moment, the three apes were less than [-] meters away from the entrance of the cave at the bottom of the mountain. The two dinosaurs obviously noticed this too. With an angry roar, the dinosaurs began to explode faster.

(Conclusion is...)
Huili, who was worried about the three apes before, suddenly stretched his brows and laughed, which puzzled the two female apes who were paying attention to him, but it did not prevent them from becoming more relaxed, because a sincere smile always is infectious.

After laughing for a while, Huili stopped his behavior. At this time, the three apes were only 20 meters away from the entrance of the cave, and the two carnivorous dinosaurs were excited to find that they were about to bite these vicious egg thieves.

"What they need is not only eggs, but also..."

"Your life." (I don't know what it is? Trap? Ambush? Or something else?)
While Huili was looking forward to it, the quack ape holding the big egg suddenly threw the big egg aside, and then the three apes accelerated instantly with a weak electric flash, and sank into the woods from the opposite direction of the big egg with an afterimage .

The two carnivorous dinosaurs were stunned when the giant egg parted ways with the quack ape. How could the egg thief in front of him be so fast?Save eggs or catch thieves?of course……

But at the moment when they were dazed, more than 20 quack apes rushed out from the woods on both sides of the carnivorous dinosaur with clear eyes, and they skillfully divided themselves into two groups or climbed onto the carnivorous dinosaur The back of the carnivorous dinosaur, or attack various parts such as the legs and abdomen of the meat-eating dinosaur, or drag by the tail.

For a while, the screams of carnivorous dinosaurs resounded through the sky, but the result has been determined.

(you're already dead, hey)
From the time the giant egg was thrown to the time when the carnivorous dinosaur was wiped out, it was only a few tens of seconds, and there were few casualties on the side of the quack ape.

(I didn't find these quack apes hiding in the bushes before. It seems that this method is often used, but...)
At this time, the quack apes cheering around the two dying dinosaurs suddenly looked up at the sky.Seeing this scene, Hui Li searched the sky while controlling his body.

"Flying-winged quack apes." (This makes sense, even though quack ape brains can naturally evolve through exercise and reasonable nutrition intake, there is no sign of any cooked food in this small tribe, and the quack apes react very well. Stupid, now there are flying-wing quack apes who can understand why they do these behaviors.)
(Egg stealing, lure, ambush, no, egg throwing after lure is a bright spot, if you don't do this, carnivorous dinosaurs will not have such a huge flaw.)
"Hey, it's not bad." In this way, Hui Li no longer worried about his own safety.You must know that although he knows that he must be very powerful in the future, Huili is still very fragile during the period from a child to a young man with a certain ability to protect himself, and can be easily killed.

However, not all flying-wing quack apes with a four-level brain can make this seemingly simple layout. The trust of the quack apes is one aspect, and careful consideration is required for aerial observation and timing.

But now it is after the war, although it is a bit stingy for so many quack apes to hunt only two carnivorous dinosaurs, but it can also be understood as preserving strength, so that Huili can enjoy the life of a child easily.

But just when Huili was about to look away, he suddenly noticed that the flying-wing quack ape in the sky made a series of movements and repeated them several times.First, he (she?) swooped in one direction in the sky, halfway through, then returned to the previous height and drew four consecutive circles, and finally continued to fly in the sky.

(Is this, action warning?)
Sure enough, the quack apes who had been handling the two dinosaur corpses in an orderly manner just now abandoned their prey decisively when they saw this situation, and then looked up at the sky from time to time, while chasing in the direction that the flying wing quack ape swooped down before.

(Swooping is the direction of the enemy, which should be determined, because this direction is behind the cave; the four circles represent four enemies or four groups of enemies? It should be four, or the choice of these quack apes should be to avoid rather than Hurry up, even if Quack Ape is not weak, it is prone to accidents in the face of numerical superiority; then, the four circles are big or small, does it mean the size of the enemy or is it just because of flight errors? There is insufficient information.)
Thinking of this, Huili couldn't hold back his inner curiosity, found the target, and ran up the mountain, but just when he was about to climb a rock, he suddenly felt his body start to rise into the air.


Finding out whose fault it was, he paused and showed a helpless expression. (Um, call it, anyway, we don’t know what it means, no, it’s not interesting anyway, don’t we just want to see the battlefield and understand the combat power of our tribe.)
I thought so, but both parties could not communicate with each other, and Huili could only be carried back to the toddler group by the tail of the female ape like a shopping bag, and was forced to be relegated to preschool.

Through the big and small movements of these little guys, Huili also noticed that four of them should be from the big class, that is to say, they were born in the previous year.But for Hui Li, “it’s just a bunch of radish heads.” (You yourself =.=)

After several failed checkpoints, the tail was a little sour and gray, and he could only discuss the individual comprehensive thinking of arranging the mother ape to monitor the position, while starting to teach the children, and at the same time, he was still unwilling to find the mother apes loopholes.

Then, before dusk fell, the quack ape team finally returned when Huili kicked over the last child in frustration and raised the [number of controlled species] from 0 to 12.

Of course, there will be no shortage of prey. Except for the two carnivorous dinosaurs that were ambushed before and a bonus dinosaur egg, they also brought four smaller carnivorous dinosaurs similar to Velociraptors.

(It seems that the four circles are of different sizes are meaningless. Also, even if it is interesting, it is easy to make mistakes. Who knows the basic body shape of these sizes.)
And from the undisguised smiling faces of these quack apes, Huili realized that such harvests are not common, but now Huili has no mind to think about these, because there is a piece of bloody fresh meat in front of him.

(Why? Why do we feel hard to swallow when we look at fresh meat that should be delicious?)

Gulu [saliva swallowing sound]

So, when all the quack apes, including the young-looking flying-wing quack ape, ate large chunks of meat and drank blood, Huili fell into a food crisis.

To eat or not to eat?This shit...is it a problem?


And so, as the days passed, the thirteen toddlers grew up and started making some weird noises (for tribe members).

At first, this made the guarding mother ape feel very strange and even a little worried, so it was of course mentioned to the leader Xiangyi Quackape, but after Xiangwing Quackape went to a group of young children, and found a young child (Grey Li ), he himself joined the ranks of this strange pronunciation.

"Stone." The immature child's voice.

"Stone." A large and a few small echoes.

"Tree." Ibid.
"Tree." Ibid.
"Stones hit trees..."

As a leader, and a leader who likes to use his brains, and more importantly, he is the leader of the quack ape pupae who has just left the animal world, and he has nothing to say. "It is impossible for children to understand and understand more than adults." Therefore, when faced with Huili pointing at various things, making different sounds, and learning his movements in the sky to speak out in concise language, the leader began to realize the importance of this pronunciation effectiveness.

In fact, if Huili had not appeared, it would not be long before the tribe would have its own simple language.This is because, when Huili noticed during teaching, the leader often used some other pronunciations to call out what Huili pointed out, which led to him needing several or even dozens of changes before he could barely learn how the young children would learn to speak. Some nouns learned, and often repeated.

(Is this the rudimentary form of the dialect?) Every time at this time, Huili would unconsciously have this idea.

When there is no language memory, the language part of the brain is pure, Huili can easily write traces of his own language on it, and learners can quickly master it; with language, even if there is little language, the brain part Part of it will be biased. If you want to learn another language, you have to divide it, or try to eliminate the previous language. Compared with the previous language, there are at least one more learning steps, and the complexity has increased several times.

Of course, individuals with a language foundation will find it easier to get started when learning a language with a similar model.

On the other hand, since the leaders have already started to study at this moment, Hui Li has a reason to let the whole tribe find time to study.

However, language is only the premise of everything, and it is still impossible to make other quack apes angry. Now, I can only spend a lot of time every day, repeatedly mobilizing the electric energy in the body, exercising flexible use and attack, and enduring the tediousness of fresh meat. energy expended.

This is also the most effective method proposed by Hui Lian, who has no other training methods. Look at the energy point in the property bar that looks like a game. After more than 1 days, the energy point has increased from 20 to 2, and the consciousness has unexpectedly increased by 3 points. It gave Huili the motivation to persevere, not to mention that he is a persistent character.

A faint flame rose from the haystack in front of him. After the great young leader understood the meanings of the words 'discharge', 'attack' and 'insert', Gray finally tempted the leader to light the long-awaited fire , Then he ignored the leader whose curiosity was aroused by the fire, and began to roast fresh meat by himself.

So, the result of this appeared on the second day. All the onlookers, including Huili and the leader of Xiangyi Quackape, had diarrhea and were weak. They could only stay in the hot spring and enjoy life comfortably, instead of going out to face it. The strange sorghum dinosaurs with fierce faces.

(It seems that we have done a good thing.) Of course, the further result is that they have to reduce the meat diet for these two days, and change their attitude towards life in the stomach with vegetarian adjustments.

'Hui Ming', this is the codename (name) that Hui Li gave this flying-wing quack ape.

After another hundred days passed, not only the hot food was recognized by the tribe, but also this group of children learned to run, and the language was initially successfully promoted in the tribe.

(I didn't expect that the Xiangyi Quacka Ape after pupation would actually have a guy who pursued independence.)
This is one of Huili's achievements. The formation of this tribe of more than 50 apes has been somewhat bumpy.

It was not a flying-wing quack ape at first, but among the three pupated apes of the previous generation, one of them did not want to stay with [the ground-bound quack ape] and flew freely; While fighting endlessly, the last ape led more than 20 people to separate.

For ordinary quack apes, what they need is a flying-wing quack ape commander rather than high-end combat power. A quack ape group with a clear-headed commander survives far better than a quack ape group with only high-end combat power.

Therefore, the quack apes, who have never seen more than a dozen flying-wing quack apes cooperating, naturally developed such common sense that the clear command of one flying-wing quack ape is obviously better than the chaotic command of two or three flying-wing quack apes. Excellent, so they also defaulted to this choice.

But later, when the group of quack apes grew to more than forty people, the flying-wing quack ape was crushed to death by a meteor (=.=) from nowhere because of a mistake.

Losing command and becoming chaotic, the group of quack apes began to enter a period of chaos. It was once dispersed into four or five small tribes, and the number gradually dropped to more than 20 at the beginning.

Of course, at this time is the opportunity for the "savior" Hui Ming children's shoes to appear. He flamboyantly (in Hui Ming language) drove away another Xiangyi Quack ape who had pupated at the same time, and with his own appeal (still It is gray language) gathered the surrounding tribes and re-developed into the current tribe.

"I didn't expect that the position of the flying-wing quack ape outside the normal quack ape would be like this."

(End of this chapter)

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