Spore Story

Chapter 189

Chapter 189

PS: The second update is here =w=
Thanks for the lonely tip and Fuzeoka's monthly ticket O(∩_∩)O
"Priest Huili, the harvest this time is not bad. In this way, the food in the warehouse can be enough for everyone to eat for dozens of days."

I was busy writing something gray on a piece of dinosaur skin, and without looking back, I took a piece of flying bacon into my hand, put it on the right, and then wrote a few strokes on another piece of dinosaur skin, clicked He nodded and continued writing with charcoal.

Five years
Time always flies so fast, the little quack ape who was born with Huili or even a year earlier is still running around, chasing the mother ape (a group of little perverts=.=) to eat, and accepting gray rational teaching.

But Hui Li himself had already started to transform the tribe and became the tribe's priest.

Name:? ? / Gray
Power: 3
Energy: 6
Consciousness: 91
Spirit: 877/910
Number of control species: 80
Current goal: increase the energy to 10, control the number of species to 100;

Gains: memory fragments, "Simple Use of Body Energy".

This is what the five-year-old Huili has achieved for himself.

Through the first set of memory fragments he obtained, he knew that he was the leader of a super-big tribe in his previous life. Now Huili understands that the so-called leader should mean the same thing as the leader, but because the tribe is big, it is called big. Just the leader.

But what he recalls most is a profession called priest and a thing called three-level system.

Therefore, for the first three years, he took advantage of his relationship with the leader Hui Ming, did not interfere with Hui Ming's tribal affairs, and devoted himself to the understanding of priest knowledge and the promotion and improvement of the three-level system in this tribe.

He required all quack apes to master the two simple and necessary courses "arithmetic" and "language". Qualified, and after explaining the duties of the priest, Hui Li became a priest recognized by everyone.

But in the past five years, the gray matter has not been comfortable.

The main reason for this is the pupation of a former tribe member.

According to Huili, who recalled some things, it is a good thing to have Quackape pupate, but the leader Huiming is like an enemy.

And when the pupation of Xiangyi Quackape was completed, the two apes had a big battle as if agreed, and before the then (and still is) weak Huili could react, the newborn Xiangyi Quack ape was kicked out of the tribe because of failure, and nine other quack apes who had a good relationship with this flying-wing quack ape and a little quack ape were taken away together.

This made the relationship between Hui Li and Hui Ming, who were originally very rational, tense for a while, because ever since he recalled the memory of that huge tribe, he wanted to build his gray tribe to such a scale. Wing Quack Ape is also necessary; but Hui Ming doesn't want to be challenged, and he doesn't have that kind of aggressiveness. He just wants to take care of his one-acre three-point land.

What makes Hui Li even more frustrated is that the quack apes are almost completely on the side of Hui Ming. If it weren't for Hui Li, he would only be five years old; if it weren't for the relationship Hui Li usually established with the quack apes; or... Hui Li is just the priest Quack Ape, perhaps, among the Quack Apes who were expelled at the beginning, there will also be Hui Li.

In the end, Hui Li stayed, but the relationship between Hui Ming and him was no longer as good as before, and the reform of the system was even stopped by Hui Ming. If the reform at this moment did not bring some convenience to Hui Ming, perhaps the system would be destroyed. After being beaten back to its original form, only Huili's teaching will be left, and it will continue because Huili understands his own needs.

As for the current control number of 80, there is still a hidden reason for this. You must know that there are only thirty or so little quack apes in the Huili tribe who are really controlled by Huili.

"Huh? It's already noon."

Patting the soil under his body, Huili folded the warehouse records and put them in the stone box beside him, then took out a booklet from it and put it in his arms, got up and walked out of the cave.

"Priest Huili, are you going out again?" Walking towards him was the team leader who was retained during the system reform and was in charge of warehouse management and cave security.

Nodding kindly, Huili walked around the respectful and distant old quack ape, and disappeared into the woods outside the cave in a short while.

Since the Flying Wing Quack Ape incident two years ago, Hui Li used the excuse of finding food independently to go out frequently. Fortunately, even Hui Ming didn't have such a complicated mind, so he was able to successfully use this inferior excuse for so long.

And because in this tribe, no quack ape would treat Huili as a five-year-old child, even though he was only less than half the height of a normal quack ape, his voice was immature and cute.But in front of Huili, while all the quack apes felt a sense of intimacy, they felt more of a sense of oppression and discomfort being seen through.

Therefore, no one would regularly contact Huili, which laid the foundation for his independent actions.

(The book on the content has already been written, and after handing it over to Liu Yun today, you can start looking for the next tribe.)
Hiding in the bushes for a few steps, Huili looked up at the sky, but found no shadow of the flying-wing quack ape, so he began to run skillfully in one direction under the cover of the trees.

(Hui Ming is a good leader, but unfortunately he is too stubborn and has no enterprising spirit. According to the division of that super-big tribe, he can probably only be a captain, a priest is impossible, let alone a leader...)
(There is movement!)
He stopped in his tracks for an instant, and a mental force began to condense in front of Hui Li's head, and then swept forward.The simple use of mental power is the biggest reliance for Hui Li, who only has the strength of an ordinary quack ape at the moment, when he goes out alone.

For Yu Huili, "Meditation" was a waste product at first, because as long as he meditates, he wants to sleep.

But later I found out that it was because there was no way to find it.One time, according to the method in his memory, he used too much mental power when ambushing the prey, which caused dizziness and dizziness. He subconsciously used the meditation technique that he had practiced several times without believing in evil, but this time he did not fall asleep as usual. But really into that feeling of emptiness.

Then, when he woke up again, looking at the 1 point of consciousness added in the data frame and the recovery of most of his mental power, after a complete analysis, he knew the method of meditation training, that is [missing].

(The upper limit of mental power is limited by consciousness. When I'm not using my mental power, it should be at the upper limit. However, the main function of meditation is to increase mental power, so because the mental power is full, when practicing meditation, it should be at the upper limit. Fall asleep directly under the protective consciousness of the brain.)
(Then, there is no need to use meditation when the mental power is full, but rely on meditation to speed up the recovery of mental power when the mental power is lacking and dissatisfied. At that time, the speed is 5 times that of self-recovery. Moreover, meditation For me, the main function is to increase consciousness, and then increase the upper limit of mental power.)
This is the benefit of fine analysis. The previous emptiness also had the problem that meditation cannot be used, but for the lazy emptiness, if no problem can be found after a few random tests, it is unnecessary to ignore the effect of meditation and use it. It is determined that meditation is not suitable for the upper limit of mental power, and is always used by the main consciousness of the upper limit of mental power limited by consciousness.

But the reasoning is different. First of all, he doesn't know his own particularity, at least he doesn't know the identity of his main consciousness.

Therefore, although his upper limit of spiritual power also belongs to the upper limit of mental power limited by consciousness, through continuous consumption, practice, recording of differences, and experimenting with a personal attribute box, he finally spent almost a season and obtained [Missing] This method of meditation is suitable for the main consciousness.

Of course, he thinks this is the way to go for all quack apes.

This is thanks to the deterioration of the relationship between Huili and Huiming, which caused Huili to be idle, so that he had such time to experiment, and it did not spread to other quack apes for the time being.

Finally, his mental power began to condense into a beam, scanning the space with a radius of 30 meters back and forth.

Trees, weeds, earthworms, spiders...

(What, it turned out to be a meatball beast.)
The outline of the object causing movement and stillness in front of him emerged in his mind, and a young meatball figure emerged from it.

Speaking of which, this kind of creature is still the favorite of low-level carnivores. It is a lazy (easy to catch), gluttonous (more meat), fast-reproducing (large number), and strong adaptability (wide distribution) meatball beast. Many low-level carnivores hunt and kill them, and even ordinary carnivores will use them to fill their stomachs when they can't find food, but in recent years, their number has steadily increased.

Huili went out for the first time when he was one year old, and he was carried by Huiming and flew more than ten kilometers before he could meet a litter of six meatball beasts. Up to now, Huili can basically meet a few of them after walking a kilometer or two. , which made him feel a little emotional: "Does the meat ball beast want to dominate the food world (being hunted)." But this still cannot change the reality that the meat ball beast is food.

After confirming that there was no danger, Hui Li took back the mental power he had consumed dozens of points, ignored the meat ball beast, and started running towards his goal.

"Priest beware!"

Just when Hui Li was about to pass the meatball beast, a roar suddenly came from ahead.

(Why...damn, careless!)

It turned out that when Huili passed by the "meat ball beast", the bulging meat ball suddenly expanded strangely, and then exploded instantly before Huili could react. The power of the biological bomb made Huili only have time to aim it At the last glance, his eyes darkened and he passed out.


"Uh... my head, I'm so dizzy... um! I'm not dead?"

Suddenly startled, Hui Lian recalled the exploding meatball beast before he fell into a coma. At this moment, he felt dizzy again, and his whole body was so sore that he couldn't stop, so he could only lie down again in pain.

(What's going on here? The meat ball beast exploded, the sound of the reminder, being knocked out, lying down...)
Trying to open his eyes, Huili turned his eyes and neck to observe the surrounding situation, and then a gleam of gratitude flashed in his heart.

(It's actually on the tree trunk? Could it be that it was bombed here? No, the location is different, the surrounding environment does not match the scene in memory, and...it's so high.) Immediately retracting his sight, Huili unconsciously moved towards the middle of the tree trunk . (However, fortunately, I didn't move around just now. Otherwise, if I fell from such a high height, I would be killed if I didn't get blown up. It would be a big mistake.)
Closing his eyes, he began to analyze the current situation.

(Comprehensive analysis, the most feasible conclusion: The owner of [Reminder Sound] put me on this [tree] after [Meatball Beast Explosion], and then left for something.)
Then, Huili opened his eyes, endured the pain and groped his body.

(Analysis of my own situation: I have no hunger in my stomach, and it should not be long before the explosion; the clothes are torn, the books are still there, and the rescuers did not disturb my body; my body is sore, it should be caused by the explosion and the subsequent fall; Severe pain in the right arm and right foot, but there are not many wounds. It should be caused by physical exercise, which is not inferior to the firmness protection of adult quack apes; dizziness, slight concussion; internal organs... comprehensive conclusion, can't do strenuous activities, rest for a while should be Normal activities can be maintained, the current best goal, return to the gray tribe.)
At this moment, the previous voice sounded again accompanied by the sound of flapping wings.

"Priest, are you awake?"

Turning his head, Huili saw the target clearly, it was a flying-wing quack ape, and he was an acquaintance, and it was the leader of the destination he was about to go to.

Pulling out a smile with difficulty, Huili coughed a few times and propped his body against the tree trunk.

"It's Liuyun, thank you for saving me, ahem, you seem to know what's going on with that meatball beast." (No wonder it was put on the tree, it turned out to be a flying wing quack ape, really.)
Rubbing the back of his head shyly, Liuyun sat on a tree trunk not far from Huili, and carefully looked at this person who knew a lot of things, not only took care of himself when he was a quack ape, taught everyone to speak and count, but also taught himself Priest Huili, who wrote and analyzed the question, then shook his head and said: "That should not be a meat ball beast, priest. It just looks like a meat ball beast, but when you get closer, you can find that it is just a ball of meat. Any animal larger than a certain size runs past it, and it explodes."

Speaking of this, Liu Yun's face showed a little bit of anger. (It seems that Liuyun's tribe has also been hit, or Liuyun himself has been hit, but his body is fine, even if he has been hit, it is a slight one. Fortunately, you are my final node.)
Sure enough, Liu Yun sighed for a while and continued: "The day before yesterday, according to the method you assigned, we sent a small team to go hunting, and one of the three monkeys was injured by that meat ball. Although the injuries were not serious, they were all injured. Got stunned."

(It is not very powerful against Quack Ape, but it is easy to cause brain dizziness. The weakness of this Quack Ape needs to be paid attention to. It is useless to have a strong external defense, if the inside is weak.)
And speaking of this, Liu Yun actually showed a little fearful expression, which made Huili's heart tighten.

"It was okay to just faint at first, but who knows... the team went to help at that time, and they discussed whether to take them back or continue hunting behind their backs. At this time, a huge monster suddenly sprang out from the ground. The height is as high as three quack apes, and before they could react, they were blown out by a few meat balls sprayed out of a hole in the monster's stomach, and then the whole team was eaten by the monster, I... "

Hearing this, Hui Li suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. (According to Liu Yun, if he hadn't rescued me in time, wouldn't I also be discovered by that monster, and then be beeped without warning——.)
(Wait, the whole team was eaten?) Thinking of this, Hui Li looked at Liu Yun with complicated eyes. (Where did such detailed information come from if the entire squad was eaten.)
"How do you know this?"

"I... Priest, what happened so suddenly, I was frightened by the meat balls when I was patrolling in the sky, I didn't... I didn't dare to save them."

(End of this chapter)

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