Spore Story

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

PS: The power of this cup, well, sorry to be late, there is still a second update today.Get support for next month.

"Liuyun, you... hey."

After understanding Liu Yun's reaction at that time, Hui Li felt a little helpless. (Could it be that my expectations for the quack apes are too high? For them who have just left the animals, I am afraid that except for their own children encountering problems, the rest of the time, it is mainly to protect themselves.)
Hui Li's sigh made Liu Yun a little flustered, but when he thought of the time when he encountered that monster, the quack apes were blown out before they got close, and then were easily eaten by the monster, he couldn't stop the panic in his heart .

Here I have to explain, the comparison of the strength of the flying-wing quack ape and the ordinary quack ape, except for energy, brain and flight, the other differences are actually not big, especially because the body size is reduced in order to meet the flight, which makes When Xiangyi Quackape is fighting on the ground, if it does not use energy, it is only slightly stronger than Quackape. There is no qualitative difference. Quackape can win with hard work and skill.

Dusk was about to fall, looking at the darkened sky, Huili smiled self-deprecatingly, and then supported himself up with his slightly recovered strength.

(It seems that the Gray Tribe can't go back today. Fortunately, there have been such nights before. It's just time to explain to Liuyun his tribe, and then look for the next tribe.) Thinking of this, he looked up Look at the silent Liuyun beside him.

In fact, after Hui Lian understood something, Liu Yun's reaction at this time was somewhat beyond his surprise.If it is just Liu Yun who has just lost strength in the animal world, facing this situation, it is impossible to save it if you don’t save it. At most, you will sigh for a while, and you won’t even sigh for anything, because it is taken for granted by them.

But at this moment, Liuyun was actually showing an expression of annoyance and reflection about this matter, and stayed with Huili on this branch for half an afternoon, which made Huili very relieved. At least it works.

(There is no ape that is a complete ape from the beginning, just like the growth of the protagonist, Huili seems to be able to be further shaped. From this point of view, you can take more time to look at it in the future. Maybe, you can cultivate Liuyun into a big character. Maybe the leader.)
Thinking of this, Hui Li stretched out his fastest tentacles, and patted Liu Yun's shoulder beside him, reminding him that it was getting dark and it was time to go home.

"Priest, I didn't save them, but the monsters were very powerful at that time. I might lose my life if I went up. If I didn't go up, at most the quack ape team that would have died would have died. This should be the result of a reasonable analysis. , this exchange ratio should be in line with what you said, but why are you sighing?" At this moment, Liu Yun was soaring in the sky with Hui Li on his back. Would not agree with this pose.

(Is this what you have been thinking all afternoon?) Huili looked at Liuyun who was carrying him behind his back, dumbfounded, (Sure enough, am I still expecting too much from Xiangyi Quackape? Forget it, take your time, It’s really not enough to eat a fat man’s horse in one bite.)
"Liu Yun, the exchange ratio is not simply a comparison of hard data such as quantity and strength, but also a comparison of soft data. Then again, now that you have calmed down, think carefully about the situation at that time. If you Is it really dangerous to go down to the rescue?"

The voice of the priest rang in his ears. After Liu Yun thought for a while, he still nodded and said, "Indeed, that monster sprayed meat balls very fast. The remaining five quack apes in that team all died immediately after discovering the monster." Knocked out, I'm close to being treated the same way."

"But the monster can't be that fast when it eats them."

"Um... indeed." A drop of cold sweat broke out on Liu Yun's forehead, this priest didn't seem to care much about the life and death of Quack Ape.

"At that time, you suddenly encountered a monster, and you were frightened by the accident, so you didn't act. This may be the first time for you, so it's okay to hesitate a little, but now you are the leader, you can't use the old Quack Ape Thinking about problems, let alone thinking about problems in the fighting way of quack ape."

He stretched out his tentacles and patted Liu Yun's shoulder, then pointed to a flattened open area not far away, where a small wall was built with gravel, and not far away was a small river.

"What do you see?"

"My tribe..."

"It's your tribe. Those are the subordinates you need to protect. You are now a flying wing quack ape. When you face a problem, the first thing you should do is not to hesitate, but to think, think about the problem, think about the problem Think about the best solution. For example, that monster, can he fly?"

"I can't." Liu Yun felt that he couldn't keep up with Hui Li's jumpy words, so he could only answer whatever came to his mind.

"Then can you fly?"


Unconsciously, he vibrated his wings a few times, obviously Liu Yun was expressing that he could fly, but Hui Li needed his own answer.Therefore, Liu Yun was quickly destabilized by some mental tricks that Huili experimented out on his own. Fortunately, Huili had no intention of crashing the plane again (eh? again?).

These mental power skills can only be used against apes like Xiang Liuyun who have no defense against Huili, and there is no way to deal with Huiming today, so they are stored in Huili's mind as backup skills, but usually It can be used to make some innocuous jokes.

"Yes, of course I can fly." Liu Yun replied rationally.

"Yeah." For some reason, Huili's tone at this time gave Liu Yun the urge to flatten him. Of course, it was just an impulse: "After you become a winged quack ape, I will teach you how to attack from a distance. method, the method of fighting flying creatures, have you forgotten?"

"Um, I was a little flustered at the time, so...wait a minute, priest, why do you always focus on saving the quack ape?" Suddenly thinking of the crux of the problem, Liu Yun boldly changed the subject to the center. The way Hui Li, who is not strong, talks to other Xiangyi Quackapes, he can't overwhelm them with his strength, he can only communicate calmly and with an equal attitude.

"Not bad, finally found the key."

"Actually, there is no such thing as a monster that can't be eliminated, it's just how long it takes and how many quack apes are lost." As far as Hui Li is concerned, whether he can save the quack apes has nothing to do with things like conscience. (I'm afraid there is no such thing as conscience in this world now.)
According to Huili's analysis, the difference between rescue and non-rescue mainly lies in two things.

If there is rescue, there are several main situations:
First, the rescue was successful and the monster was eliminated.Under such circumstances, the quack apes will fully realize Liuyun's powerful combat power, and spread to the entire water tribe through the rescued team, so that all members can feel a great sense of security from Liuyun, further Strengthen their confidence in following Liuyun.In this way, in future battles, when Liu Yun is present, they will be able to display greater courage and strength, which is the so-called [morale];
Second, the rescue was semi-successful, the monster was led away, and all or part of the quack apes were rescued.Under such circumstances, the surviving quack apes will be grateful to Liu Yun, but at the same time they will have lingering fears about the monster.In the future, in ordinary battles, the strength they display may remain normal or even increase slightly, but once they face enemies of the same monster level, their strength may drop unexpectedly, and they may even run away.

From this point of view, it will have a slight impact on the battle, but as a result, they will be more determined to execute Liu Yun's orders in a normal life without danger, which is [Prestige].

The third is that the rescue failed, all the quack apes were wiped out, and Liu Yun was injured.Although Liuyun, who returned to the tribe, would gain the understanding of the ordinary quack apes, a small team is already 1/3 of the water tribe's combat power, and this loss is a great deal for the water tribe.

Moreover, these quack apes may hesitate when facing powerful enemies in the future.However, because the tribe members did not understand the specific situation at the time, they obviously would not change much.The reason for this is that almost all creatures with emotions have an attitude of having nothing to do with themselves most of the time, which comes from the subconscious rather than the subjective.That is 【strength】

Fourth, the rescue failed and Liuyun died.Well, there is nothing to say about this situation. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

In fact, these situations are combined into two things [strength] and [ape heart].

The strength is good, this kind of hard data that can be measured is clear and clear, but the ape heart is invisible and intangible, which is the soft data that Hui Li said, which is not very easy for Liu Yun who has only studied for more than half a year. , so Hui Li only said one sentence: "Do you remember to put yourself in another place? You just temporarily forget that you are a flying-wing quack ape, and treat yourself as an ordinary quack ape. There is a quack ape in the team; the other is a quack ape who stayed in the tribe at the time and only found out about the situation later. Use these two situations to think about what ordinary quack apes would think. It shouldn't be difficult for you to think about it."

Afterwards, Liu Yun, who rushed back to the tribe, hid himself in a tent made of wooden frames and a large piece of dinosaur skin, thinking about what Hui Li said.

As for Huili himself, he began to look at the current tribe.

[Water Tribe, population: 37 (Quack Ape)/1 (Flying Wing Quack Ape)]

"Maybe the world I'm in now is actually just a game." Looking at the simple message box in his mind, Huili said with a wry smile.

This is the second tribe that Hui Li has really mastered in the past five years, but the first tribe is not the Hui tribe, but another tribe near the river.

[Fish tribe, population: 25/0]

That tribe was Hui Li who didn’t want to conflict with Hui Ming after the conflict between Hui Li and Hui Ming. He felt that Hui Ming was in power for a day, and after the development of the Hui tribe was hopeless, he met the quack ape by the river when he went out to relax. Then Hui Li, who was not in the mood at the time, followed the quack ape to a tribe without flying wing quack apes, which was the fish tribe later, and aroused Hui Li's interest in reform.

After that, Hui Li taught the children in the Hui Tribe, and at the same time promoted and tried to perfect his own reform model in the Fish Tribe.

It took Huili a full year and a half, and the Fish Tribe only became a little bit of a tribe under the constant changes. Moreover, after Huili summed up and inquired about the distribution of predators by the river, he also brought the Fish Tribe's Members dug a small canal, along with a large pit in the middle of the tribe, and then continued digging from the other side of the pit and eventually back to the big river.

This shape as if the stream branched from the big river through the tribe and back to the big river, with the aid of the wooden fence at the water inlet, allows small aquatic organisms to swim into the stream, but large organisms cannot, so that, Coupled with occasional hunting and gathering, the small fish tribes had ample food supplies.

But it is a pity that there is still no flying-wing quack ape among them, and Huili doesn't want to merge them into the gray tribe, so he finally left the fish tribe and began to search for the next promising tribe.But fortunately, the members of the Fish Tribe are all under Hui Li's control.

Today's Water Tribe is also by the river, but here the river is fast-moving and the aquatic creatures are fierce. Hui Li has no way of copying the food supply method of the Fish Tribe.Moreover, when they first came here, there was no flying-wing quack ape here. This phenomenon made Huili very strange. (Why did two consecutive tribes have no pupation bodies? Is pupation really so difficult?)

However, Huili of the Water Tribe, with the mentality of "something is better than nothing", spent about half a year by him, combining the unfinished transformation of the Gray Tribe and the transformation experience of the Fish Tribe without pupae, Made gravel walls, tents, and basic flame use for this tribe, and taught language and arithmetic to some members.

Then, just when Huili was about to leave, he unexpectedly waited until one of the unremarkable young apes successfully pupated, which is now Liuyun.And because before he pupated, the tribe was getting better and better under Hui Li's care, so even after pupating, the flying-wing quack ape named Liuyun listened to Hui Li very much.

As a matter of course, Hui Li continued to stay to further educate Liu Yun, with all his heart to make him an enterprising leader.

However, in the end, Hui Li did not have the idea of ​​binding himself to a tribe. Now Liuyun's analysis and self-learning ability, combined with writing, has made Hui Li feel that the future is bright, so in the past few days, Hui Li has been chasing after memory in the Hui Tribe. This is a book of knowledge.

"Liuyun, here, there are many useful things in this book, you have to study hard and make progress every day (=.=)"

After taking the book that Hui Li handed to him (actually it was just a few pages of booklets), Liu Yun flipped through the text written with water-soaked charcoal wood, savoring the meaning contained in it.

It should be said that after Liuyun had just pupated, he still had memories of the flying-wing quack apes he met in his childhood. They were powerful, proud, and despised all apes, but when Liuyun took the opportunity to challenge Huili , but because of his weakness in the land battle, he was defeated by Huili's strange attack method, and he was discouraged for a long time.

But now, the more he knows, the more he admires Huili. This is not admiration for strength, but admiration for knowledge.Moreover, a lot of this knowledge can effectively improve one's combat effectiveness. Therefore, even though Hui Li has no chance of winning against him under some precautions, Liu Yun still treats Hui Li well.

"This is the knowledge you need to learn in the future. I may have to go on a long trip."

(End of this chapter)

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