Spore Story

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

PS: The second update has already been posted, ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thank you Mango Hero and your own reality for your tip =w=.

[Number of species: 83700; Number of control guidelines: 8793; Ratio: 10.5%. 】

"Chu Xia and the others are working hard, but the speed is still a bit slow..."

"If it wasn't for completing the level-[-] brain task before the system protection disappears, and waiting until the system protection is completely dissipated, the illusory moment at that time would be able to contact all members of the species..."

"However, in order to popularize the four-level brain to quack apes, we have to speed up now. 8051 is a little anxious."

In the high clouds, next to a cloud jellyfish floating lazily, two luminous sub-energy bodies are floating quietly.

Looking up at the blue sky, 8051/Empty Fantasy looked serious. Just now, the protective film of the planet novice shook again. Although it was short, the sudden meteor made it feel a little vigilant.

"I didn't expect that the protection of the system has been reduced so severely. According to previous calculations, I thought it could last for at least 1000 years, so even if it takes ten or decades to complete the fourth-level task, a large amount of protection energy will be consumed in an instant to allow Quack Ape to obtain Level 200 brain, but the rest is enough for [-] years to develop further, but I didn't expect it..."

"What's the matter? 8051." The sub-energy body next to it flew around the cloud jellyfish, and after swimming comfortably in the current tide of the cloud jellyfish for a while, she felt that there was nothing interesting, so she turned her attention back to Turning back to the body of the same kind floating there quietly: "What's hundreds of years old, what's the matter?"

"Ah, it's nothing, let's go, Chu Xia is working very hard to train quasi-priests. In terms of numbers, she has trained at least 100 flying-wing quack apes in the past few years, and many of them are from other tribes." Brought it away. And we haven’t found even a single illusion so far, so we should work hard. 8051 said a little frustrated.”

(Although it’s okay to tell you, but if you say this kind of thing, it will only bring you more problems from Xiao Lingyun. Moreover, even if you know it, it’s useless. It’s not that you just left the editing space, right? The other individuals were curious and I talked too much.) Shaking his head helplessly, 8051 turned and drifted towards the direction he felt.

He stared at 8051 angrily, but 8051, who had long been accustomed to Lingyun's personality, continued on his way without any response.

Regardless of whether the other party understands or not, Lingyun turns her head and smiles to the side, which is clearly visible from beginning to end, but completely ignores the lazy cloud jellyfish of the two of them, and then floats to 8051's side.

"What, if you talk about it, there is no problem. Lingyun said depressedly... Hehe, this tone is really funny."

"You think I'm thinking about it, but my face is expressionless and my words don't fluctuate. If you want you to understand me better, I can only say this. 8051 is extremely depressed, and his hatred for the system has deepened again."

"Okay, this is so cute, hehe."

In the past six years, Lingyun has been wandering around with 8051. After temporarily merging the illusory body according to 8051, he searched for it through the direction sensed by his consciousness, but he didn't know whether it was a problem with the body or the problem with the system. I found a lot of quack apes and flying wing quack apes, but I just didn't find any illusory information.

As for 8051, which is dedicated to looking for the aura of emptiness, and to find out emptiness (is this different =. =), if it is not for 8051's plan for emptiness (also has its own), it wants quack ape to obtain a fourth-level brain, these quacks I am afraid that the questions of the apes will basically be ignored by the two of them.

But even so, although the two of them would transform these quack ape groups based on the experience of the flat-collared tribe at first, but after using this transformation work on the three tribes, and then spending more than two years for the two of them, they completely waited. Xiao Lingyun, who was too late, first proposed to simplify the transformation method.

Therefore, after discussing the tribes encountered by 8051 and Lingyun, they directly adopted the method of forcing the construction of temples, teaching the use of fire and food storage, and then arranging tribes around the temple.

And recently, 8051 relied on its relatively rich consciousness knowledge, and after losing dozens of quack apes and flying-wing quack apes in experiments, it came up with a fairly direct [consciousness instillation].

But this thing is not a panacea, not to mention the success rate, even if the indoctrination is successful, the subject's consciousness will weaken, this is the tragedy of instant products.

But obviously 8051 doesn't talk about it, Lingyun doesn't know, this seemingly quite effective method has been frequently used by 8051 later.

Nowadays, whenever he goes to a place, after 8051 finds no illusion, he will choose a few Xiangyi quack apes with a moderate and stable consciousness level, and use [Consciousness Instillation] with a success rate of only 60% for the first time. In addition, [language] and other knowledge were poured into Xiangyi Quackape's mind, and then forced to form several large or small tribes no matter how many Quackapes had a radius of [-] kilometers.

(The so-called period of terrestrial organisms has risen to the period of primitive civilization. The results brought about are nothing more than the transformation of the editing space and the further liberalization of system restrictions. But now that there is no core editing space, then the system no matter whether If it is not relaxed, hundreds of years... or when the system protection disappears in a few decades, it will have to completely lift the restrictions if it does not want to relax. Therefore, the so-called Road to Civilization mission has actually been abandoned. In this way, there is no need to force The number of tribes is 200.)
Looking at the fourth-level brain task in Konghuan's residual consciousness, 8051 carefully felt the perception of the same kind in the hollow body he used.

"Han Huan, where are you? You haven't found this damn system after searching for seven years. 8051 said angrily." After speaking, 8051 suddenly woke up and sighed helplessly. (It seems that after leaving the editing space, even my patience has been reduced. Hehe, thousands of years ago were only a blink of an eye, but now I am angry for a few years, and I have changed...)
Looking at the arc of the water-blue planet mixed with white clouds in the distance, 8051, feeling a little gloomy, weakened the instinctive magnetic energy system, and his body instantly fell like a free fall under the action of gravity.

In fact, the driving force of the flight of the sub-energy body is the powerful energy core. When this energy core was in the body of the flying wing quack ape, it could already generate a magnetic field and interact with the planet's magnetic field, but at most it could only Counteracts gravity on a small part of the body, creating the illusion of weight loss.

As for the almost weightless conscious body, after the energy core is equipped, the magnetic field generated by it only needs to make the energy core float, and then the body whose weight is mostly the energy core's weight can fly.

And to do this, it is very easy for ordinary energy cores, not to mention the fusion of two energy cores like Kong Huan and Chu Jie.

The only limitation is the user's control ability, but this is absolutely no problem for the Youshen-level consciousness, let alone the guy with a bunch of question marks in the attribute column of 8051.

At this time, Lingyun's exclamation came: "Ah! 8051, you are so bad, be careful not to break Kong Huan's body, I have to do it if you want to." (= =)

This kind of free fall was liked by 8051 a few years ago. Compared with the low sky in the editing space, she likes the almost unrestricted space of the outside world. Therefore, when looking for illusions, she almost always uses this A kind of high-altitude falling exercise to relieve your stress and relieve your inner emotions.

As the only companion of 8051, Lingyun has already gone from being terrified at the beginning, to being curious during the period, then to being bored in the later stage, and finally to the present helplessness.She couldn't understand 8051's heart at all, she was usually quiet, although she occasionally said a few scary words, but generally speaking, she was still a normal 8051, why would she like to pinch this kind of high-altitude fall so much?

Of course, what makes Lingyun unacceptable until now is: every time 8051 plays this kind of heartbeat game, it uses an illusory body.

"Hey, 8051, can't you finish this by fusing a few energy cores by yourself? Anyway, along the way, except for other Youshen-level Xiangyi Quackapes, there are not hundreds of them left to bring back to Gashan There are dozens of them, so why play with an empty body all the time?"

In fact, this was the main reason why Lingyun couldn't bear it. Every time she watched that kind of high-speed fall, she was worried that she would break the void, so she asked this question.But at this moment, she obviously forgot the countless previous experiences.

Glancing at Lingyun, 8051 still looked at Lingyun with an empty face expressionlessly, and then said dumbly: "If I fuse the energy core, I can no longer fuse the empty body; if I can't fuse the empty body, I can't play the radar role of the phantom body; if I can't play..."

"Ah! I see. Please use it. As long as you don't spoil it, please use it as you like. I won't have any opinions." So, just like that, Xiao Lingyun was defeated again. In front of 8051 with its illusory appearance.

(Let me play more, this little guy. However, it’s not that I don’t want to fuse the energy core, but without the permission of the main consciousness of emptiness, I can’t become your kind, and for you... for the future of all of us, I even more Can't be bound to one species.)
Of course, in order not to arouse the N why of Xiao Lingyun again, I still haven't said it.

There was a bang, and Xiao Lingyun closed her eyes unbearably.Illusion, we are too upset, but 8051 is too strong, we can't stop it.

(Empty fantasy, I'm sorry I was distracted just now, but you certainly won't blame me, anyway, the sub-energy body is very strong, hehe.)
A group of quack apes who were having dinner became the only two victims (one of them was emptiness=.=), they were shrouded in the sudden impact dust, and after a while of confusion, they rushed out of the dust range one after another.At this moment, they happened to see the helpless little Lingyun descending from the sky with a strong light, and at the same time, they were instantly shrouded in Lingyun's spiritual power with a strong hint of spiritual power.

Under the brilliance of the fairy sister, we naturally bow down... (Isn't it my sister==)

So, without any effort, the twenty or so quack apes were temporarily subdued.

"How is it? 8051." Enduring a smile, he looked at the dust with a look of anticipation on his face. 8051 was floating out of the dust in disgrace, and there was no aura at all. "was broken", because this is not the first time (a moment of silence for emptiness).

Dispersing the mental power that he controlled, 8051 closed his eyes to feel it, and shook his head calmly.

I have been here for several years, although I am still a little disappointed, but I have repeated it countless times, and now I am numb, unless they suddenly find that there is an illusion, they will have strong emotions.

"Oh, then, the old way, you go gather the quack apes with a radius of [-] kilometers, and I will take them to choose a location to build a temple of the corresponding level." Without any hesitation, the action repeated dozens of times has long been integrated into the aura of the sub The energy body, as for the original body, was preserved in the Gashan Temple, and I don't know if it can still be used now.

Looking away from 8051, which flew away after nodding, Lingyun turned her attention back to the quack apes lying on the ground in fear after the two of them came out.

In order to ensure that the same kind encountered during the period can be effectively controlled without causing major problems while looking for illusions, 8051 further borrowed the standardized production method under the suggestion of the aura simplified model, according to a region The number of quack apes and flying-wing quack apes classifies the area and sets the corresponding temple size and number of tribes.

The primary area is within a radius of 5 kilometers. The number of flying-wing quack apes is less than 100, the number of adult quack apes is less than 50, and the number of juvenile quack apes is less than [-]. There are only one or three small tribes in this area. Then build a rudimentary temple.

The size of the primary temple is: a main hall with an altar, a certain god, a priest's hut, and a priest.

Intermediate-level areas, within a radius of 15 kilometers, the number of flying-wing quack apes is less than 200, the number of adult quack apes is less than 100, and the number of juvenile quack apes is less than [-]. Only one large tribe, or three Medium tribes, according to the actual situation, build three primary temples or one intermediate temple.

The scale of the intermediate temple is: a main hall with an altar (this is a must), a soul-level patron saint, a priest's cabin (attached to the medicine garden, school, warehouse), three priests, and a nursing home.

The high-level area is an area with a radius of 30 kilometers. The number of flying-wing quack apes is less than 500, the number of adult quack apes is less than 300, and the number of juvenile quack apes is less than [-]. There are three or five medium-level tribes in this area. According to the actual situation Depending on the situation, build three or five mid-level temples, or one high-level temple.

The scale of the high-level temple is: a main hall with an altar (this is still a must), offering sacrifices to a certain god of Youshen level, a priest house (affiliated medicine garden, minor school, warehouse, laboratory, priest school, reference room), A high priest, five priests, a nursing home.

If the number in this area exceeds the high-level area limit, all the 8051s will do is migrate. Otherwise, the 8051s who have no time to produce agriculture will not be able to ensure the balance of the food chain in this area.

This division will also be changed according to the specific environment and other factors. Now, it has been handed over to Chu Xia, who is now in charge of the training of quasi-priests, by 8051 and Lingyun, who return to the Gashan tribe every year. .

"Lingyun, there are no individuals above the soul level here, this time you go back and bring one here. 8051 is speechless about the strength of the quack apes in this area."

"Well, you can't use the standards of the five major tribes to ask them to say, then, see you later."

"See you... See you later, Xiao Lingyun." [See you later, Kong Huan. 】

(End of this chapter)

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