Spore Story

Chapter 201 The Inevitable Separation

Chapter 201 The Inevitable Separation

PS: Well, because I have something to do in the afternoon, this is the second update, but there are three updates today, please look forward to it =w=
Ask for support on Monday O(∩_∩)O
Time flies like this~~

Finally, the time drifted to the third day, which was the day when the canyon, which had been maintained for decades, hundreds of years, or even longer, finally began to split after the ultimate boss, the black bone ape, was driven away.

It seems a bit sad to say it, but whoever said it was wrong, this is likely to be a farewell. In this era of underdeveloped communication records, it is almost impossible to come back here after going far.

In fact, there is no such thing as a magic horse for communication, not even a map, ah, by the way, the tens of thousands of quack apes radiated by the Gashan tribe seem to have produced letters, but that is still a luxury, what is a luxury , is something that most people can afford but can't afford.

Because of this, whether to leave the canyon will trouble the quack apes in dozens of cliff crevices throughout the canyon.

And the one-day consideration time given by the chrysalis An Ye is indeed a little less.But in the face of the black bone apes that have retreated, it is indeed too difficult for the power of the canyon to face them again at this time, so this pupa is very anxious, like many quack apes at this time. This is the group psychology.

However, no matter when and where, there is a big market for emotions such as luck, hard to leave the homeland, etc...

Thus, the sun jumped out from the horizon in full of anxiety and complex emotions, making all the quack apes express serious dissatisfaction with its professionalism, especially the dark star where the dark blood is located. The cracks in the cliff are the most obvious, but it's not because they don't have time to think about whether to leave, but because...

"My whole body is sore...so painful."

"Insomnia last night... really depressed."

When the cliff where the dark blood was located appeared on the ground, almost all members crawled out in a retro style, which surprised all the emotionally complex cliff members present.

The entire cliff where the dark blood is located, from the leader of the pupated body up to the dozen or so children, all rushed to the street without exception.When they left the passageway, because the passageway was vertical, it took a long time before they crawled out wrigglingly, and then lay down on the ground panting.

"Are you all right?" Several leaders of the pupated bodies with better relations came up together, looked at the group of quack apes and the leader Dark Star, and finally looked at Dark Blood, who was not panting, but had a pair of dark circles under his eyes. (Why did the guys from the cliff crevice go last night? Why do they look like this?)

"It's okay, I kept everyone waiting for a long time, everyone continue."

Not wanting to explain anything, the leader of Dark Star shook his head, and dispersed the group of leaders who surrounded him. In fact, they just couldn't stand the dull atmosphere before, so they just wanted to change their mood.

"So, have you made a decision?"

As the leader who first proposed to go out and is also the most powerful leader here, this pupated body named Anye, although he was excited about becoming a leader of the canyon, he was actually even more uneasy about the outside world. Therefore, being able to bring more people has become his main goal.

"Our cliff crack is willing to leave together." The first one to stand up was the cliff crack where Dark Blood was. Although it seemed a bit lacking in momentum at this time, it was the first cliff crack to express its attitude, and it was privately expressed yesterday morning The leader of the dark night still nodded appreciatively, and then looked expectantly at the other cliff crevices.

Generally speaking, if the silence is broken, it will not continue. Therefore, the leaders of the cliff cracks who have been thinking for a day and two nights have made their own decisions one after another, either to stand behind the dark night, or to stay where they are.

The Dark Star Cliff members lying on the ground gathered together and complained to Dark Blood in unison.

"Your body training is really all right, why is it so painful the next day?"

"I said earlier that it's not perfect." The leader of the dark star gave a glance, and some dark blood with a drowsy head released a few strands of electricity to wake himself up, and then looked at the companions around him contemptuously: "However, although it is not yet Perfect, but you didn't practice as much as I did yesterday, and I have no problems at all, so this only shows that your body is not good enough."

Faced with the dark blood who spread his hands in a helpless sigh, the members hated her teeth, but there was nothing they could do about her. Now one or two of them had a bit of a hard time walking, so they didn't have the mood to teach the panda-eyed girl a lesson. guy.

"By the way, what happened to you last night, you became weird when you came back from the bottom of the valley."

As soon as he heard the word Valley Bottom, Dark Blood's whole body trembled as if electrified (actually electrified==).

A tone of infinite emotion emerged from the mouth of the loli-like dark blood: "The bottom of the valley...it's a world of pain and happiness...you can say it."

(A trip to the bottom of the valley actually harvested hundreds of energy cores, and this was just a result of flipping through hastily.) Thinking of this, Dark Blood unconsciously touched the small bag at his waist, and then looked at the bag at the leader's waist. Xiaobao, (This is the strength of the mouth in the future.)
(However, what exactly is that?) Even though they are very resistant, just like watching a horror movie, many people know that it is scary and still seek to blame it. This kind of creature is called criminal X in the common saying, and M in standard.

Therefore, someone with the possibility of M unconsciously drifted back to what he saw and heard at the bottom of the valley yesterday, and his body became cold again: "What is that? A hallucination? Or the past of the canyon? Or... a ghost! "

"Ghost? What is that?"

"Ah, I slipped my tongue, it's not a thing, just ignore it, haha."

At this moment, the choice of whether to stay or stay in a large area of ​​the cliff just ended, and the whole scene fell silent again. Dark Blood took the opportunity to change the topic immediately and began to observe the result of this choice.

"This..." Dark Blood sighed inwardly as he looked at the boss with a similar expression with a wry smile.

Among the two selected groups, Dark Blood unexpectedly discovered that there are a total of 35 cliff crevices, but only ten cliff crevices have decided to leave so far, while more than 20 cliff crevices have chosen to stay.In this way, according to her previous consideration, they will also be one of the more than 20 at this time.

"Can you tell me why you chose this way?" Looking at the more than 20 cliff leaders left behind, An Ye was puzzled, so he directly raised his doubts.

(What else is there, the homeland is hard to leave, muddling along, fluke mentality, and... want to see how we will decide.) Now that we have decided to go to the dark, the position is determined to leave, and open (galgame) The dark blood of the branch line has to think about the problem from his current standpoint.

In this way, when she looked at the quack apes left in the cracks of the cliff, her eyes looked a little unfriendly. Of course, most of the quack apes who chose to leave at this time were also like this, while a small number of them were a little hesitant, so It seems that there are not a few quack apes who hold the idea of ​​who is better than who at the beginning.

"We're used to living here, and we don't want to leave, so let's do it, Dark Night." After speaking, the leader closed his eyes, pretending to be an old god at ease, abandoning the distracting thoughts of the outside world, and devoted himself to me.

"Hmph, what about you, Chenggu? In the beginning, those black bone apes you mentioned might come back." An Ye's words startled An Xue. He thought it was the leader of An Ye who he chose to follow who had such a forward-looking look. However, who knows, he is a guy who chooses to stay.

(What's the matter with this guy, since he realized that the Black Bone Ape might launch a counterattack, he led everyone to stay here?) Frowning in doubt, Dark Blood also stared at the named Cheng Gu.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Cheng Gu sighed and said, "I think the black bone ape will come back. It might be best for everyone to leave together, but I want to wait for Cheng Ling."

"You..." I don't know what to say, did you say that Cheng Ling is dead?Although An Ye didn't have complicated thoughts, she didn't want to offend the old Cheng Gu for nothing, even though the two parties were about to part ways.

Looking angrily, An Ye looked at the other leaders again, but most of them either closed their eyes and rested their minds, or decided to stay for one reason or another, which made him feel frustrated.

At this time, Cheng Gu's voice came again.

"Dark night, although I want to stay, but..."

While scanning the cliff leaders who chose to stay in the dark night, Cheng Gu also scanned the group of quack apes who chose to leave. At this moment, most of the quack apes who chose to leave want to leave. Since they choose to leave, then stick to it, so Their expressions were all stable, and Cheng Gu saw more.

The cliff cracks that I chose to leave add up to six pupae, more than thirty adults, and more than 100 children. The ratio is 2:10:40, which seems normal.

But looking at the proportion of quack apes left behind, it is a bit sad: there are four pupal bodies, two of which are old; there are also more than 300 adult quack apes, but more than 2 of them are old ; There are more than 15 children, 150:[-]:[-]

This is the biggest problem facing the canyon quack apes after the Great War. The overall age tends to be underage. In Dark Blood's view, even the black bone ape's counterattack is an unknown threat, and it has to be ranked second.

However, children are not all burdens, because 60% of them are teenagers who can directly fight.

However, Cheng Gu, who was deeply worried about the black bone ape's counterattack, did not want to harm his own children.

"Dark night, my cliff crack, now there are only four adult apes, plus I am such an old man, it is already difficult to manage these children, if, I let them follow you, okay?"

What is another village called willows and flowers, this is, for Anye, although these children are not as good as adult apes, they do have future strength, also known as latent strength (has nothing to do with hidden rules ==), how can such a good thing reject.

"Of course, they can join me directly in the crevice of the cliff. If there is anything I can eat in one bite, they will be indispensable."

(Hey, hey, do you think you are the bandit leader? Then I am not a bandit soldier? Sinai!) For the decision of this old pupae, Dark Blood is quite admirable, and he will generously treat himself as the most important thing It is absolutely impossible to change her.

After sending out his own child from the crack, Lao Chenggu was not satisfied, he turned his attention to the leaders of the other cracks, and began to lobby.

So, when the sun rose three poles and a group of mighty quack apes began to march towards the canyon passage, the number of children in the canyon in the dark night doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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