Spore Story

Chapter 202 The Primitive Tribal Alliance

Chapter 202 The Primitive Tribal Alliance

PS: In the middle of the night, ah, 1.2w a day for the first time, it is really difficult for us now.

Seek all kinds of support and motivation O(∩_∩)O
If what Dark Blood saw at the bottom of the valley was really the origin of their canyon quack ape, then wouldn't the black bone ape lair they just passed by have existed for at least thousands of years.

But this lair, which seems to have existed for countless years, did not receive much attention when the group of quack apes passed by. Lair ruins.

Dark Blood looked at the ruins that were gradually moving away. There were only a few branches that were used as weapons by the black bone ape, a few scattered corpses of the black bone ape that had been gnawed clean by scavengers, and the only Highlights - piles of skeletons.

It took six days to pass through several valley barriers, and the quack apes finally walked out of this valley, helping the black bone apes to restrain their own group for a long time, and saw the mysterious outside world.

Honestly, disappointed.

The same mountain, the same tree, the same animal, and the same lake.

"Is this the outside world?"

In the minds of many quack apes, such a question echoed, but they clearly knew that the main reason for their coming out was to worry about the counterattack of the black bone ape, only the guys in the crack of the dark star cliff had an additional reason , that is for more food to satisfy the body training.

Therefore, no one had the idea of ​​turning back, and everyone unanimously chose to move forward cautiously, moving towards an unknown future.

With the members of the ten cliff crevices, An Ye, the leader, flew in a big circle in the air, knowing that everyone was a little impatient, so he designated a direction.Then, the adult quack apes were outside, the pupae were on top, and the children formed a loose formation from the outside to the inside according to their ages. A large group of quack apes ran forward like this, and scattered animals were hunted wherever they passed. Kill to replenish your food, and go around when you encounter large groups of dinosaurs.

Along the way, the distribution of food in the dark night was quite reasonable. He used a pupated body as the three quack apes, and then distributed them equally. In this way, all the quack apes got their due share.

But in this era without weights and measures and a reasonable management system, this so-called average is not accurate.

And for the dark blood and the others, the amount of quack ape is even more insufficient.

"What should I do?" The leader uncle looked at Dark Blood in distress. Because of body training, his food consumption was much higher than that of ordinary pupational bodies. Although his strength has improved significantly, even so, he There is no more reason to ask for more food, especially when the current amount of food can only basically meet ordinary consumption.

"I don't think the outside world is very dangerous, why don't we leave by ourselves?" Dark Blood's thoughts at this time were actually the thoughts of many cliffs at the moment.

Without external threats, it is difficult for large groups to obtain food, and distribution is prone to problems. Therefore, this large group that was first gathered because of the crisis naturally began to have internal centrifugal problems.

In fact, even the leader, An Ye himself, had the idea of ​​dispersing the various cliff crevices.Because he is dedicated to his work, he has to consider food and safety issues for hundreds of quack apes every day. At the beginning, he felt very majestic and comfortable, but after a few days, he was so tired that he was not as good as a pig or a dog.

Sitting on a branch to rest, An Ye was still thinking about going in that direction in his mind to find enough food.

"I'm so tired. If I had known that the outside world wasn't that dangerous, I wouldn't have brought so many quack apes, and so many children are even more troublesome."

Painfully rubbing the sore wing root joints, having to fly out every day in search of food is a painful thing for him who has pupated for decades. Now he even has the idea of ​​returning to the canyon, where at least only You need to consider yourself as a member of the cliff.

"Boss, today's food is not enough." The companion next to him looked at the food in his hand, and his face was a little dissatisfied.

An Ye looked at each other in embarrassment.This companion is very powerful, but has a higher appetite.But now everyone hunts everywhere every day, and because of the lack of adults, they dare not touch those large groups. As a result, the food is always barely enough. When sharing food, there are occasional behaviors such as stealing, but He can't do anything to these members, after all, everyone is not full.

In fact, the current leader of the canyon, An Ye, is at a critical point in history, and two thoughts have arisen in his mind.

One of them is to be cruel and implement unequal distribution.With limited food, give priority to satisfying the pupae and combative quack apes, while leaving the old and young apes that lack combat effectiveness in a half-full state; or give priority to satisfying the members of their own cliff crevices, while leaving other cliff crevices in a half-full state.

If it is a game, the Dark Night Canyon can enter the primitive class society, and even further cruelty, it can also enter the slave society;

And the other is for everyone's consideration, to disband this canyon that has just been formed less than 20 days ago, and let each cliff crevice scatter away on its own.

Since the outside world does not seem to be dangerous, it seems that the small number of ordinary cliff crevices can survive and develop on their own. As for those cliff crevices that lack strength, they can only live in peace.

However, in the end how to choose, Anye can't make a decision. For the canyon quack apes, the same kind are comrades-in-arms and help at critical moments, and they cannot be easily abandoned.

And at this time, should it be fate?Or is that magic horse gear turning?The dark night, who was just staring blankly into the distance and thinking, was trying to refocus his sight when he happened to see a certain loli who was surrounded by a group of children and asked to tell a story. (Sure enough, this is a very good way to win over children, but human society is overthinking, and now children are smarter than adults ==).

So, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, or simply wanting to talk to someone who is smarter, An Ye fell in front of An Xue.

"Okay, dark blood."

...the chat dividing line...

After An Ye left, An Xue suspended his physical training and began to think.

An Ye's idea is: he wants to continue to be the leader of the canyon, but also wants to relax himself, and wants everyone to eat and drink.

(You are asking too much.)
Dark Blood searched through her memory but couldn't find a way out. She was still considering whether to encourage the leader uncle to leave with her own cliff, and finally turned her eyes to those dreams.

But after comparison, Dark Blood found that the model of the Gashan tribe cannot be implemented in the Dark Night Canyon, because the area where they are located seems to have less food than the surrounding Gashan tribe, that is to say, once the model of the Gashan tribe is operated , the food problem will definitely become the biggest obstacle.

"Why do you have to continue to be the leader of this canyon?" Dark Blood asked An Ye at that time.

After An Ye thought about it for a while, he gave a reason that An Xue couldn't refuse.

"Although it seems that the outside world is still safe for us now, just like worrying about the black bone ape's counterattack, we don't know whether we will encounter enemies as powerful as the black bone ape in the future."

"If we choose to disperse into various cliff crevices now, then we will definitely go farther and farther. At that time, we will face a strong enemy alone in a cliff crevice, and no one will survive."

Indeed, at the beginning, Dark Blood only saw the tranquility and peace of the outside world in front of him (a group of quack apes were slaughtering a dinosaur), but did not make long-term considerations. If he really chose to lead the team away alone, once he encountered a dangerous enemy...

You know, fighting alone is not acceptable to these canyon quack apes who are used to facing the black bone ape together in the canyon.

Therefore, Darkblood summed up the problems that need to be solved now:

[-]. In the long run, these hundreds of quack apes cannot be separated, at least not too far apart. It seems good if the gaps between the cliffs are not far apart in the canyon;

[-]. At present, the food problem must be solved, large groups of dinosaurs cannot deal with it together, and other prey are not enough;
[-]. For the self, because of the need to train, the food consumption of the cliff where the dark blood is located must be greater than that of other cliffs of the same level, so the system of equal distribution cannot be accepted;
[-]. Selfishness, dark blood missions, dark blood pupation, all require a lot of quack apes to receive dark blood education, and now the number of quack apes in this group is not enough, if we separate again, we don’t know when Months before she can complete her pupation.

Name:? ? /dark blood
Power: 14
Energy: 8
Consciousness: 98
Spirit: 877/980
Number of control species: 131
Current goal: increase the strength to 20, and the number of controlled species to 1000;

Gains: Fragments of memory, pupation, "The Rational Use of Physical Power."

Looking at this attribute box, Dark Blood's heart was full of depression, because pupation was actually added to the mission, so, does it mean that if she still doesn't get enough control numbers of 1000, she will never be able to pupate? .

As for the issue of strength, the dark blood who is constantly improving [body training] and [skills training] is not worried at all.

So, first of all, start with the selfishness issue. If the mission needs are to be met, these 300-plus groups cannot be separated, at least not too far apart.Moreover, Darkblood himself has to gain a certain right to speak in this group, and he can no longer be restricted from being educated in the canyon, because now the production of salt has been learned by most pupae, so they can be separated, but cannot be dispersed;

Then it comes to the question of self, to allow one's own crevices to obtain sufficient food, that is, to exceed the food of other crevices, if unequal distribution is to be implemented in a large group that adopts equal distribution, the dark night must satisfy himself first At most, Dark Blood can gain a little more from the cracks in the cliff, but Dark Blood still has his uncles in mind, so he can't adopt a fully concentrated action mode, so that Dark Blood Cliff can support himself;

Then it rises to the current problem. Gathering together, no matter whether the food is evenly distributed or unequally distributed, there will always be enough to eat (the average distribution means that the dark blood and the others are not full, and the unequal distribution is probably due to the All the members outside are not full), so they must be separated, so as to expand the hunting range and satisfy all the cliff gaps;
And in the end, it's a long-term issue. If the separate cliffs are too far apart, they will be defeated individually when encountering a strong enemy. Now that they are determined to separate and meet the requirements of fighting the enemy together, then divide You can't be too far away, and you have to keep in touch.

Having said so much, I can sum it up in two words: food, strong enemy.

Then, after only three days, Dark Blood came up with a point of view: Divide but not disperse.

It means that each cliff crack is separated, and the food can be resolved by itself.

At the same time, determine a central area, which is in charge of one of the cliff cracks, which is called [Central Cliff Crack].

Other cliff fissures go around this central area to hunt in the outer specified area, not too far from the central area, it is not easy to gather; nor too close to the central area, otherwise the prey of the central cliff crevice will be robbed, it is for [external cliff crevice] .

The pupa often wanders around the crevices of the cliffs to observe the current situation of the crevices and ensure everyone's contact. Once a certain crevice encounters a strong enemy, no matter which crevice is found, it needs the help of the pupae. Let all the cliffs gather towards the center, and then consider resisting or destroying the enemy.

And if Kong Huan is awake, he can obviously see that this is a crude tribal alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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