Spore Story

Chapter 203 Advanced Democracy

Chapter 203 Advanced Democracy

PS: Thank you onlookers-Harmony Edition for your reward =w=
"Okay! Let me do the crack in the center of the cliff."

(You are so welcome.)
Dark Blood looked at the leader of the canyon with contempt. Here are all the leaders of the cliff crevices. Everyone can see the safety of the central cliff crevice. And the leaders of the cliff crevices who joined this canyon are obviously afraid of the dark. The Bone Ape made a counterattack, so he chose to leave the canyon where he had lived for generations in a hurry.

Therefore, seeing that An Ye didn't say anything, he directly determined that his cliff crevice was the central cliff crevice. Regardless of whether he pupated into a leader or survived because of staying behind, all the quack ape leaders who became leaders were very upset.

"Dark night leader, although you have been the leader of the canyon during this period of time, and you have worked hard for everyone to see it, but is it too much to want to get the status of the central cliff crack without saying anything, my cliff crack Besides me and the two old apes, they are both children, wouldn't it be too dangerous for us to stay outside?" A quack ape leader spoke directly.

"I only have four quack apes, and they are all wounded!" Another quack leader retorted immediately.

In this way, the mode of "separation without separation" has caused widespread controversy just after it was proposed, which made the dark blood of the proposer a little unexpected.

However, since Dark Ye first proposed to become the central cliff crevice, it has been confirmed that this mode of separation and separation has been accepted by everyone, so no matter how fierce the quarrel is afterwards, Dark Blood's proposal itself is no longer in their discussion. And the dark blood has successfully further improved its status among the various leaders.

However, for Darkblood, the cliff where she is located is probably the least interested in the position of the central cliff, because their food needs far exceed other cliffs, and the amount of food in the territory of the central cliff is probably limited. , would be somewhat insufficient for them.

"What do you mean by this? I have led you all the way to death, and now I have come up with such a way to invite Dark Blood for everyone's benefit. It is just to get the status of the central cliff crack. Isn't that right? is it okay?"

In fact, from the very beginning, Dark Blood had acquiesced that the Dark Night Cliff became the central crack, so he didn't even think about joining the quarrel, but just quietly watched the quarrel between a group of crack leaders.

Who knows, at first it was just a few quack ape leaders who expressed their opinions and dissatisfaction, but then the pupated leader finally couldn't help it and began to join the battle, and the venue (a group of leaders surrounded by a fire) immediately spit.

Pressing the uncle of the leader of the dark star who was eager to try, the dark blood stared at him reproachfully: "What are you going to smoke?"

"Hey, it's just that everyone is arguing. It doesn't seem right if I don't say a few words." The smirking uncle rubbed his head and said, which directly caused Dark Blood to roll his eyes.

Unobtrusively approaching the leader uncle, Dark Blood looked at the group of leaders who were getting more and more enthusiastic, and said quietly: "Sit down obediently, it looks like they will have to quarrel for a while, and these few days you Take me around in the sky to see where is the best place for our cliffs to settle, I think I still have the ability in this regard, and you can also help me think about it."

"And after that, we can choose a good position in advance to occupy the crack in the cliff."

(Really, the settlements have not been selected yet, and these guys are starting to fight for whom to make the center of the cliff, these selfish guys. Do you really need a strong enemy to appear in order to unite?) Distressed Rubbing his dizzy head from thinking about this for the past few days, Dark Blood could only shake his head at the performance of these leaders.

In fact, the most promising one that could become the central cliff crevice is the dark night cliff crevice. After all, he is also the current leader of the canyon, and he is also the leader of the largest cliff crevice here.

But there are four other leaders who are pupae, and there is hope, because their strength is about the same as that of the dark night, and the difference is only one or two adult quack apes.

As for the cliff cracks led by the quack ape who survived and was promoted to the leader because of the reason of staying behind, in fact, it is just an ingredient to increase the enthusiasm of the atmosphere.

However, Dark Blood didn't try to stop their thoughts. Anyway, I have no interest in the central cliff gap, so it has nothing to do with me how the other people make noise.

Seeing that it was noon, Dark Blood patted the boss who was about to fall asleep. She admired the leaders who had been arguing all morning without dry mouth, but she still had a lot of things to do, so she didn't have time Stay here for the show.

"Uncle, I'm so bored, let's go first." Having said that, Dark Blood covered his mouth and yawned cutely.

"This, is it okay? No one moved." In fact, the uncle wanted to leave a long time ago, but none of the group of people left. He didn't feel very good about being independent.

"What's wrong, now these guys can't wait for someone to quit." Glancing at a bunch of leaders with contempt, Dark Blood got up and walked towards the crazy night leader, looking at the canyon leader who was flushed with anxiety , Dark Blood felt some sympathy for the other party for some reason, after all, he was also thinking about his own predicament, but his ability was insufficient.

"The leader of the dark night! The leader of the dark night!" After tapping the leader's wings, he finally drew the leader's attention, and the dark blood directly stated his purpose: "Well, the leader of the dark star said that we Let’s not argue about the gap in the center, now Anxingtou and I will go out first to find out exactly where we will settle down, that’s all.”

"Good! Huh?"

Dark Blood's voice was not small, and the leaders who were still arguing around fell silent at this moment, and now they realized that they hadn't even decided where to settle down.

(It’s impossible to say, it’s just going to be a lot of quarrels, you guys have to quarrel for a while in the center of the cliff, so we can find a good place for ourselves.) Seeing that the leaders seem to have the idea of ​​putting aside the dispute, the dark blood is I shook my head violently in my heart.

Looking at the leaders around him, Dark Blood smiled and said, "Well, leave the matter of where to settle down to me and the leader of Dark Star. Anyway, I came up with this method, didn't I? So the place is also for me. Come and find, this way, everyone can discuss who will be the central cliff seam first, so as not to find the place when the time comes, but still have to spend time discussing."

"That's right." An Ye nodded, then waved An Xue to let An Xue leave, while he continued to quarrel with several leaders.

But at this moment, it was obvious that the quack ape leaders had reluctantly retreated to the second line.

(Hehe, the truth gets clearer as you argue, so you should argue slowly.) Dark Blood, who had a calm expression but a smile in his heart, slowly left the noisy group of leaders.

The quarrel lasted for several days. From the beginning, except for the leader of the Dark Star, the other nine cracks were participating, and then only the four chrysalis leaders were arguing.

I don't know if it is true that fighting makes people progress, or something, anyway, on the third day, one of the pupated body leaders actually came up with the trick of asking for help, and those quacks who reluctantly retreated to the second line The leader of the apes became active again, and they were invited by the leader of the chrysalis.

The condition offered by the leader of the pupation body is that these tribes without pupae bodies can be taken care of by his own pupation body when they are hunting; and what the leaders of these quack apes need to pay is just arguing Standing on his side from time to time, the cliff gap that expressed support for him became the central cliff gap.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves. In terms of creativity, each chrysalis may have its own merits, but in terms of learning ability, they are not inferior.

This clever chrysalis gained a great advantage in the discussion on the third day, but that was just that day.

In this era of no awareness of confidentiality and patent awareness, this method was soon known by several other pupational body leaders.

So in the next few days, these quack ape leaders who had been relegated to the second line at the beginning turned into fragrant momos.

But then the leaders of the quack apes, who were extremely unstable in their positions, were dazzled by the various conditions of the other leaders of the pupated bodies. Slowly, because they always changed positions midway, they were not wanted to be taken advantage of soon after. The leaders of the pupation bodies abandoned and retreated to the second line.

Fortunately, the leaders of the various cliffs are still adhering to the original canyon belief of "not using force against the same kind". Otherwise, given the intensity of their quarrels at the moment, and there is no external threat for the time being, I am afraid that it would be better to replace them with other quack apes. Disastrous civil war.

But he didn't realize the danger of his suggestion. He just learned about the meeting situation in the past few days from this uncle, the leader of the dark star who occasionally went to join in the fun. Now he is using sand to create a rough terrain sand table .

In fact, she was able to come up with this method. On the one hand, when she relies on her exclusive mount (a certain uncle) to fly in the sky, she always has a small feeling when looking at the terrain below. On the other hand, she is influenced by painting when she is occasionally bored. .

"By the way, uncle, since those quack ape leaders will have leaders to win them over, what about you?" Dark Blood's eyes were shining with a light called gossip at the moment.

"Me?" A certain uncle pointed to himself suspiciously, and said that every time he went, he was more like a bystander than those quack ape bystanders, because no one paid attention to it.

As for Quack Ape, the pupae can still use their pupation status to win them over, but the uncle Dark Star, his cliff crack strength is above average, even if anyone gets the central cliff crack, it seems that he can't take it. What can attract him, can it make him also come to the crevice in the center of the cliff?how is this possible.

Moreover, after experiencing the unsteady consciousness incident of the leaders of the quack apes before, even if they can take out something, they will be afraid that the uncle leader will be like those quack apes, wasting their energy in vain, so until now So far, no one has tried to win over the soy sauce leader.

"Speaking of which, what are they arguing about, Uncle? It's just someone who will be the center of the cliff. Now they have been arguing for five days and have not come to a conclusion. The road they have traveled in the past few days is not as good as it was in a day ago. What, the food seems to be going wrong?"

Apparently the girl completely forgot that she started the quarrel, but now she is very interested in why the quarrel took so long.

"Well, I don't know about it. It seems that they all quarreled and quarreled. They just didn't believe it, and no one was convinced. At the beginning, they were still weaker than anyone else, and they needed the central area to be safe; later it became Whoever is stronger can quickly support the periphery."


Shaking his head and sighing, Dark Blood was speechless, so he had to refocus his attention on making the sand table on his side: "What about them? Let's find a place first, and then we don't care how long they quarrel, we will go to ourselves first." Go up to the territory."

"Hehe, that's what you said." After thinking about it for a while, the leader of Dark Star also let go of his previous feelings about the quarrel with a group of leaders, and moved closer to Dark Blood: "Hey, Dark Blood girl, what is this, it looks very familiar what."

"Well... let's call it [Small World]."


The progress of the incident once again surfaced that the role of fighting in promoting civilization is beyond doubt.

Now it's just a dispute over the ownership of a slightly safer central cliff, and there have been [clique formation], [buy people's hearts], [fair trade], [bribery], etc., and this At dusk, [Curve to Save the Nation] also appeared, and one of the protagonists was Dark Blood.

On a dark and windy night, An Ye found Dark Blood and proposed a condition.

"Dark blood, don't you like children (what do you like children, I just like teaching children, no, I like education), don't you see that there are so many children in my cliff. (Eh, could it be...) As long as you let The leader of the dark star supports my cliff crevice to become the central cliff crevice. If it succeeds, I will give you ten... oh no, five children. (...)"

It has to be said that Darkblood's active performance has made the various leaders of the same canyon think that Darkblood likes children, and also realize the influence of Darkblood on the cliff where she is, as well as the high quality of Darkblood. Reputation (at least not like those quack ape leaders who take money and do nothing).

(This weird guy, do you think it’s a lollipop?) Looking at the leader of the dark night wrenching his fingers with black lines all over his head, the dark blood’s depression is beyond words, “I said, and before leaving, the leader Chenggu led them Give it to your children, there are at least 100 to [-] children in your place."

The meaning is obvious, that is, you gave too little. (Speaking of which, at the beginning, what the leaders gave to the leaders of the quack ape seemed to be cashed in immediately, but now after being frightened by the capriciousness of the leaders of the quack ape, has it evolved into future benefits?)

"Uh, five is already a lot? You only have sixteen seams in total." An Ye's performance showed that he really thought that was a lot, but who knows if he is the Oscar winner of the primitive society.

In fact, at this time, Darkblood suddenly remembered the problems of the more than 100 children in the tribe, and suddenly had some other ideas. (You actually use a child to win over the uncle, it must be because the meeting was too stressful.)
"No, five is too little!"

Directly refuse, the current dark blood is actually not in the mood to continue the conversation, because she feels that the leader of the dark night can't give much high conditions, ten?She is not satisfied; twenty?She was still not satisfied; thirty?Forty?It is impossible for the leader of the night to agree.

Therefore, this time the bargaining parties did not reach an understanding, not even a single intention.

(Didn’t you say that I forgot about that group of children? They were handed over by Cheng Gu, and it seems that they haven’t merged into your cliff crevice. Moreover, even if your cliff crevice is the strongest now, it’s still But two pupae and seven quack apes, can they keep so many children?)
Therefore, another topic was added to the leaders' meeting on the second day, which was "Discussion on the Custody Rights of 143 Minors in the Original Canyon".

This was not proposed by Dark Star, nor by Dark Blood, but by one of the leaders of the quack ape who was indirectly influenced by Dark Blood and remembered the problem of that group of children.These days, children are strategic resources, which are directly related to their own strength in a few years.

In addition, only the specific number of children was told by Dark Blood to the quack ape leader.

So, after spending more than 20 days, Dark Blood finally made a small world (sand table) with a radius of about [-] kilometers and a radius of [-] meters in actual size on a relatively flat ground on a nearby mountain, and built a small world (sand table) on it. When the general distribution of animals with higher strength is roughly marked, the leader meeting has entered the third stage.

The first stage is to discuss the "Discussion on the Ownership of the Central Cliff Crack", which is mainly about the wrangling of the first nine leaders, and the process of the quack ape leaders (weak countries?) from offline to hot sales and then offline.

In the second stage, the first issue has already been deadlocked in the quarrel between the four pupae leaders (powerful countries?), and the fifth pupae leader, Dark Star, was only noticed when Dark Ye tried to save the country with a curve. , and then still make soy sauce.

Afterwards, the meeting was led into chaos by the "Custody Issue" raised by a quack ape leader, but in this way, the heat of the first topic was slightly reduced, and these leaders calmed down a bit.

However, at this time, An Ye, the chairman of the conference (the leader of the canyon?) was under increasing pressure.

In the third stage, the four leaders of the pupated bodies who couldn't stand this kind of nonsense reached a few agreements with the leaders of the quack apes: 143. Don't make changes, and whoever supports you can't change it; [-]. Don't talk nonsense, you must identify yourself Reasons for the opinions put forward; [-]. Fighting is not allowed, which is aimed at some grumpy leaders; [-]. The [-] children handed over by Cheng Gu and the others belong to public property, and the specific distribution is up to everyone to discuss and decide.

It seems that only the fourth item is the actual gain, and it is obvious that the dark night can't bear the pressure and finally regressed.

In this way, when Dark Blood spent a few more days comparing and perfecting his own small world (sand table), and then divided it into good areas, and then reserved a place with mountains and rivers and rich food for his cliff crevices. After finding a good place, I sat on the exclusive mount meeting Wannian Soy Sauce and the dark star chrysalis leader uncle (very long prefix==) rushed back to the meeting place of the day.

At this time, this group of guys is planning to push the meeting into the fourth stage.

The topic of the fourth stage: "Discussion on who will be the center of the four cliff crevices, and the specific allocation of 143 children"

(End of this chapter)

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