Spore Story

Chapter 204 The Origin of the Nagging Elders

Chapter 204 The Origin of the Nagging Elders

"Yo, hello everyone, I have found a good place, and it has been more than 30 days now, have you determined the problem of the center cliff seam?"

"..." Facing Dark Blood's hearty greeting, all the leaders suddenly paused.

Several leaders looked at each other in disbelief: "It's been... more than 30 days?"

(Uncle, if you learn to be natural, you are not cute at all.)
To be honest, Dark Blood felt a little shocked, but looking at a group of leaders who seemed to be shocked, she, a little quack ape, had better keep quiet.

However, she was not in the mood to wait for the group of leaders to react. In fact, when the dark night found her last time, she realized the problem of children and had already started to revise the [Split but not scattered version 1.0] .

According to the original setting, Dark Blood will use this design to gain the right to preach to children in various cliff crevices, ah no, it is the right to education. This will be raised when Dark Blood returns to the cliff crevice this time, and the success rate is expected to be very high.

But in the modified [Split and Not Scatter 1.1 Power Enhanced Version], the controversial center cliff seam was finally removed by Dark Blood.

In her opinion, since everyone is arguing about this, it's better to just remove this quarrel, and the world will be clean. (Is this really the case?)

Moreover, this upgrade and revision also took into account another controversial topic, that is, the distribution of children.

In version 1.1, the area is still divided into the central area and the outer ring area.

It's just that the changes are relatively large.Considering the fairness of the safety of each cliff gap, combined with the recently debated child issue and the ownership of the central cliff gap, as well as the current strength of each cliff gap because of the black bone ape war, for the harmony of the cliff gap, For world peace...

The central area is no longer controlled by the central cliff crack.

The brand-new central area (referred to as the new central area) will be surrounded by stones and branches to form a larger area. In this area, children who cannot independently hunt for food, as well as old apes, disabled people and teachers will be placed. Some of the young individuals with higher strength serve as the defense force.

In the outer area, the ten cliff crevices are all placed in the outer area. They hunt independently, but a certain amount of food must be transported to the central area every few days to meet the food needs of groups that have difficulty hunting in the central area.

In other words, the New Central District has become a completely safe zone.

Every year, each cliff crevice will send its children who meet the standards to the Xinzhong District, and the Xinzhong District will distribute the members who have entered the teenagers and obtained the independent hunting ability to each cliff crevice according to the proportion of children in each cliff crevice.Of course, the first batch of 143 children will also be distributed according to the proportion of children in each cliff.

Therefore, only a small symbolic and non-dangerous hunting area will be left in the Xinzhong District for children who are about to enter their teens to exercise their abilities.

In fact, if this plan is successfully implemented, these cliff crevices can be truly and completely gathered in the core area of ​​Xinzhong District, becoming a tribe that is truly divided and never scattered.

However, the actual situation is that the dark blood is still not very comprehensive. Once this enhanced version was proposed, those leaders who originally planned to see the distribution of the areas where they would settle in the future sat down again, and then the familiar Intense discussions began, and the intensity of the discussion exceeded the previous three stages.

Soon, the topics of the fourth stage immediately became: "Who is the manager of the New Central District", "The rationality of the distribution of children", "The amount of food supply in the outer cliff cracks"...

The topic of the meeting increased several times from two to more than a dozen, which frightened the dark blood.You must know that her original purpose was to recommend herself as the manager of the New Central District after the topic was generally accepted. She thought that it should not be difficult given her status among the children and her achievements in the past few years.But seeing the fierce reactions of these leaders now, she realized that she had taken it for granted.

(Should I be happy or depressed?) This issue was still accepted by the leaders without any controversy. Presumably Darkblood should be very happy about this situation.

In fact, if everyone hadn't discussed it for so long and had a deep understanding of certain things, and thus reached a certain subconscious consensus (each of them thinks it should be so, but they didn't bring it up), otherwise the dark blood this time The power-enhanced version of , whether it can be accepted is another matter.

This version first faced the cancellation of the cliff seam in the central area. Now the most promising thing is the cliff seam brought by the four pupae leaders. They are all about the same strength. Some tired.

During the period, it was not that no one had the idea of ​​simply not wanting the center of the cliff, but watching others earn and snatch it, I always felt a little unwilling, just like what the boss said before, "Everyone is arguing, it seems bad if I don't join." In this similar situation, An Ye was initially dissatisfied with his status as the center of activity, but after a long time of quarreling, he himself felt confused.

So now, Dark Blood, the creator of this system, proposes to cancel the central cliff seam. Since there is no more, there is no need for everyone to argue, and they all wish for it.

Then there is the issue of the distribution of the 143 children. Most of their thoughts at the time focused on the average distribution, because the number of children in their respective gaps is actually not much different.

Now Dark Blood proposes to distribute according to the proportion of children, and they seem to have found no problem with a certain foundation in arithmetic, so they also accepted this proposal.

As for the concentration of children in the central area, it is safe there and they will return them when they grow up. This seems to reduce the burden for the leaders. There is no concept of "being courteous for nothing, rape or steal". I can't wait for such a good thing.

However, the topic led to more debates, and this time, even the leaders of the soy sauce group and the dark blood themselves were pulled in because it was related to themselves, and began to explain their respective views. That's what it looks like.

Idiot... Idiot... Idiot... 9
(That's why it is said that the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes.)
Dark Blood lazily lay on the leader's shoulder, looking at the ground as if shrinking.

At this time, the six pupae bodies were leading the five quack ape leaders, flying towards the cliff where the dark blood created a small world (sand table).

In the beginning, Darkblood only set up the small world on the obvious cliff in consideration of safety and stability, and did not consider the problem that Quack Ape could not fly (or the problem of not having an exclusive mount), so now The leaders of the quack apes unexpectedly enjoyed the treatment of being carried by the pupation body to fly. Of course, they were hung under the pupation body with their hands in their hands, instead of sitting on the uncle's back like Dark Blood.

Looking at a group of leaders, Dark Blood shook his drowsy head.

No matter how intense the discussion is, there will be an end. Three days after the start of the meeting, the leaders of Dark Blood and Dark Star were forced to join the discussion.

On the third day after that, the food problem of the large group broke out unexpectedly (sure?), and a group of quack apes expressed their dissatisfaction to their respective leaders one after another.

Under pressure and helpless, Dark Blood proposed to first discuss the allocation of ten regions to solve the current food crisis.

This proposal was supported by all, and it was passed on the same day, and then the leaders of the ten cliff cracks, led by Dark Blood and her mount (completely reduced to a mount =.=), moved to the small world made by Dark Blood , to determine their respective specific regions.

This has to make Dark Blood sigh with emotion. It really is after having that hateful thing that he has motivation.

But when the leaders looked at this small world (sand table), some leaders were stunned.

It's not that I'm surprised by the dark blood. From the perspective of the pupae, it's almost the same as flying in the sky, except for a little less vitality, so it's easier to accept.As for Quack Ape, although he didn't have much flying experience, he could roughly understand it under Dark Blood's explanation.

But the troubles caused by understanding it will be big, because a group of leaders found that although the territory divided by Dark Blood is reasonable, the problem is that these territories are a bit bigger. I'm afraid I can't handle this territory, but it's a little difficult to get them to propose a reduction.

In this way, on the one hand, they do not want to reduce the territory, on the other hand, they must ensure the safety of the territory, and on the other hand, they must make themselves safer when hunting. The quack ape leaders are in a dilemma.

But at this time, Dark Blood made a suggestion, which immediately shocked the leaders.

"Leader Cheng Yun, everyone's cracks in the cliffs are only as strong as a few quack apes. Even with the addition of young quack apes, an average crack in the cliff is no more than 7 to 10 combat powers of quack apes..."

"Aren't there still those 143 children?" A quack ape leader interrupted Dark Blood's words. After all, this is an important matter that concerns himself.

For these quack ape leaders who have grown step by step from infants to middle-aged and elderly people, they have been fighting against the black bone ape, so they rely extremely heavily on the air command combat power of the pupation body.

At the beginning, they chose to ignore this aspect by deceiving themselves and others, hoping that after a few years, a few pupae would emerge from this group of juvenile quack apes, but whatever they were worried about would happen. If it is brought up, there is a possibility of exposing their scars.

"143? It looks like a lot, but there are only about 3 teenagers and above who can fight, and they are allocated to each cliff crevice. How many do you think? Three!"


"Dark Blood, what is your specific suggestion?"

It seems that the leaders of the chrysalis have fully accepted this idea, and it is beneficial to them anyway. At this time, there is no unity among the leaders of the quack apes, but they have fallen into a situation where opinions are left.

Two of the leaders are almost bare commanders, and there are only a dozen children under them. It is because they are in a large group that they can get a stable food supply along the way.

Faced with the unavoidable separation at this time, they are actually the most complicated. What they hold on to is that there are a few teenagers and girls who already have fighting power among the children who can maintain everyone.

Therefore, in their view at the moment, being incorporated is nothing, as long as everyone can survive.

But the other three quack ape leaders were very resistant to this, because they had at least two or three quack apes, and as many as four or five quack apes, plus boys and girls with combat power, they could barely fight independently.

And these boys and girls have the potential to pupate, unlike their middle-aged and elderly people who are basically hopeless to pupate. Therefore, what they hold on to is to wait for the pupation of their cliffs to appear.

But Dark Blood didn't want them to wait. What if something went wrong while they were waiting?Now the line of defense in this central area is just a few cracks in the outer cliffs.

Looking at the leaders of the pupae bodies around, Dark Blood sorted it out and said: "After the reorganization, there are five cliff crevices, and these are the cliff crevices with pupae bodies."

"There are a total of 33 adult quack apes and 67 juvenile apes. On the basis of retaining the original members of each cliff crevice, the new cliff crevices will have 1 pupae, 6 adults and 10 juveniles per crevice. The method is compiled, and the rest is compiled into the central area."

Several chrysalis leaders nodded, so that each of their cracks in the cliff would increase their combat power, so they were all satisfied with this allocation, but apparently the leaders of the assigned quack apes didn't think so.

"What about us? Are we assigned to those five cliff crevices?"

He nodded to the leaders of the quack apes. In fact, the purpose of Dark Blood's doing so was to disrupt the composition of several cliff crevices, so that the children could be completely separated from these cliff crevices and merged into the new center. area, and eventually get the quack apes used to it.

And in this way, the cracks in the cliff where the leaders of the quack apes who were best to break up became victims.They are large in number and weak in strength. In the face of benefits, the leaders of the pupated bodies will definitely not refuse, but the leaders of the quack apes are light-hearted, even if they are dissatisfied, they can only accept it.

In this way, since there are a few examples of dedication from the cracks in the cliff, I have also strengthened my strength, and it's not that I won't return what the child teaches, but just spend my childhood in another place.Therefore, it is reasonable to realize the separation of children.

"A few quack ape leaders, you are all a bit old, you should admit this if you think about it."

This is a bit cruel, but it is reality.All these leaders became left-behind quack apes because of their lack of combat power.In the battle of the black-boned ape, the adult apes they sent almost lost all battles, so they can become the current leader. To be honest, it may only be a few dozen days for them to become the leader.

Now they can't protect themselves, seeing that the general situation is over, they can only think for themselves, so when faced with Dark Blood's question, they can only nod helplessly.

And Dark Blood didn't offend anyone, everything was just for his own reforms: "The leaders of Quackape agree to reorganize for everyone's consideration, and we should be respected by all of us."

Looking at the leaders of the pupated bodies around them, they all nodded in agreement. As for the sincerity, you don't need to know, you just need to know that the leaders of the quack apes feel better.

"As for these respected leaders, you have lived for so long and must have rich experience. My idea is to let you be [elders] and stay in the central area to receive offerings from the five cliff cracks with the children. , and what you usually have to do is to teach your own experience to the children."

Several quack apes were satisfied with being able to obtain support without hunting, but, "This...we are not like you, Dark Blood, who don't know how to take classes."

"That's no problem." Now that the biggest problem has been solved, this kind of small problem is not easy for Dark Blood: "You just need to tell the children about your past when you are free."

(Is this the beginning of old people's fondness for nagging about the past?) Somehow, such an idea popped up in Darkblood's mind.

So, not long after, a brand new regional division plan appeared in front of several people.

With the central area with a radius of about two kilometers as the core, five integrated cliff cracks are deployed in five directions: east, southeast, west, south, and north.

Among them, Dark Night, the cliff crevice of the original canyon leader, was deployed in the north, close to the area of ​​the original canyon, while the cliff crevice of the leader uncle was in the southern area, next to a small river.

Then some details were discussed.

At this time, the location of these discussions has been changed to the new central area, which is in a state of waste, and the five cliff crevices have each reached their respective areas, and small-scale hunting has begun.

A pupate that originally belonged to the dark night cliff crevice, under the persuasion of dark blood, transferred to the central area, usually responsible for patrolling and contacting various areas and bringing back the food supplied by each cliff crevice.

So except for the chrysalis patrolling in the sky, the other five leaders are now gathered in the central area, together with a dark blood, to discuss the details of the arrangement.

Now that the reorganization of the main body has been completed, in order to return to normal hunting as soon as possible, the leaders don’t want to talk too much about the remaining matters. Generally, as soon as they are raised, as long as there is no serious damage to their own interests, they can be approved. It was countless times higher than before.

In this way, the official operation of the large tribe named [Central Canyon] was resumed after three days.

Things confirmed in these three days:
The first is the leader of the canyon, who still uses Dark Ye as the nominal leader.

But maybe, although they are speechless about the length of this discussion mode, the conclusions obtained from this cooperative discussion make them feel at ease, so usually unless there is an urgent matter, other proposals will be made jointly by several leaders and several elders. Discuss and decide.

The second is children. Now there are 229 children under adolescence in the central area, all of which are taken care of by the elders in the central area. Usually, they are taken care of by the 17 teenagers and girls left behind. The elders tell the children about their past in their spare time, so that Let them have a basic world view of the outside world.

Furthermore, for food, the several cliff crevices on the periphery use a pattern of supplying a certain amount of food to the central area in turn every day, that is to say, one cliff crevice is supplied once, and the next supply will be four days later, relying on bacon raised by dark blood However, this model is still applicable.

Afterwards is safety. Usually, the outer cliff cracks are used as a barrier. Once a strong enemy is encountered, all the cliff cracks are connected by the pupation body, shrinking to the inner new central area, and gathering forces into one mass.

Finally, there was Darkblood herself. With the support of several pupae, she finally obtained the position of head of education as she wished, and was responsible for giving lectures to these children.

But in this way, she belongs to the new central area instead of the southern Dark Star Cliff, which made some people feel sad, but it is much better than the reorganized members of the Cliff .

In this way, the 337 quack apes officially became a whole that is divided but not dispersed.

Dark Blood also started her educational career in the central area.

"This tribe is in the most dangerous time now, and it will gradually get better when a new batch of pupae appear." Looking at the somewhat chaotic Xinzhong District, Dark Blood patted his face to cheer up, and walked into it: "It's busy now."

PS——Complaint: Speaking of which, I don’t even want to read my subscription now, but we are newcomers after all, so we don’t have much to ask for.

But for clicks and recommendations, looking at the current results, to be honest, I have no motivation to write.

Although we definitely don't know TJ, but looking at this poor grade, it is definitely impossible to feel good. Under such circumstances, how can it be possible to write a good novel, so the grade dropped further, so it got worse... This It's a vicious circle.

It's really painful for us who are still newbies... Forget it, let's not talk about it.

Of course, I still want to thank those friends who support us, whether it is subscriptions, monthly tickets, rewards, clicks, recommendations, comments... 红枼 expresses my heartfelt thanks.

that's all.

PS2: This is just whining, not TJ. =w=
(End of this chapter)

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