Spore Story

Chapter 205 The Arrival of Level 4 Brain

Chapter 205 The Arrival of the Level [-] Brain

PS: I sincerely thank you for the realistic tip and Fuzeoka’s monthly ticket support. =w=

Name:? ? / Gray
Power: 9
Energy: 19
Consciousness: 107
Spirit: 2272/3210
Number of control species: 2331
Current goal: increase the energy to 20, control the number of species to 1000;

Harvests: memory fragments, pupation, "External Trajectory Changes of Energy".

"Now I'm only 1 point away from pupation, 8051, can you find a place for me to raise this 1 point to complete pupation?"

Although Huili's energy has surpassed that of Quack Ape, he is still only a 13-year-old child, and he is surrounded by 8051 and others with their spiritual power and flies in the sky every day. It is walking on the ground.

Of course, two of them use Gone with the Wind.

"Your request is too much. You said you want to reform the tribe and improve the system, so we stop every tribe; you say that we are not used to flying in the sky, so we walk on the ground; now you say you want to improve Energy control..."

"Okay, 8051 nodded in agreement." Before Lingyun could continue, 8051's voice came, making Lingyun feel angry for a while.

"8051." Blamingly looking at the expressionless 8051, Lingyun was very dissatisfied with the doting he showed in the face of Huili, "Even if he is illusory, there is no need for such obvious maintenance, this kid is getting better and better now." He said more and more arrogantly, what should I do in the future."

"If Huili is allowed to chrysalis, our action speed will be much faster, isn't it good for us all? 8051 answered in detail and asked back." After speaking, 8051 flew into the air and began to search for suitable place to come.

"Che, what you say makes sense." Sticking out her tongue at 8051's back, Lingyun turned her head to look at Huili again, only to find that the other party was also making faces at herself.

"..." (==#)

"..." (No way, why was it just happened to be seen.) Hui Li froze there, his movements remained the same as before, but his mind was moving rapidly. (Current conclusion: You must flee immediately! Otherwise, your life may be in danger.)
"Ah, that, I think 8051 is flying in that direction, let's go there quickly." After finishing speaking, Huili turned around and wanted to run away, but facing the ghost-level aura, it was obviously impossible However, 8051, as the protector, has already flown away at this time...

The wailing sound echoed in a small area, but a strange film could not be heard.

This is a relatively clever method of using mental power combined with mind power. Through resonance and dynamic balance, the sound is blocked inside the spherical membrane. It is an excellent skill to deal with Hui Li without letting 8051 in the distance hear Hui Li's miserable howling, which is named [Punishment Area] by Lingyun.

In fact, the function of this area was only to prevent 8051 from hearing it at that time, but after that, as long as Huili said it, 8051 could understand the situation, but for unknown reasons, Huili never reported Lingyun, and the two Just like this tacitly sticking to the secret, although generally speaking, it is Huili himself who is abused.

In fact, 8051 already figured out the reason from Huili's scars, but since the victim didn't talk about Huili, and Lingyun's attacks are getting better and better, then everyone can live in peace and coexist.

"A small tribe was found about 3 kilometers ahead. According to preliminary calculations, there are 77 pupated people and 8051 ordinary people. There are no buildings, no tools, animal-level organizational structure, and simple language. The [-] report is completed."

Accompanied by the dull voice of the report, a figure landed in front of Huili and Lingyun who were sitting harmoniously facing each other on the ground.

"Really? Then everyone hurry up, Lingyun, can you fly with me?" Hui Li said to Lingyun beside him with a joyful expression on his face.

Dazed for a moment, Lingyun looked at Huili who stood up slowly, snorted and flew upwards, but Huili still felt that she was indeed bound by her thoughts and started to float up.

(This tsundere girl) 8051 followed the two with a blank expression.

There are only so many small tribes, which can no longer satisfy Huili's desire for reform. Therefore, wherever they go, the small tribes they encounter are all rectified according to the standardized reform plan. When the three of them were about to approach the tribe, 8051's expression changed, and he instantly stopped his forward momentum.

"Stop!" While yelling these words, 8051 also opened a mission record in the illusory residual consciousness.

[Number of species: 91231; Number of control guidelines: 18247; Ratio: 20.0%. 】

At this moment, both Lingyun and Huili stopped in an instant, but they didn't hear 8051's words, but stopped completely unconsciously.

Because, at this moment, everything stopped, including the leaves blown by the wind.

At this moment, a familiar scene appeared in front of everyone, and everything came to a standstill.

Then, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded in the minds of 8051, Hui Li, Dark Blood and Bai Nong at the same time.

[Main task three: The task of the main consciousness is completed, and the brain is upgraded to level four. 】

Although her body was stopped, 8051's consciousness was not stopped, and she was paying full attention to this long-awaited fluctuation.And the violent fluctuations that followed were completely beyond the range of fluctuations that she knew should be emitted when the main task was completed.

It first swept across the entire planet, which is nothing, it should be like this normally.

But this time, it didn't stop;

Then, it burst out of the planet and swept past two moons;

Then, it continued to spread, sweeping across the entire solar system;

In the end, it swept across the entire galaxy;

In the galaxy, all areas that still have system protection are swept away by this wave at this moment.

Then, after the editing space was destroyed, it began to shrink. Now it can only cover 60% of the galaxies. At this moment, it suddenly shrinks to only 20% of the galaxies.

After the fluctuations spread to the widest range, with the reduction of the protective force, the diffused fluctuations are also quickly swept back, and finally return to the double moon star, and at this time, the fluctuations of the atmospheric protection layer began to further intensify.

And taking advantage of this momentary change, the orbital Gonggu Zerg search group, which has been paying attention to the fluctuations in the atmosphere, sent out six groups of second-level landing teams at the same time they received the report from the third-level planetary research team.

Inside the planet, the fluctuations are also further intensified. The brains of all the quack apes have begun to accelerate evolution, but the reaction of the pupae is not obvious. Their brains are only slightly enlarged when they are still. It seems that It's the same as usual.

However, 8051 is very clear that after this moment, the species of quack ape officially began to develop towards civilization, and even gained some kind of advantage.

And when the landing team of the Gonggu Zerg was still breaking through the stratosphere, the fluctuations finally subsided, and the connection between the landing team and the orbit was once again interrupted.

But this time, the landing team landed steadily towards the ground despite consuming a lot of energy for communication. At this moment, the atmospheric protection system is no longer harmful to these landing teams that have already broken into the stratosphere.

[Four levels of the brain: strengthen the memory system, strengthen the learning system, strengthen the language system, strengthen the emotion system, strengthen the desire system, strengthen self-awareness, expand the creativity system, and expand the logic system. 】

With this reminder, the originally static world started to move again, and everything was still the same as before. The leaves continued to fly, and the animals continued to prey...

Except that the quack ape has evolved to a fourth-level brain, and the pupated body has a fifth-level brain, everything belonging to Double Moon Star has not changed.

But when 8051 breathed a sigh of relief, the fluctuation came again.

"What are you doing, the system? 8051 thinks that his consciousness can't stand this kind of stimulation."

[It is detected that the species already has a fifth-level brain, repeat the confirmation, confirm that the detected species already has a fifth-level brain, and the time difference stabilization correction begins. 】

[The fourth stage of time difference reduction starts, time stabilization begins, time flow rate adjustment, space perception adjustment, planetary climate adjustment, and species memory effects are turned off. 】

Thus, another violent fluctuation came, and through this fluctuation, the landing team, which had been maintaining communication, sent the latest information to the orbit, and was then urgently sent to the main nest.

[The time is stable at 1:1, and there is no time difference. Due to the appearance of the fifth-level brain, the mission of the road to civilization is automatically canceled, and the species automatically enters the stage of primitive civilization. 】

[Level [-] brain, strengthens the creation system, strengthens the memory system, strengthens the logic system, strengthens the calculation speed, strengthens the consciousness system, and expands telepathy. 】

[The species enters the stage of primitive civilization, the editing space evolves into an exclusive space, and the ability to edit creatures is canceled...Warning!warn!No editing space was found, and the evolution of the editing space was canceled. 】

[It is detected that the trial of the three-color consciousness is in progress, keep the wish of the trial of the three-color consciousness, delay entering the primitive civilization, and wait for the completion of the trial of the three-color consciousness. 】

【warn!warn!One of the system control nodes, the editing space disappears!One of the system control nodes, the editing space disappears!Unable to contact the evolution system directly, start the emergency plan! 】

"Hmph! You can't let the system know!"

8051, who was still watching the show before, can no longer wait any longer. Now that the fourth-level brain has been successfully upgraded, and the trial of the three-color consciousness has been retained according to her initial calculations, then this system remains The last node in this main consciousness area is useless.

At this moment, the illusory body was restricted and unable to move, so the colorful consciousness of 8051 began to completely withdraw from the illusory body, and re-condensed into a luminous body.But the shape is just a mess, because she doesn't have the energy to set her own shape. Now she needs to attack countless system control nodes at the same time, and then completely collapse the thing that can finally connect to the system.

And in the spare time of billions of years before, she had figured out the location of all the nodes.

It seemed that there was a wave of water flow, and the space seemed to be broken open. The influence around 8051 began to distort gradually, and sparkling spots of stars appeared. After that, the shrill system warning sounded in the ears of the four again.

[Assisting system found, authority query... under attack, defense system activated...]

After a faint sound, the whole space fell into dead silence again.

"Hahahaha, let you activate the protection system, that thing has already been controlled by me, hehe, 8051 feels more comfortable than ever before." Floating lazily to the phantom body in the air, the consciousness group seemed to stretch out a little. A hand caresses the cheek of the body.

"In this way, only the last protective layer is left, and when it dissipates completely naturally, our connection with the system will also disappear completely. In the future, even if we enter space, we will be the original people. The identity of the system, not the system's subordinates Oh, hehe, be happy, Void."

Shaking tiredly, the colorful body of consciousness moved closer to the empty body, and then slowly merged into it, and the time gradually recovered after a short stay.


The seaside with the sound of waves, in a piece of inland not far away.

The flow of time returned to normal in an instant, and a boy who had been digging the ground started moving again, but after digging out a pile of dirt habitually, he suddenly raised his head and looked around suspiciously.

"What was the sound just now? It feels so strange. No, my mind feels much more comfortable. What's going on?"

The distressed boy wanted to continue thinking, but suddenly a voice came from behind: "Xiaobai, hurry up, this year we will be planting a large piece of land, it's not good to be lazy!"

"Ah, why don't I just stay in a daze?" Angrily, he looked at his companions behind him, and the boy happily looked at his hardworking companions, "I've planted so much land this year, the harvest must be enough to eat, right? , so that everyone doesn’t have to look at the pompom and drool every day, hehe.”

"Hmph, I don't know where you go to find such a fluffy guy. I don't care to eat it. It must be so hairy, it must taste bad." Xu was dissatisfied with the little animal that the boy had been protecting. The girl Staring at the boy's slightly distended abdomen, he muttered in a low voice, "This guy knows how to eat and be lazy, he can't do anything, and you have to feed him every day. It would be nice to change this kind of life to me, tsk."

"Hehe, but it's fun, isn't it? Ah, don't move around, your stomach is so itchy! Ahaha!" Before saying a few words, the boy couldn't help but stop working, and then he took out a plush from his arms. A fluffy palm-sized animal stretched out his hand to caress the other's soft hair, and the boy's dark eyes narrowed comfortably just like the animal.

This made the girl on the side say enviously: "It would be great if I were you, little pompom."

After finishing speaking, the girl stretched out her hand towards the little pet, as if she wanted to touch him, but she seemed to feel the other's approach, the pompom suddenly opened her eyes and stared at the little hand stretched out, then opened her small mouth, a row of sharp The teeth suddenly came out.

Depressed, she withdrew her somewhat rough little hand, and the girl turned around angrily and picked up the tool again, chopping fiercely in the dirt: "Humph! That's why I hate this little guy, who doesn't even want me to touch it, and doesn't even want to touch it. I don’t know who brings you fish and meat all day long, ungrateful guy.”


The little guy who closed his eyes completely ignored the girl's complaints, let out a comfortable purr, fell asleep after a while, and was then taken back into his arms by the boy.

In this way, the voice that seemed to be hallucinatory before has been completely left behind by the boy.


On the edge of a mountain, there is a circular wall.

Time is still standing still at this moment, so within the enclosure, everything remains in its pre-standstill state, and is silent.

Looking closer, there are five passages on the wall made of tree trunks and stones on the right, and we enter through one of the passages.

The first thing that catches the eye is the road that looks smooth because people have been walking for a long time.

There are many children chasing each other and running on the road. Of course, they are all still, but from their expressions, we can also see the ease and joy in them.

Turning our heads and looking on both sides of the road, we will see many tents with domes or pointed tops, standing in a slightly chaotic area inside the wall.

Among them, the dome tent looks obviously newer.

Beside the tent, there are several mounds of earth.

The mound is hollow, with a clay pot on it, and wisps of cooking smoke are wafting out from the openings and gaps below.

Next to each mound, there are one or two quack apes with different expressions. They either add firewood to the mound, add water to the pot, or stir the things in the pot, their faces are full of satisfaction and enthusiasm. expect.

Walking along the road, there is a big tree in the center of the walled area. Under the tree, a group of children are surrounding an old ape. The face of the old ape is full of emotions and memories. There are several pottery bowls filled with clear water, and most of the children around are listening, but some of them are slightly different because they all look in the other direction.

Following their line of sight, we saw a group of boys and girls lined up neatly. They seemed to be doing the same movement, but some were thinking, some were roaring...

Then, we turned to the front of the group of teenagers, and a girl in simple clothes appeared in front of them.

The slightly wheat-colored skin reveals a sunny atmosphere, but the majestic and oppressive face makes the eyes of most of the people watching her full of awe.

The girl held a scorched charcoal stick in one hand, and a roll of animal skin was spread out in front of her, as if she was writing something on it.

Zooming in, we see what's up there.

This appears to be a list, labeled from top to bottom:


And next to her there are several similar animal skin rolls, some of which are full of memories, most of these are placed in the distance, and some are still very empty, these are placed in and out, and you can see them One piece reads:


At this time, there was a wave that stirred up space distortion, and the world became noisy again. The noise of children, the roar of boys and girls, the sound of storytelling by old apes, and the flapping of the wings of pupae were mixed with various natural sounds. The sound resounded through the earth.

As soon as the charcoal pencil touched the animal skin roll, the girl suddenly froze for a moment.

"Huh? Just now, something seems to have happened?" But at this moment, the girl suddenly found some resistance to her hand, looked down, and the girl suddenly exclaimed: "Ah! What a pity, this animal skin just It works, and now I have drawn such a long line... Forget it, it can be used if I make do, hehe."

After finishing speaking, the girl ignored her, continued to recall her previous memories, and began to write on the animal skin scroll, with her complaints mixed in from time to time, echoing in the area.

"These old guys are really hateful. This is their job, and they are saying that I am old and can't learn numbers, so I have to trouble you, dark blood girl. If you cut it, you will be lazy."

PS: Well, please see the book friends who have stolen posts here. If you think you can still see it, please use your starting point to vote for a recommendation or click on this book.

(End of this chapter)

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