Spore Story

Chapter 206 The Intrusion of the Gonggu Zerg

Chapter 206 The Intrusion of the Gonggu Zerg

PS: The second update is here.

The orbit of the Shuangyuexing-[-] satellite.

At this time, the main nest is already in chaos, and the previous violent fluctuations also caused the reactions of the various sensing systems of the main nest. This chaotic situation caused various sensing instruments to short-circuit or jump randomly. It was a howling.

As for the third-level planetary research team that has built and handed over the search group, although they have not made any progress in the research on that weird planet's protective layer in the past few years, they have not stopped monitoring this protective layer. As for the research on other things on the entire planet, they have achieved certain results.

When the atmosphere was abnormal before, it was they who discovered the situation at the first time, and then notified the search group immediately, so that they could receive such precious image data later.

At this moment, the commander of the main nest is experiencing the images sent back by the landing teams with the group leaders of several groups under him.

Crunch (fake! All he is fake! This planet has entered a period of great development of animals and plants. What we see outside is still the primitive period of land and ocean. Even his landforms are fake of.)
There will be such a reaction, the reason lies in the video data sent back twice by the six landing teams.

Ended up in the stratosphere for the first time.

This time, cloud jellyfish also appeared, and not just one, but a group, which made them feel stressed.

Then the unexpected second image data has broken through the clouds and entered the middle and high altitude area, and the image data of this interrupted area is the biggest problem.

The previous landings of the landing team were based on the third-level planetary research team, through the planetary data obtained on the orbit, and calculated the orbit that can directly land on land even if there is a deviation, but only the second-level landing team, generally Ocean issues were not considered.

As a result, of the six landing teams this time, five of them fell into the ocean. From the final images sent back by the five landing teams, it can be seen that they all belong to the deep water area.

What's more, through aerial scanning, there are even giant creatures with a length of several kilometers in these seas and a combat power of at least level [-]. This makes the landing team forced to drop to level [-] combat power in order to maintain high-energy communication. How embarrassing.

But fortunately, there was another landing team that deviated from the course due to a problem with the locator, but because of this, fortunately, in the final image, what they saw was not the same as several of its miserable colleagues The sea is blue, but a land with flowers, trees, grass and animals.

However, in the image of this land...

Crunch (tell me, what should we do now? We Gonggu Zerg will never give up, but at this time we are facing an abnormal situation that we have never seen before. Like this, we can change the external image of the entire planet and more effectively If the ability to block external exploration is naturally formed, I am afraid no one here believes it.)
Cuckoo, creak, chirp...

Creak (but it’s man-made...according to this technical level and energy level, some old guys in the center who are rumored to be over 30 levels may still be a little possible, but if this is the case, we have to consider whether to leave After all, although we Gonggu Zerg will never give up, we can't rush up to die like idiots, no, although I am very unwilling, but I am the most powerful here, and I am only level eleven.)
chirp chirp chirp...

Gu Gu Gu (Then, suspend the planet exploration, and immediately build twenty second-level star beacons in the subsidiary nest, and spread out from here to find a stable transition point. Gu Ji, I thought it was lucky, I didn't expect The danger is so high, come on, luck is not on my side.)
After speaking, he took a final look at the video and handed it over to the intelligence team for further analysis.

In the last land image, the landing team who were already close to the ground paid special attention to a group of animals and four objects in mid-air not far away.

In terms of energy labeling, there are 3 second-level creatures in the fauna, and the others are all first-level, so there is nothing to worry about.

But among the four objects flying in mid-air, there is 1 first level, 2 third level, and one...

Thinking of this, the eleventh boss felt speechless, his meow was actually a question mark.

What does this mean, because the landing team usually also takes into account close-up investigations, so even if the energy detector is facing the boss, it can clearly mark the energy level: level eleven.

But now facing a creature that looks like a primitive planet, what appears is a question mark.Then, the boss can only think of three reasons: [-]. The object has no energy; [-]. The energy of the object exceeds level [-]; [-]. The detector is broken.

In the historical records of the Gonggu Zerg belonging to the early middle-level civilization, "there is no object in the world without energy" has become a truth.Because of this, their advanced energy digestion system can absorb energy from any substance.

Although the boss can't afford such high-end goods, he still has some knowledge.

On the energy detector, there is a level of zero, but that refers to extremely weak guys, not objects without energy, so in the eyes of the boss at the moment, the question mark means that the level exceeds fifteen.

As for the damage, it is impossible to destroy such a biological body, and if it is true, this biological body is also very powerful.

With the strength of the current main hive, using their best insect sea tactics with all their strength, backed by half the energy of this ecological planet, they can still defeat enemies below level [-], but what they get in return is an almost barren Eco-star, what's the point?

So let's go, out of sight, out of mind, life...

The sigh of a certain Zerg boss echoed throughout the main hive.

In mid-air, 8051 merged into the empty body again, but just when she wanted to express her emotions, she felt a threat coming from above her head through the empty body.

Looking up at the sky, an object with a diameter of about ten meters is falling from the sky mixed with sparks and ashes.

"I beep—" 8051 was speechless.

With her eyes fixed, she immediately pulled the aura and gray matter that had just reacted, and used all her strength to fly towards the tribe not far away.

(Damn, I didn’t expect to take advantage of the slight turmoil caused by this abnormal upgrade to pass through the planet’s protective layer. How did they pass through the galaxy’s protective layer?)
Just after flying about one kilometer, there was a loud noise from behind the three of them, followed by a powerful impact.

"Land down! Come down to the ground!"

While roaring at the three chrysalis who were in a daze in front of them, 8051 pulled up the shocked Lingyun and Huili and changed it into a fall, and at the same time mobilized its illusory thought power, which the body can control the limit, and arranged around the body. A tight spherical thought force shield appeared.

As soon as the shield was installed, a huge force came from behind, and then the three people in the shield, together with the shield, smashed to the ground obliquely like glass beads being bounced off, and then pulled out a Long smooth ravines.

And in the sky farther away, among the three pupae, only one was closer to the ground, and he reacted faster and landed safely, but then he was also blown by the shock wave and turned dozens of times. As for For the other two, one couldn't make it in time, and the other turned around and ran away. They were blown to nowhere by the shock wave, and they probably couldn't survive.

"What, what is this?" Lingyun said tremblingly, looking at the shuttle-shaped charred object that was nearly tens of meters high.

He struggled to control his body, and the somewhat disordered body blown by the shock wave was adjusted to normal by the powerful control ability of 8051 in a short while. First, he checked the comatose gray in his arms, and all the values ​​of the other party were normal. It seems that he has the power of will Barrier, he just had a concussion.

Slightly relieved, 8051 turned his head to look at the terrified Lingyun, stretched out his hand and rubbed the opponent's head, and then said: "Meteor, 8051 said seriously."

"Meteor? You said that this thing bigger than Lou Long is those self-righteous guys who run away at the first light in the sky! How is it possible!" Lingyun expressed that this result was unacceptable, just like people could not accept the moon as a It's like a big rock with pits and hollows.

8051, who was going to get up and explain to Lingyun in detail, has also been paying attention to the "shooting star" ahead.

But at this time, she discovered that under normal circumstances, the meteor that would create a crater of at least one kilometer was only inserted into the ground at this moment, and the crater it created was less than a hundred meters in radius, and the surface of the entire "meteor" was damaged. Not too big.

What does this mean? This means that the other party has braking behavior when landing, which means that the other party has a self-reaction.

At this moment, there were a few unpleasant sounds of flesh being torn apart from the tip of the "Meteor". Afterwards, the fusiform object, like a grain of rice magnified countless times, split from the tip, and then scattered into six pieces like blooming flowers. Petals fleshy "petals".

bang x6
His expression tightened, and a small pyramid-like building with a radius of four to five meters appeared in the center of the blooming "meteor flower". Six fleshy "petals" hit the ground heavily, bringing up a cloud of dust, and the ground touched Trees and animals were smashed into pie shapes.

But this is not over yet, as if the heart was beating, the building in the center began to fluctuate one by one, and then, a light green liquid flowed out from the densely packed small holes on the edge of the six fleshy "petals" that opened .

Wherever these liquids passed, all plants and animals irresistibly turned into the same green liquid, so, in just a few blinks of an eye, a terrifying green area with a radius of more than 100 meters appeared like this, and in its center , is that pyramid-like fleshy building.

Then, the interconnected green liquid gradually became viscous.

Eventually, the fluid condenses into a thick membrane that connects the six fleshy "petals."

At this time, under the fleshy pyramid building in the center, a hole more than one meter high gradually squirmed and cracked. From the hole where mucus dripped from time to time, the sounds of living creatures came out more and more clearly.

"This is? The Zerg!" Slightly narrowing her eyes, she looked at the object in front of her. Although there was a big difference, 8051 still found similar things from some memories, and at this moment she could no longer calm down.

Turning around and pulling up Lingyun, with gray on her back, she flew towards the nearest tribe.

In the previous shock wave, the quack apes of this tribe on land should have suffered few casualties, plus the surviving pupae body, and the two ghost bodies here, it should still be possible to deal with this seemingly weak base. There is a chance.

(The Zerg base here must be eliminated, otherwise there will be endless troubles.)
As for whether there are similar bases in other places, 8051 has been unable to consider for the time being.

Quickly found the pupated body that was thrown into a mess, 8051 didn't have time to explain, so he directly used mental power to appease the other party, and then a mental power effect covered the pupal body's brain, and pointed at the distant The Zerg base said: "Enemy! Remember, that is the enemy that must be eliminated!"

Under this method similar to deep hypnosis, the confusion and fear on the face of the chrysalis gradually disappeared, replaced by strong killing intent and hatred.

Then, without waiting for 8051 and Lingyun to react, the pupation immediately dragged its injured body and shouted to summon the terrified tribe members.

Fortunately, this pupate seems to be quite prestigious, or he is the leader of the tribe. Although a group of quack apes are a little weak from the fright, they still gather under several big trees in an orderly manner .

At this time, the Zerg base had begun to have one of the most well-known species of the Zerg with the largest span of levels and the largest number—dogs ran out of the one-meter-high slime hole and gathered on the ground.

Since 8051 discovered the Zerg base, he has been paying attention to the base with his mental power in real time. However, these Zergs have a certain degree of spiritual protection. With the current level of mental power of Void, it is impossible to cause any harm to them.

In other words, to deal with them, the ghost body can only rely on thoughts and energy attacks.

"Lingyun, wake up and appease the spirit of these quack apes immediately, we must destroy these Zerg! 8051 said eagerly."

I don’t know why the 8051, which is always calm, now makes Lingyun clearly feel a kind of anxiety in his tone, but after all, Lingyun has been a high priest for so long, and at this moment, he is not affected by body hormones The ghost body.

Looking at the dark green open space in the distance, Lingyun tested it with spiritual power, then turned her head decisively and followed 8051's instructions to appease the quack apes who had just gathered, and then began to influence them with mental power. Perform a pre-battle morale boost.

Speaking of which, both of them are very proficient in this series of movements, and it seems that they have used them quite often.

And Huili is still in a coma until now, so it can only be said that his physical fitness is indeed not as good as that of a pupational body, and 8051 and Lingyun also tacitly did not wake him up.

At this time, 8051 flew to the top of the low-altitude treetops to monitor the distant base, and found that more and more dogs seemed to have the intention to disperse into the surrounding forest.

"Lingyun, hurry up, bring the pupae and adult apes that can fight, use the terrain to surround this base, and don't let these Zerg spread out, because I don't know which one of them will develop its new base .As for those who have no combat effectiveness, let them take Huili and run up that mountain over there." After speaking, 8051 rushed up.

Seeing 8051 flying towards that Zerg base, Lingyun's eyes flashed with anxiety: "Be careful! Also, don't damage the empty body."

"Um," paused, 8051 shook his head and continued to rush up: "I see."


There was a strong thunder, and a dog rushing outside was struck by a bolt of lightning. It foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground, convulsing, but it did not die.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the resistance to electricity to be so high!" A dodge missed a dog that was jumping at him through the trunk, and hit the dog with an electric current, knocking the dog unconscious. 8051 quickly used green liquid and The base area marked by the fleshy "petals" began to use lightning strikes to deal with the dogs who wanted to run out of the area.

But the main goal is to block the enemy's 8051. Seeing that a single lightning strike can't kill a dog, he can only deal with the paralyzed ground, and when there is no time to make up a blow, he directly ignores the fallen dog and attacks other dogs. attack.

After a while, a group of more than 60 dogs were attracted by 8051 and began to gather in the direction of 8051.

As for 8051 flying in the air, when attacking, it needs to be lowered to a height of less than five meters in order to effectively attack the enemy. At this moment, relying on all-round observation with mental power, she can calmly avoid the dog's jumping impact.

At this time, several dogs actually jumped together, and the top dog actually rose to a height of seven or eight meters under such a move. With a turn in 8051's mind, the power of thought swept towards this dog, and there was nowhere to receive force The dog reluctantly deviated from the track, passed in front of 8051, and took away a lightning strike.

However, there are more and more dogs, and the number of dogs in this open area has increased to hundreds when a lightning strike hits ten dogs, and the entire dark green area is almost crowded with dogs. 8051 has already There is no way to control the spread of these dogs.

At this time, the dogs at the mouth of the slime hole finally stopped appearing.

But before 8051 could breathe a sigh of relief, a sound of flapping wings came from the entrance of the cave.

Then, one by one, creatures nearly one meter in length flew out of the hole like enlarged versions of wasps.

[Warbee], a first-class flying unit of the Gonggu Zerg, has the same status as [Dog], and its combat power is slightly lower than that of a dog.

Although a single thunderbolt can wipe out a war bee one by one, what annoyed 8051 was that there were more than 40 war bees flying out of the hole, and facing the entanglement of ten war bees, she could no longer take care of the dogs on the ground The dogs are gone.

"Uh, 8051, isn't this enemy a bit stronger!" At this time, accompanied by another thunder and lightning, the voice of aura entered 8051's ears.

And with the sound of Lingyun, a group of quack apes also took advantage of the forest trees and began to cull the scattered dogs that ran out of the forest.

However, the balance of power between the two sides at this time is:

(Sky) 2 third-level ghost bodies and 1 second-level pupation body, fighting against 40 first-level war bees;
(Ground) 57 first-class quack apes against 100 first-class dogs.

Quack Ape's strength was exhausted, and there was no other power to fight around. On the Gonggu Zerg side, a strange sound came from the hateful slime hole...

(End of this chapter)

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