Spore Story

Chapter 207 The Defeat of the Ground Battlefield

Chapter 207 The Defeat of the Ground Battlefield
PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket O(∩_∩)O
The heavy panting echoed in the woods.

After killing a dog, the three people in this group looked at each other in blank dismay, and looked down at the pieces of meat they smashed on the ground, but there was no joy in their hearts, only confusion and fear.

Because, on the open land that didn't know when it appeared, there are still a lot of such enemies rushing outward.

Nodding to each other, they bypassed the dog and continued to move around the open field.

There are many three-person teams like this. After seeing that their own ground strength is seriously insufficient, 8051 gave up the plan to directly rush into the open ground to attack the fleshy base.

Using mental power to cover all the quack apes, 8051 used direct communication to organize these quack apes, using three against one mode, wandering and attacking in the surrounding forest, the main purpose is to eliminate those who leave the open land and enter the forest area Dogs, don't step into the open area yet.

As for the battle bee, it seems that 8051 and Lingyun can only hold it back as much as possible at this moment, and the pupa is also flying at the height of the outer treetops, and he uses the physical attack of energy increase to attack the bee from time to time. The single battle bee, because he was not besieged at the beginning, borrowed the gap between the trees, and his situation was better than the two ghost bodies at 8051.

At least, while he was dragging a dozen or so bees, he could use the terrain to kill one or two from time to time.

(I can't go on like this. I don't know if the ghost body of Konghuan has enough control power. Damn it, if my consciousness body can't gather spiritual power and energy, I would have killed you long ago.)
"Lingyun, do you still remember the attack method of some priests bursting with energy when they hit the back when the beasts in the Gashan tribe came together?" 8051 struggled to use his thoughts to get closer to Lingyun, and when the two joined together, they finally subsided a little A little pressure, at least they don't have to worry about their backs.

"Remember, but in that case, we can only fall to the ground. There are too many enemies here now. After the outbreak, even if they are packed tightly, we can kill a dozen or twenty of them at once. It’s not enough.” Waved a war bee and smashed it into the air, a wall of thought power blocked the two war bees who came up on the left side, and the war bee who hit the wall of thought force retreated dizzily, just blocking the way of the same kind behind him, and The spiritual wall of the aura also shook a few times before dissipating.

Shaking his dizzy head, thinking that the Nianli Wall can't be so head-on with the aura, he took the time to look around.

But there are war bees everywhere, and I don't know where I and 8051 are now, and what height.The vision was completely blocked, and the sense of hearing and smell was also blocked by the sound of the wings of the surrounding war bees and the fishy smell on the ground of the Zerg base.

(However, the spiritual power of my ghost body is not low.) Looking at a group of war bees with disdain, Lingyun spread out the spiritual power, intending to observe the overall situation, but the result surprised her deeply.

She knew that the war bees had mental resistance, because she had already discovered it in the previous investigation, but what she didn't expect was that after a huge number of war bees surrounded her, they intentionally or unintentionally formed A large encirclement of mental resistance encloses Lingyun and 8051. Even if their mental power can spread out at this time, they don't have much strength.

"Damn it, mental power is useless." Lingyun took a deep breath, wishing to smash all the war bees in front of her at this moment.

"I know this. What I'm talking about now is the way of energy explosion. With our current energy, the total amount is dozens of times that of the pupation body. If we can control it well, we can carry out that level of energy explosion dozens of times in a row. The explosion. However, the energy I just consumed is not small, and what is most needed is control..."

"Then I'll try it first!" Interrupting 8051, Lingyun still had a little confidence in her control, so she couldn't wait to teach these warbees a lesson.

Seeing an opportunity, she instantly used the diffusion caused by the burst of thought power to push all the war bees around her body more than one meter away, although because these war bees are too dense, they can only get so much space.But taking advantage of this gap, Lingyun successfully rushed into the group of Zhanfeng, to a certain extent, because Zhanfeng also wanted the enemy to be separated. In this way, 8051 and Lingyun were separated again.

But before 8051 could make a further reaction, the passage between the two was blocked by the eager battle bees, and then, the impact of the war bees approached 8051 again.

"Okay, let me try the power of illusory energy control, to that extent... Mmm!"

This time 8051's movements were a bit slower. Just as she had calculated the range of energy use, a strong flash of light appeared in the space where the aura left before.

It was as if someone had slammed the silence button in the sky, and the strong flashes mixed with deafening thunder resounded through the earth, and then there was the sound of the wings of the war bees that suddenly plummeted.

The 8051 of the conscious body is not hurt by this sensory stimulation, so it quickly recovered. At this time, there was a blank area in front of it, and it seemed that at least twenty or so war bees left the sky because of this blow.

But in the face of this kind of success, 8051 is not very happy. What she cares about at the moment is the aura. Such a large burst of electricity is not comparable to the burst of priests who can only carry three or four flying dragons at a time.

Fortunately, the aura is still in mid-air.

"It's okay! Lingyun." Slightly relieved, 8051 rushed to Lingyun's side before the surrounding battle bees could react, and at the same time began to gather energy, preparing to come for the next time.

And on the ground that 8051 did not notice, the eyes of the dogs that were closer were gradually recovering from the darkness, then turned their heads quickly, and continued to rush towards the surrounding forest. Under it, it just paused for a little longer than 8051, and then fully recovered.

Looking distressedly at the more than 20 war bees that surrounded them again, and the war bees that were not seriously injured on the ground, so they flew up again, Lingyun felt the energy of the energy core in his body, and said helplessly : "I'm sorry, 8051, the control power is still not enough, it consumes more than half of it at one time, it's a waste."

8051 only had a wry smile in his heart. With the energy of the Youshen Body, if he mastered how to use it properly, such a small number of enemies would not be a concern at all, but now this species has just sprouted the idea of ​​using energy, and it can't be simple.

And I can only control the ghost body of the ghost to attack. In fact, 8051 is affecting the ghost's remnant soul, and the ghost's soul controls the ghost body. Usually relying on 8051's own high level of consciousness and her long-term accumulated experience, she can still He can express himself as if he can control this ghostly body, but at this moment, he is completely limited by the ability of Wuxuan himself.

No one knows better than 8051 the extent of Kong Huan's ability. In terms of actual control, Kong Huan is actually not as good as Ling Yun who has been practicing for a long time.

Therefore, under the condition that Lingyun can't control the energy explosion well, 8051 dare not use the illusory body to explode. Who knows if it will pay for the illusory ghost body, but there are still a lot of hunger and thirst on the ground The dog is waiting for the meal.

(Think about it carefully, is there any good way to use energy in previous memories...Damn it, it’s been too long and I can’t even remember it?) 8051, which is leaning on Lingyun’s back, sends out lightning strikes to attack the war bees from time to time, and interferes with the power of thoughts The trajectories of these war bees, and time flows like this.

Attention turned to the ground battlefield.

The place where numerical advantage is best played is the open field, but the most difficult place to play is the narrow field.

The forest is a narrow place just like the city. The quack apes were divided into 19 three-person groups by the barrier of the forest. Although they hunted some dogs well in the forest, the pressure decreased with the number of their own. The familiarity with the forest with the dog also began to gradually improve.

A group of quack apes who had just wiped out a dog and were about to move on were caught by a dog that suddenly appeared from behind.

Before a quack ape in the back had time to react, his throat was bitten by the sharp mouth of the dog that suddenly jumped out of the bushes. Just as the other two members of the group heard the movement, they turned their attention to the dog. Just as they were about to launch an attack on the enemy who was sneaking up on them, two dogs rushed out from behind them.

Real battles are always fleeting, but in the blink of an eye, a group of quack apes are completely damaged.Only one quack ape with agility and a touch of luck escaped the pounce by rolling on the spot, but when he stood up, he was faced with three dogs that were barking at him.

Generally speaking, animals like to kill the enemy with their mouths. This is probably because when they bite the enemy with their mouths, they can also drink some blood or tear a piece of meat. Even if they cannot kill the enemy, they can quickly swallow some interest to make up for themselves. .

However, the species of quack ape has never attacked the enemy with its mouth since it landed.

The reason for this must be the main consciousness of emptiness, because he used to be a human being, and should be a man, so he doesn't like to bite with his mouth.

Therefore, the species developed from his consciousness as the seed also subconsciously have such a habit.Other species that are not controlled by the main consciousness will weaken this kind of subconsciousness under such and such external and own conditions, but for the illusory species, the terrestrial species edited by him hardly consider the situation of attacking the enemy with their mouths , so, how can the quack apes who have other more effective attack methods go back to use their troublesome mouths to fight the enemy?
Having said this, it is actually saying that the current quack apes mainly attack three parts: the tail, tentacles and hands, and the most important attack ability is actually the brain, especially the brain that has evolved to level [-].

Facing the three-headed dog, this quack ape, who had been regarded as a big fool by the pupate before, felt as if his mind had never been sober.

(You can't turn around at this time, what should... what should you do?) Facing the dogs who were bent over and about to attack, he carefully looked around, and suddenly, he seemed to be leaning against a big tree. Thinking of something, his eyes lit up, and at this moment, the dogs, who didn't want to give the enemy much reaction time, had already rushed over.

With a startled expression, the quack ape suddenly threw himself under the dog in the front. Before the dog could react further, he used the tentacles behind his head to tightly bind the dog's waist. Then, in the same way as when throwing stones with tentacles, he turned around and threw the dog to the two similar dogs behind him.

With a bang, the three dogs smashed together because they were too close.Although the quack ape's tentacles were cut off by the dog's claws during the struggle, his goal had been achieved.

At the moment of the short pause of the three-headed dog, he relied on the tree-climbing skills he had cultivated in the forest for a long time, and climbed several times to the big tree behind him.


Standing on the tree trunk, looking at the three dogs below who are constantly gnawing on the tree trunk, he has a smug smile on his face after the disaster, (Bite, bite, the trees here are all connected, wait When you bit it off, I left early, hahaha, goodbye.)
Then, on the battlefield, especially on the battlefield similar to street fighting, any moment of relaxation may lead to failure. Just as the quack ape was about to turn around, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from behind the tree trunk beside him, only Feeling the heat and tightness of his neck, he fell from the tree with his eyes blacked out.

Then, the four dogs gave the last blow to him who had not completely died. At the last moment, the quack ape stared at the sky with complicated eyes, both triumphant and frightened.

The trees are indeed connected, so the quack ape can go up and pass through this to leave, so why can't the dog with good jumping ability go up and pass through this to run to him?

As a fighting race, the fighting instinct of the dogs far exceeds that of most of the quack apes who have been in the middle and upper layers of the planet for a long time, and have not many enemies and are inexperienced in fighting with all their strength.

This is also why 8051 fought in groups and three-on-one at the beginning, but it was still a miscalculation. When the dogs quickly became familiar with the forest battlefield, the quack apes, who had lost their local numerical advantage, began to lose on a large scale.

"Quickly get out! Everyone get out of the forest temporarily, pay attention to the surrounding situation, and be careful of dogs sneak attack!"

8051 in the sky is grinding away the war bees little by little with Lingyun behind it.

At this moment, a rapidly spinning psychic ball is enveloping 8051 and the aura that is almost exhausted, which makes it impossible for the war bees to get close for a while, and the two people in the psychic ball, the lightning strikes from time to time will make the approaching war bees Turned into coke, it seems that the situation here seems to be slightly better because of the appearance of this flowing psychic ball, but 8051, which is controlled by the psychic ball, knows that this kind of psychic ball consumes too much energy. Can't last long.

"Lingyun, I can't be distracted now, but the war bees are more scattered, why don't you use your mental power now to see how the quack apes are doing?"

Let Lingyun take a short break to observe the whole scene, but at this time, the dogs who are getting familiar with the battlefield are starting to cause a lot of casualties to Quack Ape. Hearing Lingyun's anxious report on the battle situation, 8051 waved again There were two thunderbolts, but one of them was "accidentally" dodged by a war bee.

Although the war bee then hit the mobile mind ball and was bounced several meters away, this sign shows that these war bees have begun to realize the weakness of the lightning strike of the ghost body, and 8051 will not take this situation by accident. Contact, because that will only make you die faster.

Lightning strikes cannot be avoided, but they can see the trajectory of the hand that issued the lightning strike.

(What a terrible fighting instinct. It took only a short while to discover the weakness of our lightning strike.) But looking at the more than 20 charred bee corpses on the ground, one of the reasons can be known.

But the pressure on 8051 and the others, although they only faced a dozen or so Bees at this time, was more urgent than when they faced thirty or so before.

Looking at the somewhat unstable Psychic Ball, 8051 quickly analyzed the current situation, and then ordered Lingyun to notify all the quack apes to withdraw from the forest, and then called the pupae to come over, and then made plans after working together to eliminate the enemies in the air .

There are 7 war bees behind the pupate's tail. It seems that his harvest should be good, but there are several scratches on his body, and I don't know if it was left by the war bees.

At this moment, the pupa is not flying in the air, but jumps and glides between the treetops with its wings. I don't know if it's because of being too tired from flying, but in this way, his sensitivity is higher than that of flying It's a lot, and it saves energy.

In order to save some energy so as not to fail due to dizziness, 8051 withdrew the Psychic Ball after flying over the forest with the aura, and then waited for the arrival of the pupae.

Seeing the pupae fighting in leaping gliding mode, both Lingyun and 8051 nodded approvingly, but this is not the time to talk about it.

Using mental power to pull away a battle bee that was about to hit the pupation's waist, Lingyun's lightning strike hit the back of the pupation in a timely manner, helping him block the war bee for a while, so that the pupation could come closer.

The language barrier between the two sides, so 8051 didn't talk nonsense, and directly used mental power to inform the pupa of the general intention.

I have been flying kites with more than a dozen war bees before, and I just saw the powerful lightning strike of the Youshen body for the first time, so I still have some stupefied chrysalis. I just felt it.

The situation was urgent at the moment, the pupal body nodded directly and flew to the rear of 8051 and Lingyun. Then, the three of them started to learn the previous pattern, and with the joint efforts of Lingyun and 8051, they used their thoughts to break open the battle bee at the front. , and began to circle the forest with the war bees.

The chrysalis is responsible for blocking the impact of the war bees with physical attacks, and at the same time blocks the sight of the war bees with its body and wings, while 8051 and Lingyun take the opportunity to fly backwards and use lightning strikes to eliminate the war bees that cannot dodge.

Relying on all-round perception of mental power, the two flying upside down will never have an own time like hitting a tree.

But the temporary stalemate in the air battlefield could not cover up the failure of the ground battlefield. At this moment, five monsters nearly five meters long and one meter wide crawled out of the mucus hole that rang for a long time but did not respond. animal.

Their most notable features are the huge mouth full of terrifying teeth in front of the body, the wide skeletal torso in the middle of the body, and a long, dry and exposed sac behind.

From the point of view of mental power perception, the opponent's energy is much stronger than that of the dog and the war bee.

Seeing this situation, the three flying in the air, especially 8051 and Lingyun, who could sense the energy level of each other, became anxious.

The balance of power between the two sides at this time is:

(Sky) 2 third-level ghost bodies (lack of energy), 1 second-level pupation body (lack of physical strength), and 23 first-level battle bees (experience is increasing);

(Ground) (failed) 21 first-level quack apes (have already retreated to the foot of the forest mountain), fighting against 67 first-level dogs (experience in forest warfare is increasing).

(Others) 5 second-level unknown creatures from the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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