Spore Story

Chapter 208 Let's go, the dark rationality

Chapter 208 Let's go, the dark rationality

"Ah, I'm so dizzy."

He opened his eyes in a daze, and what he saw was a large piece of wet rock: "The roof of the cave I have never seen before."

Noisy voices came from the surroundings. Looking around, it seems that there are all quack apes, and there are no young ones, old or young. Huili is now 13 years old, and he looks not much different from his peers, but in terms of strength But definitely more than most adult quack apes.

(Shock waves, vibrations, mind shields... It seems that 8051 and the others protected me, but what is going on?)
I moved my fingers, but there was no adverse reaction, so Huili tried it from the arms to the feet and finally to the neck, (It seems that I was just stunned, hehe, it is true, such a fragile body will definitely make the soul feel weak again. Yun laughed.)
Sitting up with a wry smile, the quack ape who had already noticed him immediately came up and seemed to want to say something, but the problem was that they couldn't understand the language.

(Hehe, this is for the present consciousness...) "Huh?! How could it be!"

Name:? ? / Gray
Power: 9
Energy: 19
Consciousness: 131
Spirit: 1709/3930
Number of control species: 2369
Current goal: increase the energy to 20, control the number of species to 1000;

Harvests: memory fragments, pupation, "External Trajectory Changes of Energy".

When Huili opened the attribute box subconsciously, what he saw was that his consciousness had increased by 107 points from 24 not long ago to 131.As for controlling the number of species, this thing changes all the time, especially the more the number, the greater the change, so it is basically ignored by the gray management.

But Huili would not ignore the abnormal situation of consciousness, so he quickly analyzed and thought in his mind.

(Consciousness soars, according to the known situation, there are three kinds of consciousness condensation, large-scale sacrifice, and brain upgrade.)
(The concentration of consciousness itself requires firm goals and strong emotions, and before the vertigo could not cause me to have any firm goals at once, and now my emotions have not changed, so it is excluded; large-scale sacrifices, if you do not encounter 8051 It was possible for them before, but after that, all the tribes I appeared in were assigned sacrificial targets. Since there is no big difference between me and those targets, it is impossible for them to abandon the original target and sacrifice to me who is relatively better , this possibility is too low, what's more, I have to be on the altar, it can't be an altar here, so I rule it out; then, only the brain upgrade is left...)
Thinking of this, Hui Li looked at the quack apes around him, (Brain upgrade is a group event, it seems that there have been abnormalities before, and there are many voices in his mind continuously, among them it seems that the brain is level [-] or level [-] or something, then it is roughly certain that the brain has been upgraded.)
He got up and stopped the quack ape who was doing various movements beside him, as if he wanted to explain his thoughts to Huili.

Huili smiled, and then connected the method of spiritual power communication learned from Lingyun to this quack ape (if it was before, this kind of behavior of explaining one's intentions with various actions could only be done by a chrysalis, but now even An ordinary quack ape can do it, so the possibility of brain upgrade is higher. However, according to 8051, the brain of the pupal body is one level higher than that of the quack ape, so what will happen to the brain of the pupal body now advantage?)

Thinking of this, Huili couldn't wait to see if he pupated now, after all he was only 1 point away from pupating.

"What's going on? Let's start from the beginning." Through mental power, this simple thinking was transmitted to the brain of the quack ape. It seems that the comprehension of the upgraded brain has indeed improved a lot. The quack ape was just a little stunned. He began to babble and narrate, and looked at Huili with searching eyes from time to time to make sure that Huili understood what he said.

And as Hui Li kept nodding, his interest became higher and higher, and his thinking became clearer and clearer.

In fact, all that was needed was for the quack ape to think, but Huili didn't want to waste his words.What's more, when the quack ape was speaking, in order to let the other party understand clearly, he would also think about how to describe it with actions, and at this time, what he wanted to describe in his brain would become clearer.

This is beneficial for recipients like Hui Li to have an in-depth understanding of what they are talking about, which often occurred when encountering pupal bodies before, so under the teaching of 8051 and Lingyun, Hui Li has already become familiar with this.

But what he learned was somewhat beyond Huili's expectations.

From the thinking of this quack ape, Huili analyzed and concluded the situation from the perspective of this quack ape:
In the previous shock wave, two pupated bodies of this tribe died (disappeared after being smashed into the air, so they were directly labeled as death ==).

At that time, when the members of the tribe saw the pupated bodies of their own tribe flying away and the trees were crooked, they only felt the strong wind on the ground, but many of them lay down on the ground in horror, so luckily No one was injured (the impact was dampened by the large number of trees, which were already far from the center of impact).

Then, when the quack ape and his companions got up and were hesitating whether to follow curiosity to have a look, or follow fear to leave as soon as possible, their leader (the surviving chrysalis) ran over, Call everyone together.He also expressed that he wanted to destroy the thing that used the shock wave to kill the two pupated bodies of its own side and injured him (the quack apes at the time actually didn't know what it was).

At this time, they were terrified and suddenly felt their emotions calm down inexplicably, and then, following the roar of the leader, they also had a strong sense of disgust for that thing, eager to get rid of it quickly (analysis here, Hui Li secretly writes I curled my lips, this is either 8051, or Lingyun is affected by the use of mental power, and Huili is too weak to use this advanced skill for the time being).

After that, a luminous pupa appeared (obviously aura, because 8051 is a luminous quack ape, which is the common first impression of all the same kind met on the way. In addition, the impression of Huili is followed by two The children of the luminous body =. =), Lingyun asked the leader to select adult individuals with combat effectiveness from the quack apes, and then let these weak combat individuals in the small cave hide here with Huili.

From the perspective of this quack ape, the whole thing happened like this. The quack apes who hid in the cave had been terrified for most of the day, but the companions who had left had not returned, so this made them very worried and wanted to be with this name and shine. Learn about the situation from the quack ape who is together.

But Hui Li didn't worry about it at all. The powerful impression left by the two ghost bodies along the way had been deeply rooted in his mind. With two ghost bodies, even epic creatures had to pay attention, although they had never encountered them before.

However, in order to satisfy his own curiosity, Huili thought about it and chose two individuals who were not so old from the group of quack apes left behind.Then let them go to the top of the mountain to observe the situation, and report back every once in a while.

As for Huili himself, he walked out of the cave on his own, and began to mobilize the energy in his body, trying to further mobilize the energy stored in the first-level energy core body flowing in the blood. Effective energy workout.

As dusk approached, several scouting quack apes finally came back in a hurry. Through the memories in their minds, Hui Li came to a conclusion that even he couldn't believe.

8051 They may fail.

(How is this possible!) Unable to sit still anymore, Huili got up and ran to the top of the mountain. He needed to personally confirm the current situation. (These guys must have added their own fantasies when recalling, yes! Definitely That's right!)
Thinking of this, Huili calmed down a bit, (It's not like I haven't encountered it before, I said how could 8051 and the others fail.)
However, they haven't come back since the morning fight. This kind of long-term battle is nothing to Huili's confidence in the Youshen body, but combined with the "fantasy" memories of these investigation individuals, Huili has no choice but to let it go. Li was worried.

(Let’s go and have a look.) Looking at the surrounding situation, I was confused, because I couldn’t practice seriously, so I simply went to the top of the mountain to see the situation.

With Huili's strength, he can reach the mountain in a short time, but now it's almost dusk. Although the top of the mountain is still lit, the bottom of the mountain has begun to become dark. Huili standing on the top of the mountain can no longer see clearly the battlefield. Specifically, I can only vaguely see an open field in the distance, densely packed on the ground, there are many animals that look like a group moving, and there is a big tent in the center of the group, and some animals are flying densely in the sky chasing three objects.

At this time, a lightning strike flashed by, and one of the flying animals fell down, and at the same time, Huili could clearly see the three being chased.

A chrysalis (it seems to be the leader of this tribe) and two dim figures made Hui Li's eyes widen in disbelief. Could this be the radiant Youshen body?
(How could it be? Could it be that the energy of the Youshen body can't even maintain the light of the body now?) Looking at the two Youshen bodies that occasionally send out a lightning strike, I know that when the aura is usually struck, it is the result of continuous lightning strikes. Hui Li, his body trembled unconsciously.

He recalled a time when he curiously asked 8051 who knew everything in his eyes: "8051, my energy is digitized points, what about yours? What about the pupal body? Can it be digitized, so I can also It’s good to compare the gap between me and you, isn’t it?”

"Hmph, you really need to know the gap between us, so that you can be obedient in the future." Lingyun on the side took the opportunity to suppress as always.

8051 thought for a while, seemed to be calculating specific numbers, then nodded and said: "Okay, your energy is 15 now, and ordinary quack monkeys usually have 5 (it's actually three times, I'm pretty good, hehe), The pupation body is generally 50 (no, no, it is actually 10 times that of the ordinary quack ape, foul!), and the ghost body that combines two energy cores is generally 2500 (... OTZ). After 8051 rough calculations Said."

"Then... what about the two of you?" At this moment, Huili already felt the unparalleled pressure coming from the smiling aura. He thought that he was powerful, but the Youshen body was only a few hundred high, but Faced with this situation, he continued to ask.

8051 looked at Huili, and didn't know whether she was in a dilemma whether to speak out, or whether she was calculating the energy of herself and Lingyun, but after a pause, she still turned her head to look at Lingyun who was nodding all the time. grayed out.

"There is no way to be precise, because I don't have the time to calculate it. Roughly, the energy of Lingyun should be between 2500 and 3500 (Lingyun raised her head proudly, looking down at the gray matter below), and I... …No, it should be said that the energy of this illusory ghost body should be between 4000 and 4500."

After being silent for a while, the deeply shocked Huili kept analyzing his situation in his mind, slowly stabilized his emotions, and recovered after a while, then asked about the energy consumption of the lightning strike that Lingyun often used, and pressed 8051 As I said, an ordinary lightning strike (that is, Chu Jie's random strike ==) should also consume about 20 energy.

As a result, Huili was completely convinced, and the lightning strike that Lingyun usually used to play, even if he drained the current Huili, he couldn't send it out.

According to 8051, everyone has an automatic recovery mode for the energy of the energy core.

The energy core of level 1 (quack ape) is absorbed from food, that is, from the digestive system of quack ape. This is actually the reason why the food volume of quack ape is larger than that of electric creatures of the same size.Of course, it can also be obtained from nature, but the speed is too slow, and one or two points a day is almost enough;
As for the energy core of level 2 (chrysalis), energy can be obtained from food through the digestive system of the body, or it can be recovered slowly through nature. Only relying on natural recovery, there are about 20 to 30 points a day;
As for the fusion core formed after the fusion of the two energy cores of the Youshen body, the energy can be recovered by 8051 and the others directly digesting food, or through natural recovery, which ranges from 300 to 500 per day.

This gave Hui Li the impression that Quack Ape, even if it is a pupated body, is just a scum in the face of the Youshen body!

However, at this moment, the Youshen Body, which seemed invincible in the eyes of the two Huili, actually started to save energy!

What a situation!This is impossible, how could there be such a creature in this world. (To an extent, he's right, because those aren't biological mouthpieces on this planet.)
(Now this situation, do you want to pass?)
Rationality told Huili that although his own combat power was already between the pupated body and the quack ape, under the circumstances that the ghost body was beginning to show its signs of failure, at this time, he was useless in the past , On the contrary, it may become a burden, it is better to wait here for them to retreat.Moreover, I am about to chrysalis, and my future abilities will definitely be much higher than now, so that I can help them even more in the future;

But I told him emotionally that at this time, two companions who have lived with him for several years are trying their best to deal with an unknown and powerful enemy, while he is watching the show and waiting for the other party to retreat. This is very inappropriate, so, I should go up and help them immediately.

(Okay, is this the so-called difference between reason and emotion?)

Rubbing his head in distress, Huili looked at several middle-aged and elderly individuals around him, thinking and analyzing the current situation at high speed, but couldn't figure it out.

But at this time, he suddenly remembered a refutation he had drawn before he met 8051, that is, everything is determined entirely by analysis, is this correct?

At that time, he didn't find out the result, and then met 8051 and Lingyun, and embarked on a journey to find "self". , have to experiment.

Then, tiny electric currents began to flow between Huili's muscles, making him look a bit like 8051 flying in the air now. Looking at the few old apes beside him, he hesitated and finally let them stay. Here, and then down the low ramp, laughing at yourself in your head.

(This is probably the most irrational decision I have made. Ah no, it seems that since I met 8051 and Lingyun, my sanity seems to be getting farther and farther away from me.)
The closer he got to the foot of the mountain, the darker his eyes became. Finally, when he jumped off a rock and landed on the ground smoothly, Hui Li's eyes were completely plunged into darkness.

Quickly spread the spirit, for the quack apes who sensed the spirit power, "seeing" is no longer limited to vision.

Especially in such a dark place, they can see as far as the mental power can spread. Therefore, for Huili who has practiced the use of mental power for several years and has a little experience, it is completely closed at this moment. With his eyes, he can run on the ground as in the daytime, although the range of his mental power spherical spread is only five or six meters at this time.

The same is true for the two ghost bodies. Fewer and fewer war bees can no longer block their mental power exploration. At this time, 8051 concentrates all its energy on the control of mind power, while Lingyun concentrates its energy on the spiritual power. over force control.

One protects the three with his mind power, the other observes the audience with his spiritual power, but the last pupate is not so chic, he can only rely on the faint light from 8051 and the others, and concentrate on paying attention to the war bees chasing him.

And because of this, the energy has started to run low, and now the main combat power has become this pupated body. Even though he is tired and out of breath, at least he can punch his punches under the stimulation of the small power consumption in his body. The war bee moved over with the power of thought was crushed to death.

There are less than ten war bees chasing Lingyun and the others, but what makes Lingyun puzzled and annoyed is that the five creatures that seem to be no weaker than chrysalis neither attack the ground enemies nor the three in the air. Humans are just devouring dead individuals as if eating, whether it is the corpse of a dog, a war bee, or a quack ape, and even some branches and small animals.

But when Lingyun told 8051 all this, she found that 8051 became nervous.

[Swallowing Insect], Level [-], grinds food with its big mouth, transforms food with the digestive system in the torso, and stores the energy transformed into liquid with the energy sac at the tail.When the energy sacs are full, or when they receive instructions, they will discharge the energy into the area where the base is located for energy consumption of the base.The liquid energy in it is the corrosive light green liquid that appeared when the base was deployed before. That is to say, in an emergency, they can self-destruct and splash this corrosive energy everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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