Spore Story

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

PS: Thank you Xingyu Feiyang for your reward O(∩_∩)O
"Energy, they are collecting energy! Lingyun, those big bugs must be eliminated, otherwise these enemies will only increase! 8051 is concerned about the current situation."

The three flying in the air, and the number of war bees following behind them are now only four. After understanding the current situation through the spiritual perception of the aura, 8051 compared the current situation and found that those few big bugs and base.

"Rush forward! There are only four of these war bees, and there is no need to worry that we will not be able to defeat them! 8051 thinks that the war bees are about to be wiped out."

A dazzling flash of light pierced the sky, and a war bee only felt bound by a trembling force, and could only watch the approach of thunder and lightning.Powerful energy flowed into the war bee's body, and then the overwhelmed cells were individually scorched.

A moment later, the previously majestic war bee fell to the ground with green smoke, and was then broken down into energy by the devouring insects at the side.

The other three war bees were about to rush forward to die, but suddenly found that there were only three or two kittens of the same kind beside them. Before 8051 and the others rushed close, the three war bees turned around and scattered away from the scene.

"Damn it, it's actually running away. Didn't the Zerg fight with completely ruthless pig-rushing tactics? 8051 was annoyed at the enemy that was about to be wiped out, and actually lost the chain at a critical moment." Glaring angrily, he disappeared into the dark sky In this case, 8051 did not want to waste time chasing a few battle bees, and scattered the tired three of them.

When the war bees turned and ran away, the devouring insects on the ground immediately turned around and crawled towards the base area. Once they arrived at the area, they injected the liquid in their respective energy sacs into the fleshy "petals".

Seeing this situation, Ling Yun, who had set the five big bugs as the main target, immediately reported to 8051.

"The main purpose now is to eliminate those five big bugs and try our best to prevent them from injecting that green luminous liquid into those fleshy "petals"." After finishing speaking, 8051 rushed forward without waiting for the two to react to the forward base area.

(The energy is recovered in such a hurry, and there are no new units after the appearance of these five big bugs, so there must be a lack of energy in the base. Now as long as the big bugs that collect energy are eliminated, other dogs and war bees should It's not worth worrying about.)
"Wait for me, I'm running out of energy. Although I'm slowly recovering, but...hey! Why did that guy Huili come running over!"

"What? Kong Huan ran over? Why did he come here! 8051 is annoyed that Kong Huan is just a slightly stronger quack ape now, why come here to make trouble." 8051, who was rushing forward, stopped instantly. Maintain the mind shield, so you can let go of your mental power.

The situation in the peripheral area is now in a state of stalemate. Only 17 quack apes have left the forest. Now they gather together at the foot of the mountain outside the forest. The moonless night is pitch black, and the quack apes cannot see the front situation, so they can only rely on each other to provide each other with a sense of security;
And in the forest in front of them, there are more than 40 dogs with glimmering eyes ready to go, seeming to be looking for the best opportunity;
At the junction of the forest and the foot of the mountain, which is the center of the battlefield where the quack ape and the dogs confronted each other, lay the corpses of four dogs and two quack apes, but no one paid attention to them at this time.

In addition, there are several dogs in the forest dragging the corpses in the forest, and it seems that they intend to give them to the devouring insects to convert them into energy, whether they are dogs, war bees or quack apes.

But behind the quack apes, relying on the skillful use of energy, Hui Li has already rushed over.

"Huh, what's the situation now?"

Huili's mental power range is only a few meters, and after thinking about the aura in the air and they deal with the enemy, there should be no need to worry about the enemies above, so he changed his mental power to a flat circle.

Immediately, his real-time perception range expanded to more than 20 meters, and then condensed into a bunch from time to time to scan the battlefield. In this way, his limit observation range was expanded to 100 meters, and he could barely see the situation on the battlefield.

At this moment, the crisis of the quack apes made Hui Li take a deep breath.

(Didn’t it mean that there were forty or fifty quack apes? Now there are only a dozen or so. Could it be that they have all been wiped out.)
(The monsters on the opposite side can't feel the edge. It seems that there are already more than 20. According to the death rate in the middle of the battlefield, it seems that our side has a slight advantage, but...)
Looking at the quack apes who leaned on each other in horror because they couldn't see ahead, Huili realized that for the quack apes who hadn't learned how to use their mental power, it was impossible for them to walk an inch in this pitch-dark environment , it is a miracle that it has not been wiped out by dogs until now.

What makes Huili even more depressed is that from the reactions of the dogs in front of them, they can obviously see the quack apes here.

(This is so unfair, how can we fight this battle...)
At this moment, Huili felt a wave of familiar spiritual power coming, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. He knew that this was the spiritual power link of 8051, so he couldn't wait to speak first: "8051, where are you..."

"Let's not talk about this now!" 8051 directly interrupted Huili, his tone was quite eager.

"Uh" was shaken by Gray Li, who was robbing whites for a while, shaking his head depressedly, but this time, he rushed over completely under the choice of self-feeling. Although the situation was critical at this time, he was in a good mood. It was as if he had connected with something that had troubled him for a long time, and he was in a good mood, so at this time, Huili acted very naturally, without the usual caution at all.

However, 8051 was only a little surprised by this, and continued: "The enemy has a target that must be eliminated, so the three of us here can't care about your surroundings for the time being. Now that you are here, let you retreat." I'm afraid it won't work if you go back, then you will command these quack apes."

"Now Lingyun is using mental power to influence these quack apes so that you can quickly gain command. Now you have only one main goal, which is to ensure your safety; but there are three secondary goals: try to keep the quack apes safe, and try to resist the dogs Dog attack, try not to let the dog spread out. Got it."

"Understood, pay attention to safety." Huili nodded.

"Hehe, I'll pay attention to it. You don't need to worry about us here. It's just a few farmers who don't have the ability to attack. Moreover, even if this body is broken now, it's just your body. 8051 said with a smile. "

After finishing speaking, Huili felt that the link of spiritual power had been disconnected, and the aura hadn't appeared from the beginning to the end, but Huili didn't pay attention, and even 8051 didn't care about calling himself a void.

(The main goal can be ignored. The three secondary goals are very difficult, especially the last one, so let’s put it aside for now. Dog? Is this monster’s name? How did 8051 know?...No, now is not the time to think about it !)

(Analysis of the enemy's situation: the enemy's advantage: night vision, quantity; our advantage: uh...maybe unified command.)
At this time, Huili saw some quack apes grabbing stones and sticks on the ground, and his eyes lit up, (by the way, long-range attacks and tool use should also be regarded as our advantages for the time being; then the enemy's disadvantages: If you leave the forest and enter the open area, you will encounter our concentrated long-range strikes; our disadvantages: no night vision, insufficient numbers.)
(Damn it, the difference is too much!) Depressedly stomping his feet, Huili moved forward cautiously. The current state of confrontation is actually very good. If you keep going, wait for 8051 and the others to eliminate the target, and then you can attack together these guys.

However, Huili's rationality told him that he must not place his hope on the enemy.

(I can't influence the enemy's strengths and weaknesses for the time being, so we must first strengthen our strengths and reduce our weaknesses.)
Thinking of this, Gray Li walked into the group of quack apes.And while trying not to attract the dog's attention, he used his mental power to gain the approval of the quack apes one by one.

Huili's mental strength is not enough for him to link up to a dozen quack apes at the same time, so he can only do it two by two, but the smaller number of quack apes makes him link faster.

In a short while, he basically obtained the command of the quack apes who had been mentally influenced by Lingyun before.

(The unified command is temporarily strengthened here, and then the long-range attack...) After feeling the dog in the forest, the other party didn't notice any abnormality, and there was no other action.

So, under the command of Hui Li, the quack apes at the back slowly bent down, picked up some large rocks with sharp edges and corners from the ground, and handed them to the tentacles and hands of the quack apes in front respectively. Just for a while, more than a dozen quack apes quietly held a few stones with certain lethality in their hands.

Then, Hui Li commanded the quack apes standing in the back row to step back slowly. With his wholehearted attention to the dogs in the forest, the movements of these quack apes precisely commanded by Hui Li followed a bit of luck. With assistance, luckily the dogs didn't get their attention.

At this time, the quack apes who felt that they had left the dangerous area breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to follow Huili's previous instructions to obtain nearby branches with a suitable length and thickness, and then broke them off and cleaned them up.

However, when it was sent back to the front, a quack ape actually stopped.

This made Hui Li angrily use a weakened version of the mental power of a single target to attack, let the quack ape enjoy the punishment of disobedience, and then was forced to follow Hui Li's instructions in a daze, leading He returned to the front battlefield with weapons and dry firewood.

After a while, all the quack apes got a long and relatively strong wooden stick in their hands.But this time the commotion was a bit louder. There was a commotion among the dogs in the forest. Judging from the observation of mental power, they were already on the verge of attacking.

[Ordinary stones, attack power +1, can be superimposed]

[Simple wooden stick, attack power +2, one-handed weapon]

I don't know if it's because of the influence of his game thinking all the time, Hui Li suddenly imagined the situation of converting stones and sticks into data, which made him who was still a little nervous, laugh dumbfounded by his subconscious behavior, but just now The little tension that was generated also dissipated.

(Time is running out, and the long-range attack and weapon boost are temporarily here. Then there is the disadvantage, the number is not available for the time being, and the battlefield cannot be changed now, so the main problem is the inability to night vision. No matter how much the attack power is increased, you can’t see it. It's useless to reach the enemy, so...)
Backing away personally, Hui Li began to assign tasks one by one.

The quack apes reacted differently under the command.

However, this order did not conflict with their wishes, on the contrary, it followed their wishes, so soon, a circular formation was formed, and the quack apes also began to approach a cliff not far away.

Then, Hui Li, who stayed where he was, pushed the electric shock tentacles deep into the pyre piled up by the quack apes.

Originally, because the quack apes started to act, they couldn't hold back their fighting spirit. The dogs, who were ready to go, rushed out of the forest collectively like hornets that had been stabbed when they saw the flames flashing ahead.For fire, they are a tool of civilized racial warfare, and they don't have any sense of fear at all. Of course, they will not be so stupid as to jump into the fire.

(Fortunately, I didn't expect these dogs to be as afraid of fire as other animals.)
Seeing the dogs rushing out of the forest one after another under the light of the fire, Hui Li made a face at the chilling enemies, then grabbed a torch, turned around and rushed into the group of quack apes mixed with electric current. middle.

The last step was to solve the night vision problem, and it was left at the end precisely because Hui Li knew that this step was the most dynamic and most likely to break the stalemate.

Standing among the group of quack apes, Huili looked at the surrounding situation. Relying on his more precise projectile technique, he lit the several fires that the quack apes had hastily piled up behind him one by one. At this time, he retreated for a while. The group of quack apes in the distance happened to be among several fires, so at least the space around this group was already bright.

The dog didn't seem to have the idea of ​​putting out the fire, and walked around the fire when it encountered it, which made Huili secretly heave a sigh of relief.

The fear of not being able to see the enemy before was greatly relieved by the appearance of the fire. Even though the fighting during the day made the quack apes feel frustrated, the quack apes, who have always been in the upper middle of the food chain, have their own pride .Well, although this kind of fearlessness, there is also the influence of Lingyun's previous morale improvement in it.

Faced with the dogs approaching, Huili comforted the quack apes from time to time, and carefully calculated the distance from the dogs.


"Now, smash them to death!"

Following Huili's roar, there is no need to understand the meaning. The instruction that Huili received before was that when Huili roared, the quack apes who threw the stone at the target, immediately threw the stone in the tentacles that had been ready to go. Most of the first dozens of stones were hit by the quack ape who has practiced a lot.

However, the lethality of the stones is not satisfactory. Only three dogs fell down and rolled on the ground because they were hit by the eyes or the nose due to unlucky luck. Most of the other dogs that were hit just shook their heads. Keep charging.

(Meow, what a thick skin! Don’t waste it as a city wall.)
Since the flying stone attack has little effect and the enemy is already close, the planned second wave of flying stone attack will be cancelled, leaving only two of the reserve long-range attackers inside, so that they can mainly Aim at the mouth, eyes and nose, and keep it as a backup, while the other quack apes are surrounded by the front line, waving the wooden sticks in their hands, and under the powerful strength of the quack apes, they continue to smash forward rush dog.

The dogs ran out of the forest one after another, and relying on the round formation, Hui Li temporarily lost a numerical disadvantage close to 4:1, weakening to 2:1, but the situation is still grim.

"Grab the stick firmly and smash it down!" "If you can't find the stick, don't look for it. Hit it with your fist. Have you forgotten all your experience!" "Damn it, don't rush, this is a battlefield, not a hunting ground!" "Hey, pull him back, everyone back up, and make the formation a little tighter!"...

(Damn it, if it’s a language area, you don’t need to order one by one, damn it!) Annoyed, he replaced the last backup, although there were more than a dozen dog corpses outside the circle or nearly (smashed) or Far away (the one that was smashed into the air), but the circle has also shrunk again and again. Now there are only 7 quack apes in the outer circle, but there are 4 in it, but they are all dead except Huili, and there are 2 people outside. A torn corpse.It looks like the dogs don't want to eat right now, they just want to vent.

(If this continues, although the casualty ratio is close to 1:2 at the beginning, our side occupies it, but this number...)
Suddenly, Huili felt a great crisis coming from above his head.

Before he had time to turn his head, he felt that the crisis disappeared in an inexplicable moment, but then a strong air current blew the quack apes stumbling around.

There was a bang, and there was a crash and the screams of several dogs behind him.

There was no time to pay attention to the problems behind him. The few quack apes left in front of him were already mechanically squeezing into a circle and shaking their fists (the wooden stick had been broken long ago). At this moment, commanding is meaningless. Slightly pushing aside the two quack apes, they also squeezed into the circle, and then mobilized the power of the whole body to increase their attack power.

Suddenly, Huili felt a gust of wind behind him, accompanied by heavy panting, as if something had landed inside the circle.

"I'm sorry, empty fantasy, the attack on the base failed, and now we have to retreat temporarily. 8051 said extremely annoyed."

As soon as his body froze, in this moment of stupefaction, Hui Li was bitten on the arm by a dog pounced in front of him, and thunder and lightning from all over his body paralyzed the dog for a short time like a conditioned reflex, and Hui Li threw out the temporarily stunned dog the dog, and asked behind him.

"What's going on? Also, what happened to Lingyun?"

During the telepathy, all three of them were there, but the leader of the pupated body was already lying limp on the ground, 8051 was still sitting, but Ling Yun was lying in 8051's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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