Spore Story

Chapter 210 The Function of Absolute Will

Chapter 210 The Function of Absolute Will

PS: Thank you for the three-legged witch crow's reward and Shui Yimi's monthly ticket O(∩_∩)O
It was the first time I coded in an Internet cafe, and I felt weird saying, ha ha, but I still caught up, and the second update is complete. =w=
After ordering Gray Li to assume the post of army commander with only a dozen quack apes, 8051 rushed into the Zerg base with Lingyun and another puppet leader who was tired and about to collapse.

"Hmph! The first one, let me solve it!" Although Lingyun's tone still sounded full of momentum, no matter it was the speed or the power of electricity, people had to express concern. After fighting for a long time, indeed too tired.

Fortunately, the 20 points of energy required for the Lightning Strike Technique are still available for the Phantom Body, and a bright flash of light hit a devouring insect that fell behind in the blink of an eye.

The powerful energy seems to be aiming at the head, but the devouring insect seems to have eaten too much, and the dark green fluorescent energy sac is exuded on the tail. Because of its large size, it turns into a lightning trigger. Under the attraction, it deflected and hit the energy sac.

Then, without waiting for any reaction from the surrounding creatures, the energy sac exploded violently like an oil tanker encountering an open flame.

Although the power of the explosion this time was not as intense as when the base landed, and the shock wave did not make the nearest Lingyun fly backwards, the splashed energy liquid took the opportunity to cover a large area of ​​the surrounding area. A Psychic Shield set up for safety became her life-saving thing.

The air trembled and twisted in front of him, and the Psychic Shield finally disappeared without a trace after losing the power to maintain it, and the energy liquid that lost its kinetic energy finally dripped to the ground, corroding a large piece of land.

"Lingyun, are you okay! 8051 asked worriedly."

8051, who rushed over urgently, looked at the precarious Lingyun, stepped forward to wrap the opponent with mental power, and then took it behind him.

Now the three of them stopped on a corroded big tree with only the trunk left, and looked at the big pit in front of them in shock. God knows how the big tree survived, but the side near the center of the explosion The branches completely disappeared, presumably similar to the ability of lizards to cut off their tails.

Of course, the pupae and aura were the ones who were really shocked, and 8051, who had assisted the main consciousness at least twice, was only a little surprised by this kind of thing whose power was only a few hundred TNT, and this was because it appeared here , rather than on the battlefield in the middle and late stages of primary civilization.

"It seems to be careful not to attack with energy, otherwise it will detonate the liquid energy again. 8051 said to himself." Speaking of this, 8051 turned to look at the pupa next to him. This tragic leader has been killed since morning. After the shock wave blows up, he has been in a busy state, and his situation is comparable to that of labor in a concentration camp.

Taking this opportunity, he didn't even want to show any shock, he just panted like a dead dog on the tree trunk. Regarding everything that happened around him, he said that the horses were just clouds.

But, who made him the only individual with strong physical attack now?

For the Youshen body, the physical attack is to use the power of thought, and the second is the body with a little physical touch ability because of the fusion of the energy core.

But psychic power needs to be controlled by consciousness. 8051 and Lingyun, who have also been busy for most of the day, can't support the psychic power for a long time. Just look at the psychic power mask that has just dissipated Lingyun.

But with the body, it is basically risking one's life, really risking one's life!Because the conscious body is damaged, but there is no such good thing as the death of an ordinary individual's body, which can produce a dead soul.

Therefore, 8051 could only look at the pupa in front of him apologetically, and then began to use the only mental power that could be used normally.

Communication is a must, but a certain amount of mental influence is also indispensable for this pupate to temporarily abandon fatigue and fear.

But after a while, although the body was still panting, the muscles were still shaking, and the sweat was still dripping, the pupation had completely forgotten (or ignored) the pain, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. Devouring insects that inject energy into the base.

Whether people are controlled by the body or by the will has been discussed for a long time in the human world, and materialism and idealism have evolved to the extreme. At this moment, this pupate is facing this situation.

If this pupae were to choose, at this moment he would definitely choose idealism as the truth, because in this way, he could completely ignore the fatigue of his body, with two hundred or even three hundred percent strength, with the absolute protagonist's Turns all Zerg into fly ash for a moment.But unfortunately, he is neither the protagonist, nor is the world completely controlled by idealism.

The pupa leaped out from the top of the tree with absolute indomitable momentum. Just as it spread its wings in the air, it glided and fell to the ground because of its inability to flap.

Fortunately, his head was still active, and he controlled the wings with absolute will so that they would not deflect excessively. Finally, he glides and flew towards a devouring insect in front without hitting the ground.

"I didn't expect there to be such a powerful chrysalis here. Even with the influence of my mental power, if it weren't for my strong will and quick response, I wouldn't have such a powerful performance. If I can survive this time , his achievement is at least a ghost level! 8051 was moved to see the pupation body that was still unswervingly rushing towards the target even though it was flying wobbly. 8051 even made a voice for the pupation body 'Comrades, go for the double moon star!'”

"Um, what am I thinking about? 8051 wonders why he came up with these thoughts." Shaking his head, 8051 felt the aura behind him, but he temporarily lost consciousness due to excessive use of thoughts, and he can rest for a while up.

But now it is on the battlefield, and there were originally only three people, and now one person is injured, if 8051 stays to take care of it, even if the pupate is not eliminated by the enemy, it will die from exhaustion.

While in a dilemma, Lingyun wakes up leisurely.

"Now, how about it?" Struggling to float on the tree trunk, although the energy slowly recovers under the support of the Youshen body, it can only satisfy the body's floating.

"You're awake, that's great. 8051 said thankfully for that pupate." 8051, which still had a bit of power left, floated away from the narrow tree top.

In fact, it is mainly because she is now using the body of the main consciousness, Void, which has withstood all the support of the quack ape consciousness, and its recovery power is far superior to that of ordinary members.When I had a body in the past, even if I was injured, the illusory wound would heal quickly because of this.

Floating in mid-air, 8051 pressed the aura to the top of the tree, then turned around and flew towards the Zerg base: "You don't have enough energy now, and your consciousness is too tired, so just rest here first, and I'll help that honorable creature A chrysalis of emotion. 8051 said with emotion in his heart."

Looking at Feiyuan's 8051 suspiciously, Lingyun tilted his head and looked towards the battlefield ahead. A strong man in the sky, a quack ape pupae, flying wing quack ape, the owner of a fifth-level brain, was standing at this moment. On the ground, he kept punching the head of a devouring insect.

Even though the pupated body's feet were emitting green smoke, he still stood tenaciously without any pain.

"I didn't expect the green film condensed in the base area to be corrosive. Fortunately, the quack apes were not allowed to rush in, otherwise the whole army would have been wiped out. The 8051 said it fearfully, and at the same time condemned the serious inhumane behavior of the Zerg. condemnation."

In fact, the mind of the pupated body is not very clear, being affected by the mental power several times in a row, the body and consciousness have fallen into a deep squeeze due to the battle for most of the day, and the brain is constantly running at high speed in order to better destroy the enemy .

bodily sensations have been forgotten;
Everything reflected by the blood-red pupils is an enemy;

All Zerg must be killed!
One punch, two punches, three punches...

This one dies and the next one dies, the next one dies and there will be another one...

With a sigh, he covered the pupated body with a layer of Psychic foot pads with the remaining control power to insulate his already corroded soles and green membranes, 8051 turned and flew towards the fourth devouring insect .

Of the five devouring insects, one was detonated by the aura, and two were smashed into a pulp by the pupated body, so that the three devouring insects did not have time to inject the liquid in the energy sac into the base, but the devouring insect in front of them had already Injected half of the energy liquid.

Calculated the distance between himself and the devouring insects, and the distance between the pupated body and the devouring insects. Although it felt a bit close, 8051 decided to take a risk. Above his own maximum lightning strike distance, a lightning strike spanned 15 meters and struck accurately. In the energy capsule.


There is no doubt that the energy capsule was detonated, but the base pipeline that was transporting energy, which was thought to cause a further explosion, unexpectedly did not respond at all, and the power of this explosion was not even as powerful as the one attacked by Lingyun before.

"Sure enough, it's strange that this Zerg base, which is at least an intermediate civilization, still uses unstable liquid energy. How could it not protect it. 8051 finds out the reason for the deviation of his thinking."

But at this time she didn't want to think too much, and at the same time she was sure that the devouring insect had been killed, the pupation body also killed the third devouring insect, but now, the fifth devouring insect had finished transmitting energy, and the worm on its tail The energy sac returned to its shriveled state.

This time, the devouring insect seemed to be aware of its own death crisis, and instead of going out, it began to turn around and run towards the base with its six arthropod-like legs. This action gave 8051 a hint of warning.

"Come here!"

8051 stopped the pupation that had fallen into madness with absolute orders, but this time, although the pupation was extremely unwilling to stop charging towards the last devouring insect, it did not approach 8051 , but pacing and roaring anxiously in place.

At this time, several dogs seemed to sense the attack on the base, and finally threw away the prey that was still dragging and rushed over, and this also relieved 8051's urgent need.

Although her purpose was to destroy this Zerg base, but at this moment, the devouring insects still ran towards the seemingly defenseless base even though they knew they were invincible. Maybe it was the base that gave it a sense of security, that is, Said the base could protect him from being wiped out.

In this case, the pupation body, which has been completely driven by crazy consciousness and burned with the remaining power in the body, if it really rushed over like this, the most likely outcome would be death.

To be honest, during the half-day battle, 8051 and Lingyun admired the performance of this pupae body. If it was an ordinary pupae body, they would probably lie on the ground and wait to die. Regardless of whether 8051 or Lingyun No matter how affected by mental power, Yun won't burst out with powerful strength at the cost of crazy consciousness like this pupae.

In short, 8051 cherishes talents.

Seeing several four-legged dogs with sharp beaks and sharp claws rushing out of the periphery, the pupated body roared, turned around and rushed out of the green film area of ​​the base, and attacked the four-legged dogs that surrounded him.

Since it is not in the green film area of ​​the base, 8051 can also save a little effort in arranging the mind force mats.

At this time, Lingyun's mental power link was connected to 8051 again: "I don't have much energy now, but my mental power is still a little bit usable, so I will take care of that pupae, be careful."

"Understood, it won't damage Void's body. 8051 said with a teasing smile."

"Ah, that's for sure. Of course, you have to be careful." After speaking, Lingyun's spiritual power link was actively disconnected.

Smiling slightly, 8051 raised the altitude to more than 20 meters, flew to the periphery of the base, and then placed a Psychic Shield outside the body. At this time, in order to ensure future battles, the Psychic Shield still needs to be used carefully.

But after advancing for a certain distance, 8051 suddenly became puzzled, "Well, how to kill this base? The current lightning strike technique is only enough to use three or four, so I'm afraid it can't do any damage to this kind of base." 8051 thought angrily on."

However, at the moment when 8051 was standing still, a burst of strong light suddenly appeared from the top of the base ahead, and then, a ball of dark green energy, driven by the initial momentum, hit 8051 at an extremely fast speed.

Caught off guard, 8051 hadn't waited to control the Psychic Shield to block the target, a light flashed in front of her, and the energy liquid brushed past 8051, and she narrowly escaped the catastrophe.

Immediately moved the Psychic Shield between himself and the Zerg base, and then 8051 glanced behind him in fear. There was a huge gap in the place where the forest was lush before, and there was still a lot of green water that had lost its corrosive power. liquid.

"8051, although you are using an illusory body, please don't be in a daze when you are fighting, okay? I have no strength to interfere with another wave of thought power." Lingyun's tone was obviously full of resentment and exhaustion, which made 8051 quite a while Awkward.

(He was taught a lesson by Xiao Lingyun.) 8051 lamented and turned his embarrassing eyes to the base, feeling that the link of spiritual power has not disappeared, so he replied directly: "I know, little guy, I won't mess with your pillow evolution body." Bad. 8051 replied."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xiao Lingyun to express her arrogant attributes, 8051 decisively disconnected the link of spiritual power, and then rushed to the base.

"Ah! You pissed me off, give me a few lightning strikes first, and then think of other ways to deal with you! 8051 said angrily."

But before 8051 got any closer, a second energy ball sprayed out from the top of the base, hitting 8051 straight.

"Again!" Facing it again, 8051 realized that the speed of the energy ball was really fast. I really don't know how Lingyun blocked it before. The head-to-head method prevents the energy ball from hitting him.

But soon, 8051 could no longer hold on, and after the launch of the energy ball, she didn't take the opportunity to move forward, but scanned the battlefield with mental power.

Nearby, the aura floated above the pupation body, interfering with the dog's attack from time to time with weak thoughts, so that the pupation body would not be fatally injured;

In the distance, Huili formed a circle with the quack apes, who had less than ten people left, facing at least thirty more dogs that were teetering.

And 8051 itself is no longer able to fight.

"Failed! Too urgent to begin with! 8051 sighed in frustration."

Facing the energy ball that hit again, after the Psychic Shield played its role again, it flickered helplessly and then dissipated into nothingness. After 8051 confirmed that it was temporarily powerless, it could only fly to the aura and the pupa body with all its strength .

"Be careful!" Seeing that the pupate was wounded all over, and the chrysalis finally killed the last dog, Lingyun was turning around to check the status of 8051, but found that the other dog had already arrived beside her.

But before she could express her doubts, Lingyun was horrified to see that the fleshy "petals" on the ground that she thought were just for the floor rose up from the ground, and then smashed towards 8051 like a tentacle.

Holding 8051 with one hand, Lingyun raised her hand and placed a precarious mental shield between 8051 and the fleshy "petals". Then she felt dizzy before her eyes, and passed out gorgeously again.

The psychic cover was shattered the moment it touched the target, and the fleshy "petal" hit 8051's back heavily, while 8051 bumped into the nearest Lingyun, and Lingyun bumped into the standing pupae again, and the three of them fell apart. In this way, it flies high from the ground and turns into a meteor and flies into the distance.

(It turns out that it is not the villain's patent to transform meteors.)
In the sky, the two war bees had been observing Hui Li on the ground for a long time. Seeing Hui Li's movements hesitated at this moment, they felt that the timing was good and they rushed towards Hui Li immediately.

But just when they thought that the surefire attack was about to arrive, they felt a weight on their sides, and then they were smashed to the ground, turning into two flesh pads.

"Eh! I'm still alive... eh? Why do you have a sense of sight? 8051 complained to himself." (Ah, now is not the time to do such things!) Moved his body, and sensed the surroundings with mental power , (Fortunately, the illusory ghost body is just a little out of strength, but the little Lingyun and the pupation body behind both fainted.)
After exhausting all his strength, 8051 landed in the circle of quack apes with his pupate and aura, and was finally able to get a breath.

Smiling wryly, he sat down, put the pupae body aside, and put Lingyun on his feet for special treatment. Only then did 8051 say to Huili, who had already found himself in the periphery, but had no time to clone himself because of the urgent battle situation.

"I'm sorry, Kong Huan, we failed."

(End of this chapter)

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