Spore Story

Chapter 211 The moment of tension in the forest

Chapter 211 The moment of tension in the forest

To be honest, Hui Li, who just woke up, doesn't even know what he did last night.

How could Lingyun lie limp beside her?Why do I have a feeling of fatigue all over my body?Why does the cave roof in front of me feel familiar?

It seems that according to the general routine, getting up early in the morning, under the witness of the familiar roof, lying beside a limp beauty, and being a man, it is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

Well, although it is fine even if she is a woman, Lily has no fear. (=.=)

But in fact, after staying awake for a while, he finally remembered something, and then he was shocked by what he did last night, and then he realized that he was still alive, which is really a miracle.

Alright, back to last night.

When faced with 8051's declaration of defeat without responsibility, Hui Li's head went blank. After paying so much for Quackape and working for so long, the result was still defeated. This is the history of Quackape (Gashan History) Complete failure in a group fight for the first time.

Although he was still thinking about it before, why did 8051 firmly eliminate these Zergs, even at the cost of Quack Ape's massive casualties and its own great consumption?
But now, he has agreed with 8051's choice. There can be individuals stronger than his own species on a planet, but absolutely no groups stronger than his own species, because that will only be a disaster for his own species.

In general, a planet is too small to accommodate so many species.

However, now they have failed after all. After Gray Li reflexively threw out the dog paralyzed by his own electricity in the protagonist mode (actually the instinct caused by long-term energy use practice), he finally realized to your current situation.

The status quo is that one's own side is surrounded by a group of dogs. If it's just defense, it can last for a little night, but once it moves, the result will be a dead end!

"8051, can you still fight?" This can only be regarded as seeking psychological comfort. Look at the limp movement of the pupae body and the unresponsive body of the aura. In the end, 8051 seems to be relaxed, but in fact it is no big deal until now. action behavior.Hui Li, who is good at analysis, knows very clearly in his heart that the little combat power left by the three of them at this time is the most real status quo.

But perhaps in order not to make Huili feel hopeless, 8051 was silent for a while, and said: "If you can persist for a while, it should be possible to leave here with the recovery power brought by the identity of the illusory main consciousness. 8051 hesitated to use it. language said."

Hui Li was also silent for a while, and after throwing a dog and smashing it into the air, he suddenly showed a relaxed expression: "That's good, with the current situation, we can persist for a while, so rest assured to recover 8051."

After finishing speaking, Hui Li focused on looking at the dogs again, without saying a word.

To be honest, these dogs are still very powerful in combat, at least their overall strength is close to that of Quack Ape, whether it is tactics such as bait ambush in the forest, or their fearless spirit when attacking, and their strong bite force The physical strength of the claws, the fierce claw strikes and the speed of galloping are almost the same as that of an adult quack ape.

But the quack apes have relied on the circle formation for so long, and what they exchanged for the lives of nearly ten quack apes is a preliminary understanding of the attack patterns of these dogs.

They also have a fixed pattern, for example, dogs like to habitually jump up before biting people, and their paws also whine before grabbing people.

Therefore, after using mental power to inform the remaining six quack apes of their experience gained from time to time, and timely and effectively commanding them to remind them to be careful of sneak attacks, the circle basically stabilized with five quack apes.

At this time, the number of dogs is more than 20... Well, Huili really doesn't have the time to calculate the exact number of enemies.

Mobilize the electric current in the body again, this time there is a slight stagnation, which indicates that the energy at 19 o'clock is about to be used up.

This kind of situation is a prerequisite for the protagonist to explode in both the hot-blooded novels and Ultraman, but Hui Li didn't have the opportunity to upgrade himself in the mood of the outbreak in a crisis battle.God knows how many people in this world broke out at the moment of crisis, and then decisively died without any residue. What's more, Huili is only one of the three separate consciousnesses of the empty illusion. I don't know if it is the protagonist, let alone empty illusion Not being the protagonist is still a problem.

Therefore, in the face of this crisis situation, Hui Li once again exerted his own advantages - analysis.

Of course, any analysis must be based on real data, so: "8051, how much did you recover?"

Dazed for a moment, 8051, who was still closing his eyes and meditating, reacted and said quickly: "The mind power can only support a non-rotating spherical mind power shield for a while; the energy can probably send a dozen lightning strikes. 8051 feels that it is still not enough. "

"No! It's enough." (It's not enough now.)
Although the circle seems to be stable, the five quack apes are all living organisms. If they are living organisms, they will be tired and exhausted.The battle lasted for half the night, and it was a high-intensity, extremely tense battle. Who knows how long the current circle can last, so Huili didn't plan to wait any longer.

"8051, can you bring Lingyun and that pupate with you?" While speaking, Hui Li tried his best to mobilize energy and smashed a dog that bit him again, but from the dog's whining sound and the flying distance Looking at it, Huili's attack power has dropped by at least half, which is still a conservative estimate.

"If the power of thought is to be used for protection, it can only carry the aura and become a pupa... 8051 doesn't want to give up, but..."

"Okay, you will bring the aura later, I'll let the quack apes carry the pupa body. It's nothing, since he can make you pay attention, there is no reason to abandon it, and it's not impossible to bring it." After finishing speaking , Huili kicked a dog in the jaw, temporarily stopping the dogs behind.

Then, he used his mental power to connect to the two quack apes who were panting from time to time: "Remember, when you hear my roar later, quickly back up and carry your leader! Run with us! No Leave him behind!"

Without waiting for the two quack apes to react further, Huili quickly disconnected, and then connected to two quack apes: "When I yell, you quickly retreat, remember to pay attention to the enemies on both sides, and go to the mountain with all your strength. Run up! But you can't leave our group, otherwise the consequences...you have seen it before."

It was a quack ape who regarded fighting as a hunt. As soon as he rushed out of the formation, he was torn to pieces by a bunch of dogs. At least they are alive now.

After the order came here, the quack apes turned most of their attention to Huili, waiting for his roar, and now they understood that they were about to retreat.Retreat, what a beautiful word.

In this way, the line of defense suddenly seemed to be in danger, so time should not be wasted: "8051, you are in front with aura. Don't use the power of thought, although I haven't condensed the power of thought, but I know it will take a lot of time." Energy, so, use your best mental power to intervene, and shoot the dogs in front to both sides, as long as they don’t block the road, you can ignore them! If you really can’t shoot, use lightning strikes.”

"Understood." 8051 didn't talk nonsense, and moved to the direction of the back of the circle with Lingyun on his back, and she would be the pioneer.

Then, Huili squeezed to make the circular array rotate slightly so that he moved to the direction away from the mountain.

Then, he roared, ignoring other dogs, even if his waist was scratched, he would grab the neck of the nearest dog in front of him and throw it forward.The whole body of the dog swayed and hit the two dogs behind.

And Hui Li, under the guidance of spiritual power, retreated quickly with his companions who had changed formation instantly.

After fighting for so long, not only did they understand the dog's fighting style, but the dogs also learned about Huili's fighting style.Facing the same kind that was thrown towards them, the dogs with several experiences jumped sideways to avoid the dog who was expecting help from his companion, and then continued to charge forward, ignoring the screaming dog who hit the solid ground.

Constantly backing away, Huili carefully paid attention to the protrusions on the road that might cause accidents, and reminded the four quack apes from time to time that he didn't want to fall because he was walking too fast, which would lead to the failure of the battle. That would be too wrong.


There was a sound of thunder behind me, (It seems that 8051 is also a bit difficult, hold on, sister 8051, please work harder.)
Thinking so, Huili turned around to avoid a stone, and kicked the stone on the ground towards the dog that was biting him with its mouth open.

The stone was successfully bitten by the dog, should it be said to be instinct?Dogs on Earth bite Frisbees, but dogs here bite flying rocks?
Accompanied by a teeth-stinging rubbing sound, the stone turned into fragments and splashed all around.

(He meows, is there a need to be so cruel!) The stunned Hui Li looked at the fierce-eyed dog affectionately, but it wasn't until he saw the other's mouth that was missing a tooth that Hui Li smiled gleefully Get up: "Ahahaha, don't look at what it is, even if you can crush a stone, so what, it's painful, quack!"

Of course, extreme joy begets sorrow refers to the kind of person who is careless, has calculated thousands of things, lost his mind and didn't think about it, only feels his body leaning back for a while, and a dog that is still twitching on the ground has become the hero.

"This..." Rolled on the spot so that the body could get up quickly, but at this moment, three dogs appeared in the midair in front of Huili with mocking expressions, all of them opened their mouths filled with liquid, and among them There was the heroic dog who was missing a canine tooth.

There were three consecutive thunderclaps, and the three dogs were hit and fell to the ground one after another. The toothless dog even threw himself into Hui Li's arms enthusiastically. Unfortunately, he is not a beautiful woman, so Hui Liyuan who was reacted immediately Throw it far away.

"Come here!" The voice of 8051 came from the spiritual power connection, and Hui Li, who quickly got up and ran back, looked at the "formation" that had stopped, but just for a short while, another quack ape was killed by the dogs. dragged out.

Even scrambling back to the formation, everyone didn't say anything, and continued to move cautiously and quickly, approaching the hillside step by step.

At this time, a fire pile beside him appeared in front of Hui Li's eyes. This was the fire pile that the quack apes who went to fetch wood at that time piled up the farthest. Perhaps it was the easiest place to pile firewood here, so this fire pile was a little bigger. , is still burning vigorously.

(Wait, fire pile = fire + firewood, battle failure + Zerg base + forest + trees = wood + enemy = firewood + enemy, then...)
A terrible idea appeared in Huili's mind, and it expanded geometrically in his mind uncontrollably. It seemed that everything could be solved with this idea.

(Fire, fire, forest fire, burn everything!)

However, there must be a reason. For the rational Huili, even in the face of such a powerful temptation, he still feels that there must be a reason.Although he has never seen the power of a forest fire, but with Huili's imagination, looking at the stretch of trees in front of him, he can roughly imagine what will be left if the forest fire burns, which is almost unknown .

"8051, is the Zerg base dangerous? Must it be eliminated?"

She was a little puzzled by Huili's sudden question, but she still answered truthfully: "You have seen the fighting power of the Zerg, but these dogs and the bees that chased us before should be just low-level troops, and the one in the forest The Zerg base can continuously produce this kind of dog, and the reproduction speed of creatures is simply not comparable to the speed at which the base produces dogs."

"The Zerg, in my memory, basically represents destruction. They will greedily destroy all creatures that might threaten them, and devour everything that can be converted into energy, unless you are far stronger than him. So..."

"I have an idea." Having understood 8051's words, Hui Li interrupted the other party's words.

At this time, the speed of the formation has weakened a little, because the slope of the ground is beginning to rise, and Hui Li is holding two torches in his hands at this time, which unexpectedly improves Hui Li's combat effectiveness a little.

[torch, attack power +2, one-handed weapon; special attack: burning, attack power +5]

(Missed again, sweat.) Huili shook his head, and was about to continue explaining his thoughts, but 8051 seemed to have understood, and said in a very serious tone: "8051 does not support causing forest fires, Huili, you may not I know the meaning of the forest fire, but Kong Huan and I are very clear. The forest fires we have seen several times, the most powerful destroyed the giant beetles that were almost dominant in the world at that time, and the weakest also destroyed almost a large forest area. Everything, whether plant or animal."

"If we really do that, although the planetary consciousness of Double Moon Star has no self-awareness, it will not be as useless as the seriously ill Lolita planetary consciousness of the earth. Even if alien species are wiped out by this method, but this level It has already surpassed a high fever, as the person who intentionally caused the forest fire, this individual will definitely be attacked by the consciousness of the planet, and will not die endlessly. 8051 said worriedly."

"Planet consciousness?" 8051's words splashed ice water on Huili's head. Although he was a bit unwilling, Huili still decided to agree with 8051's words, but some things in these words caught Huili's attention, maybe he wanted to Divert your attention and let yourself forget the previous thoughts.

"Just treat yourself as a planet protector that you can't resist. Now you don't need to know so much, because knowing it is very useful, but it will cause trouble. 8051 said in a concealed manner."

Sighing helplessly, Hui Li refocused his attention on the enemy in front of him. Although he temporarily gave up the opportunity to be an arsonist, Hui Li would not give up the high-quality weapon in his hand. Several fire circles flickered, Another two dogs growled and backed away a few steps.

At this time, Hui Li found a commotion behind him, expanding the scope of his mental power, and Hui Li couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief after discovering the situation.

The quack apes in the cave seemed to be alarmed by the movement down the mountain, and some stronger middle-aged and elderly people made the right decision after discovering the quack apes.

Although the strength is not strong, they were sent to the cave as powerless people at the beginning, but at this time there are only a dozen dogs, and both sides are exhausted and injured. This group of new forces has become a life-saving straw.

Discovering that the enemy's new force joined, the dozen or so dogs who had also been fighting for a long time finally stopped. They seemed to have received some orders and gathered together to growl at the quack apes who fled up the mountain, but did not rush up.

Heaving a heavy sigh of relief, Huili finally sat on a rock on the hillside, looking at the dozens of mostly injured dogs below, feeling very unwilling, (if there are a few now, no, even just need to A complete pupation body, these guys don't even have to think about going back, but...)
Looking back, those who still have strength are old, weak, sick and disabled, and there are only a dozen of them, and they go up to deliver food;

There are only three adult quack apes left, lying limply in the cave, with several quack apes taking care of each of them.

To Huili's surprise, there were actually two women among them, and only one man. However, considering the journey, six or seven of the ten gods worshiped were women, which made Huili have to support his forehead. Sighing at the yin and yang decline of the quack ape group, (Did you do something wrong when editing Konghuan?)
In fact, it’s because of the species edited by Kong Huan, the female’s stamina is greater than that of the male, (It’s still the reason of Wu Huan’s teeth! All the males are dissatisfied.)
Then the three with the most combat effectiveness: 8051, Lingyun, and the leader of the chrysalis.

Well, Lingyun is still in a coma, the pupated body is still twitching (tired, mental + physical), 8051, the only one with combat power, is still meditating, and the battle just now has almost exhausted its energy (a tragedy).

As for Hui Li, he seems to be fine sitting on the ground now, but no matter how strong a quack ape is, he will not pick a dozen dogs, even if that quack ape is stronger than ordinary quack apes, even if the dozen dogs are all Injured.

"Meow, what should I do?"

Supporting himself up with his hands, Huili planned to go back to the cave to rest and consider the next step.

Suddenly, an unstoppable sense of dizziness flooded his heart, his body became unstable, and Hui Li fell forward.


"You wake up, so let's see what to do next. 8051 thinks that the Zerg must be wiped out, but the question is how to achieve this goal."

(End of this chapter)

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